#' Toy dataset to check the model
#' @name toydata
#' @aliases toydata
#' @format A matrix of integers (counts) with 96 samples (rows) and 500 genes
#' (columns).
#' Initialize an object of class ZinbModel
#' @param X matrix. The design matrix containing sample-level covariates, one
#' sample per row.
#' @param V matrix. The design matrix containing gene-level covariates, one gene
#' per row.
#' @param O_mu matrix. The offset matrix for mu.
#' @param O_pi matrix. The offset matrix for pi.
#' @param which_X_mu integer. Indeces of which columns of X to use in the
#' regression of mu.
#' @param which_V_mu integer. Indeces of which columns of V to use in the
#' regression of mu.
#' @param which_X_pi integer. Indeces of which columns of X to use in the
#' regression of pi.
#' @param which_V_pi integer. Indeces of which columns of V to use in the
#' regression of pi.
#' @param W matrix. The factors of sample-level latent factors.
#' @param beta_mu matrix or NULL. The coefficients of X in the regression of mu.
#' @param gamma_mu matrix or NULL. The coefficients of V in the regression of
#' mu.
#' @param alpha_mu matrix or NULL. The coefficients of W in the regression of
#' mu.
#' @param beta_pi matrix or NULL. The coefficients of X in the regression of pi.
#' @param gamma_pi matrix or NULL. The coefficients of V in the regression of
#' pi.
#' @param alpha_pi matrix or NULL. The coefficients of W in the regression of
#' pi.
#' @param zeta numeric. A vector of log of inverse dispersion parameters.
#' @param epsilon nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter.
#' @param epsilon_beta_mu nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for
#' beta_mu.
#' @param epsilon_gamma_mu nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for
#' gamma_mu.
#' @param epsilon_beta_pi nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for
#' beta_pi.
#' @param epsilon_gamma_pi nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for
#' gamma_pi.
#' @param epsilon_W nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for W.
#' @param epsilon_alpha nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for alpha
#' (both alpha_mu and alpha_pi).
#' @param epsilon_zeta nonnegative scalar. Regularization parameter for zeta.
#' @param epsilon_min_logit scalar. Minimum regularization parameter for
#' parameters of the logit model, including the intercept.
#' @param n integer. Number of samples.
#' @param J integer. Number of genes.
#' @param K integer. Number of latent factors.
#' @export
#' @details This is a wrapper around the new() function to create an
#' instance of class \code{ZinbModel}. Rarely, the user will need to create a
#' \code{ZinbModel} object from scratch, as tipically this is the result of
#' \code{\link{zinbFit}}.
#' @details If any of \code{X}, \code{V}, \code{W} matrices are passed,
#' \code{n}, \code{J}, and \code{K} are inferred. Alternatively, the user can
#' specify one or more of \code{n}, \code{J}, and \code{K}.
#' @details The regularization parameters can be set by a unique parameter
#' \code{epsilon} or specific values for the different regularization
#' parameters can also be provided.
#' If only \code{epsilon} is specified, the other parameters take the
#' following values:
#' \itemize{
#' \item epsilon_beta = epsilon/J
#' \item epsilon_gamma = epsilon/n
#' \item epsilon_W = epsilon/n
#' \item epsilon_alpha = epsilon/J
#' \item epsilon_zeta = epsilon
#' }
#' We empirically found that large values of \code{epsilon} provide a more
#' stable estimation of \code{W}.
#' @details A call with no argument has the following default values: \code{n =
#' 50}, \code{J = 100}, \code{K = 0}, \code{epsilon=J}.
#' @details Although it is possible to create new instances of the class by
#' calling this function, this is not the most common way of creating
#' \code{ZinbModel} objects. The main use of the class is within the
#' \code{\link{zinbFit}} function.
#' @return an object of class \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}}.
