#guess.core.query <- function()
# guess.query.func(oligo:::getFidMetaProbesetCore)
#guess.probeset.query <- function()
# guess.query.func(oligo:::getFidProbeset)
guess.query.func <- function(object, target)
if (target == "core")
use.func <- oligo:::getFidMetaProbesetCore
use.func <- oligo:::getFidProbeset
func.list <- as.list(body(use.func))
which.sql <- sapply(func.list, function(x) any(grep("SELECT", x)))
if (sum(which.sql) != 1)
stop("ERROR: Guess at query failed--multiple possible queries found")
sql.val <- eval(func.list[which.sql][[1]])
if (is.character(sql.val) == F || length(sql.val) != 1)
stop("ERROR: Guess at query failed--only one SQL query expected")
valid.VariantMaskParams <- function(object)
#length(rm.unmap should be 1 and should be either TRUE or FALSE)
#similar for rm.mult
#geno.filt should be of length 1 and either TRUE or FALSE
#tsl should contain search columns corresponding to 'mapping.status' and 'filter.status'
if (object@rm.unmap %in% c(TRUE, FALSE) == FALSE)
if (object@rm.mult %in% c(TRUE, FALSE) == FALSE)
if (object@geno.filter %in% c(TRUE, FALSE) == FALSE)
if (object@mask.type != "static")
setClass(Class="VariantMaskParams", representation=list(mask.type="character", geno.filter="logical", rm.unmap="logical", rm.mult="logical",
oligo.probe.id="character", var.db="VcfDB"),
prototype=prototype(mask.type="static", geno.filter=FALSE, rm.unmap=TRUE, rm.mult=TRUE, oligo.probe.id ="fid", var.db=new("VcfDB")),
setMethod("show", signature("VariantMaskParams"), function(object)
message("An object of class VariantMaskParams")
setGeneric("maskDb", def=function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("maskDb"))
setMethod("maskDb", signature("VariantMaskParams"), function(obj)
VariantMaskParams <- function(var.db, geno.filter=FALSE, rm.unmap=TRUE, rm.mult=TRUE, mask.type="static")
if (class(var.db) != "VcfDB")
stop("ERROR: var.db needs to be of class VcfDB")
return(new("VariantMaskParams", var.db=var.db, geno.filter=geno.filter, rm.unmap=rm.unmap, rm.mult=rm.mult, mask.type=mask.type))
get.shortest.query.path <- function(var.mask.par, start=NULL, finish=NULL, reverse=TRUE, undirected=TRUE)
if (class(var.mask.par) != "VariantMaskParams")
stop("ERROR: var.mask.par needs to be of class VariantMaskParams")
if (missing(start) || is.null(start) || is.na(start))
start <- var.mask.par@var.db@start.var.table
if (missing(finish) || is.null(finish) || is.na(finish))
finish <- var.mask.par@var.db@end.var.table
tsl.graph <- tsl.to.graphNEL(var.mask.par@var.db@tbsl)
if (undirected)
tsl.graph <- ugraph(tsl.graph)
table.path <- sp.between(g=tsl.graph,start=start,finish=finish, detail=TRUE)
#do it backwards as that is how we want to merge it with the pd tables
if (reverse==TRUE)
mask.query <- table.path[[1]]$path_detail[length(table.path[[1]]$path_detail):1]
mask.query <- table.path[[1]]$path_detail
#choose the set of probe IDs to remove from consideration
setGeneric("validProbeQuery", def=function(object,...) standardGeneric("validProbeQuery"))
setMethod("validProbeQuery", signature("VariantMaskParams"), function(object, target, should.add=TRUE, should.count=FALSE)
oligo.query <- guess.query.func(object, target)
var.presence <- "contains_var"
filter.presence <- "passes_filter"
#build a query in the snp mask by chasing down the foreign keys in a naive way starting at the specified starting table
