RtoGalaxyTypeMap <- list("character"="text", "integer"="integer",
"numeric"="float", "logical"="boolean")
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
editToolConfXML <-
function(galaxyHome, sectionName, sectionId, toolDir, funcName)
toolConfFile <- file.path(galaxyHome, "tool_conf.xml")
if (!file.exists(toolConfFile))
stop("Invalid galaxyHome, no tool_conf.xml file!")
doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(toolConfFile)
toolboxNode <- xpathSApply(doc, "/toolbox")
section <- xpathSApply(doc,
sprintf("/toolbox/section[@name='%s']", sectionName))
if (length(section) == 0)
sectionNode <- newXMLNode("section", parent=toolboxNode)
} else {
sectionNode <- section[[1]]
toolNodes <- xmlChildren(sectionNode)
expectedName = sprintf("%s/%s.xml", toolDir, funcName)
nodeToRemove <- NULL
if (length(toolNodes) > 0)
for (i in 1:length(toolNodes))
node = toolNodes[[i]]
if ((!is.null(xmlAttrs(node))) && xmlAttrs(node)['file'] == expectedName) {
nodeToRemove <- node
if (!is.null(nodeToRemove)) removeNodes(nodeToRemove)
xmlAttrs(sectionNode)["name"] <- sectionName
xmlAttrs(sectionNode)["id"] <- sectionId
toolNode <- newXMLNode("tool", parent=sectionNode)
xmlAttrs(toolNode)["file"] <- sprintf("%s/%s.xml", toolDir, funcName)
saveXML(doc, file=toolConfFile)
## todo break into smaller functions
galaxy <-
function(func, manpage, ...,
package=NULL, is.exported=NULL,
version, galaxyConfig, packageSourceDir)
requiredFields <- c("func", "manpage", "galaxyConfig")
missingFields <- character(0)
if (!missing(packageSourceDir))
roxygenize(packageSourceDir, roclets=("rd"))
for (requiredField in requiredFields)
is.missing <- do.call(missing, list(requiredField))
if (is.missing)
missingFields <- c(missingFields, requiredField)
if (length(missingFields)>0)
msg <- "The following missing fields are required: \n"
msg <- c(msg, paste(missingFields, collapse=", "))
paramList <- list(...)
funcName <- deparse(substitute(func))
rd <- getManPage(manpage, package)
title <- getTitle(rd)
fullToolDir <- file.path(galaxyConfig@galaxyHome, "tools",
dir.create(file.path(fullToolDir), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
scriptFileName <- file.path(fullToolDir, paste(funcName, ".R", sep=""))
funcInfo <- list()
for (param in names(formals(func)))
funcInfo[[param]] <- getFuncInfo(func, param)
if (!suppressWarnings(any(lapply(funcInfo,
stop(paste("You must supply at least one GalaxyOutput",
createScriptFile(scriptFileName, func, funcName, funcInfo, paramList,
package, is.exported)
xmlFileName <- file.path(fullToolDir, paste(funcName, "xml", sep="."))
editToolConfXML(galaxyConfig@galaxyHome, galaxyConfig@sectionName,
galaxyConfig@sectionId, galaxyConfig@toolDir, funcName)
xml <- newXMLNode("tool")
xmlAttrs(xml)["id"] <- funcName
if (!is.null(package))
version <- packageDescription(package)$Version
xmlAttrs(xml)["name"] <- name
xmlAttrs(xml)["version"] <- version
descNode <- newXMLNode("description", newXMLTextNode(title),
commandText <- paste(funcName, ".R\n", sep="")
for (name in names(funcInfo))
commandText <- paste(commandText, " ",
sprintf("#if str($%s).strip() != \"\":\n", name),
" ", sprintf("--%s=\"$%s\"", name, name),
"\n #end if\n",
commandNode <- newXMLNode("command", newXMLTextNode(commandText),
xmlAttrs(commandNode)["interpreter"] <- "Rscript --vanilla"
inputsNode <- newXMLNode("inputs", parent=xml)
outputsNode <- newXMLNode("outputs", parent=xml)
for (name in names(funcInfo))
item <- funcInfo[name][[1]]
param <- paramList[name][[1]]
if (!item$type == "GalaxyOutput")
paramNode <- newXMLNode("param", parent=inputsNode)
if ( (!is.null(param)) && param@required)
validatorNode <- newXMLNode("validator", parent=paramNode)
xmlAttrs(validatorNode)["type"] <- "empty_field"
xmlAttrs(validatorNode)["message"] <- param@requiredMsg
xmlAttrs(paramNode)['optional'] <- 'false'
} else {
validatorNode <- newXMLNode("validator", parent=paramNode)
xmlAttrs(validatorNode)["type"] <- "empty_field"
dummyParam <- GalaxyParam()
xmlAttrs(validatorNode)["message"] <-
xmlAttrs(paramNode)['optional'] <- 'false'
if (item$type == "GalaxyInputFile")
xmlAttrs(paramNode)["optional"] <-
xmlAttrs(paramNode)["name"] <- name
type <- RtoGalaxyTypeMap[[item$type]]
if (item$type == "GalaxyInputFile") type <- "data"
if (item$length > 1) type <- "select"
xmlAttrs(paramNode)["type"] <- type
xmlAttrs(paramNode)["value"] <- eval(item$default)
if (type %in% c("integer", "float"))
xmlAttrs(paramNode)["value"] <- ""
xmlAttrs(paramNode)["help"] <- getHelpFromText(rd, name)
if ((!is.null(param)) && length(param@label))
item$label <- param@label
