## de_plots.r: A series of plots which are in theory DE method agnostic.
## FIXME: This has both p_type and adjp parameters, which is redundantredundant.
#' Make a MA plot of some limma output with pretty colors and shapes.
#' Yay pretty colors and shapes!
#' This function should be reworked following my rewrite of combine_de_tables().
#' It is certainly possible to make the logic here much simpler now.
#' @param pairwise The result from all_pairwise(), which should be changed to
#' handle other invocations too.
#' @param combined Result from one of the combine_de_table functions.
#' @param type Type of table to use: deseq, edger, limma, basic.
#' @param invert Invert the plot?
#' @param invert_colors vector of new colors.
#' @param numerator Use this factor as the numerator.
#' @param denominator Use this factor as the denominator.
#' @param alpha Use this transparency.
#' @param z z-score cutoff for coefficient significance.
#' @param n Choose the top/bottom-n by logFC.
#' @param logfc What logFC to use for the MA plot horizontal lines.
#' @param pval Cutoff to define 'significant' by p-value.
#' @param adjp Use adjusted p-value?
#' @param found_table Result from edger to use, left alone it chooses the first.
#' @param p_type Adjusted or raw pvalues?
#' @param color_high Color to use for the 'high' genes.
#' @param color_low Color to use for the 'low' genes.
#' @param loess Add a loess estimator to the coefficient plot?
#' @param z_lines Add the z-score lines?
#' @param label Label this number of top-diff genes.
#' @param label_column Use this column for labelling genes.
#' @return a plot!
#' @seealso [plot_ma_de()] [plot_volcano_de()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' prettyplot <- edger_ma(all_aprwise) ## [sic, I'm witty! and can speel]
#' }
#' @export
extract_de_plots <- function(pairwise, combined = NULL, type = NULL,
invert = FALSE, invert_colors = c(),
numerator = NULL, denominator = NULL, alpha = 0.4, z = 1.5, n = NULL,
logfc = 1.0, pval = 0.05, adjp = TRUE, found_table = NULL,
p_type = "adj", color_high = NULL, color_low = NULL, loess = FALSE,
z_lines = FALSE, label = 10, label_column = "hgncsymbol") {
if (is.null(type)) {
if (grepl(pattern = "pairwise", x = class(pairwise)[1])) {
type <- gsub(x = class(pairwise)[1], pattern = "_pairwise$", replacement = "")
if (is.null(found_table)) {
message("No table was provided, choosing the first.")
found_table <- names(pairwise[["all_tables"]])[1]
if (is.null(combined)) {
combined = pairwise
if (is.null(numerator) && is.null(denominator)) {
message("No numerator nor denominator was provided, arbitrarily choosing the first.")
num_den_names <- get_num_den(names(pairwise[["all_tables"]])[1])
numerator <- num_den_names[["numerator"]]
denominator <- num_den_names[["denominator"]]
source_info <- get_plot_columns(combined, type, p_type = p_type, adjp = adjp)
input <- source_info[["the_table"]]
expr_col <- source_info[["expr_col"]]
fc_col <- source_info[["fc_col"]]
p_col <- source_info[["p_col"]]
invert <- source_info[["invert"]]
coef_result <- try(extract_coefficient_scatter(
pairwise, type = type, x = denominator, y = numerator,
z = z, n = n, loess = loess, alpha = alpha / 2.0,
color_low = color_low, color_high = color_high,
z_lines = z_lines))
ma_material <- NULL
vol_material <- NULL
if (!is.null(input[[expr_col]]) &&
!is.null(input[[fc_col]]) &&
!is.null(input[[p_col]])) {
ma_material <- plot_ma_condition_de(
input = input, table_name = found_table,
expr_col = expr_col, fc_col = fc_col, p_col = p_col,
logfc = logfc, pval = pval, invert = invert,
color_high = color_high, color_low = color_low,
label = label, label_column = label_column)
vol_material <- plot_volcano_condition_de(
input = input, table_name = found_table,
fc_col = fc_col, p_col = p_col,
color_high = color_high, color_low = color_low,
invert = invert, logfc = logfc, pval = pval,
label = label, label_column = label_column)
retlist <- list(
"coef" = coef_result,
"ma" = ma_material,
"volcano" = vol_material)
#' Perform a coefficient scatter plot of a limma/deseq/edger/basic table.
#' Plot the gene abundances for two coefficients in a differential expression
#' comparison. By default, genes past 1.5 z scores from the mean are colored
#' red/green.
#' @param output Result from the de_ family of functions, all_pairwise, or
#' combine_de_tables().
#' @param toptable Chosen table to query for abundances.
#' @param type Query limma, deseq, edger, or basic outputs.
#' @param x The x-axis column to use, either a number of name.
#' @param y The y-axis column to use.
#' @param z Define the range of genes to color (FIXME: extend this to p-value
#' and fold-change).
#' @param logfc Set a fold-change cutoff for coloring points in the scatter plot
#' (currently not supported.)
#' @param n Set a top-n fold-change for coloring the points in the scatter plot
#' (this should work, actually).
#' @param z_lines Add lines to show the z-score demarcations.
#' @param loess Add a loess estimation (This is slow.)
#' @param alpha How see-through to make the dots.
#' @param color_low Color for the genes less than the mean.
#' @param color_high Color for the genes greater than the mean.
#' @seealso [plot_linear_scatter()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata = "some_metadata.xlsx", gene_info = annotations)
#' pairwise_output <- all_pairwise(expt)
#' scatter_plot <- extract_coefficient_scatter(pairwise_output,
#' type = "deseq", x = "uninfected", y = "infected")
#' }
#' @export
extract_coefficient_scatter <- function(output, toptable = NULL, type = "limma",
x = 1, y = 2, z = 1.5, logfc = NULL, n = NULL,
z_lines = FALSE, loess = FALSE, alpha = 0.4,
color_low = "#DD0000", color_high = "#7B9F35") {
## This is an explicit test against all_pairwise() and reduces it to result from type.
if (!is.null(output[[type]])) {
output <- output[[type]]
## Extract the set of available names -- FIXME this should be standardized!!
coefficients <- data.frame()
thenames <- NULL
if (type == "edger") {
thenames <- names(output[["contrasts"]][["identities"]])
} else if (type == "limma") {
coefficients <- as.data.frame(output[["identity_comparisons"]][["coefficients"]])
thenames <- colnames(coefficients)
} else if (type == "deseq") {
coefficients <- as.data.frame(output[["coefficients"]])
thenames <- colnames(output[["coefficients"]])
} else if (type == "basic") {
thenames <- names(output[["conditions_table"]])
} else if (type == "ebseq") {
thenames <- names(output[["conditions_table"]])
} else {
stop("I do not know what type you wish to query.")
xname <- ""
yname <- ""
if (is.numeric(x)) {
xname <- thenames[[x]]
} else {
xname <- x
if (is.numeric(y)) {
yname <- thenames[[y]]
} else {
yname <- y
## Now extract the coefficent df
if (type == "edger") {
coefficient_df <- as.data.frame(output[["lrt"]][[1]][["coefficients"]])
if (is.null(coefficient_df[[xname]]) || is.null(coefficient_df[[yname]])) {
message("Did not find ", xname, " or ", yname, ".")
coefficient_df <- coefficient_df[, c(xname, yname)]
coef_offset <- min(coefficient_df)
## This is dumb.
coefficient_df <- coefficient_df + (coef_offset * -1.0)
} else if (type == "limma") {
coefficient_df <- as.data.frame(output[["pairwise_comparisons"]][["coefficients"]])
if (is.null(coefficients[[x]]) || is.null(coefficients[[y]])) {
message("Did not find ", x, " or ", y, ".")
coefficient_df <- coefficients[, c(x, y)]
} else if (type == "deseq") {
if (is.null(coefficients[[xname]]) || is.null(coefficients[[yname]])) {
message("Did not find ", xname, " or ", yname, ".")
coefficient_df <- coefficients[, c(xname, yname)]
} else if (type == "ebseq") {
tables <- names(output[["all_tables"]])
verted <- glue("{xname}_vs_{yname}")
inverted <- glue("{yname}_vs_{xname}")
coefficient_df <- data.frame()
if (verted %in% tables) {
table_idx <- verted == tables
table <- output[["all_tables"]][[tables[table_idx]]]
coefficient_df <- table[, c("ebseq_c1mean", "ebseq_c2mean")]
} else if (inverted %in% tables) {
table_idx <- inverted == tables
table <- output[["all_tables"]][[tables[table_idx]]]
coefficient_df <- table[, c("ebseq_c2mean", "ebseq_c1mean")]
} else {
stop("Did not find the table for ebseq.")
colnames(coefficient_df) <- c(xname, yname)
coefficient_df[[1]] <- log2(coefficient_df[[1]])
coefficient_df[[2]] <- log2(coefficient_df[[2]])
} else if (type == "basic") {
coefficient_df <- output[["medians"]]
if (is.null(coefficient_df[[xname]]) || is.null(coefficient_df[[yname]])) {
message("Did not find ", xname, " or ", yname, ".")
coefficient_df <- coefficient_df[, c(xname, yname)]
maxvalue <- max(coefficient_df) + 1.0
minvalue <- min(coefficient_df) - 1.0
plot <- plot_linear_scatter(df = coefficient_df, loess = loess, first = xname, second = yname,
alpha = alpha, pretty_colors = FALSE,
color_low = color_low, color_high = color_high,
n = n, z = z, logfc = logfc, z_lines = z_lines)
plot[["scatter"]] <- plot[["scatter"]] +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = c(minvalue, maxvalue)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(minvalue, maxvalue))
plot[["df"]] <- coefficient_df
#' Create venn diagrams describing how well deseq/limma/edger agree.
#' The sets of genes provided by limma and friends would ideally always agree,
#' but they do not. Use this to see out how much the (dis)agree.
#' @param table Which table to query?
#' @param adjp Use adjusted p-values
#' @param p p-value cutoff, I forget what for right now.
#' @param lfc What fold-change cutoff to include?
#' @param ... More arguments are passed to arglist.
