## de_basic.r: An implementation of a simplified, statistical model unaware
## differential expression method. This is intended essentially as a negative
## control to get a sense of how 'intrusive' other methods need to be in order
## to get their various results when performing a differential expression
## analysis.
#' The simplest possible differential expression method.
#' Perform a pairwise comparison among conditions which takes
#' nothing into account. It _only_ takes the conditions, a mean value/variance
#' among them, divides by condition, and returns the result. No fancy
#' nomalizations, no statistical models, no nothing. It should be the very
#' worst method possible. But, it should also provide a baseline to compare the
#' other tools against, they should all do better than this, always.
#' Tested in test_27de_basic.R
#' This function was written after the corresponding functions in de_deseq.R,
#' de_edger.R, and de_limma.R. Like those, it performs the full set of pairwise
#' comparisons and returns a list of the results. As mentioned above, unlike
#' those, it is purposefully stupid.
#' @param input Count table by sample.
#' @param design Data frame of samples and conditions.
#' @param conditions Not currently used, but passed from all_pairwise()
#' @param batches Not currently used, but passed from all_pairwise()
#' @param model_cond Not currently used, but passed from all_pairwise()
#' @param model_intercept Not currently used, but passed from all_pairwise()
#' @param alt_model Not currently used, but passed from all_pairwise()
#' @param model_batch Not currently used, but passed from all_pairwise()
#' @param force Force as input non-normalized data?
#' @param keepers Set of specific contrasts to perform instead of all.
#' @param fx What function to use for mean/median?
#' @param ... Extra options passed to arglist.
#' @return Df of pseudo-logFC, p-values, numerators, and denominators.
#' @seealso [deseq_pairwise()] [limma_pairwise()] [edger_pairwise()] [ebseq_pairwise()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata = "sample_sheet.xlsx", gene_info = "annotations")
#' basic_de <- basic_pairwise(expt)
#' basic_tables <- combine_de_tables(basic_de)
#' }
#' @export
basic_pairwise <- function(input = NULL, design = NULL, conditions = NULL,
batches = NULL, model_cond = TRUE, model_intercept = FALSE,
alt_model = NULL, model_batch = FALSE, force = FALSE,
keepers = NULL, fx = "mean", ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
if (!is.null(arglist[["input"]])) {
input <- arglist[["input"]]
if (!is.null(arglist[["design"]])) {
conditions <- arglist[["design"]]
if (!is.null(arglist[["force"]])) {
batches <- arglist[["force"]]
message("Starting basic pairwise comparison.")
input <- sanitize_expt(input)
input_data <- choose_basic_dataset(input, force = force)
design <- pData(input)
conditions <- input_data[["conditions"]]
batches <- input_data[["batches"]]
data <- input_data[["data"]]
conditions <- gsub(pattern = "^(\\d+)$", replacement = "c\\1", x = conditions)
batches <- gsub(pattern = "^(\\d+)$", replacement = "b\\1", x = batches)
types <- levels(as.factor(conditions))
num_conds <- length(types)
## These will be filled with num_conds columns and numRows(input) rows.
median_table <- data.frame()
variance_table <- data.frame()
## First use conditions to rbind a table of medians by condition.
message("Basic step 1/3: Creating ", fx, " and variance tables.")
median_colnames <- c()
for (c in seq_len(num_conds)) {
condition_name <- types[c]
median_colnames <- append(median_colnames, condition_name)
columns <- which(conditions == condition_name)
if (length(columns) == 1) {
med <- data.frame(data[, columns], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
var <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(med)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
med_input <- as.matrix(data[, columns])
if (fx == "mean") {
med <- data.frame(matrixStats::rowMeans2(x = med_input, na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
med <- data.frame(Biobase::rowMedians(as.matrix(med_input)))
colnames(med) <- c(condition_name)
var <- as.data.frame(genefilter::rowVars(as.matrix(med_input)))
colnames(var) <- c(condition_name)
if (c == 1) {
median_table <- med
variance_table <- var
} else {
median_table <- cbind(median_table, med)
variance_table <- cbind(variance_table, var)
} ## end creation of median and variance tables.
