
## This is a file for functions that interact with the issue tracker in some way

## A function that can build a particular tracker issue again. (So
## that we don't have to bother Dan every time)
rebuildIssueTarball <- function(issueNumber,
    if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
        stop("Sorry this function is only available from Unix")}
    ## use system to call the python script
    pythonCmd <- paste0("python ",pythonPath,"rerun_build.py")
    cmd <- paste("ssh habu '", pythonCmd, issueNumber, tarballUrlPath,"'")

## example - test it out on sbptest:
## rebuildIssueTarball(558,'https://tracker.bioconductor.org/file4845/spbtest_0.99.0.tar.gz')

## A function that will use the command line to remove a dead issue
removeDeadTrackerIssue <- function(issueNumber){
    if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
        stop("Sorry this function is only available from Unix")}
    ## we really don't want a space between issue and issueNumber variable...
    adminCmd <- paste0("roundup-admin ",
                       "-i /var/www-trackers/bioc_submit retire issue",
    cmd <- paste("ssh habu '" ,adminCmd, "'")

## usage of  this function:
## removeDeadTrackerIssue('1114')

## tracker SQL querying functions:
## Some notes about the MySQL DB:
## Connect on habu like this:
## mysql -p -h habu.fhcrc.org -u roundup roundup_bioc_submit

## contents of the tables:
## (This is promising - IOW the data is there, but schema is pretty obscure)
## _issue = one record per issue.
## _file = lists all uploaded file names
## _keyword = list of things put into the keywords slot
## _msg = list of messages who messaged who and when
## _status = status types (new-package, sent-back etc.)
## _user = list of all users
## issue_files = looks like a graph object is here. (big)
## issue_keyword = another (tiny) graph
## issue_messages = another graph (big)
## issue_nosy = another graph - there is a trend here...
## msg_files = another graph (big)
## msg_recipients = another graph (big)
## user_queries = another graph (10 records)
## ***__journal = another set of tables that look a lot alike. These appear to be related to the graphs  (they all have info. about nodeids)
## sessions = appears to log sesssions for each user (one record per PC that they use to connect to the site?) - just a guess

## Helper to get connection to the roundup DB
.getRoundupCon <- function(){
    pswd <- getOption("trackerPSWD")
        stop("You need to set a password for the issue tracker in .Rprofile")

.getStatus <- function(str){
           'pre-accepted'=9 )

.getTextStatus <- function(no) {
           '1' = 'new-package',
           '2' = 'preview-in-progress',
           '3' = 'sent-back',
           '4' = 'modified-package',
           '5' = 'review-in-progress',
           '6' = 'accepted',
           '7' = 'rejected',
           '8' = 'closed',
           '9' = 'pre-accepted'  )

.coreReviewerIds <- function(str){

## Make function that can get the links and DESCRIPTION files from the issue tracker DB for all unassigned issues.

filterIssues <- function(status=c('new-package'),
    ## argument checking and processing
    validStatuses <- c('new-package','preview-in-progress','sent-back',
    match.arg(status, choices=validStatuses, several.ok=TRUE)
    if(!isSingleString(datePrefix)) stop("datePrefix must be single string")
    statusIds <- unlist(lapply(status,.getStatus))
    fmtStatusIds <- paste0(statusIds, collapse="','")
    ## DB stuff
    con <- .getRoundupCon()
    sql1 <- paste0("SELECT issue._title AS title ",
                   ",issue.id, file._name AS name, ",
                   "issue._activity AS activity, ",
                   "issue.__retired__ AS retired ",
                   "FROM ",
                   "(SELECT * FROM _issue ",
                   "WHERE _issue._status IN ('",fmtStatusIds,"') ",
                   "AND _issue._activity LIKE '",datePrefix,"%') ",
                   "AS issue, ",
                   "(SELECT * FROM _file ",
                   "WHERE _file._activity LIKE '",datePrefix,"%') ",
                   "AS file ",
                   "WHERE file._creator=issue._creator")
    sql2 <- paste0("SELECT _title AS title, id, _activity AS activity, ",
                   "__retired__ AS retired ",
                   "FROM _issue ",
                   "WHERE _issue._status IN ('",fmtStatusIds,"') ",
                   "AND _issue._activity LIKE '",datePrefix,"%'")

        res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
        res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)   
    ## Only keep records where the issue was NOT retired
    res <- res[res$retired==0,]
    res <- res[,!names(res) %in% 'retired']

## Usage: filterIssues(status=c('new-package','preview-in-progress'), datePrefix='2015')

## And datePrefix can be made more specific.  So for example:
## Usage: filterIssues(status=c('new-package','preview-in-progress'), datePrefix='2014-12')
## Please NOTE:
## 'full' dates are formatted like this: 'YYYY-MM-DD timestamp'
## for example: '2007-05-07 18:50:11'

## And if you want the files too you can do this:
## Usage: filterIssues(status=c('new-package','preview-in-progress'), datePrefix='2015', getUserFiles=TRUE)

