#' Write arcs between chromosomes in circos.
#' Ok, so when I said I only do 1 chromosome images, I lied.
#' This function tries to make writing arcs between chromosomes easier.
#' It too works in 3 stages,
#' It writes out a data file using cfgout as a basename and the data
#' from df in the circos arc format into
#' circos/data/bob_arc.txt
#' It then writes out a configuration plot stanza in
#' circos/conf/bob_arc.conf
#' and finally adds an include to circos/bob.conf
#' In its current implementation, this only understands two
#' chromosomes. A minimal amount of logic and data organization will
#' address this weakness.
#' @param cfg Result of circos_prefix(), contains a bunch of useful material.
#' @param df Dataframe with starts/ends and the floating point information.
#' @param first_col Name of the first chromosome.
#' @param second_col Name of the second chromosome.
#' @param color Color of the chromosomes.
#' @param radius Outer radius at which to add the arcs.
#' @param thickness Integer thickness of the arcs.
#' @param ribbon Print as a ribbon?
#' @param show Show these arcs?
#' @param z Correction parameter.
#' @return The file to which the arc configuration information was written.
#' @export
circos_arc <- function(cfg, df, first_col = "seqnames", second_col = "seqnames.2",
color = "blue", radius = 0.75, thickness = 3, ribbon = "yes", show = "yes", z = "0") {
annot <- cfg@annot
arc_cfg_file <- cfg@cfg_file
arc_cfg_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = "", x = arc_cfg_file)
arc_cfg_file <- paste0(arc_cfg_file, first_col, "_arc.conf")
arc_data_file <- file.path(cfg@data_dir, basename(arc_cfg_file))
arc_data_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = ".txt", x = arc_data_file)
first_name <- glue("{first_col}_name")
second_name <- glue("{second_col}_name")
first_start_name <- glue("{first_col}_start")
first_end_name <- glue("{first_col}_end")
second_start_name <- glue("{second_col}_start")
second_end_name <- glue("{second_col}_end")
message("This function assumes an input table including columns: ", first_start_name,
",", first_end_name, ",", second_start_name, ",", second_end_name, ",",
first_name, ",", second_name, ".")
df <- df[, c(first_name, second_name, first_start_name,
first_end_name, second_start_name, second_end_name)]
message("Writing data file: ", arc_data_file, " with the ", first_col, " column.")
print_arc <- function(x) {
cat(x[5], " chr5005 ", x[1], " ", x[2], "\n", x[5], " chr5448 ", x[3], " ", x[4], "\n\n",
file = "circos/data/crossref_5005_5448.txt", append = TRUE, sep = "")
file.remove(arc_data_file, showWarnings = FALSE) ## To avoid appending forever.
apply(df, 1, print_arc)
## Now write the config stanza
## I just realized that there are the possibility of multiple
## link stanzas just like multiple plot stanzas...
## well, deal with that later.
data_cfg_string <- glue("
z = {z}
radius = {radius}r
ribbon = {ribbon}
show = {show}
file = {data_cfg_string}
color = {color}
thickness = {thickness}
data_cfg_out <- file(arc_cfg_file, open = "w+")
cat(data_cfg_string, file = data_cfg_out, sep = "")
rel_cfg_file <- file.path("conf", basename(arc_cfg_file))
rel_data_file <- file.path("data", basename(arc_data_file))
master_cfg_string <- glue("
## The histogram ring for {first_col}
<<include {rel_cfg_file}>>
master_cfg_out <- file(cfg@cfg_file, open = "a+")
cat(master_cfg_string, file = master_cfg_out, sep = "")
#' Make sure I haven't mixed and matched genomes.
#' This is mostly intended to stop things early if I accidently use
#' the wrong reference genome, but it currently does return the number
#' of observed chrosomes.
#' @param cfg circos configuration object.
#' @param df dataframe of chromsome information.
#' @param annot_chr_column Column containing the chromosome names.
#' @param annot_gene_column Column containing the gene IDs.
#' @param df_chr_column Column in the cfg df containing the chromosome names.
#' @param df_gene_column Column containing the gene names.
circos_check_chromosomes <- function(cfg, df, annot_chr_column = "chr",
annot_gene_column = "rownames", df_chr_column = "names",
df_gene_column = NULL) {
annot_chromosome_names <- unique(cfg@annot[[annot_chr_column]])
annot_gene_names <- rownames(cfg@annot)
df_chromosome_names <- unique(df[[df_chr_column]])
df_gene_names <- NULL
found_chromosomes <- df_chromosome_names %in% annot_chromosome_names
if (sum(found_chromosomes) == 0) {
stop("The chromosomes do not match the configuration.")
} else if (sum(found_chromosomes) != length(annot_chromosome_names)) {
message("Not all chromosomes are in the annotations, this might be ok if there are lots of contigs.")
if (!is.null(df_gene_column)) {
if (df_gene_column[1] == "rownames") {
df_gene_names <- rownames(df)
} else {
df_gene_names <- df[[df_gene_column]]
found_genes <- sum(df_gene_names %in% annot_gene_names)
if (found_genes == 0) {
message("The genes in the provided data do not match the annotations.")
message("Here are the first few of each, annotation: ")
message("The df: ")
stop("The genes in the provided data frame do not match the annotations.")
} else if (found_genes != length(annot_gene_names)) {
message("There were ", found_genes, " observed in the annotations out of a total: ",
length(annot_gene_names), ".")
} else {
found_genes <- 0
retlist <- list(
"found_chromosomes" = found_chromosomes,
"found_genes" = found_genes)
#' Write tiles of arbitrary heat-mappable data in circos.
#' This function tries to make the writing circos heatmaps easier. Like
#' circos_plus_minus() and circos_hist() it works in 3 stages,
#' It writes out a data file using cfgout as a basename and the data
#' from df in the circos histogram format into
#' circos/data/bob_heatmap.txt
#' It then writes out a configuration plot stanza in
#' circos/conf/bob_heatmap.conf
#' and finally adds an include to circos/bob.conf
#' @param cfg Result of circos_prefix(), contains a bunch of useful material.
#' @param input Dataframe with starts/ends and the floating point information.
#' @param tablename Provide a name for the input table in case it is coming from a
#' combine_de_tables result.
#' @param colname Name of the column with the data of interest.
#' @param color_mapping 0 means no overflows for min/max, 1 means overflows
#' of min get a chosen color, 2 means overflows of both min/max get chosen colors.
#' @param min_value Minimum value for the data.
#' @param max_value Maximum value for the data.
#' @param basename Make sure the written configuration files get different names with this.
#' @param colors Colors of the heat map.
#' @param color_choice Name of the heatmap to use, I forget how this interacts with color...
#' @param scale_log_base Defines how the range of colors will be ranged with
#' respect to the values in the data.
#' @param outer Floating point radius of the circle into which to place the heatmap.
#' @param rules some extra rules?
#' @param width Width of each tile in the heatmap.
#' @param spacing Radial distance between outer, inner, and inner to whatever follows.
#' @return Radius after adding the histogram and the spacing.