#this first creates a directed graph representation and chases down the dependencies using the adjacent nodes
query.tables <- get.shortest.query.path(object)
query.vec <- check.and.add.tables(table.name=searchTables(object@var.db@tbsl), query.tables=query.tables, object=object, default.join.type="NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN")
#as there is always the possibility of multi variants per probe, the query will always have to aggregate to the probe level
inner.query <- paste("(SELECT",object@var.db@var.mask.probe.id,", COUNT(",object@var.db@var.mask.var.id ,") > 0 AS",var.presence ,
", SUM(IFNULL(", searchCols(object@var.db@tbsl, "genotype.filter"),dict.to.where(object, dict.name="genotype.filter", values="TRUE"), ",0)) > 0 AS", filter.presence, ",",
searchCols(obj=object@var.db@tbsl, name="mapping.status"), "FROM", names(query.vec)[1], paste(paste(query.vec[2:length(query.vec)], names(query.vec)[2:length(query.vec)]), collapse=" "), "GROUP BY", object@var.db@var.mask.probe.id, ")")
#either way remove those that are uniquely mapping and that have a variant overlapping them
outer.query <- paste("SELECT", object@var.db@var.mask.probe.id, "FROM", inner.query)
if (object@geno.filter == TRUE)
#filter the result to only those with a filter value of TRUE, for this a NATURAL JOIN would suffice as we are filtering down
where.base <- paste("WHERE (", var.presence, "= 1 AND", filter.presence, "= 1 AND", searchCols(obj=object@var.db@tbsl, name="mapping.status"), dict.to.where(object, "mapping.status", "unique"), ")")
where.base <- paste("WHERE (", var.presence, "= 1 AND", searchCols(obj=object@var.db@tbsl, name="mapping.status"), dict.to.where(object, "mapping.status", "unique"), ")")
outer.query <- paste(outer.query, where.base)
if ((object@rm.unmap == TRUE || object@rm.mult == TRUE))
if ((object@rm.unmap == TRUE && object@rm.mult == TRUE))
where.suff <- dict.to.where(object, "mapping.status", c("multi", "non"))
else if (object@rm.unmap == FALSE && object@rm.mult == TRUE)
where.suff <- dict.to.where(object, "mapping.status", "multi")
else if (object@rm.unmap == TRUE && object@rm.mult == FALSE)
where.suff <- dict.to.where(object, "mapping.status", "non")
stop("ERROR: rm.unmap and rm.mult should not be false here")
outer.query <- paste(outer.query, "OR (", searchCols(obj=object@var.db@tbsl, name="mapping.status"), where.suff, ")")
#if none are to be removed then don't add to the query
if (should.add == TRUE)
ex.query <- paste(oligo.query, "JOIN (", outer.query, ") ON", object@oligo.probe.id, "=", object@var.db@var.mask.probe.id)
return(paste(oligo.query, "EXCEPT", ex.query))
dict.to.where <- function(object, dict.name, values)
search.vals <- searchDict(obj=object@var.db@tbsl, name=dict.name, value=values)
where.vals <- ifelse(sapply(search.vals, is.character), paste0("'", search.vals, "'"), search.vals)
if (length(where.vals) > 1)
where.suff <- paste0("IN ", "(",paste(where.vals, collapse=",") , ")")
else if (length(where.vals) == 1)
where.suff <- paste0("= ", where.vals)
stop("ERROR: Unexpected length found for where.vals")
tsl.to.graphNEL <- function(tsl)
edge.l <- lapply(tsl@tab.list, function(x)
cur.edges <- unlist(lapply(x$foreign.keys, "[[", "local.keys"))
if (is.null(cur.edges))
common.col <- intersect(x$db.cols, cur.edges)
use.fk <- sapply(x$foreign.keys, function(x) x$local.keys %in% common.col)
return(list(edges=names(use.fk)[use.fk == TRUE]))
#the old way...
