#' Bipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data
#' This function generates a complete bipartite network from
#' gene expression data and sequence motif data
#' @param motif A motif dataset, a data.frame, matrix or exprSet containing
#' 3 columns. Each row describes an motif associated with a transcription
#' factor (column 1) a gene (column 2) and a score (column 3) for the motif.
#' @param expr An expression dataset, as a genes (rows) by samples (columns)
#' data.frame
#' @param verbose logical to indicate printing of output for algorithm progress.
#' @param method String to indicate algorithm method. Must be one of
#' "bere","pearson","panda","cd","lda", or "wcd". Default is "bere"
#' @param score String to indicate whether motif information will be
#' readded upon completion of the algorithm
#' @param alphaw A weight parameter specifying proportion of weight
#' to give to indirect compared to direct evidence. See documentation.
#' @param verbose logical to indicate printing of output for
#' @param cpp logical use C++ for maximum speed, set to false if unable to run.
#' @keywords keywords
#' @export
#' @return matrix for inferred network between TFs and genes
#' @examples
#' data(yeast)
monsterNI <- function(motif.data,
print('Initializing and validating')
# Create vectors for TF names and Gene names from Motif dataset
tf.names <- sort(unique(motif.data[,1]))
num.TFs <- length(tf.names)
if (is.null(expr.data)){
stop("Error: Expression data null")
} else {
# Use the motif data AND the expr data (if provided) for the gene list
gene.names <- sort(intersect(motif.data[,2],rownames(expr.data)))
num.genes <- length(gene.names)
# Filter out the expr genes without motif data
expr.data <- expr.data[rownames(expr.data) %in% gene.names,]
# Keep everything sorted alphabetically
expr.data <- expr.data[order(rownames(expr.data)),]
num.conditions <- ncol(expr.data);
if (randomize=='within.gene'){
expr.data <- t(apply(expr.data, 1, sample))
print("Randomizing by reordering each gene's expression")
} else if (randomize=='by.genes'){
rownames(expr.data) <- sample(rownames(expr.data))
expr.data <- expr.data[order(rownames(expr.data)),]
print("Randomizing by reordering each gene labels")
# Bad data checking
if (num.genes==0){
stop("Error validating data. No matched genes.\n
Please ensure that gene names in expression
file match gene names in motif file.")
if(num.conditions==0) {
stop("Error: Number of samples = 0")
gene.coreg <- diag(num.genes)
} else if(num.conditions<3) {
stop('Not enough expression conditions detected to calculate correlation.')
} else {
print('Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix')
# C++ implementation
gene.coreg <- rcpp_ccorr(t(apply(expr.data, 1, function(x)(x-mean(x))/(sd(x)))))
rownames(gene.coreg)<- rownames(expr.data)
colnames(gene.coreg)<- rownames(expr.data)
} else {
# Standard r correlation calculation
gene.coreg <- cor(t(expr.data), method="pearson", use="pairwise.complete.obs")
print('More data cleaning')
# Convert 3 column format to matrix format
colnames(motif.data) <- c('TF','GENE','value')
regulatory.network <- tidyr::spread(motif.data, GENE, value, fill=0)
rownames(regulatory.network) <- regulatory.network[,1]
# sort the TFs (rows), and remove redundant first column
regulatory.network <- regulatory.network[order(rownames(regulatory.network)),-1]
# sort the genes (columns)
regulatory.network <- as.matrix(regulatory.network[,order(colnames(regulatory.network))])
# Filter out any motifs that are not in expr dataset (if given)
if (!is.null(expr.data)){
regulatory.network <- regulatory.network[,colnames(regulatory.network) %in% gene.names]
# store initial motif network (alphabetized for rows and columns)
# starting.motifs <- regulatory.network
print('Main calculation')
result <- NULL
if (method=="BERE"){
## Get direct evidence
directCor <- t(cor(t(exprData),t(exprData[rownames(exprData)%in%tfNames,]))^2)
## Get the indirect evidence
result <- t(apply(tfdcast, 1, function(x){
tfTargets <- as.numeric(x)
# Ordinary Logistic Reg
# z <- glm(tfTargets ~ ., data=exprData, family="binomial")
# Penalized Logistic Reg
z <- penalized(tfTargets, exprData,
lambda2=lambda, model="logistic", standardize=TRUE)
# z <- optL1(tfTargets, exprData, minlambda1=25, fold=5)
predict(z, exprData)
## Convert values to ranks
directCor <- matrix(rank(directCor), ncol=ncol(directCor))
result <- matrix(rank(result), ncol=ncol(result))
consensus <- directCor*(1-alphaw) + result*alphaw
rownames(consensus) <- rownames(tfdcast)
colnames(consensus) <- rownames(exprData)
consensusRange <- max(consensus)- min(consensus)
consensus <- as.matrix(consensus + consensusRange*tfdcast)
} else if (method=="pearson"){
result <- t(cor(t(exprData),t(exprData[rownames(exprData)%in%tfNames,]))^2)
result <- as.matrix(consensus + consensusRange*tfdcast)
} else {
# Remove NA correlations
gene.coreg[is.na(gene.coreg)] <- 0
correlation.dif <- sweep(regulatory.network,1,rowSums(regulatory.network),`/`)%*%
gene.coreg -
result <- sweep(correlation.dif, 2, apply(correlation.dif, 2, sd),'/')
# regulatory.network <- ifelse(res>quantile(res,1-mean(regulatory.network)),1,0)
result <- result + max(result)*regulatory.network
#' Bipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data (LDA method)
#' This function generates a complete bipartite network from
#' gene expression data and sequence motif data
#' @param motif A motif dataset, a data.frame, matrix or exprSet
#' containing 3 columns. Each row describes an motif associated
#' with a transcription factor (column 1) a gene (column 2) and
#' a score (column 3) for the motif.
