#' @title Retrieve multiple tissue types not from the same patients.
#' @description
#' TCGAquery_SampleTypes for a given list of samples and types,
#' return the union of samples that are from theses type.
#' @param barcode is a list of samples as TCGA barcodes
#' @param typesample a character vector indicating tissue type to query.
#' Example:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'TB \tab Primary Blood Derived Cancer-Peripheral Blood \cr
#'TRBM \tab Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer-Bone Marrow \cr
#'TAP \tab Additional-New Primary \cr
#'TM \tab Metastatic \cr
#'TAM \tab Additional Metastatic \cr
#'THOC \tab Human Tumor Original Cells \cr
#'TBM \tab Primary Blood Derived Cancer-Bone Marrow \cr
#'NB \tab Blood Derived Normal \cr
#'NT \tab Solid Tissue Normal \cr
#'NBC \tab Buccal Cell Normal \cr
#'NEBV \tab EBV Immortalized Normal \cr
#'NBM \tab Bone Marrow Normal \cr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # selection of normal samples "NT"
#' barcode <- c("TCGA-B0-4698-01Z-00-DX1","TCGA-CZ-4863-02Z-00-DX1")
#' # Returns the second barcode
#' TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode,"TR")
#' # Returns both barcode
#' TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode,c("TR","TP"))
#' barcode <- c("TARGET-20-PANSBH-14A-02D","TARGET-20-PANSBH-01A-02D",
#' "TCGA-B0-4698-01Z-00-DX1","TCGA-CZ-4863-02Z-00-DX1")
#' TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode,c("TR","TP"))
#' @return a list of samples / barcode filtered by type sample selected
TCGAquery_SampleTypes <- function(barcode,typesample){
# Tumor AND Solid Tissue Normal NOT FROM THE SAME PATIENTS
table.code <- c('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10',
names(table.code) <- c("TP","TR","TB","TRBM","TAP","TM","TAM","THOC",
if (sum(is.element(typesample,names(table.code))) == length(typesample)) {
string <- sapply(barcode,function(x) substr(unlist(stringr::str_split(x,"-"))[4],1,2))
barcode.all <- NULL
for (sample.i in typesample) {
barcode.all <- union(barcode.all,
barcode[grep(table.code[sample.i], string)])
} else {
return("Error message: one or more sample types do not exist")
#' @title Retrieve multiple tissue types from the same patients.
#' @description
#' TCGAquery_MatchedCoupledSampleTypes
#' @param barcode barcode
#' @param typesample typesample
#' @examples
#' TCGAquery_MatchedCoupledSampleTypes(c("TCGA-B0-4698-01Z-00-DX1",
#' "TCGA-B0-4698-02Z-00-DX1"),
#' c("TP","TR"))
#' barcode <- c("TARGET-20-PANSBH-02A-02D","TARGET-20-PANSBH-01A-02D",
#' "TCGA-B0-4698-01Z-00-DX1","TCGA-CZ-4863-02Z-00-DX1",
#' "TARGET-20-PANSZZ-02A-02D","TARGET-20-PANSZZ-11A-02D",
#' "TCGA-B0-4699-01Z-00-DX1","TCGA-B0-4699-02Z-00-DX1"
#' )
#' TCGAquery_MatchedCoupledSampleTypes(barcode,c("TR","TP"))
#' @export
#' @return a list of samples / barcode filtered by type sample selected
TCGAquery_MatchedCoupledSampleTypes <- function(barcode,typesample){
# Tumor AND Solid Tissue Normal FROM THE SAME PATIENTS
table.code <- c('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10',
names(table.code) <- c("TP","TR","TB","TRBM","TAP","TM","TAM","THOC",
return("Error message: exactly two types need to be provided")
if(sum(is.element(typesample,names(table.code))) == length(typesample)) {
string <- sapply(barcode,function(x) substr(unlist(stringr::str_split(x,"-"))[4],1,2))
barcode.1 <- barcode[grep(table.code[typesample[1]], string)]
barcode.2 <- barcode[grep(table.code[typesample[2]], string)]
barcode.common <- intersect(sapply(barcode.1,function(x) paste(unlist(stringr::str_split(x,"-"))[1:3],collapse = "-")),
sapply(barcode.2,function(x) paste(unlist(stringr::str_split(x,"-"))[1:3],collapse = "-")))
