##2010-07-16 dmontaner@cipf.es
##2013-04-05 dmontaner@cipf.es
##' @name annotFilter
## @docType
##' @author David Montaner \email{dmontaner@@cipf.es}
## @aliases
##' @keywords filter annotation list
##' @seealso \code{\link{annotMat2list}}
##' @title Checks and filters an annotation list.
##' @description
##' Checks that the annotated genes (those in the annotation list)
##' are consistent with the universe of genes defined by the ranking index.
##' Filters out functional blocks too 'big' or too 'small'.
##' @details
##' \code{index} is optional.
##' When it is not provided, the annotation lists is just filtered out
##' by the sizes of the blocks of genes defined in the list.
##' If a ranking index is provided its names are assumed to be the universe
##' of genes under study.
##' The genes in the annotation list are compared against those of the ranking
##' index and the ones not belonging to the universe are removed out form the
##' annotation in order to compute the size of each functional block.
##' Then the list is filtered by sizes; too big and too small blocks are
##' removed.
##' No transformation is done over the ranking index or its names (gene IDs).
##' \code{index} may just be a character vector containing the names of the
##' genes in the universe, that is, the names or row names of the ranking index.
##' @param annot an annotation list.
##' @param index ranking index. Vector, matrix or data.frame
##' @param minBlockSize minimum block size kept
##' @param maxBlockSize maximum block size kept
##' @param verbose verbose
##' @return a filtered annotation list.
##' @examples
##' rindex <- 1:10
##' names (rindex) <- paste ("gene", rindex, sep = "")
##' rindex
##' annot <- list (paste ("gene", 1:2, sep = ""), ##too small block
##' paste ("gene", 1:6, sep = ""), ##right size
##' paste ("gene", 1:5, sep = ""), ##too big block
##' paste ("gene", c(1:3, 1:3), sep = "")) ##duplicated IDs
##' annot[[2]][1] <- NA
##' annot[[2]][2] <- ""
##' annot[[2]][3] <- "BAD_ID"
##' annot
##' annotFilter (annot, minBlockSize = 3, maxBlockSize = 5)
##' annotFilter (annot, rindex, minBlockSize = 3, maxBlockSize = 5)
##' @export
annotFilter <- function (annot, index, minBlockSize = 10, maxBlockSize = 500,
verbose = TRUE) {
blocks <- names (annot)
if (is.null (blocks)) {
tex <- "Warning: The annotation list has no names.
List position will be used instead."
message (gsub (" +", "", tex))
names (annot) <- paste ("block", 1:length (annot), sep = "_")
blocks <- names (annot)
pos <- which (is.na (blocks))
if (length (pos) > 0) {
tex<-"Warning: Some names are missing for the blocks in the annot list.
List position will be used instead."
message (gsub (" +", "", tex))
names (annot)[pos] <- paste ("block", pos, sep = "_")
blocks <- names (annot)
if (any (duplicated (blocks))) {
tex<-"Warning: Some names are duplicated for the blocks in annot."
message (tex)
## #########################################################################
##Duplicated genes
annot.aux <- lapply (annot, unique)
if (any (sapply (annot, length) != sapply (annot.aux, length))) {
tex <- "Warning: Some blocks in the annot list have duplicated genes.
Duplicated will be removed."
message (gsub (" +", "", tex))
annot <- annot.aux
##genes that are NA or ""
annot.aux <- lapply (annot, setdiff, y = c(NA, ""))
if (any (sapply (annot, length) != sapply (annot.aux, length))) {
tex <- 'Warning: Some blocks in the annot gene IDs are missing or "".
Those will be removed.'
message (gsub (" +", "", tex))
annot <- annot.aux
## #########################################################################
if (!missing (index)) {
if (is.matrix (index) | is.data.frame (index)) {
gen.universe <- rownames (index)
} else {
if (is.character (index)) {
gen.universe <- index
} else {
gen.universe <- names (index) #assuming that 'index' is a vector
if (is.null (gen.universe)) {
stop ("Names where not found in index.")
## #####################################################################
##duplicated or missing IDs in the Gene Universe
if (any (is.na (gen.universe))) {
message (
'Warning: Some feature names in the ranking index are NA.'
if (any (gen.universe == "")) {
message (
'Warning: Some feature names in the ranking index are "".'
if (any (duplicated (gen.universe))) {
message (
'Warning: Feature names in the ranking index are duplicated.'
gen.universe <- setdiff (unique (gen.universe), c(NA, ""))
## #####################################################################
##Just IDs in the Gene Universe
genes <- unique (unlist (annot))
genes.aux <- genes %in% gen.universe
if (any (!genes.aux)) {
tex<-"Warning: There are genes in the annotation list which are not
part of the gene universe defined by the ranking index;
they will be eliminated form the annotation."
message (gsub (" +", "", tex))
##Here 'gene.universe' is already unique and has no NA or "" values.
annot.aux <- lapply (annot, intersect, y = gen.universe)
annot <- annot.aux
## #####################################################################
##some stats
red <- round (100*sum (gen.universe %in% genes)/length (gen.universe),2)
tex <- paste0 (red,
"% of the genes in the index are annotated in the list.")
message (tex)
} ##END if missing (index)
##FILTER by size
annot <- annot.size.filter (annot = annot, minBlockSize = minBlockSize,
maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize, verbose = verbose)
##invisible (annot)
## @name annot.size.filter
## @docType
## @author David Montaner \email{dmontaner@@cipf.es}
## @keywords annotation list filter size
## @seealso \code{\link{annotFilter}}
## @title Filter an annotation list by size.
## @description
## Filter the annotation list by size
## @details
## Preferably use annotFilter which makes some more checking.
## @param annot an annotation list.
## @param minBlockSize minimum block size
## @param maxBlockSize maximum block size
## @param verbose verbose
## @return An annotation list filtered by size.
## @export
annot.size.filter <- function (annot, minBlockSize, maxBlockSize,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (minBlockSize < 1) {
tex <- "minBlockSize < 1;
Generally it is not meaningful to allow for empty blocks"
warning (gsub (" +", "", tex))
block.size <- sapply (annot, length)
is.small <- block.size < minBlockSize
is.big <- block.size > maxBlockSize
touse <- !is.big & !is.small
annot <- annot[touse]
if (verbose) {
message ("Filtering annotation by size:")
message (paste (" ", sum (is.small), "small blocks removed."))
message (paste (" ", sum (is.big), "big blocks removed."))
message (paste (" ", sum (touse), "blocks remain in the annotation."))
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