#' @export
circos_heatmap <- function(cfg, input, tablename = NULL, colname = "logFC",
color_mapping = 0, min_value = NULL, max_value = NULL,
basename = "", colors = NULL,
color_choice = "spectral-9-div", scale_log_base = 1, outer = 0.9, rules = NULL,
width = 0.08, spacing = 0.02) {
annot <- cfg@annot
df <- data.frame()
if ("combined_de" %in% class(input)) {
if (is.null(tablename)) {
message("Using the first table of the combined tables, this may be incorrect.")
df <- input[["data"]][[1]]
} else {
df <- input[["data"]][[tablename]]
} else {
message("Assuming the input is a dataframe.")
df <- input
full_table <- merge(df, annot, by = "row.names")
if (nrow(full_table) == 0) {
stop("Merging the annotations and data failed.")
start_colnames <- colnames(full_table)
new_colnames <- gsub(x = start_colnames, pattern = "\\.x$", replacement = "")
colnames(full_table) <- new_colnames
rownames(full_table) <- full_table[["Row.names"]]
full_table[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
full_table <- full_table[, c("chr", "start", "stop", colname)]
start_undefined_idx <- full_table[["start"]] == "undefined"
full_table <- full_table[!start_undefined_idx, ]
stop_undefined_idx <- full_table[["stop"]] == "undefined"
full_table <- full_table[!stop_undefined_idx, ]
full_table[["start"]] <- as.numeric(full_table[["start"]])
full_table[["stop"]] <- as.numeric(full_table[["stop"]])
keep_idx <- !is.na(full_table[["start"]])
full_table <- full_table[keep_idx, ]
keep_idx <- !is.na(full_table[["stop"]])
full_table <- full_table[keep_idx, ]
heat_cfg_file <- cfg@cfg_file
heat_cfg_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = "", x = heat_cfg_file)
heat_cfg_file <- paste0(heat_cfg_file, "_", basename, colname, "_heatmap.conf")
heat_data_file <- file.path(cfg@data_dir, basename(heat_cfg_file))
heat_data_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = ".txt", x = heat_data_file)
message("Writing data file: ", heat_data_file, " with the ", basename, colname, " column.")
write.table(full_table, file = heat_data_file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
num_colors <- 1
if (is.null(colors)) {
conditions <- levels(as.factor(full_table[[colname]]))
num_colors <- length(conditions)
colors <- sm(grDevices::colorRampPalette(
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(num_colors, "Dark2"))(num_colors))
names(colors) <- conditions
} else {
num_colors <- length(conditions)
## Now write the config stanza
minval <- -1
maxval <- 1
if (is.null(min_value)) {
minval <- min(full_table[[colname]])
} else if (is.numeric(min_value)) {
minval <- min_value
if (is.null(max_value)) {
maxval <- max(full_table[[colname]])
} else if (is.numeric(max_value)) {
maxval <- max_value
extra_rules <- ""
if (!is.null(rules)) {
extra_rules <- "<rules>"
for (rule in rules) {
extra_rules <- glue("
extra_rules <- glue("
inner <- outer - width
rel_cfg_file <- file.path("conf", basename(heat_cfg_file))
rel_data_file <- file.path("data", basename(heat_data_file))
heat_cfg_string <- glue("
## This is a circos heatmap configuration stanza.
type = heatmap
file = {rel_data_file}
## pattern = hline,vline ## Also solid
color_mapping = {color_mapping}
min = {minval}
max = {maxval}
stroke_thickness = 0
r1 = {outer}r
r0 = {inner}r
color = {color_choice}
scale_log_base = {scale_log_base}
url = script?type = label&value=[id]
heat_cfg_out <- file(heat_cfg_file, open = "w+")
cat(heat_cfg_string, file = heat_cfg_out, sep = "")
## Now add to the master configuration file.
master_cfg_string <- glue("
## The tile ring for {colname}
<<include {rel_cfg_file}>>
master_cfg_out <- file(cfg@cfg_file, open = "a+")
cat(master_cfg_string, file = master_cfg_out, sep = "")
new_outer <- inner - spacing
message("Returning the inner width: ", new_outer,
". Use it as the outer for the next ring.")
#' Write histograms of arbitrary floating point data in circos.
#' This function tries to make the writing of histogram data in circos
#' easier. Like circos_plus_minus() it works in 3 stages,
#' It writes out a data file using cfgout as a basename and the data
#' from df in the circos histogram format into
#' circos/data/bob_hist.txt
#' It then writes out a configuration plot stanza in
#' circos/conf/bob_hist.conf
#' and finally adds an include to circos/bob.conf
#' @param cfg Result of circos_prefix(), contains a bunch of useful material.
#' @param input Dataframe or table with starts/ends and the floating point information.
#' @param tablename A likely input for this is a combine_de_tables() result, if so, provide
#' the table's name here.
#' @param annot_source This parameter was added to make it possible to add an
#' arbitrary dataframe of other annotation information.
#' @param colname Name of the column with the data of interest.
#' @param basename Location to write the circos data (usually cwd).
#' @param color Color of the plotted data.
#' @param fill_color Guess
#' @param fill_under The circos histogram fill under parameter
#' @param extend_bin Extend bins?
#' @param thickness histogram thickness.
#' @param orientation facing in or out?
#' @param outer Floating point radius of the circle into which to place the data.
#' @param width Radial width of each tile.
#' @param spacing Distance between outer, inner, and inner to whatever follows.
#' @return Radius after adding the histogram and the spacing.
#' @export
circos_hist <- function(cfg, input, tablename = NULL, annot_source = "cfg",
colname = "logFC", basename = "",
color = "blue", fill_color = "blue", fill_under = "yes",
extend_bin = "no", thickness = "0", orientation = "out",
outer = 0.9, width = 0.08, spacing = 0.0) {
## I am going to have this take as input a data frame with genes as rownames
## starts, ends, and functional calls
## I will tell R to print out a suitable stanza for circos while I am at it
## because I am tired of mistyping something stupid.
df <- data.frame()
if ("combined_de" %in% class(input)) {
if (is.null(tablename)) {
message("Using the first table of the combined tables, this may be incorrect.")
df <- input[["data"]][[1]]
} else {
df <- input[["data"]][[tablename]]
} else {
message("Assuming the input is a dataframe.")
df <- input
annot <- NULL
full_table <- data.frame()
if (is.null(annot_source)) {
full_table <- df
} else {
annot <- cfg@annot
full_table <- merge(df, annot, by = "row.names")
if (nrow(full_table) == 0) {
stop("Merging the annotations and data failed.")
