#' Run simple_gprofiler on every table from extract_significant_genes()
#' @param sig Result from extract_significant_genes
#' @param according_to Use this result type for the gprofiler searches.
#' @param together Concatenate the up/down genes into one set?
#' @param plot_type Choose a plot method as the default.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to simple_gprofiler().
#' @export
all_gprofiler <- function(sig, according_to = "deseq", together = FALSE,
plot_type = "dotplot", ...) {
ret <- list()
input_up <- list()
input_down <- list()
source <- "significant"
## Check if this came from extract_significant_genes or extract_abundant_genes.
fc_col <- paste0(according_to, "_logfc")
if (!is.null(sig[[according_to]][["ups"]])) {
input_up <- sig[[according_to]][["ups"]]
input_down <- sig[[according_to]][["downs"]]
} else if (!is.null(sig[["abundances"]])) {
source <- "abundance"
input_up <- sig[["abundances"]][[according_to]][["high"]]
input_down <- sig[["abundances"]][[according_to]][["low"]]
} else {
stop("I do not understand this input.")
sig_names <- names(input_up)
for (i in seq_along(sig_names)) {
slept <- Sys.sleep(10)
name <- sig_names[i]
mesg("Starting ", name, ".")
retname_up <- paste0(name, "_up")
retname_down <- paste0(name, "_down")
up <- input_up[[name]]
down <- input_down[[name]]
up_elements <- 0
down_elements <- 0
if (source == "abundance") {
up <- names(up)
down <- names(down)
up_elements <- length(up)
down_elements <- length(down)
} else {
up_elements <- nrow(up)
down_elements <- nrow(down)
if (isTRUE(together)) {
if (source == "abundance") {
up <- c(up, down)
up_elements <- up_elements + down_elements
down <- c()
down_elements <- 0
} else {
up <- rbind(up, down)
up_elements <- nrow(up)
down <- data.frame()
down_elements <- 0
if (up_elements > 0) {
ret[[retname_up]] <- sm(simple_gprofiler2(up, first_col = fc_col,
plot_type = plot_type, ...))
#ret[[retname_up]] <- sm(simple_gprofiler(up, first_col = fc_col))
} else {
ret[[retname_up]] <- NULL
if (down_elements > 0) {
slept <- Sys.sleep(10)
ret[[retname_down]] <- sm(simple_gprofiler2(down, first_col = fc_col,
plot_type = plot_type, ...))
#ret[[retname_down]] <- sm(simple_gprofiler(down, first_col = fc_col))
} else {
ret[[retname_down]] <- NULL
class(ret) <- "all_gprofiler"
#' Run searches against the web service g:Profiler.
#' This is the beginning of a reimplementation to use gprofiler2. However,
#' AFAICT gprofiler2 does not yet actually work for anything other than their GO
#' data.
#' @param sig_genes Guess! The set of differentially expressed/interesting
#' genes.
#' @param species Organism supported by gprofiler.
#' @param convert Use gProfileR's conversion utility?
#' @param first_col First place used to define the order of 'significant'.
#' @param second_col If that fails, try a second column.
#' @param do_go Perform GO search?
#' @param do_kegg Perform KEGG search?
#' @param do_reactome Perform reactome search?
#' @param do_mi Do miRNA search?
#' @param do_tf Search for transcription factors?
#' @param do_corum Do corum search?
#' @param do_hp Do the hp search?
#' @param do_hpa Do the hpa search?
#' @param do_wp Do the wp search?
#' @param significant Only return the statistically significant hits?
#' @param exclude_iea Passed directly to gprofiler2.
#' @param do_under Perform under-representation search?
#' @param evcodes Get the set of evcodes in the data? This makes it take
#' longer.
#' @param threshold p-value 'significance' threshold.
#' @param adjp Method to adjust p-values.
#' @param domain_scope Passed to gprofiler2.
#' @param bg Background genes.
#' @param pseudo_gsea Is the data in a ranked order by significance?
#' @param id_col Which column in the table should be used for gene ID
#' crossreferencing? gProfiler uses Ensembl ids. So if you have a table of
#' entrez or whatever, translate it!
#' @param plot_type Use this plot type for images.
#' @param excel Print the results to an excel file?
#' @return a list of results for go, kegg, reactome, and a few more.
