#' Parallelization
#' A convenient wrapper function of \code{BiocParallel} providing easy
#' parallelization.
#' @param X Any object for which methods \code{length}, \code{[}, and \code{[[}
#' are implemented (passed to \code{bplapply}).
#' @param FUN The \code{function} to be applied to each element of X
#' (passed to \code{bplapply}).
#' @param BPPARAM An optional \code{BiocParallelParam} instance determining
#' the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of
#' \code{BiocParallelParam} instances, to be applied in sequence for
#' nested calls to \code{BiocParallel} functions.
#' @param cores The number of threads to use. The results are invariate to the
#' value of \code{cores}.
#' @param type One of "serial", "fork", or "sock". When \code{cores} is one,
#' \code{type} is always "serial". Both "fork" and "sock" are for
#' multi-threading. "fork" is faster, but only supports linux and macos.
#' "sock" supports linux, macos, and windows.
#' @param verbose Whether to print debug information or not.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{bplapply}.
#' @name parallelize
#' @return See \code{lapply}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam MulticoreParam SnowParam bplapply
#' @importFrom purrr compact
#' @rdname parallelize
paraLapply <- function(X, FUN, BPPARAM = NULL, cores = 1L, type = c("serial", "fork", "sock"), verbose = FALSE, ...) {
# Sanity check.
assert_that(!missing(X) && !is.null(X) && length(X) > 0)
assert_that(!missing(FUN) && !is.null(FUN))
assert_that(is.null(BPPARAM) || inherits(BPPARAM, "BiocParallelParam"))
assert_that(length(cores) == 1L && is.numeric(cores) && cores > 0L)
# Common arguments for "BiocParallelParam".
.common.args <- c("stop.on.error", "progressbar", "RNGseed", "timeout", "threshold", "log", "logdir", "resultdir", "jobname")
.args <- list(...)
# Initialize back end for parallization is "BPPARAM" is not provided.
if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
if (verbose) {
message("[DEBUG] Back end for parallelization is not provided. Initializing...")
type <- match.arg(type)
# Get common arguments for "BiocParallelParam".
.init.args <- compact(.args[.common.args])
# Set the number of cores to be used.
.init.args[["workers"]] <- as.integer(cores)
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("[DEBUG] Provided effective arguments for creating a parallelization back end: %s", .list2vec(.init.args)))
# Check if the operating system is Windows.
.is.windows <- switch(Sys.info()[["sysname"]],
Windows = TRUE,
Linux = FALSE,
Darwin = FALSE
# Create an object for parallelization reasonably.
if (type == "serial" || cores == 1L) {
BPPARAM <- do.call(
.init.args[discard(names(.init.args), function(x) x %in% c("workers"))]
if (verbose) {
message("[DEBUG] A serial back end is created.")
} else if (type == "mpi") {
stop("Error! The MPI mode is not yet available.")
} else if (type == "sock" || (type == "fork" && .is.windows)) {
BPPARAM <- do.call(
c(.init.args, list("type" = "SOCK"))
if (verbose) {
message("[DEBUG] A socket back end is created.")
} else {
BPPARAM <- do.call(
if (verbose) {
message("[DEBUG] A fork back end is created.")
# Extra arguments for FUN.
.extra.args <- .args[discard(names(.args), function(x) x %in% .common.args)]
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("[DEBUG] Provided effective arguments for the customized function: %s", .list2vec(.extra.args)))
X = X,
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