# test to show whole genome layer binding
# three factors are created (2,3,4), the third can only hit after the first has modified.
# TODO this set of tests is important but needs tidying up
# Important to use an actual BSgenome object in tests
# However, tests should be more deterministic and rely on known motifs
# Some layers could be pre-populated with specific ranges to test conditional matching.
genome <- BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3 # for convenience
scLayerSet <- createLayerSet.BSgenome(genome=genome, n.layers = 5, verbose=TRUE)
testFactor2 <- createBindingFactor.DNA_consensus("testFactor2", patternString="ACTGGGCTA") # 41 matches across SacCer3
results2 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor2)
testFactor3 <- createBindingFactor.DNA_consensus("testFactor3", patternString="ACTGGGCTA", profile.layers = c("LAYER.1", "LAYER.3"), profile.marks = c(0,0),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.2", "LAYER.4"), mod.marks=c(0,1))
results3 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor3)
#mfLayer <- modifyLayerByBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet=scLayerSet, hits=results3, bindingFactor=testFactor3)
# check that a profile looking for 1 will not find any. N.B this WILL bind AFTER testFactor2
testFactor4 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor4", patternLength=5,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.3", "LAYER.4"), profile.marks = c(0,1),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.1", "LAYER.2"), mod.marks=c(0,1))
results4 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor4)
#mfLayer <- modifyLayerByBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet=mfLayer, hits=results4, bindingFactor=testFactor4)
# create a factor that matches an empty layer all of the genome
testFactor40 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor40", patternLength=1,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.1"), profile.marks = c(0),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.1", "LAYER.2"), mod.marks=c(0,1))
# check that the matches equal the length of the chromosome (tiled every 1bp)
results40 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor40)
test_that("Zero matches tile whole genome", { # this test could be faster if limited to one chromosome.
expect_true(sum(seqlengths(genome)) == length( results40))
testFactor41 <- testFactor40
testFactor41$profile <- NULL
# check that the matches equal the length of the chromosome (tiled every 1bp)
results41 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor41)
test_that("No profile creates no matches", { # this test could be faster if limited to one chromosome.
expect_true(0 == length( results41))
# test that a bindingFactor with profile layer not in the layerSet will not match.
testFactor5 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor5", patternLength=5,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.3", "LAYER.400"), profile.marks = c(0,1),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.1", "LAYER.2"), mod.marks=c(0,1))
# test that a bindingFactor with mod layer not in the layerSet will not match.
testFactor6 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor6", patternLength=5,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.3", "LAYER.4"), profile.marks = c(0,1),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.1", "LAYER.200"), mod.marks=c(0,1))
#results6 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor6) # should be error
# check that a profile looking for 1 will not find any. N.B this WILL bind AFTER testFactor2
testFactor7 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor7", patternLength=5,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.3", "LAYER.4"), profile.marks = c(0,1),
mod.layers = c( "LAYER.5"), mod.marks=c(1),
stateWidth = 500)
results7 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor7)
# now can match things genome wide. Need to run layerBinding and modification.
# need to have a factorSet, a list of bindingFactors
testFS <- list(testFactor2=testFactor2, testFactor3=testFactor3, testFactor4=testFactor4)
# also need for modifyLayerByBindingFactor.Views to work on BSgenome and hits
#mfLayer <- modifyLayerByBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet=scLayerSet, hits=results3, bindingFactor=testFactor3)
#modTest <- runLayerBinding.BSgenome(layerList=scLayerSet, factorSet=testFS, verbose=TRUE)
# with the above configuration, there are 41 possible sites across the genome, setting bf.abundances=30, restricts the number that are marked, so the number of potential sites reduces.
#modTest <- runLayerBinding.BSgenome(layerList=scLayerSet, factorSet=testFS, verbose=TRUE, bf.abundances=30)
# there should be results2 entries
# chrII 579821-579829 *
# chrII 682352-682360
# add a single region to LAYER.5 such that an overlap with the results2 produces exactly one valid hit.
scLayerSet$layerSet$LAYER.5 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chrII", ranges=IRanges(start=579823, end=682366), seqinfo = seqinfo(genome))
testFactor8 <- createBindingFactor.DNA_consensus("testFactor8", patternString="ACTGGGCTA", profile.layers = c( "LAYER.5"), profile.marks = c(1),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.2", "LAYER.4"), mod.marks=c(0,1))
results8 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor8)
# set LAYER.3 to be the results from results2 only larger
# use this to test if a layer-region type is correctly selecting by size.
scLayerSet$layerSet$LAYER.3 <- resize(results2, width=50)
width(intersect(scLayerSet$layerSet$LAYER.3, scLayerSet$layerSet$LAYER.5)) # 48 and 15
# puts some random blocks down on LAYER.5
testFactor10 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor10", patternLength=40,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.3", "LAYER.5"), profile.marks = c(1,1),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.2"), mod.marks=c(1))
results10 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor10)
width(results10 )
# ideally, none of these should be less than patternLength.
scLayerSet$layerSet$LAYER.4 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chrIV", ranges = IRanges(start=c(1,300, 500), end=c(100, 400, 2000)), seqinfo = seqinfo(genome))
# leaves two gaps ofs 100bp and 200bp
scLayerSet$layerSet$LAYER.1 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chrIV", ranges = IRanges(start=c(1), end=c(2000)), seqinfo = seqinfo(genome))
# block out the first 2000bp, this can be used to test patterns just within the gaps on LAYER.4
# a bindingFactor that should insert into the first gap but not the second.
testFactor11 <- createBindingFactor.layer_region("testFactor11", patternLength=180,
profile.layers = c("LAYER.1", "LAYER.4"), profile.marks = c(1,0),
mod.layers = c("LAYER.4"), mod.marks=c(1), stateWidth=147)
results11 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor11)
# correctly only returning potential matches in the larger gap.
# what to do about hits that would overlap if two or more applied?
# If valid hits and dispersed across genome and n.hits >> abundance, not much of a problem
# however, as n.hits reduces (e.g. nucleosome model) and abundance stays high,
# these will overlap within one iteration and clash when use runLayerBinding() and modifyLayerByBindingFactor()
mfLayer11 <- modifyLayerByBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet=scLayerSet, hits=results11[c(2,5,10)], bindingFactor=testFactor11)
width(mfLayer11$layerSet$LAYER.4) # ideally the second regions should now be width 147 but is greater than this due to multiple overlapping hits.
# how would changing the sampling method better represent biology?
# want to avoid nucleoomes of > 147bp.
# but also may want to model sink effect such that the availability of sites drives BFs onto particular sites.
# easiest option seems to be to keep the cleaner functions that remove anything != 147 on certain layers each round.
# Somewhat unsatisfactory and forces the BF ordering to be carefully considered (unless eventyally added as option to runLayerBinding).
test_that("Binding factor are compatible with layerset", {
expect_s4_class(results2, "GRanges")
expect_true(length(results2) == 41 )
expect_error( results5 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor5))
expect_error( results6 <- matchBindingFactor.BSgenome(layerSet = scLayerSet, bindingFactor = testFactor6))
test_that("intersects are correct", {
expect_true(length(results8) == 1 )
expect_true(min(width(results10)) == 40)
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