## Then make a function that will get all records from the tracker
## that have not been checked for a couple of weeks or longer.  (all
## this is in _issue I think)

coneOfShame <- function(daysNeglected=14, userName=NULL, daysToForget=30,
    con <- .getRoundupCon()
    sql <- paste0("SELECT issue.dateDiff,",
                  "issue._title AS title,",
                  "issue._activity AS activity,",
                  "issue._actor AS actor,",
                  "issue._assignedto AS assignedto,",
                  "issue.__retired__ AS retired,",
                  "_user._address AS address,",
                  "_user._username AS username ",
                  "FROM (SELECT DATEDIFF(DATE(NOW()),DATE(_activity)) AS ",
                  "__retired__ ",
                  "FROM _issue WHERE _issue._status IN ('2','3','4','5')) ",
                  "AS issue, _user ",
                  "WHERE _user.id=issue._assignedto ",
                  "ORDER BY activity DESC")
    res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)
    ## Remove records where a core reviewer was the last person to touch it.
        idx <- res$actor %in% .coreReviewerIds()
        ## res <- res[res$actor!=res$assignedto,]
        res <- res[!idx,]
    ## Only keep records where the issue was NOT retired
    res <- res[res$retired==0,]
    res <- res[,!names(res) %in% 'retired']
    ## And then filter based on the dateDiff
    res <- res[res$dateDiff > daysNeglected,]
    ## And then filter based on things just being too damned old to matter
    res <- res[res$dateDiff < daysToForget,]
        res <- res[res[['username']] %in% userName,]

## Usage: coneOfShame() ## show who is behind
## Usage: coneOfShame(7, 'mcarlson') ## show which issues I am about to be behind on
## Usage:  coneOfShame(1, 'mcarlson', lastTouchedFilter=FALSE) ## show which issues I have assigned to me that I have not finished yet...

## And make a function that will look at records that are accepted but which have not been put into the manifest yet...
## basically just call the filterIssues() function and
## then also compare to what is in the manifest already. Just see the
## code in tallyManifests.R

## Helper just gets manifest names based on a path
.getAllPossibleManifestNames<- function(svnDir, software=TRUE){
    ## get most recent manifest filename
        manis <- .makeManifestNames(svnDir)
        manis <- .makeExpManifestNames(svnDir)
    lastMani <- manis[length(manis)]
    ## And update the manifest file
    system(paste0("svn up ", lastMani))
    ## use scan to read in that file
    res <- scan(lastMani, what="character",skip=1, quiet=TRUE)
    ## extract the names
    idxMani <- rep(c(FALSE,TRUE), length(res)/2)

readyToAdd <- function(datePrefix='2015',
                       svnDir = "~/proj/Rpacks/",
    ## get the accepted issues from this year and their files 
    accepted <- filterIssues(status=c('accepted'),
    ## get most recent manifest filenames
    softwareNames <- .getAllPossibleManifestNames(svnDir, software=TRUE)
    experNames <- .getAllPossibleManifestNames(svnDir1, software=FALSE)
    pkgNames <- c(softwareNames, experNames)
    ## filter the results using that list of names
    idx <- !(accepted$title %in% pkgNames)

## Optionally: make a function that creates results from
## getUnassignedIDsAndFileNames into an email for potential reviewers?

## function to find whose working on what in last 30 days. 

.fullDb <- function() {
    con <- .getRoundupCon()
     sql <- paste0("SELECT issue.dateDiff,",
                  "issue._title AS title,",
                  "issue._activity AS activity,",
                  "issue._actor AS actor,",
                  "issue._assignedto AS assignedto,",
                  "issue.__retired__ AS retired,",
                  "issue._status AS status, ",
                  "_user._address AS address,",
                  "_user._username AS username ",
                  "FROM (SELECT DATEDIFF(DATE(NOW()),DATE(_activity)) AS ",
                  "__retired__ ",
                  "FROM _issue WHERE _issue._status IN ('2','3','4','5','6', '8','9')) ",
                  "AS issue, _user ",
                  "WHERE _user.id=issue._assignedto ",
                  "ORDER BY activity DESC")
    dbGetQuery(con, sql)

creditworthy <- function(creditDays= 30, userName=NA_character_) {
    df <- .fullDb()
         userName <- c( "pshannon", "vobencha", "herve", "nhayden", "dtenenba", 
                 "sarora", "mtmorgan", "mcarlson", "jhester")
    core_assignedto <- c( 208, 209, 7, 560, 210, 559, 18)
    lapply(userName, function(x) {
	tempdf <- subset(df, df$username==x)
	tempdf <- subset(tempdf, tempdf$dateDiff < creditDays)
	tempdf$status <- apply(tempdf,1, function(x) .getTextStatus(x["status"]))
	drop <- which(names(tempdf) %in% c("actor", "assignedto", "retired", 
        tempdf <- tempdf[, -drop]
        message("####### ", unique(tempdf$username), " ########")
        message("total no of packages touched: ", nrow(tempdf))
        acc <- length(which(tempdf$status=="accepted"))
        message("no of packages accepted: ", acc)
	tempdf <- tempdf[order(tempdf[, "status"]), ]

preacceptedToAccepted <- function(){
   df <- .fullDb()
   newdf <- subset(df, status==9)
   allPkgs <- .getPackageContents_txtfile(biocVersion='3.1')
   testpkg <- newdf$title
   sa <- lapply(testpkg, function(p) {
        stat <- grep(p, allPkgs, value=TRUE)
        warn <- grep("WARNINGS", stat)
        warn<- ifelse(length(warn)!=0, "yes", "none")
        error <- grep("ERROR", stat)
        err <- ifelse(length(error)!=0, yes="yes", "none")
        c(warning=warn, error=err)
   warn <- sapply(sa, "[[", "warning")
   error <- sapply(sa,"[[", "error")
   drop <- which(names(newdf) %in% c("actor", "assignedto", 
            "retired", "address", "activity", 'status'))
   newdf <- newdf[, -drop]
   cbind(newdf, warn, error, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

dtenenba/BiocContributions documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:54 p.m.