colnames(median_table) <- median_colnames
colnames(variance_table) <- median_colnames
rownames(median_table) <- rownames(data)
rownames(variance_table) <- rownames(data)
## We have tables of the median values by condition
## Now perform the pairwise comparisons
comparisons <- data.frame()
tvalues <- data.frame()
pvalues <- data.frame()
num_done <- 0
column_list <- c()
total_contrasts <- length(levels(as.factor(conditions)))
total_contrasts <- (total_contrasts * (total_contrasts + 1)) / 2
message("Basic step 2/3: Performing ", total_contrasts, " comparisons.")
model_choice <- sm(choose_model(
input, conditions = conditions, batches = batches, model_batch = FALSE,
model_cond = TRUE, model_intercept = FALSE, alt_model = NULL,
model_data <- model_choice[["chosen_model"]]
## basic_pairwise() does not support extra contrasts, but they may be passed through via ...
apc <- make_pairwise_contrasts(model_data, conditions, do_identities = FALSE, do_extras = FALSE,
keepers = keepers, ...)
contrasts_performed <- c()
show_progress <- interactive() && is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for (c in seq_along(apc[["names"]])) {
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
pct_done <- c / length(apc[["names"]])
utils::setTxtProgressBar(bar, pct_done)
num_done <- num_done + 1
name <- apc[["names"]][[c]]
c_name <- gsub(pattern = "^(.*)_vs_(.*)$", replacement = "\\1", x = name)
d_name <- gsub(pattern = "^(.*)_vs_(.*)$", replacement = "\\2", x = name)
contrasts_performed <- append(name, contrasts_performed)
if (! c_name %in% colnames(median_table)) {
message("The contrast ", name, " is not in the results.")
message("If this is not an extra contrast, then this is an error.")
division <- data.frame(
median_table[, c_name] - median_table[, d_name])
column_list <- append(column_list, name)
colnames(division) <- name
## Lets see if I can make a dirty p-value
xcols <- which(conditions == c_name)
ycols <- which(conditions == d_name)
xdata <- as.data.frame(data[, xcols])
ydata <- as.data.frame(data[, ycols])
t_data <- vector("list", nrow(xdata))
p_data <- vector("list", nrow(xdata))
for (j in seq_len(nrow(xdata))) {
test_result <- try(t.test(xdata[j, ], ydata[j, ]), silent = TRUE)
if (class(test_result) == "htest") {
t_data[[j]] <- test_result[[1]]
p_data[[j]] <- test_result[[3]]
} else {
t_data[[j]] <- 0
p_data[[j]] <- 1
} ## Done calculating cheapo p-values
if (c == 1) {
comparisons <- division
tvalues <- t_data
pvalues <- p_data
} else {
comparisons <- cbind(comparisons, division)
tvalues <- cbind(tvalues, t_data)
pvalues <- cbind(pvalues, p_data)
} ## End for each contrast
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
## Because of the way I made tvalues/pvalues into a list
## If only 1 comparison was performed, the resulting data structure never gets coerced into a
## data frame. Therefore I am performing this check which, if a single comparison was done, adds
## a second column, performs the coercion, then strips it away. This is a stupid way
## of doing what I want.
if (num_done == 1) {
tvalues <- cbind(tvalues, t_data)
pvalues <- cbind(pvalues, p_data)
tvalues <- as.data.frame(tvalues)
pvalues <- as.data.frame(pvalues)
tvalues <- tvalues[-1]
pvalues <- pvalues[-1]
comparisons[is.na(comparisons)] <- 0
tvalues[is.na(tvalues)] <- 0
pvalues[is.na(pvalues)] <- 1
rownames(comparisons) <- rownames(data)
rownames(tvalues) <- rownames(data)
rownames(pvalues) <- rownames(data)
all_tables <- list()
message("Basic step 3/3: Creating faux DE Tables.")
