## annotation_txt.r: Arbitrary text annotations. Currently only from trinotate.
## Functions here seek to handle arbitrary text formats containing annotation
## information. For the moment it only handles trinotate, which is quite a
## bizarre format.
#' Read a csv file from trinotate and make an annotation data frame.
#' Trinotate performs some neat sequence searches in order to seek out likely
#' annotations for the trinity contigs. The resulting csv file is encoded in a
#' peculiar fashion, so this function attempts to make it easier to read and put
#' them into a format usable in an expressionset.
#' @param trinotate CSV of trinotate annotation data.
#' @param collapse Collapse isoforms to genes?
#' @return Dataframe of fun data.
#' @seealso [tidyr] [readr]
#' @examples
#' sb_annot <- get_sbetaceum_data()[["annot"]]
#' a_few_trinotate <- load_trinotate_annotations(trinotate = sb_annot)
#' dim(a_few_trinotate)
#' @export
load_trinotate_annotations <- function(trinotate = "reference/trinotate.csv", collapse = FALSE) {
split_data <- sm(readr::read_tsv(trinotate))
.data <- NULL ## Shut up, R CMD check
split_data <- split_data %>%
c("blastx_name", "blastx_name2", "blastx_hitlocation",
"blastx_identity", "blastx_evalue",
"blastx_recname", "blastx_taxonomy"),
"\\^", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
c("blastp_name", "blastp_name2", "blastp_hitlocation",
"blastp_identity", "blastp_evalue",
"blastp_recname", "blastp_taxonomy"),
"\\^", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
c("tmhmm_expaa", "tmhmm_predicted_helices", "tmhmm_topology"),
"\\^", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
c("eggnog_id", "eggnog_description"),
"\\^", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
c("blastx_queryloc", "blastx_hitloc"),
"\\,", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
c("blastp_queryloc", "blastp_hitloc"),
"\\,", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
c("rrna_subunit", "rrna_subunit_region"),
"\\^", extra = "drop", fill = "right")
split_data <- split_data[, c("#gene_id", "transcript_id",
"blastx_name", "blastx_queryloc", "blastx_hitloc",
"blastx_identity", "blastx_evalue", "blastx_recname",
"blastx_taxonomy", "blastp_name", "blastp_queryloc",
"blastp_hitloc", "blastp_identity", "blastp_evalue",
"blastp_recname", "blastp_taxonomy",
"rrna_subunit", "rrna_subunit_region", "prot_id",
"prot_coords", "Pfam", "SignalP",
"tmhmm_expaa", "tmhmm_predicted_helices", "tmhmm_topology",
"eggnog_id", "eggnog_description", "Kegg",
##"gene_ontology_blast", "gene_ontology_pfam", "transcript",
colnames(split_data) <- c("gene_id", "transcript_id",
"blastx_name", "blastx_queryloc", "blastx_hitloc",
"blastx_identity", "blastx_evalue", "blastx_recname",
"blastx_taxonomy", "blastp_name", "blastp_queryloc",
"blastp_hitloc", "blastp_identity", "blastp_evalue",
"blastp_recname", "blastp_taxonomy",
"rrna_subunit", "rrna_subunit_region", "prot_id",
"prot_coords", "pfam_data", "signalp_data",
"tmhmm_expaa", "tmhmm_helices", "tmhmm_topology",
"eggnog_id", "eggnog_description", "kegg_data",
"gene_ontology_blast", "gene_ontology_pfam", "transcript_seq",
split_data[["gene_ontology_blast"]] <- gsub(pattern = "\\^", replacement = "\\,",
x = split_data[["gene_ontology_blast"]])
split_data[["gene_ontology_blast"]] <- gsub(pattern = "\\`", replacement = "\\; ",
x = split_data[["gene_ontology_blast"]])
split_data[["gene_ontology_blast"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^\\,", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["gene_ontology_blast"]])
split_data[["kegg_data"]] <- gsub(pattern = "\\`", replacement = "\\; ",
x = split_data[["kegg_data"]])
split_data[["tmhmm_expaa"]] <- gsub(pattern = "ExpAA = ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["tmhmm_expaa"]])
split_data[["tmhmm_helices"]] <- gsub(pattern = "PredHel = ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["tmhmm_helices"]])
