# Unit tests
context("Testthat context...")
# Test data should be with toy examples you can work out by hand
# that way you can calculate by hand and compare to the output of the function
# toy data for testing functions
# if altered, tests relying on these objects will be disrupted
start1 = c(seq(from=1, to = 2001, by = 1000), 800)
start2 = c(seq(from=126, to = 2126, by = 1000), 100, 2500)
chrString1 = c(rep("chr1", 3), "chr2")
chrString2 = c(chrString1, "chr3")
origCoordDT1 = data.table(chr=chrString1,
start = start1,
end = start1 + 250)
origCoordDT2 = data.table(chr=chrString2,
coordDT1 = copy(origCoordDT1)
coordDT2 = copy(origCoordDT2)
testGR1 = dtToGr(coordDT1)
testGR2 = dtToGr(coordDT2)
testGR3 = GenomicRanges::shift(testGR2, 1000)
testGR4 = GenomicRanges::shift(testGR2, 2500)
testGR5 = GenomicRanges::shift(testGR2, 4000)
# test for calcOLCount
# reset test data in case it was changed by another unit test section
coordDT1 = copy(origCoordDT1)
coordDT2 = copy(origCoordDT2)
testGR1 = dtToGr(coordDT1)
testGR2 = dtToGr(coordDT2)
test_that("calcOLCount", {
# uses midpoint coordinate of queryRegionDT
testGRList = GRangesList(dtToGr(data.table(chr=c("chr1", "chr1"),
start = c(1, 2001),
end = c(2000, 4000))),
dtToGr(data.table(chr=c("chr2", "chr2"),
start = c(1, 2001),
end = c(2000, 4000))),
dtToGr(data.table(chr=c("chr3", "chr3"),
start = c(1, 2001),
end = c(2000, 4000))))
olCount1 = calcOLCount(queryRegionDT = coordDT2, regionsGRL = testGRList)
expect_equal(olCount1$N, c(2, 1, 1, 1))
expect_equal(olCount1$regionGroupID, c(1, 1, 2, 3))
# only expect one overlap: chr2
olCount2 = calcOLCount(coordDT2, dtToGr(data.table(chr=c("chr1", "chr1", "chr2"),
start = c(1, 250, 170),
end = c(150, 300, 180))))
expectedOut = data.frame(regionID=3, chr="chr2", start=170, end=180, withinGroupID=3, regionGroupID=1, N=1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
expect_equal(olCount2, expectedOut)
# "featureDistanceDistribution" function is now named "calcFeatureDist"
# reset test data in case it was changed by another unit test section
# and select just one chromosome - since DTNearest is help function calculating
# distances within one chromosome
coordDT1 = copy(origCoordDT1)
coordDT2 = copy(origCoordDT2)
testGR1 = dtToGr(coordDT1)
testGR2 = dtToGr(coordDT2)
test_that("featureDistribution", {
############# old
# queryFile = system.file("extdata", "setB_100.bed.gz", package="GenomicDistributions")
# query = rtracklayer::import(queryFile)
# featureExample = GenomicRanges::shift(query, round(rnorm(length(query), 0,1000)))
# fdd = featureDistanceDistribution(query, featureExample)
# featureFile = system.file("extdata", "vistaEnhancers.bed.gz", package="GenomicDistributions")
# feats = rtracklayer::import(featureFile)
#' featureDistance = featureDistanceDistribution(query, feats)
#' expect_equal(sum(is.na(featureDistance)), -3)
#' expect_equal(sum(featureDistance, na.rm=TRUE), 743969)
############# old
coordDT1$end[1] = 100
coordDT1$start[2] = 200
coordDT1$end[2] = 400
testGR1 = dtToGr(coordDT1)
# DTNearest
# @param DT1 data.table Has start and end column
# @param DT2
# @return numeric vector. Distance from region set to closest other region set.
# Distance from the midpointof each region to the midpoint.
nearestVec = DTNearest(coordDT1, coordDT2)
expect_equal(nearestVec, c(124, -99, 276, 75))