#' @seealso [gProfiler]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gprofiler_is_nice_and_easy <- simple_gprofiler(genes, species='mmusculus')
#' }
#' @export
simple_gprofiler2 <- function(sig_genes, species = "hsapiens", convert = TRUE,
first_col = "deseq_logfc", second_col = "logfc", do_go = TRUE,
do_kegg = TRUE, do_reactome = TRUE, do_mi = TRUE, do_tf = TRUE,
do_corum = TRUE, do_hp = TRUE, do_hpa = TRUE, do_wp = TRUE,
significant = TRUE, exclude_iea = FALSE, do_under = FALSE,
evcodes = TRUE, threshold = 0.05, adjp = "g_SCS",
domain_scope = "annotated", bg = NULL,
pseudo_gsea = TRUE, id_col = "row.names", plot_type = "dotplot",
excel = NULL) {
gene_list <- NULL
num_genes <- 0
if ("character" %in% class(sig_genes)) {
gene_ids <- sig_genes
num_genes <- length(gene_ids)
} else {
num_genes <- nrow(sig_genes)
if (!is.null(sig_genes[[first_col]])) {
gene_list <- sig_genes[order(-sig_genes[[first_col]]), ]
pseudo_gsea <- TRUE
} else if (!is.null(sig_genes[[second_col]])) {
gene_list <- sig_genes[order(-sig_genes[[second_col]]), ]
pseudo_gsea <- TRUE
gene_ids <- NULL
if (is.null(id_col)) {
id_col <- "ID"
if (id_col == "row.names") {
gene_ids <- rownames(gene_list)
} else {
gene_ids <- gene_list[[id_col]]
retlst <- list()
if (isTRUE(do_go)) {
retlst[["GO"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_kegg)) {
retlst[["KEGG"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_reactome)) {
retlst[["REAC"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_wp)) {
retlst[["WP"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_tf)) {
retlst[["TF"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_mi)) {
retlst[["MIRNA"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_hpa)) {
retlst[["HPA"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_corum)) {
retlst[["CORUM"]] <- data.frame()
if (isTRUE(do_hp)) {
retlst[["HP"]] <- data.frame()
if (sum(grepl(pattern = "gene:", x = gene_ids)) > 0) {
warning("Hey, it looks like you forgot to strip off the htseq prefix for the gene IDs.")
gene_ids <- gsub(x = gene_ids, pattern = "gene:", replacement = "")
type_names <- names(retlst)
retlst[["input"]] <- sig_genes
interactive_plots <- list()
gost_plots <- list()
gost_links <- list()
sig_tables <- list()
types <- c("GO", "KEGG", "REAC", "WP", "TF", "MIRNA", "HPA", "CORUM", "HP")
num_hits <- rep(0, length(types))
names(num_hits) <- types
for (t in seq_along(type_names)) {
type <- type_names[t]
mesg("Performing gProfiler ", type, " search of ",
length(gene_ids), " genes against ", species, ".")
## To avoid the error: "'names' attribute [14] must be the same length as
## the vector [1]"
gene_ids <- as.vector(gene_ids)
a_result <- try(gprofiler2::gost(
query = gene_ids, organism = species, evcodes = evcodes, significant = significant,
ordered_query = pseudo_gsea, user_threshold = threshold, correction_method = adjp,
domain_scope = domain_scope, custom_bg = bg, sources = type))
a_df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(a_result)) {
mesg("The ", type, " method failed for this organism.")
} else if (is.null(a_result)) {
mesg("There was no result for the ", type, " search.")
} else {
a_df <- a_result[["result"]]
sig_idx <- a_df[["p_value"]] <= threshold
sig_df <- a_df[sig_idx, ]
mesg(type, " search found ", nrow(sig_df), " hits.")
num_hits[[type]] <- nrow(sig_df)
sig_tables[[type]] <- sig_df
gost_links[[type]] <- gprofiler2::gost(
query = gene_ids, organism = species, evcodes = evcodes, significant = significant,
ordered_query = pseudo_gsea, user_threshold = threshold, correction_method = adjp,
domain_scope = domain_scope, custom_bg = bg, sources = type, as_short_link = TRUE)
interactive_plots[[type]] <- try(
gprofiler2::gostplot(a_result, capped = TRUE, interactive = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
gost_plots[[type]] <- try(
gprofiler2::gostplot(a_result, capped = FALSE, interactive = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
retlst[[type]] <- a_df
} ## End iterating over the set of default sources.