if(length(barcode.common) > 0){
idx1 <- unlist(lapply(barcode.common, function(x) grep(x,barcode.1)))
idx2 <- unlist(lapply(barcode.common, function(x) grep(x,barcode.2)))
return(union(barcode.1[idx1], barcode.2[idx2]))
} else {
return("Error message: there exist no matched samples")
} else {
return("Error message: one or more sample types do not exist")
#' @title Get GDC clinical data
#' @description
#' GDCquery_clinic will download all clinical information from the API
#' as the one with using the button from each project
#' @param project A valid project (see list with getGDCprojects()$project_id)]
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ BEATAML1.0-COHORT }
#' \item{ CGCI-BLGSP }
#' \item{ CPTAC-2 }
#' \item{ CPTAC-3 }
#' \item{ CTSP-DLBCL1 }
#' \item{ FM-AD }
#' \item{ HCMI-CMDC }
#' \item{ MMRF-COMMPASS }
#' \item{ NCICCR-DLBCL }
#' \item{ OHSU-CNL }
#' \item{ TARGET-ALL-P1 }
#' \item{ TARGET-ALL-P2 }
#' \item{ TARGET-ALL-P3 }
#' \item{ TARGET-AML }
#' \item{ TARGET-CCSK }
#' \item{ TARGET-NBL }
#' \item{ TARGET-OS }
#' \item{ TARGET-RT }
#' \item{ TARGET-WT }
#' \item{ TCGA-ACC }
#' \item{ TCGA-BLCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-BRCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-CESC }
#' \item{ TCGA-CHOL }
#' \item{ TCGA-COAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-DLBC }
#' \item{ TCGA-ESCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-GBM }
#' \item{ TCGA-HNSC }
#' \item{ TCGA-KICH }
#' \item{ TCGA-KIRC }
#' \item{ TCGA-KIRP }
#' \item{ TCGA-LAML }
#' \item{ TCGA-LGG }
#' \item{ TCGA-LIHC }
#' \item{ TCGA-LUAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-LUSC }
#' \item{ TCGA-MESO }
#' \item{ TCGA-OV }
#' \item{ TCGA-PAAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-PCPG }
#' \item{ TCGA-PRAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-READ }
#' \item{ TCGA-SARC }
#' \item{ TCGA-SKCM }
#' \item{ TCGA-STAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-TGCT }
#' \item{ TCGA-THCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-THYM }
#' \item{ TCGA-UCEC }
#' \item{ TCGA-UCS }
#' \item{ TCGA-UVM }
#' \item{ VAREPOP-APOLLO }
#' }
#' @param type A valid type. Options "clinical", "Biospecimen" (see list with getGDCprojects()$project_id)]
#' @param save.csv Write clinical information into a csv document
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist as.data.table
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @examples
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-ACC", type = "clinical", save.csv = TRUE)
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-ACC", type = "biospecimen", save.csv = TRUE)
#' clin.cptac2 <- GDCquery_clinic("CPTAC-2", type = "clinical")
#' clin.TARGET_ALL_P1 <- GDCquery_clinic("TARGET-ALL-P1", type = "clinical")
#' clin.fm_ad <- GDCquery_clinic("FM-AD", type = "clinical")
#' \dontrun{
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "CPTAC-3", type = "clinical")
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "CPTAC-2", type = "clinical")
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "HCMI-CMDC", type = "clinical")
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "NCICCR-DLBCL", type = "clinical")
#' clin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "ORGANOID-PANCREATIC", type = "clinical")
#' }
#' @return A data frame with the clinical information
GDCquery_clinic <- function(project, type = "clinical", save.csv = FALSE){
if(!grepl("clinical|Biospecimen",type,ignore.case = TRUE)) stop("Type must be clinical or biospecemen")
baseURL <- "https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/cases/?"