#' @return A list of venn plots
#' @seealso [Vennerable] [get_sig_genes()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bunchovenns <- de_venn(pairwise_result)
#' }
#' @export
de_venn <- function(table, adjp = FALSE, p = 0.05, lfc = 0, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
if (!is.null(table[["data"]])) {
## Then this is the result of combine_de
retlist <- list()
for (i in seq_along(names(table[["data"]]))) {
a_table <- table[["data"]][[i]]
retlist[[i]] <- de_venn(a_table, adjp = adjp, p = p, lfc = lfc, arglist)
limma_p <- "limma_p"
deseq_p <- "deseq_p"
edger_p <- "edger_p"
if (isTRUE(adjp)) {
limma_p <- "limma_adjp"
deseq_p <- "deseq_adjp"
edger_p <- "edger_adjp"
sig_data <- list()
up_venn_lst <- list()
down_venn_lst <- list()
if (!is.null(table[["limma_logfc"]])) {
sig_data[["limma"]] <- sm(get_sig_genes(
table, lfc = lfc,
column = "limma_logfc", p_column = limma_p, p = p))
up_venn_lst[["limma"]] <- rownames(sig_data[["limma"]][["up_genes"]])
down_venn_lst[["limma"]] <- rownames(sig_data[["limma"]][["down_genes"]])
if (!is.null(table[["deseq_logfc"]])) {
sig_data[["deseq"]] <- sm(get_sig_genes(
table, lfc = lfc,
column = "deseq_logfc", p_column = deseq_p, p = p))
up_venn_lst[["deseq"]] <- rownames(sig_data[["deseq"]][["up_genes"]])
down_venn_lst[["deseq"]] <- rownames(sig_data[["deseq"]][["down_genes"]])
if (!is.null(table[["edger_logfc"]])) {
sig_data[["edger"]] <- sm(get_sig_genes(
table, lfc = lfc,
column = "edger_logfc", p_column = edger_p, p = p))
up_venn_lst[["edger"]] <- rownames(sig_data[["edger"]][["up_genes"]])
down_venn_lst[["edger"]] <- rownames(sig_data[["edger"]][["down_genes"]])
up_venn <- Vennerable::Venn(Sets = up_venn_lst)
down_venn <- Vennerable::Venn(Sets = down_venn_lst)
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "venn", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
up_res <- Vennerable::plot(up_venn, doWeights = FALSE)
up_venn_noweight <- grDevices::recordPlot()
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
down_res <- Vennerable::plot(down_venn, doWeights = FALSE)
down_venn_noweight <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
retlist <- list(
"up_venn" = up_venn,
"up_noweight" = up_venn_noweight,
"down_venn" = down_venn,
"down_noweight" = down_venn_noweight)
#' A small rat's nest of if statements intended to figure out what columns
#' are wanted to plot a MA/Volcano from any one of a diverse set of possible
#' input types.
#' I split this function away from the main body of extract_de_plots()
#' so that I can come back to it and strip it down to something a bit
#' more legible. Eventually I want to dispatch this logic off to
#' separate functions depending on the class of the input.
#' This function should die in a fire.
#' @param data Data structure in which to hunt columns/data.
#' @param type Type of method used to make the data.
#' @param p_type Use adjusted p-values?
#' @param adjp I think this is reundant.
get_plot_columns <- function(data, type, p_type = "adj", adjp = TRUE) {
ret <- list(
"p_col" = "P.Val",
"fc_col" = "logFC",
"expr_col" = "baseMean",
"wanted_table" = NULL,
"invert" = FALSE,
"input" = NULL,
"table_source" = "data")
## Possibilities include: all_pairwise, deseq_pairwise, limma_pairwise,
## edger_pairwise, basic_pairwise, combine_de_tables.
if (!is.null(data[["method"]])) {
if (data[["method"]] != type) {
stop("The requested pairwise type and the provided input type do not match.")
## If the user did not ask for a specific table, assume the first one
wanted_table <- NULL
found_table <- NULL
if (is.null(found_table)) {
wanted_table <- 1
} else {
wanted_table <- found_table
if ("combined_de" %in% class(data)) {
wanted_tablename <- data[["kept"]][[wanted_table]]
actual_tablenames <- data[["keepers"]][[wanted_table]]
actual_numerator <- actual_tablenames[[1]]
actual_denominator <- actual_tablenames[[2]]
actual_tablename <- paste0(actual_numerator, "_vs_", actual_denominator)
if (actual_tablename != wanted_tablename) {
ret[["invert"]] <- TRUE
wanted_table <- wanted_tablename
input <- data[["input"]]
} else if ("combined_table" %in% class(data)) {
table_source <- "combined_table"
} else if (class(data)[1] == "all_pairwise") {
## if it is in fact all_pairwise, then there should be a set of
## slots 'limma', 'deseq', 'edger', 'basic' from which we can
## essentially convert the input by extracting the relevant type.
table_source <- glue("{type}_pairwise")
data <- data[[type]]
} else if (!is.null(data[["method"]])) {
table_source <- glue("{data[['method']]}_pairwise")
} else {
stop("Unable to determine the source of this data.")
## Depending on the source, choose appropriate column names.
## The expression column is the same across combined and _pairwise tables.
## The fc and p columns change depending on context.
## So does the set of possible tables.
expr_col <- NULL
fc_col <- NULL
p_col <- NULL
all_tables <- NULL
if (table_source == "combined_table") {
if (type == "deseq") {
expr_col <- "deseq_basemean"
} else if (type == "edger") {
expr_col <- "edger_logcpm"
} else if (type == "limma") {
expr_col <- "limma_ave"
} else if (type == "basic") {
expr_col <- "basic_nummed"
} else if (type =="ebseq") {
expr_col <- "ebseq_mean"
fc_col <- glue("{type}_logfc")
if (p_type == "adj" || isTRUE(adjp)) {
p_col <- glue("{type}_adjp")
} else if (p_type == "ihw" || p_type == "all") {
p_col <- glue("{type}_adjp_ihw")
} else {
p_col <- glue("{type}_p")
all_tables <- NULL
} else if (table_source == "deseq_pairwise") {
## This column will need to be changed from base 10 to log scale.
expr_col <- "baseMean"
fc_col <- "logFC" ## The most common
if (p_type == "adj") {
p_col <- "adj.P.Val"
} else {
p_col <- "P.Value"
all_tables <- data[["all_tables"]]
} else if (table_source == "edger_pairwise") {
expr_col <- "logCPM"
fc_col <- "logFC" ## The most common
if (p_type == "adj") {
p_col <- "FDR"
} else {
p_col <- "PValue"
all_tables <- data[["all_tables"]]
} else if (table_source == "limma_pairwise") {
expr_col <- "AveExpr"
fc_col <- "logFC" ## The most common
if (p_type == "adj") {
p_col <- "adj.P.Val"
} else {
p_col <- "P.Value"
all_tables <- data[["all_tables"]]
} else if (table_source == "basic_pairwise") {
## basic_pairwise() may have columns which are 'numerator_median' or 'numerator_mean'.
expr_col <- "numerator"
if (!is.null(data[["all_tables"]][[1]][["numerator_mean"]])) {
expr_col <- "numerator_mean"
fc_col <- "logFC" ## The most common
if (p_type == "adj") {
p_col <- "adjp"
} else {
p_col <- "p"
all_tables <- data[["all_tables"]]
} else if (table_source == "ebseq_pairwise") {
expr_col <- "ebseq_mean"
fc_col <- "logFC"
if (p_type == "adj") {
p_col <- "ebseq_adjp"
} else {
p_col <- "ebseq_ppde"
all_tables <- data[["all_tables"]]
} else if (table_source == "combined") {
if (type == "deseq") {
expr_col <- "deseq_basemean"
} else if (type == "edger") {
expr_col <- "edger_logcpm"
} else if (type == "limma") {
expr_col <- "limma_ave"
} else if (type == "basic") {
expr_col <- "basic_nummed"
} else if (type =="ebseq") {
expr_col <- "ebseq_mean"
fc_col <- glue("{type}_logfc")
if (p_type == "adj") {
p_col <- glue("{type}_adjp")
} else {
p_col <- glue("{type}_p")
all_tables <- data[["data"]]
} else {
stop("Something went wrong, we should have only _pairwise and combined here.")
mesg(" Using logFC column: ", fc_col, ".")
mesg(" Using adjusted p-value column: ", p_col, ".")
mesg(" Using expression column: ", expr_col, ".")
possible_tables <- names(all_tables)
the_table <- NULL
## Now that we have the columns, figure out which table.
if (is.null(all_tables)) {
the_table <- data[["data"]]
} else if ("data.frame" %in% class(all_tables)) {
## This came from the creation of combine_de_tables()
the_table <- all_tables
} else if (is.numeric(wanted_table)) {
## It is possible to just request the 1st, second, etc table
##the_table <- pairwise[["data"]][[table]]
the_table <- all_tables[[wanted_table]]
} else if (grepl(pattern = "_vs_", x = wanted_table)) {
## The requested table might be a_vs_b, but sometimes a and b get flipped.
## Figure that out here and return the appropriate table.
the_table <- wanted_table
revname <- strsplit(x = the_table, split = "_vs_")
revname <- glue("{revname[[1]][2]}_vs_{revname[[1]][1]}")
if (!(the_table %in% possible_tables) && revname %in% possible_tables) {
mesg("Trey you doofus, you reversed the name of the table.")
the_table <- all_tables[[revname]]
} else if (!(the_table %in% possible_tables) && !(revname %in% possible_tables)) {
message("Unable to find the table in the set of possible tables.")
message("The possible tables are: ", toString(possible_tables))
} else {
the_table <- all_tables[[the_table]]
} else if (length(wanted_table) == 1) {
## One might request a name from the keepers list
## If so, figure that out here.
table_parts <- data[["keepers"]][[table]]
if (is.null(table_parts)) {
message("Unable to find the table in the set of possible tables.")
message("The possible tables are: ", toString(possible_tables))
the_table <- all_tables[[table]]
} else if (length(wanted_table) == 2) {
## Perhaps one will ask for c(numerator, denominator)
the_table <- glue("{wanted_table[[1]]}_vs_{wanted_table[[2]]}")
revname <- strsplit(x = the_table, split = "_vs_")
revname <- glue("{revname[[1]][2]}_vs_{revname[[1]][1]}")
possible_tables <- names(data[["data"]])
if (!(the_table %in% possible_tables) && revname %in% possible_tables) {
mesg("Trey you doofus, you reversed the name of the table.")
the_table <- all_tables[[revname]]
} else if (!(the_table %in% possible_tables) && !(revname %in% possible_tables)) {
stop("Unable to find the table in the set of possible tables.")