split_data[["tmhmm_topology"]] <- gsub(pattern = "Topology = ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["tmhmm_topology"]])
split_data[["blastx_identity"]] <- gsub(pattern = "%ID", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastx_identity"]])
split_data[["blastx_evalue"]] <- gsub(pattern = "E:", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastx_evalue"]])
split_data[["blastx_queryloc"]] <- gsub(pattern = "Q:", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastx_queryloc"]])
split_data[["blastx_hitloc"]] <- gsub(pattern = "H:", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastx_hitloc"]])
split_data[["blastx_recname"]] <- gsub(pattern = "RecName: ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastx_recname"]])
split_data[["blastx_recname"]] <- gsub(pattern = "Full = ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastx_recname"]])
split_data[["blastp_identity"]] <- gsub(pattern = "%ID", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastp_identity"]])
split_data[["blastp_evalue"]] <- gsub(pattern = "E:", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastp_evalue"]])
split_data[["blastp_queryloc"]] <- gsub(pattern = "Q:", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastp_queryloc"]])
split_data[["blastp_hitloc"]] <- gsub(pattern = "H:", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastp_hitloc"]])
split_data[["blastp_recname"]] <- gsub(pattern = "RecName: ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastp_recname"]])
split_data[["blastp_recname"]] <- gsub(pattern = "Full = ", replacement = "",
x = split_data[["blastp_recname"]])
## Get rid of empty cells and cells with just '.'
nas <- is.na(split_data)
split_data[nas] <- ""
dots <- split_data == "."
split_data[dots] <- ""
## Now recast the numeric elements.
split_data[["tmhmm_expaa"]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(split_data[["tmhmm_expaa"]]))
na_test <- is.na(split_data[["tmhmm_expaa"]])
split_data[na_test, "tmhmm_expaa"] <- 0
split_data[["tmhmm_helices"]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(split_data[["tmhmm_helices"]]))
na_test <- is.na(split_data[["tmhmm_helices"]])
split_data[na_test, "tmhmm_helices"] <- 0
split_data[["blastx_identity"]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(split_data[["blastx_identity"]]))
na_test <- is.na(split_data[["blastx_identity"]])
split_data[na_test, "blastx_identity"] <- 0
split_data[["blastx_evalue"]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(split_data[["blastx_evalue"]]))
na_test <- is.na(split_data[["blastx_evalue"]])
split_data[na_test, "blastx_evalue"] <- 1
split_data[["blastp_identity"]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(split_data[["blastp_identity"]]))
na_test <- is.na(split_data[["blastp_identity"]])
split_data[na_test, "blastp_identity"] <- 0
split_data[["blastp_evalue"]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(split_data[["blastp_evalue"]]))
na_test <- is.na(split_data[["blastp_evalue"]])
split_data[na_test, "blastp_evalue"] <- 1
split_data[["rownames"]] <- make.names(split_data[["transcript_id"]], unique = TRUE)
## rownames(split_data) <- make.names(split_data[["transcript_id"]], unique = TRUE)
## Use the 'transcript_seq' field to provide gene lengths
## split_data[["length"]] <- ""
transcript_seq <- NULL ## transcript_seq in this context is handled by data.table I think.
if (!is.null(split_data[["transcript_seq"]])) {
lengths <- nchar(split_data[["transcript_seq"]])
split_data[, "length"] <- lengths
if (isTRUE(collapse)) {
split_data[["collapsed_gid"]] <- gsub(x = rownames(split_data), pattern = "^(.*_c\\d+_g\\d+)_i\\d+$",
replacement = "\\1")
#' Read a csv file from trinotate and extract ontology data from it.
#' Trinotate performs some neat sequence searches in order to seek out likely
#' annotations for the trinity contigs. This function extracts ontology data
#' from it. Keep in mind that this data is primarily from Blast2GO.
#' @param trinotate CSV of trinotate annotation data.
