##' Get a sum of uniques from an input object.
##' This function calculates the number of unique sequences, ASVs or
##' merged sequences from the relevant slot in a MultiAmplicon object
##' @title getCounts
##' @param MaMat A matrix or vector of derep, dada or merger objects
##' @return a matrix, list or vector of counts, depending on the class
##' of the input
##' @export
##' @author Emanuel Heitlinger
getCounts <- function(MaMat, what="input"){
if (!what%in%c("uniques", "input")){
stop("please specify what should be returned: the number of 'uniques' or 'input'")
if(is.matrix(MaMat) && !is.null(dim(MaMat)) && all(dim(MaMat)>0)) {
apply(MaMat, 2, function (x) {
sapply(x, .sumThingsOrNull, what)
} else if(is.list(MaMat)||(is.vector(MaMat)&&is.character(MaMat))) {
t(sapply(MaMat, .sumThingsOrNull, what))
} else {
stop(paste("nothing calculated, supply a list or a matrix of fastq file names",
"derep, dada or merger objects"))
### ## TODO: this doesn't work yet!
##' Get a sum of the uniques vector or matrix or 0 if empty
##' This function uses getUniques from dada2 to extract (potentially)
##' unique entries (ASVs, sequences or merged sequences) from a vector
##' of suitable objects.
##' @title .sumThingsOrNull
##' @param y a vector of dada, derep, merger objects from dada2
##' @return Numeric vector for the count of entries (uniques or
##' sequences, ASVs)
##' @importFrom dada2 getUniques
##' @importFrom ShortRead readFastq
##' @author Emanuel Heitlinger
.sumThingsOrNull <- function(y, what){
calcu <- function(x, what) {
input = sum(x),
uniques = length(x[x>0])) ## >0 or the table objects
## derep, dada or merger objects (mergers have no proper class)
if(class(y) %in% c("derep", "dada")||
(is.data.frame(y) &&
all(c("sequence", "abundance") %in%
calcu(getUniques(y), what)
## or stratified files, if they exist (also no proper class)
else if(is.character(y) && any(file.exists(y))) {
### if they contain data
if(length(readFastq(y))>0) {
calcu(getUniques(y), what)
} else { ## they exist but contain no data
## those are sequence tables
else if (is.matrix(y)){
apply(y, 1, calcu, what)
### if those are NULL objects
else if (is.null(y)) {
### if all stratified files don't exist
else if((is.character(y) && all(!file.exists(y)))){
} else {
stop("incompatible object to count uniques")
### a SHITLOAD of good tests possible with this now!!
### TO DO!!! e.g.:
## getRawCounts(MA6) == getCounts(getStratifiedFilesF(MA6, dropEmpty=FALSE), "input") ==
## getRawCounts(MA6) == getCounts(getDerepF(MA6, dropEmpty=FALSE), "input")
getPipelineSummaryX <- function (MA) {
## all those components, can be empsty or not
strat <- getStratifiedFilesF(MA, dropEmpty=FALSE)
derep <- getDerepF(MA, dropEmpty=FALSE)
dada <- getDadaF(MA, dropEmpty=FALSE)
mergers <- getMergers(MA, dropEmpty=FALSE)
seqT <- getSequenceTable(MA, dropEmpty=FALSE)
seqTn <- getSequenceTableNoChime(MA, dropEmpty=FALSE)
## we need the raw counts and stratified files, otherwise tracking
## makes no sense
.complainWhenAbsent(MA, "stratifiedFilesF")
rawCountsM <- getRawCounts(MA)
getHowMany <- function(x, na) {
M <- getCounts(x, "uniques")
M <- reshape::melt(M)
M <- rename(M, c(value = na))
if (all(dim(derep)>0)) {
derepM <- getHowMany(derep, "derep")
} else {
.complainWhenAbsent(MA, "stratifiedFilesF")
derepM <- getHowMany(strat, "derep")
if (all(dim(dada)>0)) {
dadaM <- getHowMany(dada, "dada")
} else{dadaM <- matrix()}
if (all(dim(mergers)>0)) {
mergerM <- getHowMany(mergers, "mergers")
} else{mergerM <- matrix()}
if (length(seqT)>0) {
seqTM <- getHowMany(seqT, "seq")
} else{seqTM <- matrix()}
if (length(seqTn)>0) {
seqTnM <- getHowMany(seqTn, "seqNc")
} else{seqTnM <- matrix()}
Ml <- list(derepM, dadaM, mergerM, seqTM, seqTnM)
Reduce(function (x, y) {
merge(x, y, by=c("X1", "X2"))
}, Ml)
## Summary function for pipeline ------------------------------------
##' Obtain summary data for amplicons run through the MultiAmplicon pipeline.