} else {
##the_table <- pairwise[["data"]][[the_table]]
the_table <- all_tables[[the_table]]
} else {
stop("Unable to discern the table requested.")
## DESeq2 returns the median values as base 10, but we are using log2 (or log10?)
if (type == "deseq") {
the_table[["log_basemean"]] <- log2(x = the_table[[expr_col]] + 1.0)
expr_col <- "log_basemean"
## Check that the wanted table is numeric
if (is.numeric(wanted_table)) {
wanted_table <- names(data[["all_tables"]])[wanted_table]
ret[["the_table"]] <- the_table
ret[["expr_col"]] <- expr_col
ret[["fc_col"]] <- fc_col
ret[["p_col"]] <- p_col
ret[["wanted_table"]] <- wanted_table
#' Given a DE table with p-values, plot them.
#' Plot a multi-histogram containing (adjusted)p-values.
#' The assumption of this plot is that the adjustment will significantly
#' decrease the representation of genes in the 'highly significant' range of
#' p-values. However, it is hoped that it will not utterly remove them.
#' @param combined_data Table to extract the values from.
#' @param type If provided, extract the {type}_p and {type}_adjp columns.
#' @param p_type Which type of pvalue to show (adjusted, raw, or all)?
#' @param columns Otherwise, extract whatever columns are provided.
#' @param ... Arguments passed through to the histogram plotter
#' @return Multihistogram of the result.
#' @seealso [plot_histogram()]
plot_de_pvals <- function(combined_data, type = "limma", p_type = "both", columns = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(type) & is.null(columns)) {
stop("Some columns are required to extract p-values.")
if (p_type == "all") {
columns <- c(paste0(type, "_p"), paste0(type, "_adjp"), paste0(type, "_adjp_ihw"))
} else if (p_type == "both") {
columns <- c(paste0(type, "_p"), paste0(type, "_adjp"))
} else if (is.null(columns)) {
columns <- c(paste0(type, "_p"), paste0(type, "_adjp"))
} else {
columns <- c(paste0(type, "_p"), paste0(type, "_adjp"), paste0(type, "_adjp_", tolower(p_type)))
p_type <- "all"
plot_df <- combined_data[, columns]
for (c in seq_len(ncol(plot_df))) {
plot_df[[c]] <- as.numeric(plot_df[[c]])
if (p_type == "all") {
p_stuff <- plot_multihistogram(plot_df, colors = c("darkred", "darkblue", "forestgreen"),
} else if (p_type == "both") {
p_stuff <- plot_multihistogram(plot_df, colors = c("darkred", "darkblue"), ...)
} else if (p_type == "raw") {
p_stuff <- plot_histogram(plot_df[[1]])
} else {
p_stuff <- plot_histogram(plot_df[[2]])
#' Given a DE table with fold changes and p-values, show how 'significant'
#' changes with changing cutoffs.
#' Sometimes one might want to know how many genes are deemed significant while
#' shifting the bars which define significant. This provides that metrics as a
#' set of tables of numbers of significant up/down genes when p-value is held
#' constant, as well as number when fold-change is held constant.
#' @param table DE table to examine.
#' @param methods List of methods to use when plotting.
#' @param bins Number of incremental changes in p-value/FC to examine.
#' @param constant_p When plotting changing FC, where should the p-value be held?
#' @param constant_fc When plotting changing p, where should the FC be held?
#' @return Plots and dataframes describing the changing definition of 'significant.'
#' @seealso [ggplot2]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pairwise_result <- all_pairwise(expt)
#' crazy_sigplots <- plot_num_siggenes(pairwise_result)
#' }
#' @export
plot_num_siggenes <- function(table, methods = c("limma", "edger", "deseq", "ebseq"),
bins = 100, constant_p = 0.05, constant_fc = 0) {
min_fc <- -1
max_fc <- 1
lfc_columns <- c()
p_columns <- c()
kept_methods <- c()
for (m in methods) {
colname <- glue("{m}_logfc")
if (!is.null(table[[colname]])) {
lfc_columns <- c(lfc_columns, colname)
pcol <- glue("{m}_adjp")
kept_methods <- c(kept_methods, m)
p_columns <- c(p_columns, pcol)
test_fc <- min(table[[colname]])
if (test_fc < min_fc) {
min_fc <- test_fc
test_fc <- max(table[[colname]])
if (test_fc > max_fc) {
max_fc <- test_fc
num_genes <- nrow(table)
neutral_fc <- 0.0
min_p <- 0.0
max_p <- 1.0
up_increments <- max_fc / bins
down_increments <- min_fc / bins
p_increments <- (max_p - min_p) / bins
constant_up_fc <- constant_fc
constant_down_fc <- constant_fc * -1.0
start_up <- max_fc
start_down <- min_fc
start_p <- 0.00
current_up_fc <- start_up
current_down_fc <- start_down
current_p <- start_p
up_nums <- data.frame()
down_nums <- data.frame()
pup_nums <- data.frame()
pdown_nums <- data.frame()
for (inc in seq_len(bins)) {
current_up_fc <- current_up_fc - up_increments
current_down_fc <- current_down_fc - down_increments
current_p <- current_p + p_increments
up_nums_row <- c()
down_nums_row <- c()
pup_nums_row <- c()
pdown_nums_row <- c()
for (c in seq_along(lfc_columns)) {
lfc_col <- lfc_columns[c]
p_col <- p_columns[c]
num_up <- sum(table[[lfc_col]] >= current_up_fc & table[[p_col]] <= constant_p)
num_down <- sum(table[[lfc_col]] <= current_down_fc & table[[p_col]] <= constant_p)
num_pup <- sum(table[[lfc_col]] >= constant_up_fc & table[[p_col]] <= current_p)
num_pdown <- sum(table[[lfc_col]] <= constant_down_fc & table[[p_col]] <= current_p)
up_nums_row <- c(up_nums_row, num_up)
down_nums_row <- c(down_nums_row, num_down)
pup_nums_row <- c(pup_nums_row, num_pup)
pdown_nums_row <- c(pdown_nums_row, num_pdown)
up_nums <- rbind(up_nums, c(current_up_fc, up_nums_row))
down_nums <- rbind(down_nums, c(current_down_fc, down_nums_row))
pup_nums <- rbind(pup_nums, c(current_p, pup_nums_row))
pdown_nums <- rbind(pdown_nums, c(current_p, pdown_nums_row))
colnames(pup_nums) <- c("p", kept_methods)
pup_nums <- reshape2::melt(pup_nums, id.vars = "p")
colnames(pup_nums) <- c("p", "method", "value")
colnames(pdown_nums) <- c("p", kept_methods)
pdown_nums <- reshape2::melt(pdown_nums, id.vars = "p")
colnames(pdown_nums) <- c("p", "method", "value")
colnames(up_nums) <- c("fc", kept_methods)
up_nums <- reshape2::melt(up_nums, id.vars = "fc")
colnames(up_nums) <- c("fc", "method", "value")
colnames(down_nums) <- c("fc", kept_methods)
down_nums <- reshape2::melt(down_nums, id.vars = "fc")
colnames(down_nums) <- c("fc", "method", "value")
up_plot <- ggplot(data = up_nums,
aes(x = .data[["fc"]], y = .data[["value"]],
color = .data[["method"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 1.0, colour = "red") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size)
down_plot <- ggplot(data = down_nums,
aes(x = .data[["fc"]], y = .data[["value"]],
color = .data[["method"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=-1.0, colour = "red") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size)
pup_plot <- ggplot(data = pup_nums,
aes(x = .data[["p"]], y = .data[["value"]],
color = .data[["method"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 0.05, colour = "red") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size)
pdown_plot <- ggplot(data = pdown_nums,
aes(x = .data[["p"]], y = .data[["value"]],
color = .data[["method"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 0.05, colour = "red") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size)
retlist <- list(
"up" = up_plot,
"down" = down_plot,
"pup" = pup_plot,
"pdown" = pdown_plot,
"up_data" = up_nums,
"down_data" = down_nums,
"pup_data" = pup_nums,
"pdown_data" = pdown_nums)
#' Make a pretty MA plot from one of limma, deseq, edger, or basic.
#' Because I can never remember, the following from wikipedia: "An MA plot is an
#' application of a Bland-Altman plot for visual representation of two channel
#' DNA microarray gene expression data which has been transformed onto the M
#' (log ratios) and A (mean average) scale."
#' @param table Df of linear-modelling, normalized counts by sample-type,
#' @param expr_col Column showing the average expression across genes.
#' @param fc_col Column showing the logFC for each gene.
#' @param p_col Column containing the relevant p values.
#' @param pval Name of the pvalue column to use for cutoffs.
#' @param alpha How transparent to make the dots.
#' @param logfc Fold change cutoff.
#' @param label_numbers Show how many genes were 'significant', 'up', and 'down'?
#' @param size How big are the dots?
#' @param shapes Provide different shapes for up/down/etc?
#' @param invert Invert the ma plot?
#' @param label Label the top/bottom n logFC values?
#' @param label_column gene annotation column from which to extract labels.
#' @param ... More options for you
#' @return ggplot2 MA scatter plot. This is defined as the rowmeans of the
#' normalized counts by type across all sample types on the x axis, and the
#' log fold change between conditions on the y-axis. Dots are colored
#' depending on if they are 'significant.' This will make a fun clicky
#' googleVis graph if requested.
#' @seealso [limma_pairwise()] [deseq_pairwise()] [edger_pairwise()] [basic_pairwise()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_ma(voomed_data, table)
#' ## Currently this assumes that a variant of toptable was used which
#' ## gives adjusted p-values. This is not always the case and I should
#' ## check for that, but I have not yet.