#' @param expr An expression dataset, as a genes (rows) by
#' samples (columns) data.frame
#' @param verbose logical to indicate printing of output for
#' algorithm progress.
#' @param method String to indicate algorithm method. Must
#' be one of "cd","lda", or "wcd". Default is correlation
#' difference "cd".
#' @param score String to indicate whether motif information
#' will be readded upon completion of the algorithm
#' @keywords keywords
#' @export
#' @return TBD, An object of class "bere" (currently matrix or
#' data.frame)
#' @examples
#' 1+1
ldaBERE <- function(motifs, expData, score="motifincluded"){
expData <- data.frame(expData)
tfdcast <- dcast(motifs,V1~V2,fill=0)
rownames(tfdcast) <- tfdcast[,1]
tfdcast <- tfdcast[,-1]
expData <- expData[sort(rownames(expData)),]
tfdcast <- tfdcast[,sort(colnames(tfdcast)),]
# check that IDs match
if (prod(rownames(expData)==colnames(tfdcast))!=1){
stop("ID mismatch")
result <- t(apply(tfdcast, 1, function(x){
tfTargets <- as.numeric(x)
z <- lda(tfTargets ~ ., expData)
predict(z, expData)$posterior[,2]
result <- as.matrix(result + tfdcast)
#' Bipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data
#' (composite method with direct/indirect)
#' This function generates a complete bipartite network from
#' gene expression data and sequence motif data
#' @param motif A motif dataset, a data.frame, matrix or exprSet
#' containing 3 columns. Each row describes an motif associated
#' with a transcription factor (column 1) a gene (column 2)
#' and a score (column 3) for the motif.
#' @param expr An expression dataset, as a genes (rows) by
#' samples (columns) data.frame
#' @param alpha A weight parameter specifying proportion of weight
#' to give to indirect compared to direct evidence. See documentation.
#' @param verbose logical to indicate printing of output for
#' algorithm progress.
#' @param method String to indicate algorithm method. Must be
#' one of "cd","lda", or "wcd". Default is correlation difference
#' "cd".
#' @param score String to indicate whether motif information will
#' be readded upon completion of the algorithm
#' @keywords keywords
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
#' @export
#' @return TBD, An object of class "bere" (currently matrix or
#' data.frame)
#' @examples
#' 1+1
bereFull <- function(motifs,
exprData <- data.frame(exprData)
tfdcast <- dcast(motifs,V1~V2,fill=0)
rownames(tfdcast) <- tfdcast[,1]
tfdcast <- tfdcast[,-1]
exprData <- exprData[sort(rownames(exprData)),]
tfdcast <- tfdcast[,sort(colnames(tfdcast)),]
tfNames <- rownames(tfdcast)[rownames(tfdcast) %in% rownames(exprData)]
## Filtering
# filter out the TFs that are not in expression set
tfdcast <- tfdcast[rownames(tfdcast)%in%tfNames,]
# Filter out genes that aren't targetted by anything 7/28/15
commonGenes <- intersect(colnames(tfdcast),rownames(exprData))
exprData <- exprData[commonGenes,]
tfdcast <- tfdcast[,commonGenes]
# check that IDs match
if (prod(rownames(exprData)==colnames(tfdcast))!=1){
stop("ID mismatch")
## Get direct evidence
directCor <- t(cor(t(exprData),t(exprData[rownames(exprData)%in%tfNames,]))^2)
## Get the indirect evidence
result <- t(apply(tfdcast, 1, function(x){
tfTargets <- as.numeric(x)
# Ordinary Logistic Reg
# z <- glm(tfTargets ~ ., data=exprData, family="binomial")
# Penalized Logistic Reg
z <- penalized(tfTargets, exprData,
lambda2=lambda, model="logistic", standardize=TRUE)
# z <- optL1(tfTargets, exprData, minlambda1=25, fold=5)
predict(z, exprData)
## Convert values to ranks
directCor <- matrix(rank(directCor), ncol=ncol(directCor))
result <- matrix(rank(result), ncol=ncol(result))
consensus <- directCor*(1-alpha) + result*alpha
rownames(consensus) <- rownames(tfdcast)
colnames(consensus) <- rownames(exprData)
consensusRange <- max(consensus)- min(consensus)
consensus <- as.matrix(consensus + consensusRange*tfdcast)
#' function for building a network based only on node degree
#' This function creates an unsophisticated graph based solely on
#' the node degrees
#' @param motif A motif dataset, a data.frame, matrix or exprSet
#' containing 3 columns. Each row describes an motif associated
#' with a transcription factor (column 1) a gene (column 2) and
#' a score (column 3) for the motif.
#' @keywords keywords
#' @export
#' @return network
#' @examples
#' 1+1
degreeApproach <- function(motifs){
tfDegree <- table(motifs[,c(1,3)])
geneDegree <- table(motifs[,c(2,3)])
tfMatrix <- matrix(rep(tfDegree[,2],nrow(geneDegree)),
geneMatrix <- t(matrix(rep(geneDegree[,2],nrow(tfDegree)),
result <- tfMatrix+geneMatrix
rownames(result) <- rownames(tfDegree)
colnames(result) <- rownames(geneDegree)
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