
#' @name SpatialExperiment-combine
#' @title Combining SpatialExperiment objects
#' @aliases cbind,SingleCellExperiment-method
#' @description
#' The \code{\link{SpatialExperiment}} class provides modified methods to
#' combine multiple \code{SpatialExperiment} objects by column, for example from
#' multiple samples. These methods ensure that all data fields remain
#' synchronized when samples are added or removed.
#' @section Combining:
#' The \code{...} argument is assumed to contain one or more
#' \code{\link{SpatialExperiment}} objects.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{cbind(..., deparse.level=1)}:}{ 
#' Returns a \code{SpatialExperiment} where all objects in \code{...} are
#' combined column-wise, i.e., columns in successive objects are appended to the
#' first object.
#' Each \code{SpatialExperiment} object in \code{...} must have the same
#' \code{colData} (with the same \code{\link{spatialCoords}}). If multiple
#' objects use the same \code{sample_id}, the method will proceed by assigning
#' unique \code{sample_id}s.
#' Additionally, the method combines \code{imgData} by row using \code{rbind}.
#' Refer to \code{?"\link{cbind,SingleCellExperiment-method}"} for details on
#' how metadata and other inherited attributes are combined in the output
#' object.
#' Refer to \code{?\link[base]{cbind}} for the interpretation of
#' \code{deparse.level}.
#' }
#' }
#' @param ... a list of \code{\link{SpatialExperiment}} objects
#' @param deparse.level refer to \code{?\link[base]{rbind}}
#' @return a combined \code{\link{SpatialExperiment}} object
#' @author
#' Dario Righelli
#' @examples
#' example(SpatialExperiment)
#' # merging with duplicated 'sample_id's
#' # will automatically assign unique identifiers
#' spe1 <- spe2 <- spe
#' spe3 <- cbind(spe1, spe2)
#' unique(spe3$sample_id)
#' # assign unique sample identifiers
#' spe1 <- spe2 <- spe
#' spe1$sample_id <- paste(spe1$sample_id, "sample1", sep = ".")
#' spe2$sample_id <- paste(spe2$sample_id, "sample2", sep = ".")
#' # combine into single object
#' spe <- cbind(spe1, spe2)
#' # view joint 'imgData'
#' imgData(spe)
#' # tabulate number of spots mapped to tissue
#' cd <- colData(spe)
#' table(
#'   in_tissue = cd$in_tissue, 
#'   sample_id = cd$sample_id)

#' @rdname SpatialExperiment-combine
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics rbind cbind
setMethod("cbind", "SpatialExperiment", function(..., deparse.level=1) {

    old <- S4Vectors:::disableValidity()
    if (!isTRUE(old)) {
    args <- list(...)
    # check that 'sample_id's are unique;
    # otherwise make them by appending 
    # '.n' where n = sample number
    sids <- unlist(lapply(args, function(.) unique(.$sample_id)))
    if (length(sids) != length(unique(sids))) {
            "'sample_id's are duplicated across",
            " 'SpatialExperiment' objects to cbind;",
            " appending sample indices.")
        idx <- c(0, cumsum(vapply(args, ncol, numeric(1))))
        for (i in seq_along(args)) {
            old <- args[[i]]$sample_id
            new <- paste(old, i, sep = ".")
            args[[i]]$sample_id <- new
    # bind SPEs
    out <- do.call(
        c(args, list(deparse.level=1)))
    # merge 'imgData' from multiple samples
    if (!is.null(imgData(args[[1]]))) { 
        newimgdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(args, imgData))
        int_metadata(out)[names(int_metadata(out)) == "imgData"] <- NULL
        int_metadata(out)$imgData <- newimgdata
drighelli/VisiumExperiment documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:55 a.m.