#' @param blast2go_column Column name containing BLAST2GO data.
#' @param pfam_column Column containing data from pfam searches.
#' @param length_column Column containing the gene lengths.
#' @param fill Cheat and fill in an arbitrary value for gene lengths if all else fails.
#' @param collapse Collapse isforms to genes?
#' @param id_column Column containing the gene IDs.
#' @return List of the extracted GO data, a table of it, length data, and the
#' resulting length table.
#' @seealso [load_trinotate_annotations()]
#' @examples
#' sb_annot <- get_sbetaceum_data()[["annot"]]
#' trinotate_go <- load_trinotate_go(trinotate = sb_annot)
#' dim(trinotate_go$go_data)
#' dim(trinotate_go$go_table)
#' @export
load_trinotate_go <- function(trinotate = "reference/trinotate.csv",
blast2go_column = "gene_ontology_BLASTX",
pfam_column = "gene_ontology_Pfam",
length_column = "transcript", fill = 1500,
collapse = TRUE, id_column = "#gene_id") {
big_table <- data.table::as.data.table(sm(readr::read_tsv(trinotate)))
if (isTRUE(collapse)) {
big_table[[id_column]] <- gsub(x = big_table[[id_column]], pattern = "^(.*_c\\d+_g\\d+)_i\\d+$",
replacement = "\\1")
keepers <- !duplicated(big_table[[id_column]])
mesg("Dropped the table to ", sum(keepers), " rows.")
big_table <- big_table[keepers, ]
if (length_column == "transcript") {
big_table[["length"]] <- stringr::str_length(as.factor(big_table[["transcript"]]))
} else if (length_column == "prot_coords") {
v1 <- as.numeric(gsub(x = big_table[["prot_coords"]], pattern = "^(\\d+)\\-\\d+.+$",
replacement = "\\1"))
v2 <- as.numeric(gsub(x = big_table[["prot_coords"]], pattern = "^\\d+\\-(\\d+).+$",
replacement = "\\1"))
big_table[["length"]] <- abs(v1 - v2)
missing <- is.na(big_table[["length"]])
big_table[missing, "length"] <- fill
wanted <- c("#gene_id", "transcript_id", blast2go_column, pfam_column, "length")
go_data <- as.data.frame(big_table)
go_data <- go_data[, wanted]
colnames(go_data) <- c("gene_id", "transcript_id", "go_blast", "go_pfam", "length")
dots <- go_data == "."
go_data[dots] <- ""
.data <- NULL ## Shush, R CMD check
mesg("Expanding encoded GO columns, this takes some time.")
expanded <- go_data %>%
dplyr::mutate("GO" = as.list(
strsplit(x = as.character(.data[["go_blast"]]), split = "`"))) %>%
tidyr::unnest("GO") %>%
c("GO", "GO_ont", "GO_name"),
extra = "drop", fill = "right")
go_data <- expanded[, c("gene_id", "transcript_id", "GO", "GO_ont", "GO_name")]
go_table <- data.table::setDT(go_data)
go_table <- go_table[, c("gene_id", "GO")]
colnames(go_table) <- c("ID", "GO")
keepers <- complete.cases(go_table)
go_table <- go_table[keepers, ]
## Some stupid quotations are sneaking through.
go_table[["ID"]] <- gsub(pattern='"', replacement = "", x = go_table[["ID"]])
go_table[["GO"]] <- gsub(pattern='"', replacement = "", x = go_table[["GO"]])
length_data <- expanded[, c("gene_id", "transcript_id", "length")]
length_table <- data.table::setDT(length_data)
## From the data.table documentation:
## The expression ‘.()‘ is a shorthand alias to list(); they both mean the same.
## length_table <- length_table[, .(mean_gene_length = mean(length)), by=.(gene_id)]
length <- gene_id <- NULL
length_table <- length_table[, list(mean_gene_length = mean(length)), by = list(gene_id)]
colnames(length_table) <- c("ID", "length")
retlist <- list(
"go_data" = go_data,
"go_table" = go_table,
"length_data" = length_data,
"length_table" = length_table)
## EOF
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