# Another set of utilities for emailing maintainers (mtrs) of
# broken packages. Uses slightly different utility functions for
# sending email than email.R.
.getMtr <- function(package, software=TRUE)
if (software)
repos <- "bioc"
repos <- "data-experiment"
url <- sprintf("http://master.bioconductor.org/checkResults/devel/%s-LATEST/meat-index.txt",
txt <- content(GET(url))
lines <- strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]]
curkpkg <- NULL
scanMode <- FALSE
for (line in lines)
if (line == sprintf("Package: %s", package))
scanMode = TRUE
if (scanMode && grepl("^MaintainerEmail:", line))
return(sub("^MaintainerEmail: ", "", line))
stop("Couldn't find the maintainer!")
.getPackageFails <- function(package, software=TRUE)
if (software)
repos = "bioc"
repos = "data-experiment"
ret <- list()
notfound <- c()
for (version in c("release", "devel"))
url <- paste0("http://master.bioconductor.org/checkResults/",
version, "/", repos, "-LATEST/STATUS_DB.txt")
status_txt <- content(GET(url))
lines <- strsplit(status_txt, "\n")[[1]]
raw <- lines[grep(paste0("^", package, "#"), lines)]
if (!length(raw))
notfound <- append(notfound, TRUE)
j <- unlist(strsplit(raw, " "))
results <- unique(j[c(rep(FALSE,TRUE), TRUE)])
if (length(results))
results <- sort(results)
results <- results[!grepl("NotNeeded|skipped|OK", results)]
if (length(results) && !(length(results) == 1 && results == "OK"))
ret[[version]] <- results
if (all(notfound) && length(notfound))
stop(sprintf("Package %s not found.", package))
stop("This package has no issues!")
## TODO - add special text (and arg to activate it)
## when release date is approaching
## and error/warning MUST be fixed by some date.
failmail <- function(package, software=TRUE, from=getOption("fromEmail",
"dtenenba@fredhutch.org"), sig=getOption("mail.sig", "Dan"),
subject=sprintf("%s build problem", package), preview=TRUE,
if (!require(sendmailR)) stop("This function requires the sendmailR package.")
if (is.null(getOption("email.options", NULL)))
stop("Please set options(email.options). See ?sendmailR::sendmail_options")
if (software)
repos = "bioc"
repos = "data-experiment"
results <- .getPackageFails(package, software)
to <- .getMtr(package, software)
msg <- sprintf("Hi,\n\nThere's an issue with %s on the build system.\n\n", package)
for (version in c("release", "devel"))
if (!is.null(results[[version]]))
msg <- sprintf("%sIn %s, build results are %s on one or more platforms.\n\n",
msg, version, paste(results[[version]], collapse=", "))
msg <- sprintf("%sSee http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/%s/%s-LATEST/%s/\n",
msg, version, repos, package)
msg <- paste0(msg, "for more information.\n\n")
cat("Add custom message [(y)es/(N)o/use (e)ditor]? ")
line <- readLines(n=1)
if (tolower(line) == "y")
cat("Enter a custom message, . on a line by itself to end.\n")
custom <- c()
line <- readLines(n=1)
if (line == ".")
custom <- append(custom, line)
if (length(custom))
msg <- paste0(msg, paste(custom, collapse="\n"), "\n\n")
} else if (tolower(line) == "e")
tmpfile <- tempfile(package)
# if (file.exists(tmpfile))
# unlink(tmpfile)
cat("Press ENTER when done editing. ")
line <- readLines(n=1)
if (file.exists(tmpfile) && file.size(tmpfile) > 0)
line <- readLines(n=1)
msg <- paste0(msg,
paste(readLines(tmpfile, warn=FALSE),
collapse="\n"), "\n\n")
msg <- paste0(msg, "Please take a look and fix this as soon as you can.\n")
msg <- paste0(msg, "Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\n", sig, "\n")
if (preview)
cat ("Mesage preview:\n-------\n")
cat(sprintf("From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s",
from, to, subject, msg))
cat("---\nIs this ok (y/N)? ")
ans <- readLines(n=1)
if (!tolower(ans) == "y")
bcc <- c()
if (bccme)
bcc <- from
sendmail(from, to, subject, msg,
bcc = bcc,
if (getOption("email.options")[["smtpPort"]] == 1025)
cat("Using a test email server, email not actually sent.")
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