#' Summary of fit
#' Summarize top genes or probes from Rnits \code{fit} method
#' @param object \code{\linkS4class{Rnits}} object on which \code{fit} has been applied
#' @param top Display results for top N genes/probes. Default \code{50}
#' @param fdr Display results for genes/probes less than FDR (\%) cutoff (if provided). Overrides \code{top} argument
#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, plot histogram of p-values
#' @param sort.by Sort top results by either \code{p-value} or \code{FDR}
#' @export
#' @rdname summary-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @return A table of top genes/profiles listing the ratio statistics, p-values, q-values and cluster information.
#' @examples
#' # load pre-compiled expressionSet object for Ronen and Botstein yeast chemostat data
#' data(yeastchemostat)
#' rnitsobj = build.Rnits(yeastchemostat, logscale = TRUE, normmethod = 'Between')
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fit model using gene-level summarization
#' rnitsobj <- fit(rnitsobj, gene.level = TRUE, clusterallsamples = FALSE)
#' # Get summary of top genes
#' summary(rnitsobj, FDR = 5)
setMethod("summary", signature = "Rnits", function(object, top = 48, fdr = NULL,
plot = FALSE, sort.by = "p-value") {
# Check object
if (class(object) != "Rnits")
stop("Object not of Rnits class")
# Check top
if (!is.numeric(top))
stop("top must be an integer")
if (top < 1 | top > 1e+05)
top = 48
# Check fdr
if (!is.null(fdr)) {
if (fdr > 100 | fdr < 0)
fdr = NULL
## Check sort.by
if (sort.by != "p-value" & sort.by != "FDR") {
stop("sort.by argument can only take value p-value or FDR")
## Initialize
top <- 1:top
if (!object@callData$fit.model)
stop("Run fit() on data first")
gene.level <- object@callData$gene.level
if (gene.level) {
name <- as.vector(unique(fData(object)$GeneName))
} else {
name <- featureNames(object)
## Get Stats
pval <- getPval(object)
ratio <- getStat(object)
qval <- qvalue(pval)$q
clusModel <- object@fitData$clusters
clusID <- object@fitData$fit$clusterID
## Construct table
out <- data.frame(Rank = 1:length(name), Name = name, Statistic = round(ratio,
3), p.value = round(pval, 6), `FDR percent` = round(qval * 100, 3), ClusterID = clusID,
Model.degree = clusModel[clusID, 1], Model.df = clusModel[clusID, 2])
colnames(out)[2] <- "Name"
## Sort
if (sort.by == "FDR") {
out <- out[with(out, order(FDR.percent, -Statistic)), ]
} else out <- out[with(out, order(p.value, -Statistic)), ]
## Plot histogram
if (plot)
hist(pval, main = "Histogram of p-values", xlab = "p-values", col = "gray")
if (!is.null(fdr))
top <- which(out$FDR.percent <= fdr)
out.trunc <- out[top, ]
out.trunc$Rank <- 1:length(top)
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