#' Gene clustering using the Markov Cluster Algorithm (MCL) method.
#' This function performs gene clustering using the MCL algorithm.
#' The method starts by creating a graph with genes as nodes and edges connecting each gene to its nearest neighbors.
#' Then the method use the MCL algorithm to detect clusters of co-expressed genes (method argument).
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param s If method="closest_neighborhood", s is an integer value indicating the size of the neighbourhood used for graph construction. Default is 5.
#' @param inflation A numeric value indicating the MCL inflation parameter. Default is 2.
#' @param method Which method to use to build the graph. If "closest_neighborhood", creates an edge between
#' two selected genes a and b if b is part of the kg closest nearest neighbors of a (with kg < k). If "reciprocal_neighborhood"),
#' inspect the neighborhood of size k of all selected genes and put an edge between two genes a and b if they are reciprocally
#' in the neighborhood of the other
#' @param threads An integer value indicating the number of threads to use for MCL.
#' @param output_path a character indicating the path where the output files will be stored.
#' @param name a character string giving the name for the output files. If NULL, a random name is generated.
#' @param keep_nn Deprecated. Use 'method' instead.
#' @param louv_resolution Resolution of Louvain algorithm if chosen.
#' @return A ClusterSet object
#' @references
#' - Van Dongen S. (2000) A cluster algorithm for graphs. National
#' Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the 1386-3681.
#' @examples
#' # Restrict vebosity to info messages only.
#' library(Seurat)
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Load a dataset
#' load_example_dataset("7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium")
#' # Select informative genes
#' res <- select_genes(pbmc3k_medium,
#' distance = "pearson",
#' row_sum=5)
#' # Cluster informative features
#' ## Method 1 - Construct a graph with a
#' ## novel neighborhood size
#' res <- gene_clustering(res, method="closest_neighborhood",
#' inflation = 1.5, threads = 4)
#' # Display the heatmap of gene clusters
#' res <- top_genes(res)
#' plot_heatmap(res)
#' plot_heatmap(res, cell_clusters = Seurat::Idents(pbmc3k_medium))
#' ## Method 2 - Conserve the same neighborhood
#' ## size
#' res <- gene_clustering(res,
#' inflation = 2.2,
#' method="reciprocal_neighborhood")
#' # Display the heatmap of gene clusters
#' res <- top_genes(res)
#' plot_heatmap(res)
#' plot_heatmap(res, cell_clusters = Seurat::Idents(pbmc3k_medium))
#' @export gene_clustering
gene_clustering <- function(object = NULL,
s = 5,
inflation = 2,
method=c("closest_neighborhood", "reciprocal_neighborhood"),
algorithm=c("MCL", "louvain", "walktrap"),
threads = 1,
output_path = NULL,
name = NULL,
keep_nn = FALSE,
walktrap_step=4) {
print_msg("Retrieving args.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
method <- match.arg(method)
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
print_msg("Preparing output path", msg_type = "DEBUG")
output_path <- tempdir()
dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (!dir.exists(output_path)) {
dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
print_msg("The use of keep_nn=TRUE is deprecated. Use 'method' argument set to 'reciprocal_neighborhood'.")
method <- "reciprocal_neighborhood"
print_msg("Preparing graph as a file", msg_type = "DEBUG")
if (method == "reciprocal_neighborhood") {
object <- do_reciprocal_neighbor_graph(object = object,
output_path = output_path,
name = name)
} else {
object <- do_closest_neighbor_graph(object = object,
k = s,
output_path = output_path,
name = name)
#---------------- Run graph partitionning
if(algorithm == "MCL"){
print_msg("MCL algorithm has been selected.")
object <- mcl_system_cmd(object = object,
inflation = inflation,
threads = threads)
clust_out_file <- file.path(object@parameters$output_path,
paste0(object@parameters$name, ".graph_out.txt"))
}else if(algorithm == "louvain"){
print_msg("Louvain algorithm has been selected.")
object <- call_louvain_clusterset(object = object,
resolution = louv_resolution)
clust_out_file <- file.path(object@parameters$output_path,
paste0(object@parameters$name, ".graph_out.txt"))
}else if(algorithm == "walktrap"){
print_msg("The walktrap algorithm has been selected.")