start_colnames <- colnames(full_table)
new_colnames <- gsub(x = start_colnames, pattern = "\\.x$", replacement = "")
colnames(full_table) <- new_colnames
rownames(full_table) <- full_table[["Row.names"]]
full_table[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
full_table <- full_table[, c("chr", "start", "stop", colname)]
start_undefined_idx <- full_table[["start"]] == "undefined"
full_table <- full_table[!start_undefined_idx, ]
stop_undefined_idx <- full_table[["stop"]] == "undefined"
full_table <- full_table[!stop_undefined_idx, ]
full_table[["start"]] <- as.numeric(full_table[["start"]])
full_table[["stop"]] <- as.numeric(full_table[["stop"]])
keep_idx <- !is.na(full_table[["start"]])
full_table <- full_table[keep_idx, ]
keep_idx <- !is.na(full_table[["stop"]])
full_table <- full_table[keep_idx, ]
## Add a check that we pulled the same chromosomes as exist in the annotations.
happyp <- circos_check_chromosomes(cfg, full_table,
df_chr_column = "chr", df_gene_column = "rownames")
## FIXME: Redo this with %>%
hist_cfg_file <- cfg@cfg_file
hist_cfg_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = "", x = hist_cfg_file)
hist_cfg_file <- paste0(hist_cfg_file, "_", basename, colname, "_hist.conf")
hist_data_file <- file.path(cfg@data_dir, basename(hist_cfg_file))
hist_data_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = ".txt", x = hist_data_file)
message("Writing data file: ", hist_data_file, " with the ", basename, colname, " column.")
write.table(full_table, file = hist_data_file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
num_colors <- 1
## if (is.null(colors)) {
## conditions <- levels(as.factor(df[["call"]]))
## num_colors <- length(conditions)
## colors <- suppressWarnings(grDevices::colorRampPalette(
## RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(num_colors, "Dark2"))(num_colors))
## names(colors) <- conditions
## }
## Now write the config stanza
inner <- outer - width
rel_cfg_file <- file.path("conf", basename(hist_cfg_file))
rel_data_file <- file.path("data", basename(hist_data_file))
hist_cfg_string <- glue("
type = histogram
file = {rel_data_file}
extend_bin = {extend_bin}
fill_under = {fill_under}
fill_color = {fill_color}
color = {color}
thickness = {thickness}
r1 = {outer}r
r0 = {inner}r
orientation = {orientation}
hist_cfg_out <- file(hist_cfg_file, open = "w+")
cat(hist_cfg_string, file = hist_cfg_out, sep = "")
## Now add to the master configuration file.
master_cfg_string <- glue("
## The histogram ring for {colname}
<<include {rel_cfg_file}>>
master_cfg_out <- file(cfg@cfg_file, open = "a+")
cat(master_cfg_string, file = master_cfg_out, sep = "")
new_outer <- inner - spacing
message("Returning the inner width: ", new_outer,
". Use it as the outer for the next ring.")
#' Create the description of chromosome markings.
#' This function writes ideogram files for circos.
#' @param name Name of the configuration file to which to add the ideogram.
#' @param conf_dir Where does the configuration live?
#' @param band_url Provide a url for making these imagemaps?
#' @param fill Fill in the strokes?
#' @param stroke_color What color?
#' @param show_bands Show the bands for the ideogram?
#' @param fill_bands and fill them in?
#' @param thickness How thick to color the lines
#' @param stroke_thickness How much of them to fill in
#' @param label_font What font to use.
#' @param spacing_default How much space between elements.
#' @param spacing_break Space between breaks.
#' @param fill_color What color to fill
#' @param radius Where on the circle to put them
#' @param radius_padding How much to pad between radii.
#' @param label_size How large to make the labels in px.
#' @param band_stroke_thickness How big to make the strokes!
#' @return The file to which the ideogram configuration was written.
#' @export
circos_ideogram <- function(name = "default", conf_dir = "circos/conf", band_url = NULL,
fill = "yes", stroke_color = "black",
show_bands = "yes", fill_bands = "yes",
thickness = "20", stroke_thickness = "2",
label_font = "condensedbold",
spacing_default = "0", spacing_break = "0",
fill_color = "black", radius = "0.85", radius_padding = "0.05",
label_size = "36", band_stroke_thickness = "2") {
ideogram_outfile <- glue("{conf_dir}/ideograms/{name}.conf")
created <- suppressWarnings(dir.create(dirname(ideogram_outfile), recursive = TRUE))
out <- file(ideogram_outfile, open = "w+")
show_label <- "no"
ideogram_string <- glue("
## The following plot stanza describes the ideograms
default = {spacing_default}u
break = {spacing_break}u
thickness = {thickness}p
stroke_thickness = {stroke_thickness}
stroke_color = {stroke_color}
fill = {fill}
fill_color = {fill_color}
radius = {radius}r
show_label = {show_label}
label_font = {label_font}
label_radius = dims(ideogram,radius) + {radius_padding}r
label_size = {label_size}
band_stroke_thickness = {band_stroke_thickness}
show_bands = {show_bands}
fill_bands = {fill_bands}
cat(ideogram_string, file = out, sep = "")
ideogram_band <- ""
if (!is.null(band_url)) {
ideogram_band <- glue("
band_url = {band_url}
## image_map_missing_parameter = removeparam
ideogram_url = {band_url}
cat(ideogram_band, file = out, sep = "")
end_string <- "</ideogram>\n"
cat(end_string, file = out, sep = "")
message("Wrote karyotype to ", ideogram_outfile)
message("This should match the ideogram= line in ", name, ".conf")
#' Create the description of (a)chromosome(s) for circos.
#' This function tries to save me from having to get the lengths of arcs for
#' bacterial chromosomes manually correct, and writes them as a circos
#' compatible karyotype file. The outfile parameter was chosen to match the
#' configuration directive outlined in circos_prefix(), however that will need
#' to be changed in order for this to work in variable conditions. Next time I
#' make one of these graphs I will do that I suspect. In addition, this
#' currently only understands how to write bacterial chromosomes, that will
#' likely be fixed when I am asked to write out a L.major karyotype. These
#' defaults were chosen because I have a chromosome of this length that is
#' correct.
#' @param cfg Result from circos_prefix(), contains a bunch of useful things.
#' @param segments How many segments to cut the chromosome into?
#' @param color Color segments of the chromosomal arc?
#' @param fasta Fasta file to use to create the karyotype.
#' @param lengths If no sequence file is provided, use a named numeric vector to provide them.
#' @param chromosomes Force the chromosome names if the annotations are malformed for some reason.
#' @return The output filename.
#' @export
circos_karyotype <- function(cfg, segments = 6, color = "white", fasta = NULL,
lengths = NULL, chromosomes = NULL) {
name <- cfg@name
conf_dir <- dirname(cfg@cfg_file)
## genome_length <- 0
chr_df <- data.frame()
if (is.null(lengths) & is.null(fasta)) {
stop("circos_karyotype() requires chromosome length or fasta file.")