return(graphNEL(nodes=names(edge.l), edgeL=edge.l, edgemode='directed'))
check.and.add.tables <- function(table.name, query.tables, object, default.join.type="NATURAL JOIN")
diff.tabs <- setdiff(table.name, query.tables)
if (length(diff.tabs) > 0)
for (i in diff.tabs)
#attempt to add to query.tables by finding the shortest path between the end table and the specified table.name
new.query.path <- get.shortest.query.path(var.mask.par=object, start=i, finish=query.tables[length(query.tables)])
non.exist.tabs <- setdiff(new.query.path, query.tables)
query.tables <- append(query.tables, non.exist.tabs)
query.joins <- rep(default.join.type, length(query.tables))
names(query.joins) <- query.tables
setGeneric("maskRMA", def=function(object, ...) standardGeneric("maskRMA"))
setMethod("maskRMA", signature("GeneFeatureSet"), function(object, background=TRUE, normalize=TRUE, subset=NULL, target="core", mask.type=c("before.rma", "before.summary"), apply.mask=FALSE, mask.params=NULL)
if (apply.mask == FALSE)
return(rma(object, background, normalize, subset, target))
if (missing(mask.params) || is.null(mask.params))
mask.params <- new("VariantMaskParams")
else if (class(mask.params) != "VariantMaskParams")
stop("ERROR: mask.params needs to be an object of class VariantMaskParams")
target <- match.arg(target, c("core", "probeset"))
mask.type <- match.arg(mask.type)
#need to get a data.frame with columns fid and fsetid corresponding to the probes and probesets/metaprobesets to be used
featureInfo <- getProbeDf(mask.params, object, target)
theClass <- class(exprs(object))
pmi <- featureInfo[["fid"]]
pnVec <- as.character(featureInfo[["fsetid"]])
if ("matrix" %in% theClass) {
if (mask.type == "before.rma")
pms <- exprs(object)[pmi, , drop = FALSE]
dimnames(pms) <- NULL
colnames(pms) <- sampleNames(object)
theExprs <- basicRMA(pms, pnVec, normalize, background)
else if (mask.type == "before.summary")
if (background == TRUE)
bg.mat <- backgroundCorrect(exprs(object), method="rma", target=target)
bg.mat <- exprs(object)
if (normalize == TRUE)
n.mat <- normalize(bg.mat, method="quantile", target=target)
n.mat <- bg.mat
dimnames(n.mat) <- dimnames(exprs(object))
pms <- n.mat[pmi,,drop=FALSE]
dimnames(pms) <- NULL
colnames(pms) <- sampleNames(object)
theExprs <- summarize(pms, probes=pnVec, method="medianpolish")
stop("ERROR: Unexpected value for mask.type")
else if ("ff_matrix" %in% theClass) {
stop("ERROR: oligoMask support for type 'ff_matrix' not currently supported")
else {
stop("basicRMA not implemented for '", theClass,"' objects.")
out <- new("ExpressionSet", assayData=assayDataNew(exprs = theExprs), phenoData=phenoData(object), featureData=oligo:::basicAnnotatedDataFrame(theExprs, byrow = TRUE),
protocolData=protocolData(object), annotation=object@annotation)
if (validObject(out)) {
else {
stop("Resulting object is invalid.")
setGeneric("getProbeDf", def=function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getProbeDf"))
setMethod("getProbeDf", signature("VariantMaskParams"), function(object, gene.fs, target, sortBy="fsetid")
#check to see if the database already looks attached...
all.tabs.pres <- sapply(names(object@var.db@tbsl@tab.list), function(x)
return(dbExistsTable(db(gene.fs), x))
if (all(all.tabs.pres))
dbGetQuery(db(gene.fs), paste0("DETACH DATABASE 'var_mask'"))
#attach the snp mask database to the pd database and retrieve a data.frame of the form found in the rma method below
dbGetQuery(db(gene.fs), paste0("ATTACH DATABASE '",vcfDb(object@var.db),"' AS var_mask"))
fs.dta <- dbGetQuery(db(gene.fs), validProbeQuery(object, target))
if (!is.null(sortBy)) {
fs.dta <- fs.dta[order(fs.dta[,sortBy]),]
rownames(fs.dta) <- NULL
dbGetQuery(db(gene.fs), paste0("DETACH DATABASE 'var_mask'"))
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