#' @title PeCorA
#' @description core function of PeCorA workflow
#' @param scaled_peptides scaled data
#' @author Maria Dermit <maria.dermit@qmul.ac.uk>
#' @return dataframe output of PeCorA analysis
#' @details PeCorA function relies on linear model
#' to assess whether the slope of a peptide’s change
#' across treatment groups differs from the slope of
#' all other peptides assigned to the same protein.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' disagree_peptides <- PeCorA(scaled_peptides)
#' }
#' @rdname PeCorA
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats anova
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @export
PeCorA <- function(scaled_peptides) {
# Show error if inputs are not the required classes
# Show error if there is no variable protein
if (!"Protein" %in% colnames(scaled_peptides)) {
stop("There is no Protein column")
# Show error if there is no modpep_z
if (!"modpep_z" %in% colnames(scaled_peptides)) {
stop("There is no modpep_z column")
# Show error if there is no Condition
if (!"Condition" %in% colnames(scaled_peptides)) {
stop("There is no Condition column")
# Show error if there is no ms1adj
if (!"ms1adj" %in% colnames(scaled_peptides)) {
stop("There is no ms1adj column")
print("Scaled peptides are ready for PeCorA")
t <- scaled_peptides
# get all unique protein groups
# get all unique protein groups
print("checking which proteins still have at least 2 peptides")
pgs <- levels(as.factor(t$Protein))
pgs_morethan2 <- c()
for (x in pgs) {
if (length(unique(t[t$Protein %in% x, "modpep_z"])) > 1) {
pgs_morethan2 <- c(pgs_morethan2, x)
### loop through proteins with >2 pep, get subset df
###### look through peptide precursors in that protein
######### check linear model, record p value
############ adjust pvals within each protein ### could do that differently?
allp <- list() # empty list to store pvalues for each protein
print("computing the interaction p-values")
for (x in pgs_morethan2) { # loop through protein groups
tmpdf <- t[t$Protein == x, ] ## get the subset dataframe
tmpdf["allothers"] <- rep("allothers", times = nrow(tmpdf))
pvalues <- c(rep(0, length(unique(tmpdf$modpep_z))))
i <- 1
for (y in unique(tmpdf$modpep_z)) {
subtmpdf <- tmpdf
subtmpdf[which(tmpdf$modpep_z == y), "allothers"] <- y
tmplm <- lm(subtmpdf$ms1adj ~ subtmpdf$Condition * subtmpdf$allothers)
tmpanova <- anova(tmplm)
pvalues[i] <- tmpanova$`Pr(>F)`[3]
i <- i + 1
allp[[x]] <- pvalues # record p-values
### post testing analysis
message(paste("number of proteins tested =", length(allp), sep = " "))
message(paste("number of peptides tested =", length(unlist(allp)), sep = " "))
######## make table of the peptides that disagree ##########
### dataframe with all values
message("started making data table")
alldf <- data.frame()
x <- names(allp)[1]
for (x in names(allp)) {
# print(x)
tmpdf <- t[t$Protein == x, ]
# tmpdf["allothers"]<-rep("allothers", times=nrow(tmpdf))
tmp_peps <- unique(tmpdf$modpep_z)
if (length(tmp_peps) > 0) {
tmp_pval <- allp[[x]]
tmpout <- cbind.data.frame(protein = rep(x, length(allp[[x]])), tmp_peps, tmp_pval = as.numeric(tmp_pval))
alldf <- rbind(alldf, tmpout)
message("correcting p-values")
alldf$adj_pval <- p.adjust(alldf$tmp_pval, method = "BH") ## adjust p-values
alldf_ordered <- alldf[order(alldf$adj_pval), ] ## sort
## print summary results
message(paste("number of uncorrelated peptides =", nrow(alldf[alldf$adj_pval <= 0.01, ]), sep = " "))
message(paste("number of proteins with uncorrelated peptides =",
length(unique(alldf[alldf$adj_pval <= 0.01, ]$protein)),
sep = " "
colnames(alldf_ordered)[2] <- "peptide"
colnames(alldf_ordered)[3] <- "pvalue"
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