object <- call_walktrap_clusterset(object, step=walktrap_step)
clust_out_file <- file.path(object@parameters$output_path,
paste0(object@parameters$name, ".graph_out.txt"))
print_msg(paste0("Reading graph clustering output file."), msg_type = "DEBUG")
algo_cluster <- readLines(clust_out_file)
algo_cluster <- strsplit(algo_cluster, "\t")
names(algo_cluster) <- seq(1, length(algo_cluster))
print_msg("Adding clusters to a ClusterSet object.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
object@gene_clusters <- algo_cluster
print_msg("Update gene_cluster_metadata slots.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
object@gene_clusters_metadata <- list("cluster_id" = as.numeric(names(object@gene_clusters)),
"number" = max(as.numeric(names(object@gene_clusters))),
"size" = unlist(lapply(object@gene_clusters, length)))
print_msg("Updating @data slot.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
object@data <- object@data[unlist(object@gene_clusters, use.names = FALSE), ]
print_msg("Computing centers.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
nb_clusters = length(names(object@gene_clusters))
centers <- matrix(ncol = ncol(object@data),
nrow = nb_clusters)
colnames(centers) <- colnames(object@data)
rownames(centers) <- names(object@gene_clusters)
for (i in 1:nb_clusters) {
centers[i, ] <- apply(object@data[object@gene_clusters[[i]], , drop=FALSE],
2, mean,
na.rm = TRUE)
object@dbf_output$center <- centers
rownames(object@dbf_output$center) <- names(object@gene_clusters)
object@cells_metadata <- data.frame("cells_barcode" = colnames(object@data),
row.names = colnames(object@data))
#' Construct a new graph for a ClusterSet object (internal)
#' This function constructs a new graph for a given ClusterSet object based on selected genes.
#' The graph is constructed using the Density K-Nearest Neighbor (DKNN) method.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param k The number of nearest neighbors to consider for each gene.
#' @param output_path a character indicating the path where the output files will be stored.
#' @param name a character string giving the name for the output files. If NULL, a random name is generated.
#' @return A ClusterSet object.
#' @examples
#' # Set verbosity to 1 to display info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Create a matrix with 4 signatures
#' m <- create_4_rnd_clust()
#' # Select informative features
#' res <- select_genes(m[1:600,],
#' distance = "pearson",
#' k = 75,
#' noise_level = 0.3,
#' fdr = 1e-8,
#' row_sum = -Inf)
#' # Construct a new graph based on genes selected with select_genes()
#' res <- do_closest_neighbor_graph(object = res, k = 5)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export do_closest_neighbor_graph
do_closest_neighbor_graph <- function(object = NULL,
k = 5,
output_path = NULL,
name = NULL) {
print_msg("Checking object format.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg("Preparing output file.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
if (is.null(name)){
name <- create_rand_str()
output_path <- tempdir()
dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (output_path == ".") {
output_path <- getwd()
if (!dir.exists(output_path)) {
dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
path_input_graph <- file.path(output_path,
paste0(name, ".graph_input.txt"))
print_msg("Retrieving selected features.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
selected_genes <- object@gene_clusters$`1`
data_selected_genes <- object@data
print_msg("Computing distances between selected genes.", msg_type = "INFO")
dist_matrix_selected_genes <- qlcMatrix::corSparse(t(data_selected_genes))
dist_matrix_selected_genes <- 1 - dist_matrix_selected_genes
rownames(dist_matrix_selected_genes) <- rownames(data_selected_genes)
colnames(dist_matrix_selected_genes) <- rownames(data_selected_genes)
# The distance from a gene to itself is 'hidden'
diag(dist_matrix_selected_genes) <- NA
print_msg("Compute distances to KNN between selected genes.", msg_type = "INFO")
df_dknn_selected_genes <- data.frame(
dknn_values = rep(NA, nrow(dist_matrix_selected_genes)),
row.names = rownames(dist_matrix_selected_genes),
gene_id = rownames(dist_matrix_selected_genes)
# A list to store the dknn values
l_knn_selected_genes <- list()
print_msg("Computing distances to KNN.", msg_type = "INFO")
for (pos in seq_len(nrow(dist_matrix_selected_genes))) {
gene <- rownames(df_dknn_selected_genes)[pos]
gene_dist <- dist_matrix_selected_genes[gene, ]
