
## test file for use whith testthat
PPS <- PrimerPairsSet(primerF, primerR)

fastq.dir <- system.file("extdata", "fastq", package = "MultiAmplicon")

fastq.files <- list.files(fastq.dir, full.names=TRUE)
Ffastq.file <- fastq.files[grepl("F_filt", fastq.files)]
Rfastq.file <- fastq.files[grepl("R_filt", fastq.files)]
PRF <- PairedReadFileSet(Ffastq.file, Rfastq.file)

MA <- MultiAmplicon(PPS, PRF)

SA <- MultiAmplicon(PrimerPairsSet(primerF[1], primerR[1]), PRF)

SA1 <- sortAmplicons(SA, filedir=tempfile())

MA1 <- sortAmplicons(MA, filedir=tempfile())

context("Does read sorting work?")

test_that("no reads were sorted into different samples" , {
    ## Test read confusion in the read sorting. Think about making this
    ## available to the user with a warning that it's compute intesive
    trackReadSorting <- function (MA) { 
        readsFL <- lapply(seq_along(MA@PairedReadFileSet), function(i) {
            rawFiles <- MA@PairedReadFileSet@readsF[[i]]
            rawFiles <- rawFiles[which(file.exists(rawFiles))]
        snames <- colnames(MA)
        names(readsFL) <- snames
        sort_track <- lapply(snames, function (sampl) { 
            strat <- lapply(getStratifiedFilesF(MA), function(x) {
                grep(sampl, x, value=TRUE)
            readsF_stratified <- ShortRead::readFastq(unlist(strat))
            IDsStrat <- ShortRead::id(readsF_stratified)
            readsF <- readsFL[[sampl]]        
            IDsRaw <- ShortRead::id(readsF)
            cbind(RawReads = length(readsF),
                  UniqueRawReads = length(unique(IDsRaw)),
                  SortedReads = length(readsF_stratified),
                  UniqueSortedReads = length(unique(IDsStrat)),
                  Problems = length(IDsStrat[which(!as.vector(IDsStrat) %in%
        sort_track <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, sort_track))
        base::rownames(sort_track) <- snames
        sort_track$DuplicateRaw <- sort_track$RawReads -
        sort_track$DuplicateSorted  <- sort_track$SortedReads -
    sortingStats <- trackReadSorting(MA1)
    cat("\n\n Read sorting statistics\n")
    ## has the table been generated with the proper column
    expect_gt(length(sortingStats$Problems), 0)
    ## are there no sorting problems
    expect_equal(sum(sortingStats$Problems), 0)
    ## and are thery the sam for replicated samples
    expect_equal(unname(t(sortingStats["S05_F_filt.fastq.gz", ])),
                 unname(t(sortingStats["S05D_F_filt.fastq.gz", ])))

test_that("rowCounts is zero for empty file", {
    ## For multi amplicon objects
    expect_equal(colSums(getRawCounts(MA1))[["S00_F_filt.fastq.gz"]], 0)
    ## For single amplicon objects
    expect_equal(colSums(getRawCounts(SA1))[["S00_F_filt.fastq.gz"]], 0)

test_that("rowCounts is zero for nonsensical primer", {
    ## For multi amplicon objects
    expect_equal(rowSums(getRawCounts(MA1))[["Amp5F.Amp5R"]], 0)
    ## For single amplicon objects ... no empty amplicon used
    ##    expect_equal(rowSums(getRawCounts(SA1))[["Amp5F.Amp5R"]], 0)

## get only non empty samples raw counts
test_that("number of files written equals non-zero samples in rawCounts", {
    ## For multi amplicon objects
    F.files <- unlist(getStratifiedFilesF(MA1))
    R.files <- unlist(getStratifiedFilesR(MA1))
    expect_equal(sum(getRawCounts(MA1)>0), length(F.files))
    expect_equal(sum(getRawCounts(MA1)>0), length(R.files))
    ## For single amplicon objects
    F.files <- unlist(getStratifiedFilesF(SA1))
    R.files <- unlist(getStratifiedFilesR(SA1))
    expect_equal(sum(getRawCounts(SA1)>0), length(F.files))
    expect_equal(sum(getRawCounts(SA1)>0), length(R.files))