options.pretty <- "pretty=true"
if(grepl("clinical",type,ignore.case = TRUE)) {
options.expand <- "expand=diagnoses,diagnoses.treatments,annotations,family_histories,demographic,exposures"
option.size <- paste0("size=",getNbCases(project,"Clinical"))
files.data_category <- "Clinical"
} else {
options.expand <- "expand=samples,samples.portions,samples.portions.analytes,samples.portions.analytes.aliquots"
option.size <- paste0("size=",getNbCases(project,"Biospecimen"))
files.data_category <- "Biospecimen"
options.filter <- paste0("filters=",
} else {
options.filter <- paste0("filters=",
url <- paste0(baseURL,paste(options.pretty,options.expand, option.size, options.filter,"format=json", sep = "&"))
json <- tryCatch(
getURL(url,fromJSON,timeout(600),simplifyDataFrame = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
fromJSON(content(getURL(url,GET,timeout(600)), as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
#message(paste0(baseURL,paste(options.pretty,options.expand, option.size, options.filter, sep = "&")))
results <- json$data$hits
if(grepl("clinical",type,ignore.case = TRUE)) {
if(grepl("TCGA",project)) {
df <- data.frame("submitter_id" = results$submitter_id)
if("diagnoses" %in% colnames(results)){
diagnoses <- rbindlist(lapply(results$diagnoses, function(x) if(is.null(x)) data.frame(NA) else x),fill = T)
diagnoses$submitter_id <- gsub("_diagnosis","", df$submitter_id)
df <- merge(df,diagnoses, by="submitter_id", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
if("exposures" %in% colnames(results)){
exposures <- rbindlist(results$exposures, fill = TRUE)
exposures <- exposures[,-c("updated_datetime","state","created_datetime")]
exposures$submitter_id <- gsub("_exposure","", exposures$submitter_id)
df <- merge(df,exposures, by="submitter_id", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
if("demographic" %in% colnames(results)){
results$demographic$submitter_id <- gsub("_demographic","", results$demographic$submitter_id)
demographic <- results$demographic[!is.na(results$demographic$submitter_id),]
df <- merge(df,
by = "submitter_id", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
if("treatments" %in% colnames(df)){
treatments <- rbindlist(df$treatments,fill = TRUE)
df$treatments <- NULL
treatments$submitter_id <- gsub("_treatment(_[0-9])?","", treatments$submitter_id)
treatments <- treatments[,-c("updated_datetime", "state", "created_datetime")]
# we have now two types of treatment
treatments.pharmaceutical <- treatments[grep("Pharmaceutical",treatments$treatment_type,ignore.case = TRUE),]
treatments.radiation <- treatments[grep("radiation",treatments$treatment_type,ignore.case = TRUE),]
# Adding a prefix
colnames(treatments.pharmaceutical) <- paste0("treatments_pharmaceutical_",colnames(treatments.pharmaceutical))
colnames(treatments.radiation) <- paste0("treatments_radiation_",colnames(treatments.radiation))
colnames(treatments.radiation)[grep("submitter",colnames(treatments.radiation))] <- "submitter_id"
colnames(treatments.pharmaceutical)[grep("submitter",colnames(treatments.pharmaceutical))] <- "submitter_id"
df <- merge(df, as.data.table(treatments.pharmaceutical), by = "submitter_id", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
df <- merge(df, as.data.table(treatments.radiation), by = "submitter_id", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
df$bcr_patient_barcode <- df$submitter_id
df$disease <- gsub("TCGA-|TARGET-", "", project)
} else {
# Although for TCGA and TARGET IDs from diagnosis, treatments, exposures etc are the same
# for the other projects this might not be true!
# https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/cases/?pretty=true&expand=diagnoses,demographic&size=1&filters=%7B%22op%22:%22in%22,%22content%22:%7B%22field%22:%22cases.project.project_id%22,%22value%22:[%22ORGANOID-PANCREATIC%22]%7D%7D&format=json
# DEMOGRAPHIC 48, while everything else is 42
df <- data.frame("submitter_id" = results$submitter_id)
if("diagnoses" %in% colnames(results)){
diagnoses <- rbindlist(lapply(results$diagnoses, function(x) if(is.null(x)) data.frame(NA) else x),fill = T)
#df$submitter_id <- gsub("^d|_diagnosis|diag-|-DX|-DIAG|-diagnosis","", df$submitter_id)
# -diagnosis NCICCR-DLBCL
# _diagnosis HCMI-CMDC
df <- cbind(df,diagnoses)
if("exposures" %in% colnames(results)){
exposures <- rbindlist(lapply(results$exposures, function(x) if(is.null(x)) data.frame(NA) else x),fill = T)
exposures <- exposures[,-c("updated_datetime","state","created_datetime")]
df <- cbind(df,exposures)
if("treatments" %in% colnames(results)){
treatments <- rbindlist(results$treatments, fill = TRUE)
df$treatments <- NULL
df <- cbind(df,treatments)
if("submitter_sample_ids" %in% colnames(results)){
submitter_sample_ids <- lapply(results$submitter_sample_ids,
function(x) {
paste(x,collapse = ",")
}) %>% unlist
df <- cbind(df,submitter_sample_ids)
# We do a merge because some cases might not have demographic information
# -demographic NCICCR-DLBCL
# _demographic HCMI-CMDC
# -DG and -DM CPTAC-2
if("demographic" %in% colnames(results)){
results$demographic$submitter_id <- gsub("_demographic|DEMOGRAPHIC|_demographic|demo-|-DG|-DM|-DEMO","", results$demographic$submitter_id)
demographic <- results$demographic %>% dplyr::select(-c("updated_datetime","state","created_datetime"))
df <- cbind(df,demographic)
df$disease <- gsub("TCGA-|TARGET-", "", project)
if(nrow(results) != nrow(df)){
stop("Error: API returned more information")
} else {
df <- rbindlist(results$samples,fill = TRUE)
if(grepl("biospecimen",type)) {
df$portions <- NULL
message("Portion column is a list, it will be removed. Please check object with save.csv argument as FALSE")
if(grepl("clinical",type)) {
df$treatments <- NULL
message("Treatments column is a list, it will be removed. Please check object with save.csv argument as FALSE")
#' @title Parsing clinical xml files
#' @description
#' This function receives the query argument and parses the clinical xml files
#' based on the desired information
#' @param query Result from GDCquery, with data.category set to Clinical
#' @param clinical.info Which information should be retrieved.