# Reorder the distance values in increasing order.
# The distance from a gene to itself (previously set to NA)
# is placed at the end of the vector.
gene_dist <- sort(gene_dist, na.last = T)[1:k]
# Add the neigbhors to the list
l_knn_selected_genes[[gene]] <- gene_dist
# Select the kth pearson correlation values.
# This value corresponds to the DKNN of the gene(i)
df_dknn_selected_genes[gene, "dknn_values"] <- gene_dist[k]
print_msg("Creating the input file for graph partitioning.", msg_type = "INFO")
mcl_out_as_list_of_df <- list()
for (g in names(l_knn_selected_genes)) {
mcl_out_as_list_of_df[[g]] <- data.frame(
src = g,
dest = names(l_knn_selected_genes[[g]]),
weight = l_knn_selected_genes[[g]]
mcl_out_as_df <- do.call(rbind, mcl_out_as_list_of_df)
print_msg("Deleting reciprocal edges.", msg_type = "INFO")
mcl_out_as_df <-
mcl_out_as_df[!duplicated(t(apply(mcl_out_as_df[, c("src", "dest")], 1, sort))), ]
print_msg("Converting distances into weights.", msg_type = "INFO")
min_dist <- min(mcl_out_as_df$weight)
max_dist <- max(mcl_out_as_df$weight)
mcl_out_as_df$weight <-
(mcl_out_as_df$weight - min_dist) / (max_dist - min_dist)
mcl_out_as_df$weight <- abs(mcl_out_as_df$weight - 1)
print_stat("Graph weights (after convertion)",
data = mcl_out_as_df$weight,
msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg("Writing the input file.", msg_type = "INFO")
file = path_input_graph,
sep = "\t",
eol = "\n",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE
print_msg("Storing analysis parameters in ClusterSet object.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
object@parameters <- append(object@parameters,
list("keep_nn" = FALSE,
"k_graph" = k,
"output_path" = output_path,
"name" = name))
print_msg(paste0("Input file saved in :", path_input_graph), msg_type = "INFO")
#' Construct a graph based on selected genes in a ClusterSet object and their neighbors
#' This function creates a graph based on the gene selected by select_genes() and their neighbors.
#' It generates an input file required for the MCL (Markov Cluster) algorithm.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param output_path a character indicating the path where the output files will be stored.
#' @param name a character string giving the name for the output files. If NULL, a random name is generated.
#' @return The output of this function is a tab-separated file, which serves as input for the MCL algorithm.
#' @examples
#' # Set verbosity to 1 to display info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Create a matrix with 4 signatures
#' m <- create_4_rnd_clust()
#' # Select informative features
#' res <- select_genes(m[1:600,],
#' distance = "pearson",
#' k = 75,
#' noise_level = 0.3,
#' fdr = 1e-8,
#' row_sum = -Inf)
#' # Construct a graph based on genes selected with select_genes() and their neighbors
#' do_reciprocal_neighbor_graph(object = res)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export do_reciprocal_neighbor_graph
do_reciprocal_neighbor_graph <- function(object = NULL,
output_path = NULL,
name = NULL) {
print_msg("Checking object format.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg("Preparing output file.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
output_path <- tempdir()
dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (output_path == ".") {
output_path <- getwd()
if (!dir.exists(output_path)) {
dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (is.null(name)){
name <- create_rand_str()
path_input_graph <- file.path(output_path,
paste0(name, ".graph_input.txt"))
print_msg("Extracting distances to neighbors.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
l_knn_selected <- object@dbf_output$all_neighbor_distances
print_msg("Creating the input file for MCL algorithm.", msg_type = "INFO")
mcl_out_as_list_of_df <- list()
for (g in names(l_knn_selected)) {
mcl_out_as_list_of_df[[g]] <- data.frame(
src = g,
dest = names(l_knn_selected[[g]]),
weight = l_knn_selected[[g]]
mcl_out_as_df <- do.call(rbind, mcl_out_as_list_of_df)
print_msg("Convert distances into weights.", msg_type = "INFO")