test_that("files for each amplicon contain the number of reads reported", {
    ## For multi amplicon objects
        lapply(seq(nrow(MA1)), function (i){
            length(ShortRead::readFastq(getStratifiedFilesF(MA1[i, ])))

test_that("files for each sample contain the number of reads reported", {
    ## For multi amplicon objects
        lapply(seq(ncol(MA1)), function (i){
            length(ShortRead::readFastq(getStratifiedFilesF(MA1[, i])))

context("SortAmplcion can be made less stringent?")
test_that("less stringent sorting results in more reads accepted", {
    expect_true(all(sortAmplicons(MA, filedir=tempfile(), countOnly=TRUE,
                                  starting.at=1:2) >=
    expect_true(all(sortAmplicons(MA, filedir=tempfile(), countOnly=TRUE,
                                  max.mismatch=1) >=

MAderep <- derepMulti(MA1)

## ## This should work, but doesn't!!! ToDO!!
## MAderepSingle <- derepMulti(MA1[1,])
## MAderepSingle <- derepMulti(MA1[6, ])

context("Dada denoising?")
MAdadaDirect <- dadaMulti(MA1, selfConsist=TRUE, pool=FALSE, 

MAdadaDerep <- dadaMulti(MAderep, selfConsist=TRUE, pool=FALSE, 

test_that("Denoising returns a matrix of dada object, and a list of non-empty objects?", {
    ## put this also in validity methods!!!???
    expect_equal(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect), getDadaF(MAdadaDerep))
    expect_equal(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=FALSE),
                 getDadaF(MAdadaDerep, dropEmpty=FALSE))
    expect_true(all(c("matrix","array") %in%
                    class(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=FALSE))))
    expect_true(class(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=TRUE)) == "list")
    expect_true(.isListOf(c(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect)), "dada", nullOk=FALSE))
    expect_false(.isListOf(c(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=FALSE)),
                           "dada", nullOk=FALSE))
    expect_true(.isListOf(c(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=TRUE)),
                          "dada", nullOk=FALSE))
    expect_equal(dim(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=FALSE)),
    expect_equal(sapply(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect, dropEmpty=FALSE), is.null),
                 sapply(getRawCounts(MAdadaDirect), "==", 0))

test_that("dada2 denoising produces identical results for replicate samplesd", {
    expect_equal(getDadaF(MAdadaDirect[, "S05_F_filt.fastq.gz"]), 
                 getDadaF(MAdadaDirect[, "S05D_F_filt.fastq.gz"]))

MA4 <- mergeMulti(MAdadaDerep, justConcatenate=TRUE)

## ## the one sequence dereps have been problematic! As the names are
## ## dropped when those are "unlisted" by dada

## getDerepF(MA4["Amp6F.Amp6R", ])
## getDadaF(MA4["Amp6F.Amp6R", ]) getMergers(MA4["Amp6F.Amp6R", ])

### have to test the paramet split seperately!
## c(TRUE, FALSE), verbose=FALSE, maxMismatch = c(15, 20, 18))

context("Merging works?")
test_that("merging produces a list of derep objects ", {
    expect_equal(dim(getMergers(MA4, dropEmpty=FALSE)), dim(MAdadaDerep))

## for some weird reason this fails (only on TravisCI) NO IDEA WHY
context("Merging works?")
test_that("proportion of merged is between zero and one ", {
    all((calcPropMerged(MA4) >= 0 & calcPropMerged(MA4) <= 1))

test_that("all sequences are dereplicated ", {
    up1.dadas <- unlist(lapply(getDadaF(MAdadaDerep), function (x){
    up1.dereps <- unlist(lapply(getDerepF(MAdadaDerep), function (x){
    up1.mergers <- unlist(lapply(getMergers(MA4), function (x){
    up1.counts <- getRawCounts(MAdadaDerep)[getRawCounts(MAdadaDerep)>0]
    expect_equal(up1.dereps, up1.counts)
    ## somehow calling dada directly on the stratified files makes the
    ## uniques 

### TODO: make pipeline tracking use getUniques and the like to get
### matrices of counts for everything systematically...