} else if (!is.null(lengths)) {
## genome_length <- sum(lengths)
chr_df <- data.frame("width" = lengths, "names" = names(lengths))
} else {
raw_seq <- Rsamtools::FaFile(fasta)
all_seq <- Biostrings::getSeq(raw_seq)
## genome_length <- sum(as.data.frame(all_seq@ranges)[["width"]])
chr_df <- data.frame("width" = BiocGenerics::width(all_seq), "names" = names(all_seq))
chr_df[["names"]] <- gsub(x = chr_df[["names"]], pattern = "^(\\w+) .*", replacement = "\\1")
if (!is.null(chromosomes)) {
chr_df[["names"]] <- chromosomes
## Add a check that we pulled the same chromosomes as exist in the annotations.
happyp <- circos_check_chromosomes(cfg, chr_df)
chr_num <- nrow(chr_df)
outfile <- glue("{conf_dir}/karyotypes/{name}.conf")
out <- file(outfile, open = "w+")
## First write the summary line
for (ch in seq_len(chr_num)) {
chr_name <- chr_df[ch, "names"]
## chr_name <- gsub(pattern = "^(\\w+)(.*)$", replacement = "\\1", x = chr_name)
chr_name <- stringi::stri_extract_first_words(chr_name)
##chr_name <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "", x = chr_name)
##chr_name <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", x = chr_name)
chr_width <- chr_df[ch, "width"]
start_string <- glue("chr - {chr_name} {chr_num} 0 {chr_width} {color}")
cat(start_string, file = out, sep = "\n")
individual_segments <- segments
if (chr_width < 100000) {
individual_segments <- 1
for (segment in seq_len(individual_segments)) {
current <- segment - 1
begin <- floor(current * (chr_width / individual_segments))
end <- floor(segment * (chr_width / individual_segments))
string <- glue("band {chr_name} {chr_num}.1 {chr_num}.1 {begin} {end} {color}")
cat(string, file = out, sep = "\n")
message("Wrote karyotype to ", outfile)
message("This should match the karyotype= line in ", name, ".conf")
retlist <- list(
"outfile" = outfile,
"size_df" = chr_df
#' Write a simple makefile for circos.
#' I regenerate all my circos pictures with make(1). This is my makefile.
#' @param cfg Configuration from circos_prefix().
#' @param target Default make target.
#' @param circos Location of circos. I have a copy in home/bin/circos and use that sometimes.
#' @param verbose Print some information from make?
#' @return a kitten, or you know, a plot.
#' @export
circos_make <- function(cfg, target = "", circos = "circos", verbose = FALSE) {
circos_dir <- dirname(cfg@data_dir)
output <- file.path(circos_dir, "Makefile")
if (!file.exists(circos_dir)) {
message("The circos directory does not exist, creating: ", circos_dir)
created <- suppressWarnings(dir.create(circos_dir, recursive = TRUE))
if (!file.exists("circos/etc")) {
system("ln -s /etc/circos circos/etc")
out <- file(output, open = "w+")
makefile_string <- sprintf("
\t$(CIRCOS) -conf $< -outputfile $*.png 2>$*_png.stderr 1>$*_png.stdout
\trm -rf conf data *.conf *.png *.svg *.html
\t$(CIRCOS) -conf $< -outputfile $*.svg
\t$(CIRCOS) -conf $< -outputfile $*.png 2>$*_png.stderr 1>$*_png.stdout &
\t$(CIRCOS) -conf $< -outputfile $*.svg 2>$*_svg.stderr 1>$*_svg.stdout
\techo '<img src=\"$*.svg\" usemap=\"#$*\">' > map.html
\tcat $*.html >> map.html
\tmv map.html $*.html
", circos)
cat(makefile_string, file = output, sep = "")
make_target <- gsub(pattern = "circos/conf/", replacement = "", x = target)
make_target <- gsub(pattern = "\\.conf", replacement = "", x = make_target)
make_target_svg <- glue("{make_target}.svg")
make_target_png <- glue("{make_target}.png")
make_command <- glue("cd circos && bash -c 'eval $(modulecmd bash purge) ; eval $(modulecmd bash add circos) ; env | grep PERL ; touch Makefile ; make {make_target}'")
result <- system(make_command)
retlist <- list(
"command" = make_command,
"output_png" = make_target_png,
"output_svg" = make_target_svg,
"make_result" = result)
#' Write tiles of bacterial ontology groups using the categories from
#' microbesonline.org.
#' This function tries to save me from writing out ontology
#' definitions and likely making mistakes. It uses the start/ends
#' from the gff annotation along with the 1 letter GO-like categories
#' from microbesonline.org. It then writes two data files
#' circos/data/bob_plus_go.txt, circos/data/bob_minus_go.txt along
#' with two configuration files circos/conf/bob_minus_go.conf and
#' circos/conf/bob_plus_go.conf and finally adds an include to
#' circos/bob.conf
#' @param cfg Result from circos_prefix().
#' @param outer Floating point radius of the circle into which to place the
#' plus-strand data.
#' @param width Radial width of each tile.
#' @param thickness How wide to make the bars.
#' @param spacing Radial distance between outer, inner, and inner to whatever follows.
#' @param padding How much space between them.
#' @param margin Margin between elements.
#' @param plus_orientation Orientation of the plus pieces.
#' @param minus_orientation Orientation of the minus pieces.
#' @param layers How many layers to use
#' @param layers_overflow How to handle too many layers.
#' @param acol A color: RNA processing and modification. (orange)
#' @param bcol B color: Chromatin structure and dynamics. (red-9)
#' @param ccol C color: Energy production conversion. (yellow)
#' @param dcol D color: Cell cycle control, mitosis and meiosis. (very light purple)
#' @param ecol E color: Amino acid transport metabolism. (very light green)
#' @param fcol F color: Nucleotide transport and metabolism. (deep blue)
#' @param gcol G color: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism. (very light green)
#' @param hcol H color: Coenzyme transport and metabolism. (very light purple blue)
#' @param icol I color: Lipid transport and metabolism. (very very deep green)
#' @param jcol J color: Translation, ribosome structure and biogenesis. (deep red)
#' @param kcol K color: Transcription. (orange)
#' @param lcol L color: Replication, recombination, and repair. (very very light orange)
#' @param mcol M color: Cell wall/membrane biogenesis. (deep green)
#' @param ncol N color: Cell motility (very very light purple blue)
#' @param ocol O color: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones. (very very light green)
#' @param pcol P color: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism. (very very deep red)
#' @param qcol Q color: Secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport, and catabolism. (very light green 3)
#' @param rcol R color: General function prediction only. (very light grey)
#' @param scol S color: Function unknown. (grey)
#' @param tcol T color: Signal transduction mechanisms. (very light purple)
#' @param ucol U color: Intracellular trafficking(sp?) and secretion. (green 3)
#' @param vcol V color: Defense mechanisms. (very light red)
#' @param wcol W color: Extracellular structures. (very very deep purple)
#' @param xcol X color: Not in COG. (black)
#' @param ycol Y color: Nuclear structure. (light red)
#' @param zcol Z color: Cytoskeleton. (very light purple blue)
#' @param max Maximum length for chromosomal lengths
#' @param label_column Use this column for labelling interactive svg outptus.
#' @param url_string printf formatting string for interactive svg outputs.
#' @return Radius after adding the plus/minus information and the spacing between them.