#' }
#' @export
plot_ma_de <- function(table, expr_col = "logCPM", fc_col = "logFC", p_col = "qvalue",
pval = 0.05, alpha = 0.4, logfc = 1.0, label_numbers = TRUE,
size = 2, shapes = TRUE, invert = FALSE, label = NULL,
label_column = "hgncsymbol", ...) {
## Set up the data frame which will describe the plot
arglist <- list(...)
## I like dark blue and dark red for significant and insignificant genes respectively.
## Others may disagree and change that with sig_color, insig_color.
sig_color <- "darkred"
if (!is.null(arglist[["sig_color"]])) {
sig_color <- arglist[["sig_color"]]
insig_color <- "darkblue"
if (!is.null(arglist[["insig_color"]])) {
insig_color <- arglist[["insig_color"]]
## A recent request was to color gene families within these plots.
## Below there is a short function, recolor_points() which handles this.
## The following 2 arguments are used for that.
## That function should work for other things like volcano or scatter plots.
family <- NULL
if (!is.null(arglist[["family"]])) {
family <- arglist[["family"]]
family_color <- "red"
if (!is.null(arglist[["family_color"]])) {
family_color <- arglist[["family_color"]]
## The data frame used for these MA plots needs to include a few aspects of the state
## Including: average expression (the y axis), log-fold change, p-value, a
## boolean of the p-value state, and a factor of the state which will be
## counted and provide some information on the side of the plot. One might
## note that I am pre-filling in this data frame with 4 blank entries. This is
## to make absolutely certain that ggplot will not re-order my damn
## categories.
df <- data.frame(
"avg" = c(0, 0, 0),
"logfc" = c(0, 0, 0),
"pval" = c(0, 0, 0),
"pcut" = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
"state" = c("a_upsig", "b_downsig", "c_insig"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
## Get rid of rows which will be annoying.
## If somehow a list got into the data table, this will fail, lets fix that now.
tmp_table <- table
for (c in seq_len(ncol(tmp_table))) {
tmp_table[[c]] <- as.character(table[[c]])
rows_without_na <- complete.cases(tmp_table)
table <- table[rows_without_na, ]
## Extract the information of interest from my original table
newdf <- data.frame("avg" = table[[expr_col]],
"logfc" = table[[fc_col]],
"pval" = table[[p_col]])
if (!is.null(table[[label_column]])) {
newdf[["label"]] <- table[[label_column]]
rownames(newdf) <- make.names(rownames(table), unique = TRUE)
} else {
newdf[["label"]] <- rownames(table)
rownames(newdf) <- rownames(table)
if (isTRUE(invert)) {
newdf[["logfc"]] <- newdf[["logfc"]] * -1.0
## Check if the data is on a log or base10 scale, if the latter, then convert it.
if (max(newdf[["avg"]]) > 1000) {
newdf[["avg"]] <- log(newdf[["avg"]])
## Set up the state of significant/insiginificant vs. p-value and/or fold-change.
newdf[["pval"]] <- as.numeric(format(newdf[["pval"]], scientific = FALSE))
newdf[["pcut"]] <- newdf[["pval"]] <= pval
newdf[["state"]] <- ifelse(newdf[["pval"]] > pval, "c_insig",
ifelse(newdf[["pval"]] <= pval &
newdf[["logfc"]] >= logfc, "a_upsig",
ifelse(newdf[["pval"]] <= pval &
newdf[["logfc"]] <= (-1.0 * logfc),
"b_downsig", "c_insig")))
newdf[["state"]] <- as.factor(newdf[["state"]])
df <- rbind(df, newdf)
## Subtract one from each value because I filled in a fake value of each category to start.
num_downsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "b_downsig") - 1
num_insig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "c_insig") - 1
num_upsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "a_upsig") - 1
## Make double-certain that my states are only factors or numbers where necessary.
df[["avg"]] <- as.numeric(df[[1]])
df[["logfc"]] <- as.numeric(df[[2]])
df[["pval"]] <- as.numeric(df[[3]])
df[["pcut"]] <- as.factor(df[[4]])
df[["state"]] <- as.factor(df[[5]])
df[["label"]] <- rownames(df)
## Set up the labels for the legend by significance.
## 4 states, 4 shapes -- these happen to be the 4 best shapes in R because they may be filled.
## shape 24 is the up arrow, 25 the down arrow, 21 the circle.
state_shapes <- 21
if (isTRUE(state_shapes)) {
state_shapes <- c(24, 25, 21)
names(state_shapes) <- c("a_upsig", "b_downsig", "c_insig")
} else {
state_shapes <- c(21, 21, 21)
names(state_shapes) <- c("a_upsig", "b_downsig", "c_insig")
## make the plot!
plt <- ggplot(data = df,
## I am setting x, y, fill color, outline color, and the shape.
aes(x = .data[["avg"]],
y = .data[["logfc"]],
label = .data[["label"]],
fill = as.factor(.data[["pcut"]]),
colour = as.factor(.data[["pcut"]]),
shape = as.factor(.data[["state"]]))) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = c((logfc * -1.0), logfc),
color = "red", size=(size / 3)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha)
if (isTRUE(label_numbers)) {
plt <- plt +
## The following scale_shape_manual() sets the labels of the legend on the right side.
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "State", values = state_shapes,
labels = c(
glue("Up Sig.: {num_upsig}"),
glue("Down Sig.: {num_downsig}"),
glue("Insig.: {num_insig}")),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = aes(size = 3,
fill = "grey")))
} else {
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "State", values = state_shapes,
guide = "none")
plt <- plt +
## Set the colors of the significant/insignificant points.
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "as.factor(pcut)",
values = c("FALSE"=insig_color, "TRUE"=sig_color),
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "as.factor(pcut)",
values = c("FALSE"=insig_color, "TRUE"=sig_color),
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = base_size, colour = "black")) +
ggplot2::xlab("Average log2(Counts)") +
ggplot2::ylab("log2(fold change)")
## Recolor a family of genes if requested.
if (!is.null(family)) {
plt <- recolor_points(plt, df, family, color = family_color)
if (!is.null(label)) {
reordered_idx <- order(df[["logfc"]])
reordered <- df[reordered_idx, ]
top <- head(reordered, n = label)
bottom <- tail(reordered, n = label)
df_subset <- rbind(top, bottom)
plt <- plt +
data = df_subset,
aes(label = .data[["label"]], x = .data[["avg"]], y = .data[["logfc"]]),
colour = "black", box.padding = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "lines"),
point.padding = ggplot2::unit(1.6, "lines"),
arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.01, "npc")))
## Return the plot, some numbers, and the data frame used to make the plot so
## that I may check my work.
retlist <- list(
"num_upsig" = num_upsig,
"num_downsig" = num_downsig,
"num_insig" = num_insig,
"plot" = plt,
"df" = df)
#' Create a MA plot with colors from the original expressionset.
#' The logic for this is directly from its volcano plot sister, but I think that function
#' is more complete.
#' @param input Result from all_pairwise() and friends.
#' @param table_name Name the table!
#' @param expr_col Column name from the input containing expression data.
#' @param fc_col Ibid but the fold change column.
#' @param p_col Ibid but the p-value.
#' @param color_high Color for the values above the identity line.
#' @param color_low and the low side.
#' @param pval Significance cutoff.
#' @param alpha Degree of see-through-ness.
#' @param logfc Fold-change cutoff.
#' @param label_numbers Add a legend containing counts by significance.
#' @param size Relative size of the dots.
#' @param shapes Use fun shapes for categories?
#' @param invert Invert the plot?
#' @param label Add labels for this number of genes.
#' @param label_column Use this column for the labels.
#' @param ... Arbitrary passthrough.
plot_ma_condition_de <- function(input, table_name, expr_col = "logCPM",
fc_col = "logFC", p_col = "qvalue",
color_high = "red", color_low = "blue",
pval = 0.05, alpha = 0.4, logfc = 1.0, label_numbers = TRUE,
size = 2, shapes = TRUE, invert = FALSE,
label = 10, label_column = "hgncsymbol", ...) {
## Set up the data frame which will describe the plot
## Example caller:
## ma_material <- plot_ma_condition_de(
## pairwise, table = the_table, expr_col = expr_col, fc_col = fc_col, p_col = p_col,
## logfc = logfc, pval = pval, invert = invert,
arglist <- list(...)
## A recent request was to color gene families within these plots.
## Below there is a short function, recolor_points() which handles this.
## The following 2 arguments are used for that.
## That function should work for other things like volcano or scatter plots.
family <- NULL
if (!is.null(arglist[["family"]])) {
family <- arglist[["family"]]
family_color <- "red"
if (!is.null(arglist[["family_color"]])) {
family_color <- arglist[["family_color"]]
## The data frame used for these MA plots needs to include a few aspects of the state
## Including: average expression (the y axis), log-fold change, p-value, a
## boolean of the p-value state, and a factor of the state which will be
## counted and provide some information on the side of the plot. One might
## note that I am pre-filling in this data frame with 4 blank entries. This is
## to make absolutely certain that ggplot will not re-order my damn
## categories.
df <- data.frame(
"avg" = c(0, 0, 0),
"logfc" = c(0, 0, 0),
"pval" = c(0, 0, 0),
"pcut" = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
"state" = c("a_upsig", "b_downsig", "c_insig"),
"label" = c("", "", ""),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
## Extract the information of interest from my original table
newdf <- data.frame("avg" = input[[expr_col]],
"logfc" = input[[fc_col]],
"pval" = input[[p_col]])
if (is.null(label_column)) {
newdf[["label"]] <- rownames(input)
} else if (label_column %in% colnames(input)) {
newdf[["label"]] <- input[[label_column]]
} else {
message("The column: ", label_column, " is not in the data, using rownames.")
