## Use variancePartition's dream method with limma.
#' Set up a model matrix and set of contrasts for pairwise comparisons using
#' voom/limma.
#' Creates the set of all possible contrasts and performs them using voom/limma.
#' @param input Dataframe/vector or expt class containing count tables,
#' normalization state, etc.
#' @param conditions Factor of conditions in the experiment.
#' @param batches Factor of batches in the experiment.
#' @param model_cond Include condition in the model?
#' @param model_batch Include batch in the model? If this is a character
#' instead of a logical, then it is passed to all_adjusers() to attempt to find
#' model parameters which describe surrogate variables in the data.
#' @param model_intercept Perform a cell-means or intercept model? A little more
#' difficult for me to understand. I have tested and get the same answer
#' either way.
#' @param alt_model Specify another model.
#' @param extra_contrasts Some extra contrasts to add to the list.
#' This can be pretty neat, lets say one has conditions A,B,C,D,E
#' and wants to do (C/B)/A and (E/D)/A or (E/D)/(C/B) then use this
#' with a string like: "c_vs_b_ctrla = (C-B)-A, e_vs_d_ctrla = (E-D)-A,
#' de_vs_cb = (E-D)-(C-B),"
#' @param annot_df Data frame for annotations.
#' @param libsize I've recently figured out that libsize is far more important
#' than I previously realized. Play with it here.
#' @param limma_method Choose one of limma's lm methods.
#' @param limma_robust Make the significance estimation robust?
#' @param voom_norm Use this method to normalize the voom inputs.
#' @param limma_trend Add trend lines to limma's voom plot?
#' @param force Force data which may not be appropriate for limma into it?
#' @param keepers Perform an explicit set of contrasts instead of all.
#' @param ... Use the elipsis parameter to feed options to write_limma().
#' @return List including the following information:
#' macb = the mashing together of condition/batch so you can look at it
#' macb_model = The result of calling model.matrix(~0 + macb)
#' macb_fit = The result of calling lmFit(data, macb_model)
#' voom_result = The result from voom()
#' voom_design = The design from voom (redundant from voom_result, but convenient)
#' macb_table = A table of the number of times each condition/batch pairing happens
#' cond_table = A table of the number of times each condition appears (the
#' denominator for the identities)
#' batch_table = How many times each batch appears
#' identities = The list of strings defining each condition by itself
#' all_pairwise = The list of strings defining all the pairwise contrasts
#' contrast_string = The string making up the makeContrasts() call
#' pairwise_fits = The result from calling contrasts.fit()
#' pairwise_comparisons = The result from eBayes()
#' limma_result = The result from calling write_limma()
#' @seealso [limma] [Biobase] [deseq_pairwise()] [edger_pairwise()] [basic_pairwise()]
#' DOI:10.1101/2023.03.17.533005
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pretend <- dream_pairwise(expt)
#' }
#' @export
dream_pairwise <- function(input = NULL, conditions = NULL,
batches = NULL, model_cond = TRUE,
model_batch = TRUE, model_intercept = FALSE,
alt_model = NULL, extra_contrasts = NULL,
annot_df = NULL, libsize = NULL,
limma_method = "ls", limma_robust = FALSE, voom_norm = "quantile",
limma_trend = FALSE, force = FALSE, keepers = NULL, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
## This is used in the invocation of a voom() implementation for normalization.
## This is for the eBayes() call.
message("Starting limma/varpart pairwise comparison.")
san_input <- sanitize_expt(input)
input_data <- choose_limma_dataset(san_input, force = force)
design <- pData(san_input)
if (is.null(conditions)) {
conditions <- design[["condition"]]
if (is.null(batches)) {
batches <- design[["batch"]]
## The following small piece of logic is intended to handle situations where we use
## tximport for limma (kallisto/sailfish/salmon).
if (is.null(san_input[["tximport"]])) {
data <- input_data[["data"]]
} else {
data <- edgeR::DGEList(san_input[["tximport"]][["scaled"]][["counts"]])
data <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(data)
if (is.null(libsize)) {
message("libsize was not specified, this parameter has profound effects on limma's result.")
if (!is.null(san_input[["best_libsize"]])) {
message("Using the libsize from expt$best_libsize.")