#' @export
circos_plus_minus <- function(cfg, outer = 1.0, width = 0.08, thickness = 95,
spacing = 0.0, padding = 1, margin = 0.00,
plus_orientation = "out", minus_orientation = "in",
layers = 1, layers_overflow = "hide",
acol = "orange", bcol = "reds-9-seq", ccol = "yellow",
dcol = "vlpurple", ecol = "vlgreen", fcol = "dpblue",
gcol = "vlgreen", hcol = "vlpblue", icol = "vvdpgreen",
jcol = "dpred", kcol = "orange", lcol = "vvlorange",
mcol = "dpgreen", ncol = "vvlpblue", ocol = "vvlgreen",
pcol = "vvdpred", qcol = "ylgn-3-seq", rcol = "vlgrey",
scol = "grey", tcol = "vlpurple", ucol = "greens-3-seq",
vcol = "vlred", wcol = "vvdppurple", xcol = "black",
ycol = "lred", zcol = "vlpblue", max = NULL,
label_column = NULL, url_string = "") {
## Add a filter to make sure there are no features which span the entire chromosome
## These happen when using genbank genomes.
if (is.null(max)) {
max <- 1000000
plus_df <- cfg@plus_df
minus_df <- cfg@minus_df
annotation <- cfg@annotation
## FIXME: This may not be appropriate!
na_idx <- is.na(plus_df)
plus_df[na_idx] <- 0
na_idx <- is.na(minus_df)
minus_df[na_idx] <- 0
## End of FIXME
plus_drop_idx <- (plus_df[["stop"]] - plus_df[["start"]]) > max
if (sum(plus_drop_idx) > 0) {
plus_df <- plus_df[!plus_drop_idx, ]
minus_drop_idx <- (minus_df[["stop"]] - minus_df[["start"]]) > max
if (sum(minus_drop_idx) > 0) {
minus_df <- minus_df[!minus_drop_idx, ]
if (!is.null(label_column)) {
tmpdf <- as.data.frame(annotation[[label_column]])
rownames(tmpdf) <- rownames(annotation)
colnames(tmpdf) <- "id"
plus_df <- merge(plus_df, tmpdf, by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
rownames(plus_df) <- plus_df[["Row.names"]]
plus_df[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
plus_df[["value"]] <- paste0(plus_df[["value"]], ",id=", plus_df[["id"]])
plus_df[["value"]] <- gsub(pattern = "[[:space:]]", replacement = "",
x = plus_df[["value"]])
plus_df[["id"]] <- NULL
minus_df <- merge(minus_df, tmpdf, by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
minus_df[["value"]] <- paste0(minus_df[["value"]], ",id=", minus_df[["id"]])
minus_df[["value"]] <- gsub(pattern = "[[:space:]]", replacement = "", x = minus_df[["value"]])
minus_df[["id"]] <- NULL
rownames(minus_df) <- minus_df[["Row.names"]]
minus_df[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
message("Writing data file: ", cfg@plus_data_file, " with the + strand GO data.")
write.table(plus_df, file = cfg@plus_data_file, quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, na = "no_go")
message("Writing data file: ", cfg@minus_data_file, " with the - strand GO data.")
write.table(minus_df, file = cfg@minus_data_file, quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, na = "no_go")
first_outer <- outer
first_inner <- first_outer - width
plus_cfg_out <- file(cfg@plus_cfg_file, open = "w+")
rel_plus_file <- file.path("data", basename(cfg@plus_data_file))
rules_string <- glue("
condition = var(value) =~ \"^A\"
fill_color = {acol}
color = {acol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^B\"
fill_color = {bcol}
color = {bcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^C\"
fill_color = {ccol}
color = {ccol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^D\"
fill_color = {dcol}
color = {dcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^E\"
fill_color = {ecol}
color = {ecol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^F\"
fill_color = {fcol}
color = {fcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^G\"
fill_color = {gcol}
color = {gcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^H\"
fill_color = {hcol}
color = {hcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^I\"
fill_color = {icol}
color = {icol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^J\"
fill_color = {jcol}
color = {jcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^K\"
fill_color = {kcol}
color = {kcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^L\"
fill_color = {lcol}
color = {lcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^M\"
fill_color = {mcol}
color = {mcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^N\"
fill_color = {ncol}
color = {ncol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^O\"
fill_color = {ocol}
color = {ocol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^P\"
fill_color = {pcol}
color = {pcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^Q\"
fill_color = {qcol}
color = {qcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^R\"
fill_color = {rcol}
color = {rcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^S\"
fill_color = {scol}
color = {scol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^T\"
fill_color = {tcol}
color = {tcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^U\"
fill_color = {ucol}
color = {ucol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^V\"
fill_color = {vcol}
color = {vcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^W\"
fill_color = {wcol}
color = {wcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^X\"
fill_color = {xcol}
color = {xcol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^Y\"
fill_color = {ycol}
color = {ycol}
condition = var(value) =~ \"^Z\"
fill_color = {zcol}
color = {zcol}
plus_cfg_string <- glue("
## The following plot stanza describes the broad ontological categories
## Of genes on the plus strand.
type = tile
file = {rel_plus_file}
layers = {layers}
layers_overflow = {layers_overflow}
margin = {margin}u
thickness = {thickness}
padding = {padding}
orientation = {plus_orientation}
stroke_thickness = 0
stroke_color = black
color = green
r1 = {first_outer}r
r0 = {first_inner}r
url = {url_string}
cat(plus_cfg_string, file = plus_cfg_out, sep = "")
## Now move the ring in one width and print the minus strand.
second_outer <- first_inner - spacing
second_inner <- second_outer - width
minus_cfg_out <- file(cfg@minus_cfg_file, open = "w+")
rel_minus_file <- file.path("data", basename(cfg@minus_data_file))
minus_cfg_string <- glue("
## The following plot stanza describes the broad ontological categories
## Of genes on the minus strand.
type = tile
file = {rel_minus_file}
layers = {layers}
layers_overflow = {layers_overflow}
margin = {margin}u
thickness = {thickness}
padding = {padding}
orientation = {minus_orientation}
stroke_thickness = 0
stroke_color = black
color = green
r1 = {second_outer}r
r0 = {second_inner}r
## url = script?type = label&value=[id]&color=[color]
url = {url_string}
cat(minus_cfg_string, file = minus_cfg_out, sep = "")
message("Wrote the +/- config files. Appending their inclusion to the master file.")
rel_plus_cfg <- file.path("conf", basename(cfg@plus_cfg_file))
rel_minus_cfg <- file.path("conf", basename(cfg@minus_cfg_file))
master_cfg_out <- file(cfg@cfg_file, open = "a+")
master_cfg_string <- glue("
## The +/- ontology rings.
## The plus strand ring extends from {first_outer}r to {first_inner}r
<<include {rel_plus_cfg}>>
## The minus strand ring extends from {second_outer}r to {second_inner}r
<<include {rel_minus_cfg}>>
cat(master_cfg_string, file = master_cfg_out, sep = "")
message("Returning the inner width: ", second_inner,
". Use it as the outer for the next ring.")
new_outer <- second_inner - spacing
#' Write the beginning of a circos configuration file.
#' A few parameters need to be set when starting circos. This sets
#' some of them and gets ready for plot stanzas.
#' In its current implementation, this really assumes that there will
#' be no highlight stanzas and at most 1 link stanza.
#' chromosomes. A minimal amount of logic and data organization will
#' address these weaknesses.
#' @param annotation Annotation data frame.
#' @param name Name of the map, called with 'make name'.
#' @param base_dir Base directory for writing the data.
#' @param chr_column Name of the column containing the chromosome names in the annotations.
