#' Preprocess a spatial dataset for BayesSpace
#' Adds metadata required for downstream analyses, and (optionally) performs PCA
#' on log-normalized expression of top HVGs.
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment to preprocess
#' @param platform Spatial sequencing platform. Used to determine spot layout
#' and neighborhood structure (Visium = hex, VisiumHD = square, ST = square).
#' @param n.PCs Number of principal components to compute. We suggest using the
#' top 15 PCs in most cases.
#' @param n.HVGs Number of highly variable genes to run PCA upon.
#' @param skip.PCA Skip PCA (if dimensionality reduction was previously
#' computed.)
#' @param log.normalize Whether to log-normalize the input data with scater. May
#' be omitted if log-normalization previously computed.
#' @param assay.type Name of assay in \code{sce} containing normalized counts.
#' Leave as "logcounts" unless you explicitly pre-computed a different
#' normalization and added it to \code{sce} under another assay. Note that we
#' do not recommend running BayesSpace on PCs computed from raw counts.
#' @param BSPARAM A \linkS4class{BiocSingularParam} object specifying which
#' algorithm should be used to perform the PCA. By default, an exact PCA is
#' performed, as current spatial datasets are generally small (<10,000 spots).
#' To perform a faster approximate PCA, please specify
#' \code{FastAutoParam()} and set a random seed to ensure
#' reproducibility.
#' @param BPPARAM A \linkS4class{BiocParallelParam} object specifying whether
#' to model the gene variation in parallel or not
#' (default to \code{SerialParam()}). To perform faster modeling, please
#' specify \code{SnowParam()} or \code{MulticoreParam()}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with PCA and BayesSpace metadata
#' @examples
#' sce <- exampleSCE()
#' sce <- spatialPreprocess(sce)
#' @export
#' @importFrom scater logNormCounts runPCA
#' @importFrom scran modelGeneVar getTopHVGs
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData<-
#' @importFrom BiocSingular ExactParam IrlbaParam RandomParam FastAutoParam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam MulticoreParam SnowParam
spatialPreprocess <- function(sce, platform=c("Visium", "VisiumHD", "ST"),
n.PCs=15, n.HVGs=2000, skip.PCA=FALSE,
log.normalize=TRUE, assay.type="logcounts",
BSPARAM=ExactParam(), BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
## Set BayesSpace metadata
metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data <- .bsData(sce, name = NULL, default = list())
metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$platform <- match.arg(platform)
metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$is.enhanced <- FALSE
# metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$use_dimred <- use.dimred
# metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$d <- n.PCs
## Run PCA on HVGs, log-normalizing if necessary
if (!skip.PCA) {
if (log.normalize)
sce <- logNormCounts(sce)
dec <- modelGeneVar(sce, assay.type=assay.type, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
top <- getTopHVGs(dec, n=n.HVGs)
sce <- runPCA(sce, subset_row=top, ncomponents=n.PCs,
exprs_values=assay.type, BSPARAM=BSPARAM)
rowData(sce)[["is.HVG"]] <- (rownames(sce) %in% top)
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