newdf[["label"]] <- rownames(input)
rownames(newdf) <- rownames(input)
rows_without_na <- complete.cases(newdf)
newdf <- newdf[rows_without_na, ]
if (isTRUE(invert)) {
newdf[["logfc"]] <- newdf[["logfc"]] * -1.0
## Check if the data is on a log or base10 scale, if the latter, then convert it.
if (max(newdf[["avg"]]) > 1000) {
newdf[["avg"]] <- log(newdf[["avg"]])
## Set up the state of significant/insiginificant vs. p-value and/or fold-change.
newdf[["pval"]] <- as.numeric(format(newdf[["pval"]], scientific = FALSE))
newdf[["pcut"]] <- newdf[["pval"]] <= pval
newdf[["state"]] <- "c_insig"
newdf[["state"]] <- ifelse(newdf[["pval"]] > pval, "c_insig",
ifelse(newdf[["pval"]] <= pval &
newdf[["logfc"]] >= logfc, "a_upsig",
ifelse(newdf[["pval"]] <= pval &
newdf[["logfc"]] <= (-1.0 * logfc),
"b_downsig", "c_insig")))
newdf[["state"]] <- as.factor(newdf[["state"]])
df <- rbind(df, newdf)
## Subtract one from each value because I filled in a fake value of each category to start.
num_downsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "b_downsig") - 1
num_insig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "c_insig") - 1
num_upsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "a_upsig") - 1
## Make double-certain that my states are only factors or numbers where necessary.
df[["avg"]] <- as.numeric(df[["avg"]])
df[["logfc"]] <- as.numeric(df[["logfc"]])
df[["pval"]] <- as.numeric(df[["pval"]])
df[["pcut"]] <- as.factor(df[["pcut"]])
df[["state"]] <- as.factor(df[["state"]])
## Set up the labels for the legend by significance.
## 4 states, 4 shapes -- these happen to be the 4 best shapes in R because they may be filled.
## shape 24 is the up arrow, 25 the down arrow, 21 the circle.
state_shapes <- 21
if (isTRUE(state_shapes)) {
state_shapes <- c(24, 25, 21)
names(state_shapes) <- c("a_upsig", "b_downsig", "c_insig")
} else {
state_shapes <- c(21, 21, 21)
names(state_shapes) <- c("a_upsig", "b_downsig", "c_insig")
## I am not sure why something is setting color high/low to NULL.
if (is.null(color_high)) {
color_high <- "red"
if (is.null(color_low)) {
color_low <- "blue"
plot_colors <- c("#555555", color_high, color_low)
names(plot_colors) <- c("c_insig", "a_upsig", "b_downsig")
## make the plot!
plt <- ggplot(data = df,
## I am setting x, y, fill color, outline color, and the shape.
aes(x = .data[["avg"]],
y = .data[["logfc"]],
label = .data[["label"]],
fill = as.factor(.data[["state"]]),
colour = as.factor(.data[["state"]]),
shape = as.factor(.data[["state"]]))) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = c((logfc * -1.0), logfc),
color = "red", size=(size / 3)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha)
if (isTRUE(label_numbers)) {
plt <- plt +
## The following scale_shape_manual() sets the labels of the legend on the right side.
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "State", values = state_shapes,
labels = c(
glue("Up Sig.: {num_upsig}"),
glue("Down Sig.: {num_downsig}"),
glue("Insig.: {num_insig}")),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = aes(size = 3,
fill = "grey")))
} else {
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "State", values = state_shapes,
guide = "none")
plt <- plt +
## Set the colors of the significant/insignificant points.
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "state",
values = plot_colors,
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "state",
values = plot_colors,
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = base_size, colour = "black")) +
ggplot2::xlab("Average log2(Counts)") +
ggplot2::ylab("log2(fold change)")
## Recolor a family of genes if requested.
if (!is.null(family)) {
plt <- recolor_points(plt, df, family, color = family_color)
if (!is.null(label)) {
reordered_idx <- order(df[["logfc"]])
reordered <- df[reordered_idx, ]
## I am now taking 1/2 of the number of desired labeled genes on each side.
## I think this more accurately fits the spirit of this idea.
top <- head(reordered, n = (ceiling(label / 2)))
bottom <- tail(reordered, n = (ceiling(label / 2)))
df_subset <- rbind(top, bottom)
plt <- plt +
data = df_subset,
aes(label = .data[["label"]], x = .data[["avg"]], y = .data[["logfc"]]),
colour = "black", box.padding = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "lines"),
point.padding = ggplot2::unit(1.6, "lines"),
arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.01, "npc")))
## Return the plot, some numbers, and the data frame used to make the plot so
## that I may check my work.
retlist <- list(
"num_upsig" = num_upsig,
"num_downsig" = num_downsig,
"num_insig" = num_insig,
"plot" = plt,
"df" = df)
#' Make a sankey plot showing how the number of genes deemed significant is constrained.
#' Ideally, this should show how adding various Fc/p-value constraints
#' on the definition of 'significant' decreases the number of genes
#' one is likely to look at.
#' @param de_table The result from combine_de_tables()
#' @param lfc FC constraint.
#' @param p P-value constraint.
#' @param lfc_column Dataframe column from which to acquire the FC
#' values.
#' @param p_column Dataframe column from which to acquire the
#' p-values.
#' @return A fun sankey plot!
plot_sankey_de <- function(de_table, lfc = 1.0, p = 0.05,
lfc_column = "deseq_logfc", p_column = "deseq_adjp") {
de_table[["start"]] <- "all"
de_table[["lfc"]] <- "up"
down_idx <- de_table[[lfc_column]] < 0
de_table[down_idx, "lfc"] <- "down"
up_idx <- de_table[[lfc_column]] > lfc
de_table[up_idx, "lfc"] <- "sigup"
down_idx <- de_table[[lfc_column]] < -1.0 * lfc
de_table[down_idx, "lfc"] <- "sigdown"
de_table[["adjusted_p"]] <- "insignificant"
sig_idx <- de_table[[p_column]] <= p
de_table[sig_idx, "adjusted_p"] <- "significant"
meta <- de_table[, c("start", "lfc", "adjusted_p")]
meta[["lfc"]] <- factor(meta[["lfc"]], levels = c("sigup", "up", "down", "sigdown"))
meta[["adjusted_p"]] <- factor(meta[["adjusted_p"]], levels = c("significant", "insignificant"))
# color_choices <-
test <- plot_meta_sankey(meta, drill_down = FALSE, factors = c("lfc", "adjusted_p"))
#' Make a pretty Volcano plot!
#' Volcano plots and MA plots provide quick an easy methods to view the set of
#' (in)significantly differentially expressed genes. In the case of a volcano
#' plot, it places the -log10 of the p-value estimate on the y-axis and the
#' fold-change between conditions on the x-axis. Here is a neat snippet from
#' wikipedia: "The concept of volcano plot can be generalized to other
#' applications, where the x-axis is related to a measure of the strength of a
#' statistical signal, and y-axis is related to a measure of the statistical
#' significance of the signal."
#' @param table Dataframe from limma's toptable which includes log(fold change) and an
#' adjusted p-value.
#' @param alpha How transparent to make the dots.
#' @param color_by By p-value something else?
#' @param color_list List of colors for significance.
#' @param fc_col Which column contains the fc data?
#' @param fc_name Name of the fold-change to put on the plot.
#' @param line_color What color for the significance lines?
#' @param line_position Put the significance lines above or below the dots?
#' @param logfc Cutoff defining the minimum/maximum fold change for
#' interesting.
#' @param p_col Which column contains the p-value data?
#' @param p_name Name of the p-value to put on the plot.
#' @param p Cutoff defining significant from not.
#' @param shapes_by_state Add fun shapes for the various significance states?
#' @param minimum_p If a pvalue is lower than this, then set it to
#' this, thus artificially limiting the y-scale of a volcano plot.
#' This is only valid if one thinks that the pvalues are artificially
#' low and that is messing with the interpretation of the data.
#' @param size How big are the dots?
#' @param invert Flip the x-axis?
#' @param label Label the top/bottom n logFC values?
#' @param label_column Use this column of annotations for labels instead of rownames?
#' @param ... I love parameters!
#' @return Ggplot2 volcano scatter plot. This is defined as the -log10(p-value)
#' with respect to log(fold change). The cutoff values are delineated with
#' lines and mark the boundaries between 'significant' and not. This will
#' make a fun clicky googleVis graph if requested.
#' @seealso [all_pairwise()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_volcano_de(table)
#' ## Currently this assumes that a variant of toptable was used which
#' ## gives adjusted p-values. This is not always the case and I should
#' ## check for that, but I have not yet.
#' }
#' @export
plot_volcano_de <- function(table, alpha = 0.5, color_by = "p",
color_list = c("FALSE" = "darkblue", "TRUE" = "darkred"),
fc_col = "logFC", fc_name = "log2 fold change",
line_color = "black", line_position = "bottom", logfc = 1.0,
p_col = "adj.P.Val", p_name = "-log10 p-value", p = 0.05,
shapes_by_state = FALSE, minimum_p = NULL,
size = 2, invert = FALSE, label = NULL,
label_column = "hgncsymbol", ...) {
low_vert_line <- 0.0 - logfc
horiz_line <- -1 * log10(p)
if (! fc_col %in% colnames(table)) {
stop("Column: ", fc_col, " is not in the table.")
if (! p_col %in% colnames(table)) {
stop("Column: ", p_col, " is not in the table.")
df <- data.frame("xaxis" = as.numeric(table[[fc_col]]),
"yaxis" = as.numeric(table[[p_col]]))
rownames(df) <- rownames(table)
if (!is.null(minimum_p)) {
low_idx <- df[["yaxis"]] < minimum_p
df[low_idx, "yaxis"] <- minimum_p
## Add the label column if it exists.
if (!is.null(label_column) && !is.null(table[[label_column]])) {
df[["label"]] <- table[[label_column]]
} else {
df[["label"]] <- rownames(table)
if (isTRUE(invert)) {
df[["xaxis"]] <- df[["xaxis"]] * -1.0
## This might have been converted to a string
df[["logyaxis"]] <- -1.0 * log10(as.numeric(df[["yaxis"]]))
df[["pcut"]] <- df[["yaxis"]] <= p
df[["fccut"]] <- abs(df[["xaxis"]]) >= logfc
df[["state"]] <- ifelse(table[[p_col]] > p, "pinsig",
ifelse(table[[p_col]] <= p &
table[[fc_col]] >= logfc, "upsig",
ifelse(table[[p_col]] <= p &
table[[fc_col]] <= (-1 * logfc),
"downsig", "fcinsig")))
df[["pcut"]] <- as.factor(df[["pcut"]])
df[["state"]] <- as.factor(df[["state"]])
## shape 25 is the down arrow, 22 is the square, 23 the diamond, 24 the up arrow
state_shapes <- c(25, 22, 23, 24)
names(state_shapes) <- c("downsig", "fcinsig", "pinsig", "upsig")
color_column <- "pcut"
color_column_number <- 2
if (color_by != "p") {
color_column <- "state"
color_column_number <- 4
color_list <- c("downsig" = "blue", "fcinsig" = "darkgrey",
"pinsig" = "darkgrey", "upsig" = "red")
## Now make sure that the color column has the correct number of elements.
if (length(color_list) != color_column_number) {
mesg("The color list must have ", color_column_number,
", setting it to the default.")