retlst[["num_genes"]] <- num_genes
retlst[["interactive_plots"]] <- interactive_plots
retlst[["num_hits"]] <- num_hits
retlst[["gost_plots"]] <- gost_plots
retlst[["gost_links"]] <- gost_links
retlst[["significant"]] <- sig_tables
if (!is.null(excel)) {
mesg("Writing data to: ", excel, ".")
excel_ret <- sm(try(write_gprofiler_data(retlst, excel = excel)))
retlst[["excel"]] <- excel_ret
mesg("Finished writing data.")
for (t in seq_along(type_names)) {
type <- type_names[t]
type_name <- paste0(type, "_enrich")
## Note to self, now that I think about it I think gprofiler2 provides its own p-adjustment.
retlst[[type_name]] <- gprofiler2enrich(retlst, ontology = type,
cutoff = threshold)
if (plot_type == "barplot") {
retlst[["pvalue_plots"]] <- try(plot_gprofiler2_pval(retlst))
} else if (plot_type == "dotplot") {
retlst[["pvalue_plots"]] <- try(plot_gprofiler2_pval(retlst))
message("Add a little logic here to use enrichplot::dotplot().")
} else {
retlst[["pvalue_plots"]] <- list()
retlst[["species"]] <- species
retlst[["threshold"]] <- threshold
class(retlst) <- c("gprofiler_result", "list")
#' Redirect users to simple_gprofiler2
#' @param ... Arguments passed to simple_gprofiler2()
#' @export
simple_gprofiler <- function(...) {
#' Run searches against the web service g:Profiler.
#' Thank you Ginger for showing me your thesis, gProfiler is pretty cool!
#' @param sig_genes Guess! The set of differentially expressed/interesting
#' genes.
#' @param species Organism supported by gprofiler.
#' @param convert Use gProfileR's conversion utility?
#' @param first_col First place used to define the order of 'significant'.
#' @param second_col If that fails, try a second column.
#' @param do_go Perform GO search?
#' @param do_kegg Perform KEGG search?
#' @param do_reactome Perform reactome search?
#' @param do_mi Do miRNA search?
#' @param do_tf Search for transcription factors?
#' @param do_corum Do corum search?
#' @param do_hp Do the hp search?
#' @param significant Only return the statistically significant hits?
#' @param pseudo_gsea Is the data in a ranked order by significance?
#' @param id_col Which column in the table should be used for gene ID
#' crossreferencing? gProfiler uses Ensembl ids. So if you have a table of
#' entrez or whatever, translate it!
#' @param excel Print the results to an excel file?
#' @return List of results for go, kegg, reactome, and a few more.
#' @seealso [gProfiler]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gprofiler_is_nice_and_easy <- simple_gprofiler(genes, species='mmusculus')
#' }
#' @export
simple_gprofiler_old <- function(sig_genes, species = "hsapiens", convert = TRUE,
first_col = "logFC", second_col = "limma_logfc", do_go = TRUE,
do_kegg = TRUE, do_reactome = TRUE, do_mi = TRUE, do_tf = TRUE,
do_corum = TRUE, do_hp = TRUE, significant = TRUE,
pseudo_gsea = TRUE, id_col = "row.names", excel = NULL) {
gene_list <- NULL
if (class(sig_genes)[1] == "AsIs") {
gene_ids <- as.character(sig_genes)
} else if (class(sig_genes)[1] == "character") {
gene_ids <- sig_genes
} else if (class(sig_genes)[1] == "numeric") {
gene_ids <- names(sig_genes)
} else {
if (!is.null(sig_genes[[first_col]])) {
gene_list <- sig_genes[order(-sig_genes[[first_col]]), ]
pseudo_gsea <- TRUE
} else if (!is.null(sig_genes[[second_col]])) {
gene_list <- sig_genes[order(-sig_genes[[second_col]]), ]
pseudo_gsea <- TRUE
gene_ids <- NULL
if (is.null(id_col)) {
id_col <- "ID"
if (id_col == "row.names") {
gene_ids <- rownames(gene_list)
} else {
gene_ids <- gene_list[[id_col]]
retlst <- list(
"GO" = do_go,
"KEGG" = do_kegg,
"REAC" = do_reactome,
"MI" = do_mi,
"TF" = do_tf,
"CORUM" = do_corum,
"HP" = do_hp)
type_names <- names(retlst)
gene_ids <- as.vector(gene_ids)
for (t in seq_along(type_names)) {
type <- type_names[t]
if (isTRUE(retlst[[type]])) {
message("Performing gProfiler ", type, " search of ",
length(gene_ids), " genes against ", species, ".")
