## This is where code that is used for cleaning up a package and
## adding it to svn will live.
## I want to follow BiocCheck's lead here and do a cleanup command like:
## R CMD cleanup
## cleanup will then do the following:
## drop and lines from DESCRIPTION thet start with "packaged"
## rm -rf any build directories or /inst/doc
## cp -r the package to the svn repos
## put the package into the most recent manifest
## This retrieves the short name for a package or it's true name (so
## no version numbers or extensions it's basically what the source dir
## would be called)
.getShortPkgName <- function(tarball){
sep <- .Platform$file.sep
notTar <- paste("^",sep,".*",sep, sep="")
tar <- sub(notTar,"",tarball, perl=TRUE)
sub("_.*gz","", tar, perl=TRUE)
## This throws away unwanted extra lines and junk from the DESCRIPTION file
.cleanDESCRIPTION <- function(dir){
dirPath <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
DESC <- read.dcf(dirPath)
DESC <- DESC[,!grepl("Packaged",colnames(DESC)),drop=FALSE]
write.dcf(DESC, file=dirPath)
## This throws away dirs that are inserted into the tarball by 'R CMD build.'
.removeUnwantedDirs <- function(dir){
instDoc <- file.path(dir, "inst", "doc")
unlink(instDoc, recursive=TRUE)
buildDir <- file.path(dir, "build")
unlink(buildDir, recursive=TRUE)
gitDir <- file.path(dir, ".git")
unlink(gitDir, recursive=TRUE)
.removeUnwantedFiles <- function(dir){
srcDir <- file.path(dir, "src")
## This is for cleaning up build tarballs, and then putting them into
## svn (and emailing the authors to let them know this - when they
## already have an account)
clean <- function(tarball, svnDir="~/proj/Rpacks/", copyToSvnDir=TRUE,
## 1st re-run the checker from Dan to make sure we have the right thing...
## TODO: call Dans checker here?
## make sure we are in unix (otherwise default arg for svnDir is no good)
if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
stop("Sorry this function is only available from Unix")}
## access the tarball
## get the name of the actual dir that tarball will unpack to
dir <- .getShortPkgName(tarball)
## clean up DESCRIPTION file
## remove build and inst/doc dirs
## remove unwanted files
## cp the dir to a default svn dir.
file.copy(from=dir, to=svnDir, recursive=TRUE)
## email, but only if the user is known to exist already..
if(svnAccountExists == TRUE){
## cleanup
unlink(dir, recursive=TRUE)
#### Test example for how I want this to work:
## library(BiocContributions); tarball <- system.file("testpackages", "AnnotationHub_1.3.18.tar.gz", package="BiocContributions");
## use helper argument for testing...
## clean(tarball, copyToSvnDir=FALSE)
## if we know that the user has an svn account, then I can just email
## them at the same time that we add their code to the repos.
## clean(tarball, svnAccountExists=TRUE)
## helper for making paths
.makeFullPaths <- function(x, name){
file.path(name, unlist(x))
## Another clean function (this time for cleaning data packages)
cleanDataPkg <- function(tarball,
## 1st re-run the checker from Dan to make sure we have the right thing...
## TODO: call Dans checker here?
## make sure we are in unix (otherwise default arg for svnDir is no good)
if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
stop("Sorry this function is only available from Unix")}
## access the tarball
## get the name of the actual dir that tarball will unpack to
dir <- .getShortPkgName(tarball)
## clean up DESCRIPTION file
## remove build and inst/doc dirs
## remove unwanted files
## cp the dir to a default svn dir.
file.copy(from=dir, to=svnDir1, recursive=TRUE)
svd1 <- file.path(svnDir1, dir)
## for now just touch this file.
extDataStore <- file.path(svd1,'external_data_store.txt')
extDataCon <- file(extDataStore)
basePaths <- character()
system(paste0('touch ',extDataStore))
## and then check the following:
dataDir <- file.path(svd1,'data')
unlink(dataDir, recursive=TRUE)
basePaths <- c(basePaths, 'data')
extdataDir <- file.path(svd1,'inst','extdata')
unlink(extdataDir, recursive=TRUE)
basePaths <- c(basePaths, 'inst/extdata')
writeLines(basePaths, con = extDataCon)
## And here it just removes pretty much everything that isn't
## the stuff we tossed out in svd1...
file.copy(from=dir, to=svnDir2, recursive=TRUE)
svd2 <- file.path(svnDir2, dir)
## get all contents of current dir
contents <- dir(svd2, include.dirs=TRUE ,recursive=TRUE)
## then make all contents and paths "fully pathed"
contents <- file.path(svd2, contents)
fullBasePaths <- file.path(svd2, basePaths)
## Then we have to get all the indiv, stuff in each basePath
pathList <- lapply(fullBasePaths, FUN='dir', recursive=TRUE)
pathList <- mapply(.makeFullPaths, pathList, fullBasePaths)
paths <- unlist(pathList, use.names=FALSE)
paths <- unique(c(paths, fullBasePaths))
## exception for 'inst':
if(any(grepl('inst', basePaths))){
instPath <- file.path(svd2, 'inst')
paths <- c(instPath, paths)
## filter out the paths we want to keep.
contents <- contents[!contents %in% paths]
## and throw out the rest.
unlink(contents, recursive=TRUE)
## email, but only if the user is known to exist already..
if(svnAccountExists == TRUE){
## cleanup
unlink(dir, recursive=TRUE)
## ## need an example here (TODO: add an example to inst/testpackages)
## cleanDataPkg(tarball)
## local test
## tarball = 'CopyNumber450kData_0.99.1.tar.gz'; library(BiocContributions); debug(BiocContributions:::cleanDataPkg)
## cleanDataPkg(tarball, svnDir1="~/tasks/PkgReviews/AboutToAdd/expr/test/pkgs", svnDir2="~/tasks/PkgReviews/AboutToAdd/expr/test/data")
## tarball = 'Affymoe430Expr_0.99.0.tar.gz'; library(BiocContributions); debug(BiocContributions:::cleanDataPkg); cleanDataPkg(tarball, svnDir1="~/tasks/PkgReviews/AboutToAdd/expr/test/pkgs", svnDir2="~/tasks/PkgReviews/AboutToAdd/expr/test/data")
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