MA5 <- makeSequenceTableMulti(MA4)

MA6 <- removeChimeraMulti(MA5)

### TODO: make a test that compares the table rownames (samples) with
### names of non-zero MA columns  

test_that("Identical files produce identical NoChime sequence tables ", {
    lapply(MA6@sequenceTableNoChime, function(x) {
        if("S05_F_filt.fastq.gz" %in% base::rownames(x)){
                unname(t(x["S05_F_filt.fastq.gz", ])),
                unname(t(x["S05D_F_filt.fastq.gz", ])))

test_that("Reads in sequence tables map to stratified files", {
    ### these funcitons are candicates for making them available in
    ### the package itself
    mapReadsStratTab <- function(MA) {
        getReadsBySample <- function(MA){
            sreads <- lapply(colnames(MA), function (sampl) { 
                strat <- lapply(getStratifiedFilesF(MA), function(x) {
                    grep(sampl, x, value=TRUE)
            names(sreads) <- colnames(MA)
        RbyS <- getReadsBySample(MA)
        RbyS <- lapply(RbyS, ShortRead::sread)
        seqtabL <- getSequenceTableNoChime(MA)
        seqtabL <- seqtabL[unlist(lapply(seqtabL, function(x) all(dim(x)>0)))]

        SbyS <- lapply(colnames(MA), function(sampl){
            sbys <- lapply(seqtabL, function(ST) {
                sampl.here <- sampl[sampl%in%base::rownames(ST)]
                cn <- base::colnames(ST)[which(ST[sampl.here,]>0)]
                split <- strsplit(cn, "NNNNNNNNNN")
                unlist(lapply(split, "[[", 1))
                ## it might be necessary to also track the counts here
            sbys[!unlist(lapply(sbys, is.null))]
        names(SbyS) <- colnames(MA)

        SbyS <- SbyS[intersect(names(SbyS), names(RbyS))]
        RbyS <- RbyS[intersect(names(SbyS), names(RbyS))]

        sapply(names(SbyS), function (na) {
            unlist(SbyS[[na]]) %in% unique(as.vector(RbyS[[na]]))
    ## Map the reads
    map <- mapReadsStratTab(MA6)
    ## and execute the testing
    expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(map, all))))
    expect_true(any(unlist(lapply(map, length))>0))

context("Subsetting MultiAmplicon objects")

subRows <- 3:4
subRnames <- rownames(MA6)[subRows]

subCols <- 2:5
subCnames <- colnames(MA6)[subCols]

test_that("subsetting leaves stuff intact", {
    expect_equal(getRawCounts(MA6[subRows, subCols]),
                 getRawCounts(MA6)[subRnames, subCnames, drop=FALSE])
    expect_equal(getStratifiedFiles(MA6[subRows, subCols]),
                 getStratifiedFiles(MA6[subRnames, subCnames, drop=FALSE]))

    ## ## need to reimplement the pairedDada stuff!!
    ##     expect_equal(getDadaF(MA6[subRows, subCnames]),
    ##                 getDadaF(MA6[subRnames, subCols]))

    ## ## DISCREPANCY!
    ## MA6@dada
    ## MA6[1, which(colnames(MA6)%in%"S04_F_filt.fastq.gz")]@dada
    ## MA6[1, colnames(MA6)%in%"S04_F_filt.fastq.gz"]@dada
    ## MA6[1, "S04_F_filt.fastq.gz"]@dada

    expect_equal(getSequenceTable(MA6[2, 6]), getSequenceTable(MA6[2, 6, drop=FALSE]))
    expect_equal(getSequenceTableNoChime(MA6[2, 6]),
                 getSequenceTableNoChime(MA6[2, 6, drop=FALSE]))

### THIS analyses SAMPLE CONFUSION caused by resorting before dada
MA1res <- MA1[, c(8, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 5)]

resortedMAdadaDerep <- dadaMulti(MA1res,
                         selfConsist=TRUE, pool=FALSE, multithread=TRUE)

## in all other steps resorting does not produce an error
resortedMA4 <- mergeMulti(resortedMAdadaDerep, justConcatenate=TRUE, maxMismatch = c(15, 20, 18))
resortedMA5 <- makeSequenceTableMulti(resortedMA4)
resortedMA6 <- removeChimeraMulti(resortedMA5)