#' @examples
#' a <- zinbModel()
#' nSamples(a)
#' nFeatures(a)
#' nFactors(a)
#' nParams(a)
zinbModel <- function(X, V, O_mu, O_pi, which_X_mu,
which_X_pi, which_V_mu, which_V_pi, W, beta_mu, beta_pi,
gamma_mu, gamma_pi, alpha_mu, alpha_pi, zeta, epsilon,
epsilon_beta_mu, epsilon_gamma_mu, epsilon_beta_pi,
epsilon_gamma_pi, epsilon_W, epsilon_alpha,
epsilon_zeta, epsilon_min_logit, n, J, K) {
# Find n (default 50), J (default 100), K (default 0)
if (missing(n)) {
if (!missing(X)) {
n <- NROW(X)
} else if (!missing(gamma_mu)) {
n <- NCOL(gamma_mu)
} else if (!missing(gamma_pi)) {
n <- NCOL(gamma_pi)
} else if (!missing(W)) {
n <- NROW(W)
} else if (!missing(O_mu)) {
n <- NROW(O_mu)
} else if (!missing(O_pi)) {
n <- NROW(O_pi)
} else {
n <- 50
if (missing(J)) {
if (!missing(V)) {
J <- NROW(V)
} else if (!missing(beta_mu)) {
J <- NCOL(beta_mu)
} else if (!missing(beta_pi)) {
J <- NCOL(beta_pi)
} else if (!missing(alpha_mu)) {
J <- NCOL(alpha_mu)
} else if (!missing(alpha_pi)) {
J <- NCOL(alpha_pi)
} else if (!missing(O_mu)) {
J <- NCOL(O_mu)
} else if (!missing(O_pi)) {
J <- NCOL(O_pi)
} else if (!missing(zeta)) {
J <- length(zeta)
} else {
J <- 100
if (missing(K)) {
if (!missing(W)) {
K <- NCOL(W)
} else {
K <- 0
# Set the different slots for the matrices
if(missing(X)) {
X <- matrix(1, nrow=n, ncol=1)
if (missing(V)) {
V <- matrix(1, nrow=J, ncol=1)
if(missing(which_X_mu)) {
if (NCOL(X)>0) {
which_X_mu <- seq(NCOL(X))
} else {
which_X_mu <- integer(0)
if (missing(which_X_pi)) {
if (NCOL(X)>0) {
which_X_pi <- seq(NCOL(X))
} else {
which_X_pi <- integer(0)
if (missing(which_V_mu)) {
if (NCOL(V)>0) {
which_V_mu <- seq(NCOL(V))
} else {
which_V_mu <- integer(0)
if (missing(which_V_pi)) {
if (NCOL(V)>0) {
which_V_pi <- seq(NCOL(V))
} else {
which_V_pi <- integer(0)
X_mu_intercept <- FALSE
if(length(which_X_mu) > 0) {
if (all(X[, which_X_mu[1]]==1)) {
X_mu_intercept <- TRUE
V_mu_intercept <- FALSE
if(length(which_V_mu) > 0) {
if (all(V[, which_V_mu[1]]==1)) {
V_mu_intercept <- TRUE
X_pi_intercept <- FALSE
if(length(which_X_pi) > 0) {
if (all(X[, which_X_pi[1]]==1)) {
X_pi_intercept <- TRUE
V_pi_intercept <- FALSE
if(length(which_V_pi) > 0) {
if (all(V[, which_V_pi[1]]==1)) {
V_pi_intercept <- TRUE
if (missing(O_mu)) {
O_mu <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=J)
if (missing(O_pi)) {
O_pi <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=J)
if (missing(W)) {
W <- matrix(0, nrow=n , ncol=K)
if (missing(beta_mu)) {
beta_mu <- matrix(0, nrow=length(which_X_mu), ncol=J)
if (missing(beta_pi)) {
beta_pi <- matrix(0, nrow=length(which_X_pi), ncol=J)
if (missing(gamma_mu)) {
gamma_mu <- matrix(0, nrow=length(which_V_mu), ncol=n)
if (missing(gamma_pi)) {
gamma_pi <- matrix(0, nrow=length(which_V_pi), ncol=n)
if (missing(alpha_mu)) {
alpha_mu <- matrix(0, nrow=K , ncol=J)
if (missing(alpha_pi)) {
alpha_pi <- matrix(0, nrow=K , ncol=J)
if (missing(zeta)) {
zeta <- numeric(J)
# Regularization parameters
if (missing(epsilon)) {
epsilon <- J
if (missing(epsilon_min_logit)) {
epsilon_min_logit <- 1e-3
if (missing(epsilon_beta_mu)) {
epsilon_beta_mu <- epsilon/J
if (missing(epsilon_gamma_mu)) {
epsilon_gamma_mu <- epsilon/n
if (missing(epsilon_beta_pi)) {
epsilon_beta_pi <- epsilon/J
if (missing(epsilon_gamma_pi)) {
epsilon_gamma_pi <- epsilon/n
if (missing(epsilon_W)) {
epsilon_W <- epsilon/n
if (missing(epsilon_alpha)) {
epsilon_alpha <- epsilon/J
if (missing(epsilon_zeta)) {
epsilon_zeta <- epsilon
obj <- new(Class="ZinbModel",
X = X, V = V, O_mu = O_mu, O_pi = O_pi, which_X_mu = which_X_mu,
which_X_pi = which_X_pi, which_V_mu = which_V_mu,
which_V_pi = which_V_pi, X_mu_intercept = X_mu_intercept,
X_pi_intercept = X_pi_intercept, V_mu_intercept = V_mu_intercept,
V_pi_intercept = V_pi_intercept, W = W, beta_mu = beta_mu,
gamma_mu = gamma_mu, alpha_mu = alpha_mu, beta_pi = beta_pi,
gamma_pi = gamma_pi, alpha_pi = alpha_pi, zeta = zeta,
epsilon_beta_mu = epsilon_beta_mu,
epsilon_gamma_mu = epsilon_gamma_mu,
epsilon_beta_pi = epsilon_beta_pi,
epsilon_gamma_pi = epsilon_gamma_pi,
epsilon_W = epsilon_W, epsilon_alpha = epsilon_alpha,
epsilon_zeta = epsilon_zeta,
epsilon_min_logit = epsilon_min_logit)
validObject(obj) # call of the inspector
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel show useful info on the object.
