#' Summarize probe level data to gene level data
#' The code utilizes the probe-gene mapping from features file to summarize probe-level log ratios to gene level ratios.
#' Tukey's biweight is used to compute gene level summary
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname summarizeProbes-methods
#' @param object \code{\linkS4class{Rnits}} object
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Rnits}} with gene level log ratios, which can be retrieved by \code{getLR(object)}
#' @examples
#' # load pre-compiled expressionSet object for Ronen and Botstein yeast chemostat data
#' data(yeastchemostat)
#' rnitsobj = build.Rnits(yeastchemostat, logscale = TRUE, normmethod = 'Between')
#' \donttest{
#' # Summarize gene-level data
#' rnitsobj <- summarizeProbes(rnitsobj)
setGeneric("summarizeProbes", function(object) {
#' @rdname summarizeProbes-methods
#' @aliases summarizeProbes,character,ANY-method
#' @importFrom affy tukey.biweight
setMethod("summarizeProbes", "Rnits", function(object) {
## Check object
if (class(object) != "Rnits")
stop("Object not of Rnits class")
## Called Internally by fit()
if (!"GeneName" %in% colnames(fData(object)))
stop("Cannot summarize probes without GeneName column.\n")
genenames <- as.character(fData(object)[["GeneName"]])
emptynames = which(genenames == "" | is.na(genenames))
cat(length(emptynames), " probes had no gene names. Removing them from further processing.\n")
if (length(emptynames) > 0) {
newobject <- object[-emptynames, ]
} else {
newobject <- object
genelist <- as.character(fData(newobject)$GeneName)
ugenes = unique(genelist)
if (any(is.na(ugenes)) | any(ugenes == ""))
stop("Missing or NA values not permissible in gene names.")
cat("Found ", length(ugenes), " unique genes. \n")
lr = exprs(newobject)
sinkfile = "/dev/null"
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
sinkfile = "NUL"
if (any(is.na(lr)))
lr <- suppressWarnings(impute.knn(lr)$data)
Ng = length(ugenes)
gene.lr = matrix(0, nrow = Ng, ncol = ncol(lr))
gene.flag = rep(0, Ng)
if (class(genelist) == "data.frame")
genelist = unlist(genelist)
for (i in 1:Ng) {
idx = which(genelist == ugenes[i])
probe.dat = matrix(lr[idx, ], ncol = ncol(lr))
gene.dat = apply(probe.dat, 2, function(x) tukey.biweight(x))
gene.lr[i, ] = gene.dat
gene.flag[i] = sum(fData(newobject)$Flag[idx])
row.names(gene.lr) <- ugenes
ugeneDf <- data.frame(ID = ugenes, Flag = gene.flag)
rownames(ugeneDf) <- ugenes
newobject@geneData <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = gene.lr, phenoData = phenoData(newobject),
featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(data = ugeneDf))
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