attributeFields <- c("label", "min", "max",
"force_select", "display", "checked", "size")
if ( (!is.null(param)) && param@required){
item$label <- paste("[required]", item$label)
for (field in attributeFields)
if (!is.null(param))
value <- as.character(slot(param, field))
if (length(value) > 0)
xmlAttrs(paramNode)[field] <- value
xmlAttrs(paramNode)['label'] <- item$label
if (type=="select")
if (!is.null(item$selectoptions))
selectoptions <- eval(item$selectoptions)
idx <- 1
for (value in selectoptions)
option <- names(selectoptions)[[idx]]
if (is.null(option)) option <- value
optionNode <- newXMLNode("option", option,
xmlAttrs(optionNode)['value'] <- value
idx <- idx + 1
} else
dataNode <- newXMLNode("data", parent=outputsNode)
if (is.null(item$default))
stop(sprintf("GalaxyOutput '%s' must have a parameter.", name))
galaxyOutput <- eval(item$default)
xmlAttrs(dataNode)["format"] <- galaxyOutput@format
xmlAttrs(dataNode)["name"] <- name
xmlAttrs(dataNode)["label"] <- as.character(galaxyOutput)
helpText <- ""
helpText <- generateHelpText(rd)
helpNode <- newXMLNode("help", newXMLTextNode(helpText), parent=xml)
saveXML(xml, file=xmlFileName)
generateHelpText <- function(rd)
ret <- character(0)
ret <- c(ret, "", "**Description**", "",
parseSectionFromText(rd, "Description"))
ret <- c(ret, "", "**Details**", "", parseSectionFromText(rd, "Details"))
paste(ret, collapse="\n")
displayFunction <- function(func, funcName)
funcCode <- capture.output(func) ## TODO what if func is in a package and unexported?
funcCode <- grep("<bytecode: ", funcCode, fixed=TRUE, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
funcCode <- grep("<environment: ", funcCode, fixed=TRUE, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
s <- sprintf("\n%s <- %s", funcName, paste(funcCode, collapse="\n"))
createScriptFile <- function(scriptFileName, func, funcName, funcInfo,
paramList, package, is.exported)
repList <- list()
funcCode <- displayFunction(func, funcName)
repList$FUNCTION <- funcCode
repList$FUNCNAME <- funcName
repVal <- ""
for (name in names(funcInfo))
item <- funcInfo[name][[1]]
if (item$length > 1)
type <- "character"
type <- item$type
if (type %in% c("GalaxyOutput", "GalaxyInputFile")) type <- "character"
repVal <- paste(repVal, "option_list$",
sprintf("%s <- make_option('--%s', type='%s')\n",
name, name, type),
if (!is.null(package)) {
repList$FUNCTION <- "## function body not needed here, it is in package"
repList$LIBRARY <- paste("suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(", package, "))", sep="")
do.call(library, list(package))
if ((!is.null(is.exported)) && length(is.exported)>0 &&
repList$FULLFUNCNAME <- sprintf("%s:::%s", package, funcName)
} else {
repList$FULLFUNCNAME <- funcName
} else {
repList$LIBRARY <- ""
repList$FULLFUNCNAME <- funcName
copySubstitute(system.file("template", "template.R", package="RGalaxy"),
scriptFileName, repList)
getSupportedExtensions <- function(galaxyHome=".")
confFile <- file.path(galaxyHome, "datatypes_conf.xml")
if (!file.exists(confFile))
confFile <- system.file("galaxy", "datatypes_conf.xml", package="RGalaxy")
if (!file.exists(confFile)) stop("datatypes_conf not found!")
doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(confFile)
extNodes <- xpathSApply(doc, "/datatypes/registration/datatype")
tmp <- lapply(extNodes, xmlAttrs)
unlist(lapply(tmp, "[[", "extension"))
checkInputs <- function(a, b=1, c)
m <- match.call()
args <- sapply(names(m)[-1], function(nm) m[[nm]])
f <- formals()
isSymbol <- sapply(f, is.symbol)
f[isSymbol] <- "missing"
f[names(args)] <- args
## todo: fix so "numOTUs" returns "Num OTUs" instead of "Num O T Us"
getFriendlyName <- function(camelName)
chars <- strsplit(camelName, split="")
ret <- ""
i <- 1
for (char in chars[[1]])
if(char %in% LETTERS && i > 1) ret <- c(ret, " ")
if(i == 1) char <- toupper(char)
ret <- c(ret, char)
i <- i + 1
paste(ret, collapse="", sep="")
getFuncInfo <- function(func, param)
ret <- list()
ret$selectoptions <- NULL
f <- formals(func)[[param]]
cl <- NULL
tryCatch(cl <- class(eval(f)), error=function(x){})
if (is.null(cl))
stop(sprintf("No type specified for parameter '%s'.", param))
ret$type <- class(eval(f))
if (ret$type == "list")
msg <- sprintf("'list' is an invalid type for parameter '%s'.\n",
msg <- c(msg,
"Use a homogeneous type like 'integer', 'character', etc.")
ret$length <- length(eval(f))
if (ret$length == 1)
ret$default <- f
else if (ret$length == 0)
ret$default <- NULL ## ??
ret$selectoptions <- f
ret$label <- getFriendlyName(param)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.