#' @param object an object of class \code{ZinbModel}.
setMethod("show", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
cat(paste0("Object of class ZinbModel.\n",
nSamples(object), " samples; ", nFeatures(object),
" genes.\n",
" sample-level covariate(s) (mu); ",
" sample-level covariate(s) (pi);\n",
" gene-level covariate(s) (mu); ",
" gene-level covariate(s) (pi);\n",
nFactors(object), " latent factor(s).\n"))
# Extract various informations and variables from a ZINB model #
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the number of samples.
#' @param x an object of class \code{ZinbModel}.
setMethod("nSamples", "ZinbModel",
function(x) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the number of features.
setMethod("nFeatures", "ZinbModel",
function(x) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the number of latent factors.
setMethod("nFactors", "ZinbModel",
function(x) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the sample-level design matrix for mu.
#' @param intercept logical. Whether to return the intercept (ignored if the
#' design matrix has no intercept). Default \code{TRUE}
setMethod("getX_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object, intercept=TRUE) {
if(object@X_mu_intercept && !intercept) {
which_X_mu <- object@which_X_mu[-1]
} else {
which_X_mu <- object@which_X_mu
return(object@X[, which_X_mu, drop=FALSE])
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the sample-level design matrix for pi.
setMethod("getX_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object, intercept=TRUE) {
if(object@X_pi_intercept && !intercept) {
which_X_pi <- object@which_X_pi[-1]
} else {
which_X_pi <- object@which_X_pi
return(object@X[, which_X_pi, drop=FALSE])
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the gene-level design matrix for mu.
setMethod("getV_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object, intercept=TRUE) {
if(object@V_mu_intercept && !intercept) {
which_V_mu <- object@which_V_mu[-1]
} else {
which_V_mu <- object@which_V_mu
return(object@V[, which_V_mu, drop=FALSE])
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the sample-level design matrix for pi.
setMethod("getV_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object, intercept=TRUE) {
if(object@V_pi_intercept && !intercept) {
which_V_pi <- object@which_V_pi[-1]
} else {
which_V_pi <- object@which_V_pi
return(object@V[, which_V_pi, drop=FALSE])
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the logarithm of the mean of the non-zero
#' component.
setMethod("getLogMu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
return(getX_mu(object) %*% object@beta_mu +
t(getV_mu(object) %*% object@gamma_mu) +
object@W %*% object@alpha_mu +
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the mean of the non-zero component.
setMethod("getMu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the logit-probability of zero.
#' @importFrom stats binomial
setMethod("getLogitPi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
return(getX_pi(object) %*% object@beta_pi +
t(getV_pi(object) %*% object@gamma_pi) +
object@W %*% object@alpha_pi +
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the probability of zero.
#' @importFrom stats binomial
setMethod("getPi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
# return(stats::binomial()$linkinv(getLogitPi(object))
# Instead of the call to stats::binomial() in the previous line, we
# directly compute with the exp() function which remains exact for
# smaller values of the arguments.
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the log of the inverse of the dispersion
#' parameter.
setMethod("getZeta", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the dispersion parameter.
setMethod("getPhi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the inverse of the dispersion parameter.
setMethod("getTheta", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{beta_mu}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_beta_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
e <- rep(object@epsilon_beta_mu, length(object@which_X_mu))
if (object@X_mu_intercept) {
e[1] <- 0
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{gamma_mu}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_gamma_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
e <- rep(object@epsilon_gamma_mu, length(object@which_V_mu))
if (object@V_mu_intercept) {
e[1] <- 0
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{beta_pi}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_beta_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
e <- rep(object@epsilon_beta_pi, length(object@which_X_pi))
if (object@X_pi_intercept) {
e[1] <- object@epsilon_min_logit
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{gamma_pi}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_gamma_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
e <- rep(object@epsilon_gamma_pi, length(object@which_V_pi))
if (object@V_pi_intercept) {
e[1] <- object@epsilon_min_logit
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{W}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_W", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
rep(object@epsilon_W, nFactors(object))
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{alpha}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_alpha", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
rep(object@epsilon_alpha, nFactors(object))
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the regularization parameters for
#' \code{zeta}.
setMethod("getEpsilon_zeta", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix W of inferred sample-level
#' covariates.