min_dist <- min(mcl_out_as_df$weight)
max_dist <- max(mcl_out_as_df$weight)
mcl_out_as_df$weight <-
(mcl_out_as_df$weight - min_dist) / (max_dist - min_dist)
mcl_out_as_df$weight <- abs(mcl_out_as_df$weight - 1)
print_stat("Graph weights (after convertion)",
data = mcl_out_as_df$weight,
msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg("Selecting only reciprocal neighborhood.", msg_type = "INFO")
mcl_out_as_df <-
mcl_out_as_df[duplicated(t(apply(mcl_out_as_df[, c("src", "dest")], 1, sort))), ]
print_msg("Deleting reciprocal edges.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
mcl_out_as_df <-
mcl_out_as_df[!duplicated(t(apply(mcl_out_as_df[, c("src", "dest")], 1, sort))), ]
print_msg("Adding parameters to the ClusterSet object.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
object@parameters <- append(object@parameters,
list("keep_nn" = TRUE,
"output_path" = output_path,
"name" = name))
print_msg(paste0("Writing the input file."), msg_type = "INFO")
file = path_input_graph,
sep = "\t",
eol = "\n",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE
print_msg(paste0("Input file saved in :", path_input_graph), msg_type = "INFO")
#' Call MCL program for graph partitioning (internal).
#' @details This function call the MCL program for graph partitioning.
#' MCL is a graph clustering algorithm that detects clusters of nodes in a graph
#' based on the flow of information through the edges.
#' It is a fast and efficient algorithm that can be used for clustering large-scale graphs.
#' @param object a ClusterSet object.
#' @param inflation numeric. The inflation parameter used to control the granularity of the clustering.
#' @param threads integer. The number of threads to use.
#' @section Warnings: With the current implementation, this function only works
#' only on UNIX-like plateforms.
#' MCL should be installed. Run the \code{install_mcl} command to install it.
#' @references
#' - Van Dongen S. (2000) A cluster algorithm for graphs. National
#' Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the 1386-3681.
#' @return a ClusterSet object with the updated parameters.
#' @export mcl_system_cmd
mcl_system_cmd <- function(object = NULL,
inflation = inflation,
threads = 1) {
## testing the system
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
stop("--> A unix-like OS is required to launch the MCL program.")
}else {
print_msg("Running mcl_system_cmd() under a unix-like system.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
## Testing mcl installation
if (Sys.which("mcl") != "") {
print_msg("Found MCL program in the path...", msg_type = "DEBUG")
mcl_dir <- ""
} else {
mcl_dir <- Sys.glob(file.path(path.expand('~'),
".scigenex", "mcl*",
"src", "shmcl"))
if(length(mcl_dir) == 0){
print_msg("MCL was not found in the PATH nor in ~/.scigenex. Installing in ~/.scigenex")
print_msg("MCL was found in the .scigenex home directory.")
name <- object@parameters$name
input_path <- object@parameters$output_path
if (get_verbosity() > 0) {
verb <- ""
} else {
verb <- "-V all "
i <- paste("-I ", as.character(round(inflation, 1)), sep = "")
threads <- paste("-te", threads, sep = " ")
## launching mcl program
if(mcl_dir == "" | mcl_dir == " "){
mcl_path <- "mcl"
mcl_path <- file.path(mcl_dir, "mcl")
cmd <- paste0(mcl_path,
" ",
".graph_input.txt ",
" --abc -o ",
".graph_out.txt ",
cmd <- gsub(pattern = "//",
replacement = "/",
x = cmd)
print_msg(paste0("Running mcl command: ", cmd), msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg("MCL step is finished.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg(paste0("creating file : ",
getwd(), paste(name, ".graph_out.txt", sep = "")
msg_type = "DEBUG")
# Add inflation parameter to ClusterSet object
object@parameters <- append(object@parameters,
list("inflation" = inflation,
#' Perform Community Detection Using the Louvain Algorithm (internal function)
#' Applies the Louvain algorithm for community detection on a graph derived
#' from the input data in a `ClusterSet` object. Outputs the resulting clusters
#' to a specified file and updates the parameters in the `ClusterSet` object.