libsize <- san_input[["best_libsize"]]
} else if (!is.null(input[["libsize"]])) {
message("Using the libsize from expt$libsize.")
libsize <- san_input[["libsize"]]
} else if (!is.null(
san_input[["normalized"]][["intermediate_counts"]][["normalization"]][["libsize"]])) {
libsize <- colSums(data, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
message("Using the libsize from expt$normalized$intermediate_counts$normalization$libsize")
libsize <- san_input[["normalized"]][["intermediate_counts"]][["normalization"]][["libsize"]]
} else {
message("libsize was specified. This parameter has profound effects on limma's result.")
if (is.null(libsize)) {
libsize <- colSums(data, na.rm = TRUE)
condition_table <- table(conditions)
batch_table <- table(batches)
conditions <- as.factor(conditions)
batches <- as.factor(batches)
message("Limma step 1/6: choosing model.")
model <- choose_model(input = san_input,
conditions = conditions,
batches = batches,
model_batch = model_batch,
model_cond = model_cond,
model_intercept = model_intercept,
alt_model = alt_model,
##model <- choose_model(input, conditions, batches,
## model_batch = model_batch,
## model_cond = model_cond,
## model_intercept = model_intercept,
## alt_model = alt_model)
chosen_model <- model[["chosen_model"]]
model_string <- model[["chosen_string"]]
my_formula <- as.formula(model_string)
voom_plot <- NULL
message("Attempting voomWithDreamWeights.")
fun_voom <- variancePartition::voomWithDreamWeights(
counts = data, formula = model_string,
data = design, plot = TRUE)
voom_plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
one_replicate <- FALSE
fun_design <- pData(san_input)
if (is.null(fun_voom)) {
## Apparently voom returns null where there is only 1 replicate.
message("voom returned null, I am not sure what will happen.")
one_replicate <- TRUE
fun_voom <- data
## Do the lmFit() using this model
pairwise_fits <- NULL
identity_fits <- NULL
message("Limma/varpart step 3/6: running dream.")
contrasts <- make_pairwise_contrasts(model = chosen_model, conditions = conditions,
extra_contrasts = extra_contrasts, keepers = keepers)
all_pairwise_contrasts <- contrasts[["all_pairwise"]]
all_pairwise_contrasts <- gsub(x = all_pairwise_contrasts, pattern = ",$", replacement = "")
contrast_vector <- c()
for (f in all_pairwise_contrasts) {
name_val <- strsplit(f, "=")[[1]]
vec_name <- name_val[1]
vec <- name_val[2]
num_den <- strsplit(vec, "-")[[1]]
num <- paste0("condition", num_den[1])
den <- paste0("condition", num_den[2])
expression <- paste0(num, " - ", den)
names(expression) <- vec_name
contrast_vector <- c(contrast_vector, expression)
varpart_contrasts <- variancePartition::makeContrastsDream(my_formula, design,
contrasts = contrast_vector)
fitted_data <- variancePartition::dream(
exprObj = fun_voom, formula = model_string, data = design, L = varpart_contrasts)
all_tables <- NULL
all_pairwise_comparisons <- limma::eBayes(fitted_data,
robust = limma_robust,
trend = limma_trend)
message("Limma step 6/6: Writing limma outputs.")
pairwise_results <- make_limma_tables(fit = all_pairwise_comparisons, adjust = "BH",
n = 0, coef = NULL, annot_df = NULL)
contrasts_performed <- names(pairwise_results)
retlist <- list(
"all_pairwise" = all_pairwise,
"all_tables" = pairwise_results,
"batches" = batches,
"batches_table" = batch_table,
"conditions" = conditions,
"conditions_table" = condition_table,
"contrast_string" = contrast_vector,
"contrasts_performed" = contrasts_performed,
"dispersion_plot" = voom_plot,
"fit" = fitted_data,
"input_data" = input,
"method" = "limma",
"model" = model,
"model_string" = model_string,
"pairwise_comparisons" = all_pairwise_comparisons,
"single_table" = all_tables,
"voom_design" = fun_design,
"voom_result" = fun_voom)
class(retlist) <- c("dream_pairwise", "list")
if (!is.null(arglist[["limma_excel"]])) {
retlist[["dream_excel"]] <- write_limma(retlist, excel = arglist[["limma_excel"]])
#' Writes out the results of a limma search using toptable().