#' @param cog_column Name of the column containing the COG groups in the annotations.
#' @param start_column Name of the column containing the starts in the annotations.
#' @param stop_column Name of the column containing the stops in the annotations.
#' @param strand_column Name of the column containing the strand information.
#' @param id_column Where do the gene IDs live? NULL means rownames.
#' @param cog_map Not yet used, but used to provide an alternate map of groups/colors.
#' @param radius Size of the image.
#' @param chr_units How often to print chromosome in 'prefix' units.
#' @param band_url Place to imagemap link.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to the tick/karyotype makers.
#' @return The master configuration file name.
#' @export
circos_prefix <- function(annotation, name = "mgas", base_dir = "circos",
chr_column = "seqnames", cog_column = "COGFun",
start_column = "start", stop_column = "end",
strand_column = "strand", id_column = NULL,
cog_map = NULL,
radius = 1800, chr_units = 1000, band_url = NULL, ...) {
message("This assumes you have a colors.conf in circos/colors/ ",
"and fonts.conf in circos/fonts/")
message("It also assumes you have conf/ideogram.conf, conf/ticks.conf, ",
"and conf/housekeeping.conf")
conf_dir <- file.path(base_dir, "conf")
data_dir <- file.path(base_dir, "data")
cfgout <- paste0(file.path(conf_dir, name), ".conf")
message("It will write ", cfgout, " with a reasonable first approximation config file.")
if (!file.exists(data_dir)) {
message("Creating the data directory: ", data_dir)
created <- suppressWarnings(dir.create(data_dir, recursive = TRUE))
if (!file.exists(conf_dir)) {
message("The circos directory does not exist, creating: ", conf_dir)
created <- suppressWarnings(dir.create(conf_dir, recursive = TRUE))
## Set up some data which will be shared by all the other functions.
number_pluses <- sum(annotation[[strand_column]] == "+")
number_ones <- sum(annotation[[strand_column]] == 1)
plus_string <- "+"
minus_string <- "-"
if (number_pluses + number_ones == 0) {
stop("This function requires some way of understanding plus/minus strand.")
} else if (number_ones > 0) {
plus_string <- 1
minus_string <- -1
if (is.null(annotation[[start_column]]) | is.null(annotation[[stop_column]]) |
is.null(annotation[[strand_column]])) {
stop("This function assumes columns for start, stop, strand, chromosome names, and cog.")
plus_cfg_file <- cfgout
minus_cfg_file <- cfgout
plus_cfg_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = "_plus_go.conf", x = plus_cfg_file)
plus_data_file <- file.path(data_dir, basename(plus_cfg_file))
plus_data_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = ".txt", x = plus_data_file)
minus_cfg_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = "_minus_go.conf", x = minus_cfg_file)
minus_data_file <- file.path(data_dir, basename(minus_cfg_file))
minus_data_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = ".txt", x = minus_data_file)
## What I should do is spend some time thinking and reformat this to handle
## and arbitrary number of arbitrary columns so that I have some flexibility later.
gids <- NULL
if (is.null(id_column)) {
gids <- rownames(annotation)
} else {
gids <- annotation[[id_column]]
null_idx <- is.null(annotation[[strand_column]])
if (sum(null_idx) > 0) {
annotation[null_idx, strand_column] <- "+"
message("Setting ", sum(null_idx), " null entries to the plus strand.")
na_idx <- is.na(annotation[[strand_column]])
if (sum(na_idx) > 0) {
annotation[na_idx, strand_column] <- "+"
message("Setting ", sum(null_idx), " NA entries to the plus strand.")
undef_idx <- annotation[[strand_column]] == "undefined"
if (sum(undef_idx) > 0) {
annotation[undef_idx, strand_column] <- "+"
message("Setting ", sum(undef_idx), " undefined entries to the plus strand.")
plus_idx <- annotation[[strand_column]] == plus_string
plus_gids <- gids[plus_idx]
minus_idx <- annotation[[strand_column]] == minus_string
minus_gids <- gids[minus_idx]
needed_columns <- c(chr_column, start_column, stop_column)
if (!is.null(annotation[[cog_column]])) {
needed_columns <- c(needed_columns, cog_column)
plus_df <- as.data.frame(annotation[plus_idx, needed_columns])
minus_df <- as.data.frame(annotation[minus_idx, needed_columns])
rownames(plus_df) <- plus_gids
rownames(minus_df) <- minus_gids
if (is.null(annotation[[cog_column]])) {
plus_df[["cog"]] <- "X"
minus_df[["cog"]] <- "X"
colnames(plus_df) <- c("chr", "start", "stop", "cog")
colnames(minus_df) <- c("chr", "start", "stop", "cog")
## Coerce the start/stops to numeric.
plus_df[["start"]] <- as.numeric(plus_df[["start"]])
plus_df[["stop"]] <- as.numeric(plus_df[["stop"]])
minus_df[["start"]] <- as.numeric(minus_df[["start"]])
minus_df[["stop"]] <- as.numeric(minus_df[["stop"]])
na_idx <- is.na(plus_df[["start"]])
plus_df <- plus_df[!na_idx, ]
na_idx <- is.na(minus_df[["start"]])
minus_df <- minus_df[!na_idx, ]
cog_na <- is.na(plus_df[["cog"]])
plus_df[cog_na, "cog"] <- "undefined"
cog_na <- is.na(minus_df[["cog"]])
minus_df[cog_na, "cog"] <- "undefined"
plus_undef <- plus_df[["cog"]] == "undefined"
plus_df[plus_undef, "cog"] <- "X"
minus_undef <- minus_df[["cog"]] == "undefined"
minus_df[minus_undef, "cog"] <- "X"
plus_df[["value"]] <- glue("value={plus_df[['cog']]}0")
minus_df[["value"]] <- glue("value={minus_df[['cog']]}0")
needed_columns <- c(chr_column, start_column, stop_column, strand_column)
annot <- annotation[, needed_columns]
rownames(annot) <- gids
colnames(annot) <- c("chr", "start", "stop", "strand")
karyotype_dir <- file.path(conf_dir, "karyotypes")
if (!file.exists(karyotype_dir)) {
message("The karyotype directory does not exist, creating: ", karyotype_dir)
created <- suppressWarnings(dir.create(karyotype_dir, recursive = TRUE))
ideogram_dir <- file.path(conf_dir, "ideograms")
if (!file.exists(ideogram_dir)) {
message("The ideogram directory does not exist, creating: ", ideogram_dir)
created <- suppressWarnings(dir.create(ideogram_dir, recursive = TRUE))
etc_file <- file.path(path.package("hpgldata"), "share", "circos", "circos_etc.tar.xz")
etc_cmd <- glue("tar -C {dirname(conf_dir)} -xavf {etc_file} 2>/dev/null 1>&2")
system(command = etc_cmd)
karyotype_cfg_file <- paste0(file.path(base_dir, "conf", "karyotypes", name), ".conf")
rel_karyotype_file <- paste0(file.path("conf", "karyotypes", name), ".conf")
## If you want clickable ideograms, add
## band_url='script?start=[start]&end=[end]&label=[label]
ideogram_cfg_file <- circos_ideogram(name = name, conf_dir = conf_dir, band_url = band_url)
rel_ideogram_file <- paste0(file.path("conf", "ideograms", name), ".conf")
tick_cfg_file <- circos_ticks(name = name, conf_dir = conf_dir,
rel_tick_file <- file.path("conf", basename(tick_cfg_file))
out <- file(cfgout, open = "w+")
prefix_string <- glue("
## This is the prefix of a circos configuration file written by hpgltools.
<<include colors.conf>>
<<include fonts.conf>>
<<include {rel_ideogram_file}>>
<<include {rel_tick_file}>>
<<include housekeeping.conf>>
karyotype = {rel_karyotype_file}
image_map_use = yes
image_map_missing_parameter = removeurl
dir = .