#' @param object A `ClusterSet` object.
#' @param resolution The level of resolution.
#' @return The modified `ClusterSet` object with updated parameters, including
#' the Walktrap algorithm results
#' @details This function reads a graph from the input file defined in the `ClusterSet`
#' object, processes the graph using the Louvain community detection algorithm
#' from the `igraph` package, and return the clusters enclose in the `ClusterSet`.
#' @examples
#' # Restrict vebosity to info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Load a dataset
#' load_example_dataset("7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium")
#' # Select informative genes
#' res <- select_genes(pbmc3k_medium,
#' distance = "pearson",
#' row_sum=5)
#' # Cluster informative features
#' res <- gene_clustering(res, method="closest_neighborhood",
#' algorithm="louvain")
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame cluster_louvain
#' @export
call_louvain_clusterset <- function(object,
resolution = 1){
name <- object@parameters$name
input_dir <- object@parameters$output_path
input_path <- file.path(input_dir,
paste0(name, ".graph_input.txt"))
g <- data.table::fread(input_path,
header = FALSE)
g <- as.data.frame(g)
colnames(g) <- c("src", "dest", "weight")
g <- g[!duplicated(paste0(g$src, g$dest)), ]
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(g, directed = FALSE)
print_msg("Calling Louvain algorithm.")
clust <- igraph::cluster_louvain(g, resolution=resolution)
clust <- split(clust$names, clust$membership)
clust <- lapply(clust, paste0, collapse="\t")
clust <- unlist(clust)
out_path <- file.path(input_dir,
paste0(name, ".graph_out.txt"))
print_msg(paste0("Output writen to ", out_path), msg_type = "DEBUG")
cat(clust, file=out_path, sep = "\n")
# Add inflation parameter to ClusterSet object
params <- object@parameters
params$resolution <- resolution
params$algorithm <- "louvain"
object@parameters <- params
#' Perform Community Detection Using the Walktrap Algorithm (internal function)
#' Applies the Walktrap algorithm for community detection on a graph derived
#' from the input data in a `ClusterSet` object. Outputs the resulting clusters
#' to a specified file and updates the parameters in the `ClusterSet` object.
#' @param object A `ClusterSet` object.
#' @param steps The length of the random walks to perform.
#' @return The modified `ClusterSet` object with updated parameters, including
#' the Walktrap algorithm results
#' @details This function reads a graph from the input file defined in the `ClusterSet`
#' object, processes the graph using the Walktrap community detection algorithm
#' from the `igraph` package, and return the clusters enclose in the `ClusterSet`.
#' @examples
#' # Restrict vebosity to info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Load a dataset
#' load_example_dataset("7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium")
#' # Select informative genes
#' res <- select_genes(pbmc3k_medium,
#' distance = "pearson",
#' row_sum=5)
#' # Cluster informative features
#' res <- gene_clustering(res, method="closest_neighborhood",
#' algorithm="walktrap")
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame cluster_walktrap
#' @export
call_walktrap_clusterset <- function(object,
steps = 4,
merges = FALSE,
modularity = FALSE,
membership = TRUE){
name <- object@parameters$name
input_dir <- object@parameters$output_path
input_path <- file.path(input_dir,
paste0(name, ".graph_input.txt"))
g <- data.table::fread(input_path,
header = FALSE)
g <- as.data.frame(g)
colnames(g) <- c("src", "dest", "weight")
g <- g[!duplicated(paste0(g$src, g$dest)), ]
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(g, directed = FALSE)
print_msg("Calling walktrap algorithm.")
clust <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(g,
clust <- split(clust$names, clust$membership)
clust <- lapply(clust, paste0, collapse="\t")
clust <- unlist(clust)
out_path <- file.path(input_dir,
paste0(name, ".graph_out.txt"))
print_msg(paste0("Output writen to ", out_path), msg_type = "DEBUG")
cat(clust, file=out_path, sep = "\n")
# Add inflation parameter to ClusterSet object
params <- object@parameters
params$steps <- steps
params$merges <- merges
params$modularity <- modularity
params$membership <- membership
params$algorithm <- "walktrap"
object@parameters <- params
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