# DTNearest ignores chromosome completely. By design.
# DTNearest shouldn't be used with data from different chromosomes.
# Suggested to split by chromosome when such case presents (e.g chrom1).
DT1chrom1 = coordDT1[coordDT1$chr == "chr1"]
DT2chrom1 = coordDT2[coordDT2$chr == "chr1"]
nearestVec2C1 = DTNearest(DT2chrom1, DT1chrom1)
expect_equal(nearestVec2C1, c(99, -901, -75))
featureDistance = calcFeatureDist(testGR1, testGR2)
expect_equal(featureDistance, c(150, -99, 75, -750))
featureDistance2 = calcFeatureDist(testGR2, testGR1)
expect_equal(featureDistance2, c( 99, -901, -75, 750, NA))
# coordDT1$chr = "chr2"
# testGR1 = dtToGr(coordDT1)
# featureDistance = calcFeatureDist(testGR1, testGR2)
# featureDistance
# featureDistance2 = calcFeatureDist(testGR2, testGR1)
# featureDistance2
#' queryDT = GenomicDistributions:::grToDt(query)
#' featureDT = GenomicDistributions:::grToDt(features)
#' queryDTs = GenomicDistributions:::splitDataTable(queryDT, "chr")
#' featureDTs = GenomicDistributions:::splitDataTable(featureDT, "chr")
#' as.vector(unlist(mapply(queryDTs, featureDTs[names(queryDTs)], FUN=DTNearest)))
test_that("Genome aggregate", {
queryFile = system.file("extdata", "vistaEnhancers.bed.gz", package="GenomicDistributions")
query = rtracklayer::import(queryFile)
# First, calculate the distribution:
x = aggregateOverGenomeBins(query, "hg19")
# Then, plot the result:
# plotGenomeAggregate(x)
# "genomicPartitions" function changed to "calcPartitionsRef"
test_that("Partitions", {
################### old
#queryFile = system.file("extdata", "vistaEnhancers.bed.gz", package="GenomicDistributions")
#query = rtracklayer::import(queryFile)
#gp = genomicPartitions(query, "hg38")
#gp = genomicPartitions(query, "hg19")
#gp = genomicPartitions(query, "mm10")
#gp = genomicPartitions(query, "mm9")
################### old
# test calcPartitions()
# GenomePartitionList
promCore = GenomicRanges::reduce(trim(promoters(testGR2, upstream=100, downstream=0)))
promProx = GenomicRanges::reduce(trim(promoters(testGR2, upstream=2000, downstream=0)))
promoterProx = GenomicRanges::setdiff(promProx, promCore)
# remove any possible overlaps between classes
testGR5 = GenomicRanges::setdiff(testGR5, testGR4)
testGR3 = GenomicRanges::setdiff(testGR3, testGR4)
testGR3 = GenomicRanges::setdiff(testGR3, testGR5)
nonThree = GenomicRanges::setdiff(testGR2, testGR4)
nonThreeFive = GenomicRanges::setdiff(nonThree, testGR5)
intronGR = GenomicRanges::setdiff(nonThreeFive, testGR3)
partList = list(promoterCore=GenomicRanges::reduce(trim(promoters(testGR2, upstream=100, downstream=0))),
gp = genomePartitionList(testGR2, testGR3, testGR4, testGR5)
expect_equal(gp, partList)
# calcPartitions
partition = rep(0, length(testGR1))
for (i in seq_along(partList)) {
ols = countOverlaps(testGR1[partition==0], partList[[i]])
partition[partition==0][ols > 0] = names(partList)[[i]]
partition[partition=="0"] = "intergenic"
testPartitions = data.frame(table(partition))
testPartitionNames = c("promoterCore", "promoterProx", "threeUTR", "fiveUTR",
"exon", "intron", "intergenic")
if (!all(testPartitionNames %in% testPartitions$partition)){
notIncluded = testPartitionNames[!(testPartitionNames %in%
addRows = data.frame(partition = notIncluded,
Freq = rep(0, length(notIncluded)))
testPartitions = rbind(testPartitions, addRows)
Partitions = calcPartitions(testGR1, partList)
expect_equal(Partitions, testPartitions)
test_that("Neighbor distances", {
testGRdt = grToDt(sort(testGR1))
splitdt = splitDataTable(testGRdt, "chr")
chromTest = splitdt[[1]]
# Compare bp distance generated by neighbordt
distancesExp = neighbordt(chromTest)
# Calculated by hand c(749, 749)
expect_equal(distancesExp, c(749, 749))
# Compare distances from calcNeighborDist
distances = calcNeighborDist(testGR1)
expect_equal(distances, c(749, 749))
test_that("Nearest Neighbor distances", {
testGR2dt = grToDt(sort(testGR2))
splitdt2 = splitDataTable(testGR2dt, "chr")
chromTest2 = splitdt2[[1]]
# Compare bp distance generated by neighbordt
nearestDistancesExp = neighbordt(chromTest2)
up = nearestDistancesExp[-length(dist)]
down = nearestDistancesExp[-1]
dt = data.table(i=up, j=down)
pairmins = dt[, pmin(i, j)]
nNeighbors = c(nearestDistancesExp[1], pairmins,
# Calculated by hand c(849, 849, 849)
expect_equal(nNeighbors, rep(849, 3))
# Compare distances from calcNeighborDist
nearestNeighborsTest = calcNearestNeighbors(testGR2)
expect_equal(nearestNeighborsTest, rep(849, 3))
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