## Count the numbers in the categories
num_downsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "downsig")
num_fcinsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "fcinsig")
num_pinsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "pinsig")
num_upsig <- sum(df[["state"]] == "upsig")
plt <- NULL
if (isTRUE(shapes_by_state)) {
plt <- ggplot(data = df,
aes(x = .data[["xaxis"]], y = .data[["logyaxis"]],
label = .data[["label"]],
fill = color_column, colour = color_column, shape = "state"))
} else {
plt <- ggplot(data = df,
aes(x = .data[["xaxis"]], y = .data[["logyaxis"]],
label = .data[["label"]], fill = .data[[color_column]],
colour = .data[[color_column]]))
## Now define when to put lines vs. points
if (line_position == "bottom") {
## lines, then points.
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = horiz_line, color = line_color, size=(size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = logfc, color = line_color, size=(size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = low_vert_line, color = line_color, size=(size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha)
} else {
## points, then lines
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = horiz_line, color = line_color, size=(size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = logfc, color = line_color, size=(size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = low_vert_line, color = line_color, size=(size / 2))
## If shapes are being set by state, add that to the legend now.
if (isTRUE(shapes_by_state)) {
plt <- plt +
name = "state", values = state_shapes,
labels = c(
glue("Down Sig.: {num_downsig}"),
glue("FC Insig.: {num_fcinsig}"),
glue("P Insig.: {num_pinsig}"),
glue("Up Sig.: {num_upsig}")),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = aes(size = 3, fill = "grey")))
## Now set the colors and axis labels
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = color_column, values = color_list,
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = color_column, values = color_list,
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::xlab(label = fc_name) +
ggplot2::ylab(label = p_name) +
## ggplot2::guides(shape = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3))) +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = base_size, colour = "black"))
## axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=-90))
if (!is.null(label)) {
if (is.numeric(label)) {
reordered_idx <- order(df[["xaxis"]])
reordered <- df[reordered_idx, ]
sig_idx <- reordered[["logyaxis"]] > horiz_line
reordered <- reordered[sig_idx, ]
top <- head(reordered, n = label)
bottom <- tail(reordered, n = label)
df_subset <- rbind(top, bottom)
} else if (is.character(label)) {
sig_idx <- rownames(df) %in% label
df_subset <- df[sig_idx, ]
} else {
stop("I do not understand this set of IDs to label.")
plt <- plt +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = df_subset,
aes(label = .data[["label"]], y = .data[["logyaxis"]],
x = .data[["xaxis"]]),
colour = "black", box.padding = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "lines"),
point.padding = ggplot2::unit(1.6, "lines"),
arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.01, "npc")))
retlist <- list("plot" = plt,
"df" = df)
#' Theresa's volcano plots are objectively nicer because they are colored by condition.
#' I therefore took a modified copy of her implementation and added it here.
#' @param input Table of DE values, likely from combine_de_tables().
#' @param table_name Name the table!
#' @param alpha Make see-through.
#' @param fc_col Column containing the fold-change values.
#' @param fc_name Axis label.
#' @param line_color Color for the demarcation lines.
#' @param line_position Put the lines above or below the dots.
#' @param logfc Demarcation line for fold-change significance.
#' @param p_col Column containing the significance information.
#' @param p_name Axis label for the significance.
#' @param pval Demarcation for (in)significance.
#' @param shapes_by_state Change point shapes according to their states?
#' @param color_high Color for the ups.
#' @param color_low and the downs.
#' @param size Point size
#' @param invert Flip the plot?
#' @param label Label some points?
#' @param label_column Using this column in the data.
#' @param label_size Use this font size for the labels on the plot.
#' @export
plot_volcano_condition_de <- function(input, table_name, alpha = 0.5,
fc_col = "logFC", fc_name = "log2 fold change",
line_color = "black", line_position = "bottom", logfc = 1.0,
p_col = "adj.P.Val", p_name = "-log10 p-value", pval = 0.05,
shapes_by_state = FALSE,
color_high = "darkred", color_low = "darkblue",
size = 2, invert = FALSE, label = NULL,
label_column = "hgncsymbol", label_size = 6) {
low_vert_line <- 0.0 - logfc
horiz_line <- -1 * log10(pval)
if (! fc_col %in% colnames(input)) {
stop("Column: ", fc_col, " is not in the table.")
if (! p_col %in% colnames(input)) {
stop("Column: ", p_col, " is not in the table.")
df <- data.frame("xaxis" = as.numeric(input[[fc_col]]),
"yaxis" = as.numeric(input[[p_col]]))
rownames(df) <- rownames(input)
if (isTRUE(invert)) {
df[["xaxis"]] <- df[["xaxis"]] * -1.0
## Add the label column if it exists.
if (!is.null(label_column) && !is.null(input[[label_column]])) {
df[["label"]] <- input[[label_column]]
} else {
df[["label"]] <- rownames(input)
## This might have been converted to a string
df[["logyaxis"]] <- -1.0 * log10(as.numeric(df[["yaxis"]]))
df[["pcut"]] <- df[["yaxis"]] <= pval
df[["fccut"]] <- abs(df[["xaxis"]]) >= logfc
df[["state"]] <- "insignificant"
numerator_sig <- df[["xaxis"]] >= logfc & df[["yaxis"]] <= pval
df[numerator_sig, "state"] <- "up"
denominator_sig <- df[["xaxis"]] <= -1.0 * logfc & df[["yaxis"]] <= pval
df[denominator_sig, "state"] <- "down"
df[["state"]] <- as.factor(df[["state"]])
## I am not sure why something is setting color high/low to NULL.
if (is.null(color_high)) {
color_high <- "red"
if (is.null(color_low)) {
color_low <- "blue"
plot_colors <- c("#555555", color_high, color_low)
names(plot_colors) <- c("insignificant", "up", "down")
plt <- ggplot(data = df,
aes(x = .data[["xaxis"]], y = .data[["logyaxis"]],
label = .data[["label"]], fill = .data[["state"]],
colour = .data[["state"]]))
## Now define when to put lines vs. points
if (is.null(line_position)) {
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha)
} else if (line_position == "bottom") {
## lines, then points.
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = horiz_line, color = line_color, size = (size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = logfc, color = line_color, size = (size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = low_vert_line, color = line_color, size = (size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha)
} else if (line_position == "top") {
## points, then lines
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = horiz_line, color = line_color, size = (size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = logfc, color = line_color, size = (size / 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = low_vert_line, color = line_color, size = (size / 2))
} else {
mesg("Not printing volcano demarcation lines.")
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::geom_point(stat = "identity", size = size, alpha = alpha)
## Now set the colors and axis labels
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "state", values = plot_colors,
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "state", values = plot_colors,
guide = "none") +
ggplot2::xlab(label = fc_name) +
ggplot2::ylab(label = p_name) +
## ggplot2::guides(shape = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3))) +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = base_size, colour = "black"))
## axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=-90))
if (!is.null(label)) {
if (is.numeric(label)) {
reordered_idx <- order(df[["xaxis"]])
reordered <- df[reordered_idx, ]
sig_idx <- reordered[["logyaxis"]] > horiz_line
reordered <- reordered[sig_idx, ]
top <- head(reordered, n = label)
bottom <- tail(reordered, n = label)
df_subset <- rbind(top, bottom)
} else if (is.character(label)) {
sig_idx <- df[["label"]] %in% label
mesg("Found ", sum(sig_idx), " of the labeled genes.")
df_subset <- df[sig_idx, ]
} else {
stop("I do not understand this set of IDs to label.")
plt <- plt +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = df_subset,
aes(label = .data[["label"]], y = .data[["logyaxis"]],
x = .data[["xaxis"]]),
colour = "black", box.padding = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "lines"),
point.padding = ggplot2::unit(1.6, "lines"),
size = label_size,
arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.01, "npc")))
retlist <- list("plot" = plt,
"df" = df)
#' Plot the rank order of the data in two tables against each other.
#' Steve Christensen has some neat plots showing the relationship between two
#' tables. I thought they were cool, so I co-opted the idea in this
#' function.
#' @param first First table of values.
#' @param second Second table of values, if null it will use the first.
#' @param first_type Assuming this is from all_pairwise(), use this method.
#' @param second_type Ibid.
#' @param first_table Again, assuming all_pairwise(), use this to choose the
#' table to extract.
#' @param alpha How see-through to make the dots?
#' @param second_table Ibid.
#' @param first_column What column to use to rank-order from the first table?
#' @param second_column What column to use to rank-order from the second table?
#' @param first_p_col Use this column for pretty colors from the first table.
#' @param second_p_col Use this column for pretty colors from the second table.
#' @param p_limit A p-value limit for coloring dots.
#' @param both_color If both columns are 'significant', use this color.
#' @param first_color If only the first column is 'significant', this color.
#' @param second_color If the second column is 'significant', this color.
#' @param no_color If neither column is 'significant', then this color.
#' @return a list with a plot and a couple summary statistics.