a_result <- suppressWarnings(
query = gene_ids,
organism = species,
significant = significant,
ordered_query = pseudo_gsea,
src_filter = type), silent = TRUE))
if (class(a_result)[1] != "try-error") {
retlst[[type]] <- a_result
message(type, " search found ", nrow(a_result), " hits.")
} else {
retlst[[type]] <- data.frame()
names(retlst) <- tolower(names(retlst))
retlst[["input"]] <- sig_genes
retlst[["pvalue_plots"]] <- try(plot_gprofiler_pval(retlst), silent = TRUE)
if (!is.null(excel)) {
message("Writing data to: ", excel, ".")
excel_ret <- sm(try(write_gprofiler_data(retlst, excel = excel)))
retlst[["excel"]] <- excel_ret
message("Finished writing data.")
class(retlst) <- c("gprofiler_result", "list")
#' Recast gProfiler data to the output class produced by clusterProfiler.
#' I would like to use the various clusterProfiler plots more easily.
#' Therefore I figured it would be advantageous to coerce the various
#' outputs from gprofiler and friends into the datastructure produced by
#' clusterProfiler.
#' @param retlst Output from simple_gprofiler()
#' @param ontology Category type to extract, currently only GO?
#' @param cutoff Use a p-value cutoff to get only the significant
#' categories?
#' @param organism Set the orgdb organism name?
#' @param padjust_method what it says on the tin.
#' @return The same 'enrich' datastructure produced by clusterProfiler.
#' @export
gprofiler2enrich <- function(retlst, ontology = "MF", cutoff = 1,
organism = NULL, padjust_method = "BH") {
interesting <- retlst[[ontology]]
sig_genes <- c()
sig_genes_input <- retlst[["input"]]
if (class(sig_genes_input)[1] == "character") {
sig_genes <- sig_genes_input
} else if ("data.frame" %in% class(sig_genes_input)) {
sig_genes <- rownames(retlst[["input"]])
} else {
stop("I do not know this input data type when extracting the input genes.")
if (is.null(interesting)) {
if (nrow(interesting) == 0) {
bg_genes <- sum(!duplicated(sort(interesting[["term_id"]])))
interesting[["tmp"]] <- bg_genes
interesting[["adjusted"]] <- p.adjust(interesting[["p_value"]], method = padjust_method)
genes_per_category <- interesting[, c("term_id", "intersection")]
category_genes <- gsub(pattern=",\\s*", replacement="/", x = genes_per_category[["intersection"]])
## Right now the cutoff is 1.0, which is not particularly interesting/useful.
interesting_cutoff_idx <- interesting[["p_value"]] <= cutoff
interesting_cutoff <- interesting[interesting_cutoff_idx, ]
## Note that for the moment I am repeating the pvalue/p.adjust/qvalue because
## I am reasonably certain that gprofiler2 does its own adjustment.
representation_df <- data.frame(
"ID" = interesting[["term_id"]],
"Description" = interesting[["term_name"]],
## The following two lines are ridiculous, but required for the enrichplots to work.
"GeneRatio" = paste0(interesting[["intersection_size"]], "/", interesting[["term_size"]]),
"BgRatio" = paste0(interesting[["term_size"]], "/", interesting[["query_size"]]),
"pvalue" = interesting[["p_value"]],
"p.adjust" = interesting[["p_value"]],
"qvalue" = interesting[["p_value"]],
"geneID" = category_genes,
"Count" = interesting[["intersection_size"]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(representation_df) <- representation_df[["ID"]]
if (is.null(organism)) {
organism <- "UNKNOWN"
ret <- new("enrichResult",
result = representation_df,
pvalueCutoff = cutoff,
pAdjustMethod = padjust_method,
qvalueCutoff = cutoff,
gene = sig_genes,
## universe = extID,
geneSets = list(up=sig_genes),
## geneSets = geneSets,
organism = organism,
keytype = "UNKNOWN",
ontology = ontology,
readable = FALSE)
## EOF
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