for (e in seq_along(colnames(comparisons))) {
colname <- colnames(comparisons)[[e]]
fc_column <- comparisons[, e]
t_column <- as.numeric(tvalues[, e])
p_column <- as.numeric(pvalues[, e])
fc_column[mapply(is.infinite, fc_column)] <- 0
numer_denom <- strsplit(x = colname, split = "_vs_")[[1]]
numerator <- numer_denom[1]
denominator <- numer_denom[2]
num_col <- paste0("numerator_", fx)
den_col <- paste0("denominator_", fx)
fc_table <- data.frame(
"numerator_var" = variance_table[[numerator]],
"denominator_var" = variance_table[[denominator]],
"t" = t_column,
"p" = p_column,
"logFC" = fc_column)
fc_table[[num_col]] <- median_table[[numerator]]
fc_table[[den_col]] <- median_table[[denominator]]
fc_table <- fc_table[, c(num_col, den_col, "numerator_var",
"denominator_var", "t", "p", "logFC")]
fc_table[["adjp"]] <- stats::p.adjust(as.numeric(fc_table[["p"]]), method = "BH")
fc_table[[num_col]] <- signif(
x = fc_table[[num_col]], digits = 4)
fc_table[[den_col]] <- signif(
x = fc_table[[den_col]], digits = 4)
## I am thinking to change my mind about this formatting, since
## it recasts the numbers as characters, and that is dumb.
fc_table[["t"]] <- signif(x = fc_table[["t"]], digits = 4)
fc_table[["logFC"]] <- signif(x = fc_table[["logFC"]], digits = 4)
rownames(fc_table) <- rownames(data)
all_tables[[e]] <- fc_table
message("Basic: Returning tables.")
names(all_tables) <- colnames(comparisons)
retlist <- list(
"all_pairwise" = comparisons,
"all_tables" = all_tables,
"conditions_table" = table(conditions),
"conditions" = conditions,
"contrasts_performed" = contrasts_performed,
"input_data" = data,
"medians" = median_table,
"method" = "basic",
"variances" = variance_table)
class(retlist) <- c("basic_pairwise", "list")
if (!is.null(arglist[["basic_excel"]])) {
retlist[["basic_excel"]] <- write_basic(retlist, excel = arglist[["basic_excel"]])
#' Attempt to ensure that input data to basic_pairwise() is suitable.
#' basic_pairwise() assumes log2 data as input, use this to ensure that is true.
#' @param input An expressionset containing expt to test and/or modify.
#' @param force If we want to try out other distributed data sets, force it in using me.
#' @param ... future options, I think currently unused.
#' @return data ready for basic_pairwise()
#' @seealso [Biobase] [choose_dataset()] [normalize_expt()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ready <- choose_basic_dataset(expt)
#' }
choose_basic_dataset <- function(input, force = FALSE, ...) {
## arglist <- list(...)
warn_user <- 0
conditions <- input[["conditions"]]
batches <- input[["batches"]]
data <- as.data.frame(exprs(input))
tran_state <- input[["state"]][["transform"]]
libsize <- NULL
if (is.null(tran_state)) {
tran_state <- "raw"
conv_state <- input[["state"]][["conversion"]]
## Note that voom takes care of this for us.
if (is.null(conv_state)) {
conv_state <- "raw"
norm_state <- input[["state"]][["normalization"]]
if (is.null(norm_state)) {
norm_state <- "raw"
filt_state <- input[["state"]][["filter"]]
if (is.null(filt_state)) {
filt_state <- "raw"
ready <- input
if (isTRUE(force)) {
message("Leaving the data alone, regardless of normalization state.")
} else {
if (filt_state == "raw") {
message("Basic step 0/3: Filtering data.")
ready <- sm(normalize_expt(ready, filter = TRUE))
if (norm_state == "raw") {
message("Basic step 0/3: Normalizing data.")
ready <- sm(normalize_expt(ready, norm = "quant"))
if (conv_state == "raw") {
message("Basic step 0/3: Converting data.")
ready <- sm(normalize_expt(ready, convert = "cbcbcpm"))
## No matter what we do, it must be logged.
if (tran_state == "raw") {
message("Basic step 0/3: Transforming data.")
ready <- sm(normalize_expt(ready, transform = "log2"))
data <- as.data.frame(exprs(ready))
libsize <- colSums(data)
retlist <- list(
"libsize" = libsize,
"conditions" = conditions,
"batches" = batches,
"data" = data)
#' Writes out the results of a basic search using write_de_table()
#' Looking to provide a single interface for writing tables from basic and friends.
#' Tested in test_26basic.R
#' @param data Output from basic_pairwise()
#' @param ... Options for writing the xlsx file.
#' @seealso [basic_pairwise()] [write_de_table()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' finished_comparison <- basic_pairwise(expressionset)
#' data_list <- write_basic(finished_comparison)
#' }
#' @export
write_basic <- function(data, ...) {
result <- write_de_table(data, type = "basic", ...)
## EOF
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