#' @export
rank_order_scatter <- function(first, second = NULL, first_type = "limma",
second_type = "limma", first_table = NULL, alpha = 0.5,
second_table = NULL, first_column = "logFC",
second_column = "logFC", first_p_col = "adj.P.Val",
second_p_col = "adj.P.Val", p_limit = 0.05,
both_color = "red", first_color = "green",
second_color = "blue", no_color = "black") {
if (is.null(second)) {
second <- first
## If the two elements are equal, then default to two different tables
## If the two elements are not equal, default to the same table.
test <- try(testthat::expect_equal(first, second), silent = TRUE)
if (class(test)[1] == "try-error") {
## They are not equal.
if (is.null(first_table)) {
message("No first table was provided, setting it to the first table.")
first_table <- 1
if (is.null(second_table)) {
message("No second table was provided, setting it to the first table.")
second_table <- 1
} else {
## Two different de results.
if (is.null(first_table)) {
first_table <- 1
if (is.null(second_table)) {
second_table <- 2
if (!is.null(first[[first_type]])) {
first <- first[[first_type]][["all_tables"]]
if (!is.null(second[[second_type]])) {
second <- second[[second_type]][["all_tables"]]
table1 <- first[[first_table]]
table2 <- second[[second_table]]
merged <- merge(table1, table2, by = "row.names")
rownames(merged) <- merged[["Row.names"]]
merged <- merged[, -1]
if (first_column == second_column) {
c1 <- glue("{first_column}.x")
c2 <- glue("{first_column}.y")
} else {
c1 <- first_column
c2 <- second_column
c1_idx <- order(merged[[c1]])
merged <- merged[c1_idx, ]
merged[["label"]] <- rownames(merged)
c1_idx <- order(merged[[c1]])
c2_idx <- order(merged[[c2]])
merged[["x"]] <- as.numeric(c1_idx)
merged[["y"]] <- as.numeric(c2_idx)
merged[["state"]] <- "neither"
if (first_p_col == second_p_col) {
p1 <- glue("{first_p_col}.x")
p2 <- glue("{first_p_col}.y")
} else {
p1 <- first_p_col
p2 <- second_p_col
both_idx <- merged[[p1]] < p_limit & merged[[p2]] < p_limit
merged[both_idx, "state"] <- "both"
p1_idx <- merged[[p1]] < p_limit & merged[[p2]] >= p_limit
merged[p1_idx, "state"] <- "first"
p2_idx <- merged[[p2]] < p_limit & merged[[p1]] >= p_limit
merged[p2_idx, "state"] <- "second"
merged[["state"]] <- as.factor(merged[["state"]])
first_table_colname <- glue(
"Table: {first_table}, Type: {first_type}, column: {first_column}")
second_table_colname <- glue(
"Table: {second_table}, Type: {second_type}, column: {second_column}")
plt <- ggplot(data = merged,
aes(color = .data[["state"]], fill = .data[["state"]],
x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 1, alpha = alpha) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "state",
values = c("both"=both_color,
"neither"=no_color)) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "loess", color = "lightblue") +
ggplot2::ylab(glue("Rank order of {second_table_colname}")) +
ggplot2::xlab(glue("Rank order of {first_table_colname}")) +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = base_size, colour = "black"))
model_test <- try(lm(formula = y ~ x, data = merged), silent = TRUE)
model_summary <- summary(model_test)
cor <- cor.test(merged[[c1]], merged[[c2]], method = "pearson")
retlist <- list(
"plot" = plt,
"model" = model_test,
"summary" = model_summary,
"correlation" = cor)
#' Given the set of significant genes from combine_de_tables(), provide a view
#' of how many are significant up/down.
#' These plots are pretty annoying, and I am certain that this function is not
#' well written, but it provides a series of bar plots which show the number of
#' genes/contrast which are up and down given a set of fold changes and
#' p-value.
#' @param combined Result from combine_de_tables and/or extract_significant_genes().
#' @param lfc_cutoffs Choose 3 fold changes to define the queries. 0, 1, 2
#' mean greater/less than 0 followed by 2 fold and 4 fold cutoffs.
#' @param invert Reverse the order of contrasts for readability?
#' @param p Chosen p-value cutoff.
#' @param z Choose instead a z-score cutoff.
#' @param p_type Adjusted or not?
#' @param according_to limma, deseq, edger, basic, or all of the above.
#' @param order Choose a specific order for the plots.
#' @param maximum Set a specific limit on the number of genes on the x-axis.
#' @param ... More arguments are passed to arglist.
#' @return list containing the significance bar plots and some information to
#' hopefully help interpret them.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata = "some_metadata.xlsx", gene_info = annotations)
#' pairwise_result <- all_pairwise(expt)
#' combined_result <- combine_de_tables(pairwise_result)
#' ## Damn I wish I were smrt enough to make this elegant, but I cannot.
#' barplots <- significant_barplots(combined_result)
#' }
#' @export
significant_barplots <- function(combined, lfc_cutoffs = c(0, 1, 2), invert = FALSE,
p = 0.05, z = NULL, p_type = "adj",
according_to = "all", order = NULL, maximum = NULL, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
sig_lists_up <- list(
"limma" = list(),
"edger" = list(),
"deseq" = list(),
"ebseq" = list(),
"basic" = list())
sig_lists_down <- list(
"limma" = list(),
"edger" = list(),
"deseq" = list(),
"ebseq" = list(),
"basic" = list())
plots <- list(
"limma" = NULL,
"edger" = NULL,
"deseq" = NULL,
"ebseq" = NULL,
"basic" = NULL)
tables_up <- list(
"limma" = NULL,
"edger" = NULL,
"deseq" = NULL,
"ebseq" = NULL,
"basic" = NULL)
tables_down <- list(
"limma" = NULL,
"edger" = NULL,
"deseq" = NULL,
"ebseq" = NULL,
"basic" = NULL)
table_length <- 0
fc_names <- c()
uplist <- list()
downlist <- list()
types <- according_to
if (according_to[[1]] == "all") {
types <- c("limma", "edger", "deseq", "ebseq", "basic")
##else if (according_to == c("limma", "edger", "deseq", "basic")) {
## types <- c("limma", "edger", "deseq")
for (type in types) {
test_column <- glue("{type}_logfc")
if (! test_column %in% colnames(combined[["data"]][[1]])) {
message("We do not have the ", test_column, " in the data, skipping ", type, ".")
for (fc in lfc_cutoffs) {
## This is a bit weird and circuituous
## The most common caller of this function is in fact extract_significant_genes
fc_sig <- sm(extract_significant_genes(combined, lfc = fc, according_to = according_to,
p = p, z = z, n = NULL, excel = FALSE,
p_type = p_type, sig_bar = FALSE, ma = FALSE))
table_length <- length(fc_sig[[type]][["ups"]])
fc_name <- glue("fc_{fc}")
fc_names <- append(fc_names, fc_name)
for (tab in seq_len(table_length)) {
## The table names are shared across methods and ups/downs
table_names <- names(fc_sig[[type]][["ups"]])
if (isTRUE(invert)) {
table_names <- rev(table_names)
table_name <- table_names[tab]
t_up <- nrow(fc_sig[[type]][["ups"]][[table_name]])
t_down <- nrow(fc_sig[[type]][["downs"]][[table_name]])
sig_lists_up[[type]][[fc_name]][[table_name]] <- t_up
sig_lists_down[[type]][[fc_name]][[table_name]] <- t_down
} ## End iterating through every table
} ## End querying all fc cutoffs
## Now we need to collate the data and make the bars
up_all <- list("limma" = numeric(),
"deseq" = numeric(),
"edger" = numeric(),
"ebseq" = numeric(),
"basic" = numeric()
) ## The number of all genes FC > 0
down_all <- list("limma" = numeric(),
"deseq" = numeric(),
"edger" = numeric(),
"ebseq" = numeric(),
"basic" = numeric()
) ## The number of all genes FC < 0
up_mid <- list("limma" = numeric(),
"deseq" = numeric(),
"edger" = numeric(),
"ebseq" = numeric(),
"basic" = numeric()
) ## The number of genes 2<FC<4 (by default)
down_mid <- list("limma" = numeric(),
"deseq" = numeric(),
"edger" = numeric(),
"ebseq" = numeric(),
"basic" = numeric()
) ## The number of genes -2>FC>-4
up_max <- list("limma" = numeric(),
"deseq" = numeric(),
"edger" = numeric(),
"ebseq" = numeric(),
"basic" = numeric()
) ## The number of genes FC > 4
down_max <- list("limma" = numeric(),
"deseq" = numeric(),
"edger" = numeric(),
"ebseq" = numeric(),
"basic" = numeric()
) ## The number of genes FC < -4
## The bar graph looks like
## ######### #### # <-- Total width is the number of all >1FC genes
## ^ ^------- Total >0FC - the set between 4FC and 2FC
## |------------ Total >0FC - the smallest set >4FC
papa_bear <- fc_names[[1]] ## Because it is the largest grouping
mama_bear <- fc_names[[2]] ## The middle grouping
baby_bear <- fc_names[[3]] ## And the smallest grouping
for (t in seq_len(table_length)) {
table_names <- names(sig_lists_up[[type]][[1]])
table_name <- table_names[t]
##table_names <- names(sig_lists_up[[type]][[1]])[t]
everything_up <- sig_lists_up[[type]][[papa_bear]][[table_name]] ## > 0 lfc
mid_up <- sig_lists_up[[type]][[mama_bear]][[table_name]] ## > 1 lfc
exclusive_up <- sig_lists_up[[type]][[baby_bear]][[table_name]] ## > 2 lfc
## Ah, I think the problem is that by calculating the numbers a,b,c
## It is stacking them and so I am getting a final bar of the sum of a,b,c
up_all[[type]][[table_name]] <- everything_up
up_mid[[type]][[table_name]] <- mid_up - exclusive_up
up_max[[type]][[table_name]] <- exclusive_up
up_all[[type]][[table_name]] <- up_all[[type]][[table_name]] -
up_mid[[type]][[table_name]] -
up_terminal <- up_all[[type]][[table_name]] +
up_mid[[type]][[table_name]] +
up_middle <- up_terminal - up_max[[type]][[table_name]]
up_min <- up_terminal - up_mid[[type]][[table_name]]