setMethod("getW", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix beta_mu of inferred parameters.
setMethod("getBeta_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix beta_pi of inferred parameters.
setMethod("getBeta_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix gamma_mu of inferred parameters.
setMethod("getGamma_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix gamma_pi of inferred parameters.
setMethod("getGamma_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix alpha_mu of inferred parameters.
setMethod("getAlpha_mu", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn ZinbModel returns the matrix alpha_pi of inferred parameters.
setMethod("getAlpha_pi", "ZinbModel",
function(object) {
#' @export
#' @describeIn nParams returns the total number of parameters in the model.
setMethod("nParams", "ZinbModel",
function(model) {
X_pi <- getX_pi(model)
X_mu <- getX_mu(model)
V_pi <- getV_pi(model)
V_mu <- getV_mu(model)
disp <- get
n <- nSamples(model)
J <- nFeatures(model)
K <- nFactors(model)
M_pi <- NCOL(X_pi)
M_mu <- NCOL(X_mu)
L_pi <- NCOL(V_pi)
L_mu <- NCOL(V_mu)
ndisp <- length(unique(getZeta(model)))
J * (M_mu + M_pi) + n * (L_mu + L_pi) + 2 * K * J + n * K + ndisp
# Other useful methods #
#' @export
#' @describeIn zinbSim simulate from a ZINB distribution.
definition=function(object, seed) {
if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
if (missing(seed)) {
RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
mu <- getMu(object)
pi <- getPi(object)
theta <- getTheta(object)
n <- nSamples(object)
J <- nFeatures(object)
# Simulate negative binomial with the mean matrix and dispersion
# parameters
i <- seq(n*J)
datanb <- rnbinom(length(i), mu = mu[i], size = theta[ceiling(i/n)])
data.nb <- matrix(datanb, nrow = n)
# Simulate the binary dropout matrix. "1" means that a dropout (zero) is
# observed instead of the value
i <- seq(n*J)
datado <- rbinom(length(i), size=1, prob = pi[i])
data.dropout <- matrix(datado, nrow = n)
# Matrix of zero-inflated counts
counts <- data.nb * (1 - data.dropout)
# Fraction of zeros in the matrix
zero.fraction <- sum(counts == 0) / (n*J)
ret <- list(counts = t(counts), dataNB = t(data.nb),
dataDropouts = t(data.dropout),
zeroFraction = zero.fraction)
attr(ret, "seed") <- RNGstate
#' @export
#' @describeIn loglik return the log-likelihood of the ZINB model.
definition=function(model, x) {
zinb.loglik(x, getMu(model),
rep(getTheta(model), rep(nSamples(model),nFeatures(model))),
#' @export
#' @describeIn zinbAIC returns the AIC of the ZINB model.
definition=function(model, x) {
if ((nSamples(model) != nrow(x))|(nFeatures(model) != ncol(x))) {
stop("x and model should have the same dimensions!")
k <- nParams(model)
ll <- loglik(model, x)
return(2*k - 2*ll)
#' @export
#' @describeIn zinbAIC returns the BIC of the ZINB model.
definition=function(model, x) {
n <- nSamples(model)
if ((n != nrow(x))|(nFeatures(model) != ncol(x))) {
stop("x and model should have the same dimensions!")
k <- nParams(model)
ll <- loglik(model, x)
return(log(n)*k - 2*ll)
#' @export
#' @describeIn penalty return the penalization.
definition=function(model) {
sum(getEpsilon_alpha(model)*(model@alpha_mu)^2)/2 +
sum(getEpsilon_alpha(model)*(model@alpha_pi)^2)/2 +
sum(getEpsilon_beta_mu(model)*(model@beta_mu)^2)/2 +
sum(getEpsilon_beta_pi(model)*(model@beta_pi)^2)/2 +
sum(getEpsilon_gamma_mu(model)*(model@gamma_mu)^2)/2 +
sum(getEpsilon_gamma_pi(model)*(model@gamma_pi)^2)/2 +
sum(getEpsilon_W(model)*t(model@W)^2)/2 +
# Copied on 5/14/2019 from log1pexp of the copula package (v. 0.999.19) by
# Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, Jun Yan,
# Johanna G. Neslehova
# Copied here to avoid dependence on gsl which causes troubles.
log1pexp <- function (x, c0 = -37, c1 = 18, c2 = 33.3)
if (has.na <- any(ina <- is.na(x))) {
y <- x
x <- x[ok <- !ina]
r <- exp(x)
if (any(i <- c0 < x & (i1 <- x <= c1)))
r[i] <- log1p(r[i])
if (any(i <- !i1 & (i2 <- x <= c2)))
r[i] <- x[i] + 1/r[i]
if (any(i3 <- !i2))
r[i3] <- x[i3]
if (has.na) {
y[ok] <- r
else r
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