##' Get statistics on the number of samples (with read data), the
##' number of unique sequence variants and the number of reads left
##' after processing of amplicons in the MultiAmplicon pipeline. In
##' some steps of the pipeline dada2 performs quality filtering
##' excluding non-credible sequence variants.
##' @title getPipelineSummary
##' @param MA MultiAmplicon object with all slots filled for tracking.
##' @return a data.frame of sample, unique sequences and sequencing
##' reads numbers per amplicon.
##' @importFrom plyr revalue
##' @export
##' @author Emanuel Heitlinger
getPipelineSummary <- function(MA){
slots <- c("stratifiedFiles", "derep", "dada", "mergers",
"sequenceTable", "sequenceTableNoChime")
slotFilled <- unlist(sapply(slots, function (x) length(slot(MA, x)))>0)
### helper functions
track.l <- lapply(seq_along(getDadaF(MA)), function (i) {
samples <- list(
sorted=length(getRawCounts(MA[i, ])[getRawCounts(MA[i, ])>0]),
## ## derep is currently defunct
## derep=length(getDerepF(MA[i, ])),
denoised = if(slotFilled["dada"]) {
} else{0},
merged = if(slotFilled["mergers"]) {
} else{0},
tabulated = if(slotFilled["sequenceTable"]) {
} else{0},
noChime= if(slotFilled["sequenceTableNoChime"]) {
} else{0}
uniques <- list(
## ## derep is currently defunct
## derep=sum(getU(getDerepF(MA[i, ]))),
denoised = if(slotFilled["dada"]) {
sum(getU(getDadaF(MA[i, ])))
} else{0},
merged = if(slotFilled["mergers"]) {
sum(getU(getMergers(MA[i, ])))
} else{0},
tabulated = if(slotFilled["sequenceTable"]) {
ncol(getSequenceTable(MA[i, ]))
} else{0},
noChime = if(slotFilled["sequenceTableNoChime"]) {
ncol(getSequenceTableNoChime(MA[i, ]))
} else{0}
reads <- list(
sorted=sum(getRawCounts(MA[i, ])),
## ## derep is currently defunct
## derep=sum(getN(getDerepF(MA[i, ]))),
denoised = if(slotFilled["dada"]) {
sum(getN(getDadaF(MA[i, ])))
} else{0},
merged = if(slotFilled["mergers"]) {
sum(getN(getMergers(MA[i, ])))
} else {0},
tabulated = if(slotFilled["sequenceTable"]) {
sum(getSequenceTable(MA[i, ]))
} else{0},
noChime= if(slotFilled["sequenceTableNoChime"]) {
sum(getSequenceTableNoChime(MA[i, ]))
} else {0}
list(samples, uniques, reads)
track <- reshape::melt(track.l)
track$L2 <- revalue(as.factor(track$L2), c("1"="samples",
"2"="uniques", "3"="reads"))
track$L3 <- factor(track$L3, levels = c("sorted", ## "derep",
"denoised", "merged",
"tabulated", "noChime"))
names(track) <- c("value", "pipeStep", "what", "primer")
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