radius = {radius}p
background = white
angle_offset = -90
chromosomes_units = {chr_units}
chromosomes_display_default = yes
cat(prefix_string, file = out, sep = "")
to_path <- glue("{name}.conf")
wd <- getwd()
final_cfg <- file.path(wd, base_dir, to_path)
if (!file.exists(final_cfg)) {
tmpwd <- glue("{wd}/circos")
setwd(file.path(wd, base_dir))
from <- gsub(pattern = "circos/", replacement = "", x = cfgout)
file.symlink(from, to_path)
circos_data <- new("circos",
"name" = name,
"data_dir" = data_dir,
"cfg_file" = cfgout,
"karyotype_cfg_file" = karyotype_cfg_file,
"ideogram_cfg_file" = ideogram_cfg_file,
"tick_cfg_file" = tick_cfg_file,
"plus_cfg_file" = plus_cfg_file,
"plus_data_file" = plus_data_file,
"minus_cfg_file" = minus_cfg_file,
"minus_data_file" = minus_data_file,
"annotation" = annotation,
"annot" = annot,
"plus_df" = plus_df,
"minus_df" = minus_df)
#' Write the end of a circos master configuration.
#' circos configuration files need an ending. This writes it.
#' @param cfg Result from circos_prefix()
#' @return Filename of the configuration.
#' @export
circos_suffix <- function(cfg) {
cfgout <- cfg@cfg_file
out <- file(cfgout, open = "a+")
suffix_string <- "
cat(suffix_string, file = out, sep = "\n")
#' Create the ticks for a circos plot.
#' This function writes ticks for circos. This has lots of options, the
#' defaults are all taken from the circos example documentation for a bacterial
#' genome.
#' @param name Name of the configuration file to which to add the ideogram.
#' @param conf_dir Where does the configuration live.
#' @param show_ticks Show them or not.
#' @param show_tick_labels Show the tick labels, or do not.
#' @param show_grid Print a grid behind.
#' @param skip_first_label Like a clock.
#' @param skip_last_label Ditto.
#' @param tick_separation Top-level separation between tick marks.
#' @param min_label_distance distance to the edge of the plot for labels.
#' @param label_separation radial distance between labels.
#' @param label_offset The offset for the labels.
#' @param label_size Top-level label size.
#' @param multiplier When writing the position, by what factor to lower the numbers?
#' @param main_color Color for top-level labels?
#' @param main_thickness Top-level thickness of lines etc.
#' @param main_size Top-level size of text.
#' @param first_size Second level size of text.
#' @param first_spacing Second level spacing of ticks.
#' @param first_color Second-level text color.
#' @param first_show_label Show a label for the second level ticks?
#' @param first_label_size Text size for second level labels?
#' @param second_size Size of ticks for the third level.
#' @param second_spacing third-level spacing
#' @param second_color Text color for the third level.
#' @param second_show_label Give them a label?
#' @param second_label_size And a size.
#' @param third_size Now for the size of the almost-largest ticks
#' @param third_spacing How far apart?
#' @param third_color and their color
#' @param third_show_label give a label?
#' @param third_label_size and a size.
#' @param fourth_spacing The largest ticks!
#' @param fourth_color The largest color.
#' @param fourth_show_label Provide a label?
#' @param suffix String for printing chromosome distances.
#' @param fourth_label_size They are big!
#' @param include_first_label Provide the smallest labels?
#' @param include_second_label Second smallest labels?
#' @param include_third_label Second biggest labels?
#' @param include_fourth_label Largest labels?
#' @param ... Extra arguments from circos_prefix().
#' @return The file to which the ideogram configuration was written.
#' @export
circos_ticks <- function(name = "default", conf_dir = "circos/conf",
show_ticks = "yes", show_tick_labels = "yes",
show_grid = "no", skip_first_label = "yes",
skip_last_label = "no",
tick_separation = 2, min_label_distance = 0,
label_separation = 5, label_offset = 5,
label_size = 8, multiplier = 0.001, main_color = "black",
main_thickness = 3, main_size = 20, first_size = 10,
first_spacing = 1, first_color = "black",
first_show_label = "no", first_label_size = 12, second_size = 15,
second_spacing = 5, second_color = "black",
second_show_label = "yes", second_label_size = 16,
third_size = 18, third_spacing = 10, third_color = "black",
third_show_label = "yes", third_label_size = 16, fourth_spacing = 100,
fourth_color = "black", fourth_show_label = "yes",
suffix = " kb", fourth_label_size = 36,
include_first_label = TRUE, include_second_label = TRUE,
include_third_label = TRUE, include_fourth_label = TRUE,
...) {
tick_outfile <- file.path(conf_dir, paste0("ticks_", name, ".conf"))
out <- file(tick_outfile, open = "w")
show_label <- "no"
tick_string <- glue("
## The following plot stanza describes the ticks
show_ticks = {show_ticks}
show_tick_labels = {show_tick_labels}
show_grid = {show_grid}
grid_start = dims(ideogram,radius_inner) - 0.5r
grid_end = dims(ideogram,radius_inner)
skip_first_label = {skip_first_label}
skip_last_label = {skip_last_label}
radius = dims(ideogram,radius_outer)
tick_separation = {tick_separation}p
min_label_distance_to_edge = {min_label_distance}p
label_separation = {label_separation}p
label_offset = {label_offset}p
label_size = {label_size}p
multiplier = {multiplier}
color = {main_color}
thickness = {main_thickness}p
size = {main_size}p
if (isTRUE(include_first_label)) {
tick_string <- glue("
size = {first_size}p
spacing = {first_spacing}u
color = {first_color}
show_label = {first_show_label}
label_size = {first_label_size}p
format = %.2f
grid = no
grid_color = lblue
grid_thickness = 1p
if (isTRUE(include_second_label)) {
tick_string <- glue("
size = {second_size}p
spacing = {second_spacing}u
color = {second_color}
show_label = {second_show_label}
label_size = {second_label_size}p
format = %s
grid = yes
grid_color = lgrey
grid_thickness = 1p
if (isTRUE(include_third_label)) {
tick_string <- glue("
size = {third_size}p
spacing = {third_spacing}u
color = {third_color}
show_label = {third_show_label}
label_size = {third_label_size}p
format = %s
grid = yes
grid_color = grey
grid_thickness = 1p
if (isTRUE(include_fourth_label)) {
tick_string <- glue("
spacing = {fourth_spacing}u
color = {fourth_color}
show_label = {fourth_show_label}
suffix = \"{suffix}\"
label_size = {fourth_label_size}p
format = %s
grid = yes
grid_color = dgrey
grid_thickness = 1p
tick_string <- glue("
cat(tick_string, file = out, sep = "")
message("Wrote ticks to ", tick_outfile)
#' Write tiles of arbitrary categorical point data in circos.