## Now repeat for the set of down genes.
everything_down <- sig_lists_down[[type]][[papa_bear]][[table_name]] ## > 0 lfc
mid_down <- sig_lists_down[[type]][[mama_bear]][[table_name]] ## > 1 lfc
exclusive_down <- sig_lists_down[[type]][[baby_bear]][[table_name]] ## > 2 lfc
## Ah, I think the problem is that by calculating the numbers a,b,c
## It is stacking them and so I am getting a final bar of the sum of a,b,c
down_all[[type]][[table_name]] <- everything_down
down_mid[[type]][[table_name]] <- mid_down - exclusive_down
down_max[[type]][[table_name]] <- exclusive_down
down_all[[type]][[table_name]] <- down_all[[type]][[table_name]] -
down_mid[[type]][[table_name]] -
down_terminal <- down_all[[type]][[table_name]] +
down_mid[[type]][[table_name]] +
down_middle <- down_terminal - down_max[[type]][[table_name]]
down_min <- down_terminal - down_mid[[type]][[table_name]]
} ## End for 1:table_length
## Prepare the tables for plotting.
comparisons <- names(sig_lists_up[[type]][[1]])
## Once again, starting with only the up-stuff
up <- cbind(comparisons, up_all[[type]], up_mid[[type]], up_max[[type]])
up <- as.data.frame(up)
colnames(up) <- c("comparisons", "a_up_inner", "b_up_middle", "c_up_outer")
uplist[[type]] <- up
up <- suppressWarnings(reshape2::melt(up, id.var = "comparisons"))
up[["comparisons"]] <- factor(up[["comparisons"]], levels = comparisons)
up[["variable"]] <- factor(up[["variable"]],
levels = c("a_up_inner", "b_up_middle", "c_up_outer"))
up[["value"]] <- as.numeric(up[["value"]])
## Repeat with the set of down materials
down <- cbind(comparisons, down_all[[type]], down_mid[[type]], down_max[[type]])
down <- as.data.frame(down)
colnames(down) <- c("comparisons", "a_down_inner", "b_down_middle", "c_down_outer")
downlist[[type]] <- down
colnames(down) <- c("comparisons", "a_down_inner", "b_down_middle", "c_down_outer")
down <- suppressWarnings(reshape2::melt(down, id.var = "comparisons"))
down[["comparisons"]] <- factor(down[["comparisons"]], levels = comparisons)
## down[["variable"]] <- factor(down[["variable"]],
## levels = c("a_down_inner","b_down_middle","c_down_outer"))
down[["variable"]] <- factor(down[["variable"]],
levels = c("c_down_outer", "b_down_middle", "a_down_inner"))
up[["variable"]] <- factor(up[["variable"]],
levels = c("c_up_outer", "b_up_middle", "a_up_inner"))
down[["value"]] <- as.numeric(down[["value"]]) * -1
tables_up[[type]] <- up
tables_down[[type]] <- down
plots[[type]] <- plot_significant_bar(up, down, maximum = maximum,
## plots[[type]] <- plot_significant_bar(up, down, maximum = maximum) #, ...)
} ## End iterating over the 3 types, limma/deseq/edger
retlist <- list(
"ups" = uplist,
"downs" = downlist,
"limma_up_table" = tables_up[["limma"]],
"limma_down_table"= tables_down[["limma"]],
"limma" = plots[["limma"]],
"deseq_up_table" = tables_up[["deseq"]],
"deseq_down_table"= tables_down[["deseq"]],
"deseq" = plots[["deseq"]],
"edger_up_table" = tables_up[["edger"]],
"edger_down_table"= tables_down[["edger"]],
"edger" = plots[["edger"]],
"ebseq_up_table" = tables_up[["ebseq"]],
"ebseq_down_table"= tables_down[["ebseq"]],
"ebseq" = plots[["ebseq"]],
"basic_up_table" = tables_up[["basic"]],
"basic_down_table"= tables_down[["basic"]],
"basic" = plots[["basic"]]
#' Extract overlapping groups from an upset
#' Taken from: https://github.com/hms-dbmi/UpSetR/issues/85
#' and lightly modified to match my style and so I could more
#' easily understand what it is doing.
#' @param input upset data structure.
#' @param sort Sort the result?
#' @export
overlap_groups <- function(input, sort = TRUE) {
## FIXME: Make use of S4 here
input_mtrx <- NULL
element_names <- NULL
if ("list" %in% class(input)) {
input_mtrx <- UpSetR::fromList(input) == 1
element_names <- unlist(input)
} else if ("upset" %in% class(input)) {
stop("The upsetR fromList seems to strip out the gene names, don't use it until I figure out what is up.")
## lst could look like this:
## $one
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "e" "g" "h" "k" "l" "m"
## $two
## [1] "a" "b" "d" "e" "j"
## $three
## [1] "a" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "l" "m"
## one two three
## condensing matrix to unique combinations elements
combination_mtrx <- unique(input_mtrx)
groups <- list()
num_combinations <- nrow(combination_mtrx)
## going through all unique combinations and collect elements for each in a list
for (i in seq_len(num_combinations)) {
combination <- combination_mtrx[i, ]
my_elements <- which(apply(input_mtrx, 1, function(x) all(x == combination)))
attr(my_elements, "groups") <- combination
groups[[paste(colnames(combination_mtrx)[combination], collapse = ":")]] <- my_elements
## attr(,"groups")
## one two three
## f i
## 12 13
if (sort) {
groups <- groups[order(sapply(groups, function(x) length(x)), decreasing = TRUE)]
attr(groups, "elements") <- element_names
## save element list to facilitate access using an index in case rownames are not named
#' Mostly as a reminder of how to get the gene IDs from a specific group in an upset plot.
#' Given a set of groups from upsetr, extract the elements from one of them.
#' @param overlapping_groups Result from overlap_groups, which just makes an indexed
#' version of the genes by venn/upset group.
#' @param group Name of the subset of interest, something like 'a:b' for the union of a:b.
#' @export
overlap_geneids <- function(overlapping_groups, group) {
gene_ids <- attr(overlapping_groups, "elements")[overlapping_groups[[group]]]
#' Make an upset plot of all up/down genes in a set of contrasts.
#' This is intended to give a quick and dirty view of the genes
#' observed in a series of de comparisons.
#' @param combined Result from combine_de_tables.
#' @param according_to Choose the lfc column to use.
#' @param lfc Choose the logFC
#' @param adjp and the p-value.
#' @param desired_contrasts Use factors from a few contrasts.
#' @export
upsetr_combined_de <- function(combined, according_to = "deseq",
lfc = 1.0, adjp = 0.05, text_scale = 2,
color_by = NULL,
desired_contrasts = NULL) {
ud_list <- list()
wanted_tables <- names(combined[["data"]])
possible_colors <- get_expt_colors(combined[["input"]][["input"]])
upset_contrasts <- data.frame(row.names = wanted_tables)
upset_contrasts[["numerator"]] <- gsub(x = wanted_tables,
pattern = "^(.*)_vs_.*$", replacement = "\\1")
upset_contrasts[["denominator"]] <- gsub(x = wanted_tables,
pattern = "^(.*)_vs_(.*)$", replacement = "\\2")
if (!is.null(desired_contrasts)) {
wanted_idx <- wanted_tables %in% desired_contrasts
if (sum(wanted_idx) > 0) {
mesg("Found ", sum(wanted_idx), " tables.")
} else {
warning("No tables seem to have been found.")
wanted_tables <- wanted_tables[wanted_idx]
for (t in wanted_tables) {
t_data <- combined[["data"]][[t]]
fc_col <- paste0(according_to, "_logfc")
p_col <- paste0(according_to, "_adjp")
up_name <- glue("{t}_up")
up_idx <- t_data[[fc_col]] >= lfc &
t_data[[p_col]] <= adjp
up_ids <- rownames(t_data)[up_idx]
ud_list[[up_name]] <- up_ids
down_name <- glue("{t}_down")
down_idx <- t_data[[fc_col]] <= (-1.0 * lfc) &
t_data[[p_col]] <= adjp
down_ids <- rownames(t_data)[down_idx]
ud_list[[down_name]] <- down_ids
upset_combined <- UpSetR::upset(data = UpSetR::fromList(ud_list),
text.scale = text_scale, nsets = length(ud_list))
#' Use UpSetR to compare significant gene lists.
#' @param sig datastructure of significantly DE genes.
#' @param according_to Choose your favorite method.
#' @param contrasts Choose a specific contrast(s)
#' @param up Make a plot of the up genes?
#' @param down Make a plot of the down genes?
#' @param both Make a plot of the up+down genes?
#' @param scale Make the numbers larger and easier to read?
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to upset().
#' @export
upsetr_sig <- function(sig, according_to = "deseq", contrasts = NULL, up = TRUE,
down = TRUE, both = FALSE, scale = 2, ...) {
## Start by pulling the gene lists from the significant gene sets.
start <- sig[[according_to]]
ups <- NULL
downs <- NULL
if (isTRUE(up)) {
ups <- start[["ups"]]
if (isTRUE(down)) {
downs <- start[["downs"]]
## Figure out which contrasts (if not all of them) are desired to plot.
wanted_contrasts <- names(start[["ups"]])
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
wanted_idx <- wanted_contrasts %in% contrasts
wanted_contrasts <- wanted_contrasts[wanted_idx]
## Setup the lists of significant genes to plot.
upsetr_up_list <- list()
upsetr_down_list <- list()
upsetr_both_list <- list()
for (entry in wanted_contrasts) {
if (!is.null(ups)) {
upsetr_up_list[[entry]] <- rownames(ups[[entry]])
if (!is.null(downs)) {
upsetr_down_list[[entry]] <- rownames(downs[[entry]])
if (isTRUE(both)) {
upsetr_both_list[[entry]] <- c(rownames(ups[[entry]]),
} ## End looking for things to list
## Do the plots.
retlist <- list()
if (isTRUE(up)) {
retlist[["up"]] <- UpSetR::upset(UpSetR::fromList(upsetr_up_list),
text.scale = scale, ...)
retlist[["up_groups"]] <- overlap_groups(upsetr_up_list)
if (isTRUE(down)) {
retlist[["down"]] <- UpSetR::upset(UpSetR::fromList(upsetr_down_list),
text.scale = scale, ...)
retlist[["down_groups"]] <- overlap_groups(upsetr_down_list)
if (isTRUE(both)) {
retlist[["both"]] <- UpSetR::upset(UpSetR::fromList(upsetr_both_list),
text.scale = scale, ...)
retlist[["both_groups"]] <- overlap_groups(upsetr_both_list)
## EOF
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