#' However, this will do a couple of things to make one's life easier:
#' 1. Make a list of the output, one element for each comparison of the contrast matrix
#' 2. Write out the toptable() output in separate .csv files and/or sheets in excel
#' 3. Since I have been using qvalues a lot for other stuff, add a column for them.
#' @param fit Result from lmFit()/eBayes()
#' @param adjust Pvalue adjustment chosen.
#' @param n Number of entries to report, 0 says do them all.
#' @param coef Which coefficients/contrasts to report, NULL says do them all.
#' @param annot_df Optional data frame including annotation information to
#' include with the tables.
#' @param intercept Intercept model?
#' @return List of data frames comprising the toptable output for each
#' coefficient, I also added a qvalue entry to these toptable() outputs.
#' @seealso [limma] [write_xlsx()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' finished_comparison = eBayes(limma_output)
#' table = make_limma_tables(finished_comparison, adjust = "fdr")
#' }
make_limma_tables <- function(fit = NULL, adjust = "BH", n = 0, coef = NULL,
annot_df = NULL, intercept = FALSE) {
## Figure out the number of genes if not provided
if (n == 0) {
n <- nrow(fit[["coefficients"]])
## If specific contrast(s) is/are not requested, get them all.
if (is.null(coef)) {
if (isTRUE(intercept)) {
coef <- colnames(fit[["coefficients"]])
coef <- coef[2:length(coef)]
} else {
coef <- colnames(fit[["contrasts"]])
} else {
coef <- as.character(coef)
return_identities <- list()
return_data <- list()
end <- length(coef)
data_tables <- list()
if (isTRUE(intercept)) {
## If we do have an intercept model, then we get the data
## in a slightly different fashion.
for (c in seq_len(ncol(fit[["coefficients"]]))) {
data_table <- limma::topTable(fit, adjust.method = adjust,
n = n, coef = c, sort.by = "logFC")
for (column in seq_len(ncol(data_table))) {
data_table[[column]] <- signif(x = as.numeric(data_table[[column]]), digits = 4)
if (!is.null(annot_df)) {
data_table <- merge(data_table, annot_df, by.x = "row.names", by.y = "row.names")
if (c == 1) {
return_identities[[1]] <- data_table
} else {
comparison <- colnames(fit[["coefficients"]])[c]
return_data[[comparison]] <- data_table
} else {
## If we do not have an intercept (~ 0 + ...)
## Then extract the coefficients and identities separately.
for (c in seq_len(end)) {
comparison <- coef[c]
message("Limma step 6/6: ", c, "/", end, ": Creating table: ",
comparison, ". Adjust = ", adjust)
data_tables[[c]] <- limma::topTable(fit, adjust.method = adjust,
n = n, coef = comparison, sort.by = "logFC")
names(data_tables)[c] <- comparison
## Take a moment to prettily format the numbers in the tables
## and fill in the identity table.
for (d in seq_along(data_tables)) {
comparison <- coef[d]
table <- data_tables[[d]]
for (column in seq_len(ncol(table))) {
table[[column]] <- signif(x = as.numeric(table[[column]]), digits = 4)
if (!is.null(annot_df)) {
table <- merge(table, annot_df, by.x = "row.names", by.y = "row.names")
if (grepl(pattern = "_vs_", x = comparison)) {
return_data[[comparison]] <- table
} else {
return_identities[[comparison]] <- table
} ## End checking for an intercept/nointercept model.
retlist <- list(
"identities" = return_identities,
"contrasts" = return_data)
#' Writes out the results of a limma search using write_de_table()
#' Looking to provide a single interface for writing tables from limma and friends.
#' @param data Output from limma_pairwise()
#' @param ... Options for writing the xlsx file.
#' @seealso [write_de_table()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' finished_comparison = limma_pairwise(expressionset)
#' data_list = write_limma(finished_comparison)
#' }
#' @export
write_limma <- function(data, ...) {
result <- write_de_table(data, type = "limma", ...)
## EOF
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