################# EVALUATE sorting #############

test_that("Resorting produces identical output over samples", {
    seqtabs <- getSequenceTableNoChime(MA6)
    sorttabs <- getSequenceTableNoChime(resortedMA6)
    SamSums <- lapply(seqtabs, rowSums)
    SortSums <- lapply(sorttabs, rowSums)
    samorder <- colnames(MA6)
    ## over samples
    confusion <- lapply(names(SamSums), function(name) {
        d <- cbind(SamSums[[name]][samorder], SortSums[[name]][samorder])
        rownames(d) <- samorder
        colnames(d) <- c("Correct", "Shuffle")
    conf <- do.call(rbind, confusion)
    expect_equal(conf[, "Correct"], conf[, "Shuffle"]) 

context("Concatenating MultiAmplicon objects")

MAcat <- concatenateMultiAmplicon(MA6[, 1:4],
                                  MA6[, 5:8]) 

## ## FIX ME!!! Work on concatenation!

### There's something completely wrong when subsetting (and
### concatenating) sequence tables

### Fixing the sample naming problem first!!!

test_that("concatenating leaves stuff intact", {
    expect_equal(getRawCounts(MA6),   getRawCounts(MAcat))
    expect_equal(getStratifiedFilesF(MA6), getStratifiedFilesF(MAcat))

    ## ## need to reimplement the pairedDada stuff!!
    ## expect_equal(getDadaF(MA6[subRows, subCnames]),
    ##          getDadaF(MA6[subRnames, subCols]))

    expect_equal(getSequenceTable(MA6), getSequenceTable(MAcat))



## ## a solution would be a final push to make statified files a
## ## matrix probably!!!?

## test_that("Concatenating over samples works", {
##     expect_equal(concatenateMultiAmplicon(MA[, 1:4], MA[, 5:8]), 
##    MA)
## })

context("adding sample information to MA objects")

additionalSD <- data.frame(whatever=letters[seq(ncol(MA6))],

test_that("sample data with exact matches of rowname works", {
    expect_s4_class(addSampleData(MA, additionalSD), "MultiAmplicon")

additionalSD <- data.frame(whatever=letters[seq(ncol(MA6)+2)],
                           row.names=c(rownames(MA6@sampleData), "foo", "bar"))

test_that("sample data warning when more samples than sequence data", {
    expect_warning(addSampleData(MA, additionalSD),
                   "sampleData but have no sequence data reported\\. They will be omitted")

additionalSD <- data.frame(whatever=letters[1:4],

test_that("sample data warning when more sequence data than sample data", {
    expect_warning(addSampleData(MA, additionalSD),
                   "missing from your sampleData but seem to have sequence data reported")

context("Handing over to Phyloseq")

test_that("toPhyloseq multi2Single TRUE/FALSE work and give same resultsw ", {
    PHYWO <- toPhyloseq(MA6, samples=colnames(MA6))
    PHYWO.list <- toPhyloseq(MA6, samples=colnames(MA6), multi2Single=FALSE)
    expect_s4_class(PHYWO, "phyloseq")
    expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(PHYWO.list, class))%in%c("phyloseq", "NULL")))
    PHYWO.list <- PHYWO.list[!unlist(lapply(PHYWO.list, is.null))]
    all.samplesL <- lapply(PHYWO.list, function (x) rownames(otu_table(x)))
    all.samples <- rownames(otu_table(PHYWO))
    lapply(all.samplesL, function (x) expect_equal(x, all.samples))
    all.seqL <- unname(unlist(lapply(PHYWO.list, function (x) colnames(otu_table(x)))))
    all.seq <- colnames(otu_table(PHYWO))
    expect_equal(all.seqL, all.seq)

context("Get the pipeline summary")
test_that("pipelin  Summary is a data.frame", {
    expect_s3_class(getPipelineSummary(MA6), "data.frame")
    expect_s3_class(getPipelineSummary(MAdadaDerep), "data.frame")
derele/MultiAmplicon documentation built on Dec. 11, 2024, 12:09 p.m.