#' This function tries to make the writing circos tiles easier. Like
#' circos_plus_minus() and circos_hist() it works in 3 stages,
#' It writes out a data file using cfgout as a basename and the data
#' from df in the circos histogram format into
#' circos/data/bob_tile.txt
#' It then writes out a configuration plot stanza in
#' circos/conf/bob_tile.conf
#' and finally adds an include to circos/bob.conf
#' @param cfg Result from circos_prefix().
#' @param df Dataframe with starts/ends and the floating point information.
#' @param colname Name of the column with the data of interest.
#' chromosome)
#' @param basename Used to make unique filenames for the data/conf files.
#' @param colors Colors of the data.
#' @param thickness How thick to make the tiles in radial units.
#' @param margin How much space between other rings and the tiles?
#' @param stroke_thickness Size of the tile outlines.
#' @param padding Space between tiles.
#' @param orientation Facing in or out.
#' @param outer Floating point radius of the circle into which to place the
#' categorical data.
#' @param width Width of each tile.
#' @param spacing Radial distance between outer, inner, and inner to whatever
#' follows.
#' @return Radius after adding the histogram and the spacing.
#' @export
circos_tile <- function(cfg, df, colname = "logFC", basename = "", colors = NULL,
thickness = 80, padding = 1, margin = 0.00, stroke_thickness = 0.00,
orientation = "out",
outer = 0.9, width = 0.08, spacing = 0.0) {
annot <- cfg@annot
full_table <- merge(df, annot, by = "row.names")
if (nrow(full_table) == 0) {
stop("Merging the annotations and data failed.")
if (! colname %in% colnames(df)) {
stop("The column: ", colname, " is missing from the input dataframe.")
start_colnames <- colnames(full_table)
new_colnames <- gsub(x = start_colnames, pattern = "\\.x$", replacement = "")
colnames(full_table) <- new_colnames
rownames(full_table) <- full_table[["Row.names"]]
full_table[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
full_table <- full_table[, c("chr", "start", "stop", colname)]
start_undefined_idx <- full_table[["start"]] == "undefined"
full_table <- full_table[!start_undefined_idx, ]
stop_undefined_idx <- full_table[["stop"]] == "undefined"
full_table <- full_table[!stop_undefined_idx, ]
full_table[["start"]] <- as.numeric(full_table[["start"]])
full_table[["stop"]] <- as.numeric(full_table[["stop"]])
keep_idx <- !is.na(full_table[["start"]])
full_table <- full_table[keep_idx, ]
keep_idx <- !is.na(full_table[["stop"]])
full_table <- full_table[keep_idx, ]
tile_cfg_file <- cfg@cfg_file
tile_cfg_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = "", x = tile_cfg_file)
tile_cfg_file <- paste0(tile_cfg_file, colname, "_tile.conf")
tile_data_file <- file.path(cfg@data_dir, basename(tile_cfg_file))
tile_data_file <- gsub(pattern = ".conf$", replacement = ".txt", x = tile_data_file)
message("Writing data file: ", tile_data_file, " with the ", basename, colname, " column.")
write.table(full_table, file = tile_data_file, quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
num_colors <- 1
if (is.null(colors)) {
conditions <- levels(as.factor(full_table[[colname]]))
num_colors <- length(conditions)
colors <- sm(grDevices::colorRampPalette(
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(num_colors, "Dark2"))(num_colors))
names(colors) <- conditions
} else {
num_colors <- length(colors)
## Now write the config stanza
inner <- outer - width
rel_cfg_file <- file.path("conf", basename(tile_cfg_file))
rel_data_file <- file.path("data", basename(tile_data_file))
tile_cfg_string <- glue("
## This is a circos tile configuration stanza.
type = tile
file = {rel_data_file}
layers = 1
layers_overflow = hide
margin = {margin}u
thickness = {thickness}
padding = {padding}
orientation = {orientation}
stroke_thickness = {stroke_thickness}
stroke_color = black
color = black
fill_color = black
r1 = {outer}r
r0 = {inner}r
tile_cfg_out <- file(tile_cfg_file, open = "w+")
cat(tile_cfg_string, file = tile_cfg_out, sep = "")
for (c in seq_len(num_colors)) {
red_component <- "0x00"
green_component <- "0x00"
blue_compnent <- "0x00"
this_color <- gsub(pattern = "^#", replacement = "", x = colors[[c]])
red_component <- strtoi(glue("0x{substr(this_color, 1, 2)}"))
green_component <- strtoi(glue("0x{substr(this_color, 3, 4)}"))
blue_component <- strtoi(glue("0x{substr(colors[[c]], 5, 6)}"))
color_string <- glue("{red_component},{green_component},{blue_component}")
color_name <- names(colors)[[c]]
new_string <- glue("
condition = var(value) =~ \"^{color_name}\"
fill_color = {color_string}
color = {color_string}
cat(new_string, file = tile_cfg_out, sep = "")
end_string <- glue("
cat(end_string, file = tile_cfg_out, sep = "")
## Now add to the master configuration file.
master_cfg_string <- glue("
## The tile ring for {colname}
<<include {rel_cfg_file}>>
master_cfg_out <- file(cfg@cfg_file, open = "a+")
cat(master_cfg_string, file = master_cfg_out, sep = "")
new_outer <- inner - spacing
message("Returning the inner width: ", new_outer,
". Use it as the outer for the next ring.")
## S4 dispatchers.
#' Validation function when creating a circos class.
#' This is the one of the first steps taken to make the circos plot
#' builder into an object oriented set of functions. Thank you,
#' Theresa!
#' @param object The object to check for validity.
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
check_circos <- function(object) {
ret <- c()
base_dir <- dirname(object@data_dir)
conf_dir <- dirname(object@cfg_file)
data_dir <- object@data_dir
if (!file.exists(data_dir)) {
msg <- message(data_dir, " does not exist. Creating the data directory now.")
created <- dir.create(data_dir, recursive = TRUE)
if (isFALSE(created)) {
ret <- c(ret, data_dir)
if (!file.exists(conf_dir)) {
msg <- message("The circos directory does not exist, creating: ", conf_dir)
created <- dir.create(conf_dir, recursive = TRUE)
if (isFALSE(created)) {
ret <- c(ret, conf_dir)
if (length(ret) == 0) {
ret <- TRUE
#' Create a class for circos data
name = "character",
data_dir = "character",
cfg_file = "character",
karyotype_cfg_file = "character",
ideogram_cfg_file = "character",
tick_cfg_file = "character",
plus_cfg_file = "character",
plus_data_file = "character",
minus_cfg_file = "character",
minus_data_file = "character",
annotation = "data.frame",
annot = "data.frame",
plus_df = "data.frame",
minus_df = "data.frame"),
validity = check_circos)
## EOF
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