#' Options Clinical: drug, admin, follow_up,radiation, patient, stage_event or new_tumor_event
#' Options Biospecimen: protocol, admin, aliquot, analyte, bio_patient, sample, portion, slide
#' @param directory Directory/Folder where the data was downloaded. Default: GDCdata
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml xml_ns
#' @importFrom XML xmlParse getNodeSet xmlToDataFrame
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_all funs
#' @return A data frame with the parsed values from the XML
#' @export
#' @examples
#' query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-COAD",
#' data.category = "Clinical",
#' file.type = "xml",
#' barcode = c("TCGA-RU-A8FL","TCGA-AA-3972"))
#' GDCdownload(query)
#' clinical <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"patient")
#' clinical.drug <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"drug")
#' clinical.radiation <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"radiation")
#' clinical.admin <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"admin")
#' query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-COAD",
#' data.category = "Biospecimen",
#' file.type = "xml",
#' data.type = "Biospecimen Supplement",
#' barcode = c("TCGA-RU-A8FL","TCGA-AA-3972"))
#' GDCdownload(query)
#' clinical <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"admin")
#' clinical.drug <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"sample")
#' clinical.radiation <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"portion")
#' clinical.admin <- GDCprepare_clinic(query,"slide")
GDCprepare_clinic <- function(
directory = "GDCdata"
if (unique(query$results[[1]]$data_category) == "Clinical") {
valid.clinical.info <- c(
} else if (unique(query$results[[1]]$data_category) == "Biospecimen" ) {
valid.clinical.info <- c(
} else if (unique(query$results[[1]]$data_category) == "Other") {
valid.clinical.info <- c("admin","msi")
} else {
stop("Data category should be Clinical or Biospecimen or Other (auxiliary files)")
if (missing(clinical.info) || !(clinical.info %in% valid.clinical.info)) {
"Please set clinical.info argument:\n=> ",
paste(valid.clinical.info, collapse = "\n=> ")
# Get all the clincal xml files
source <- ifelse(query$legacy,"legacy","harmonized")
files <- file.path(
query$results[[1]]$project, source,
gsub(" ","_",query$results[[1]]$data_category),
gsub(" ","_",query$results[[1]]$data_type),
gsub(" ","_",query$results[[1]]$file_id),
gsub(" ","_",query$results[[1]]$file_name)
files <- file.path(directory, files)
if(!all(file.exists(files))) {
"I couldn't find all the files from the query.",
"Please check directory parameter right"
xpath <- NULL
disease <- tolower(gsub("TCGA-","",unlist(query$project)))
if(tolower(clinical.info) == "drug") xpath <- "//rx:drug"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "admin") xpath <- "//admin:admin"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "radiation") xpath <- "//rad:radiation"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "patient") xpath <- paste0("//",disease,":patient")
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "stage_event") xpath <- "//shared_stage:stage_event"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "new_tumor_event") xpath <- paste0("//",disease,"_nte:new_tumor_event")
# biospecimen xpaths
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "sample") xpath <- "//bio:sample"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "bio_patient") xpath <- "//bio:patient"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "analyte") xpath <- "//bio:analyte"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "aliquot") xpath <- "//bio:aliquot"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "protocol") xpath <- "//bio:protocol"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "portion") xpath <- "//bio:portion"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "slide") xpath <- "//bio:slide"
else if(tolower(clinical.info) == "msi") xpath <- "//auxiliary:microsatellite_instability_test_result"
if (tolower(clinical.info) == "follow_up") {
clin <- parseFollowup(files, xpath, clinical.info)
} else {
clin <- parseXML(files,xpath,clinical.info)
if (is.null(clin)) return(NULL)
clin <- merge(clin,getResults(query)[,c("project","cases")],by.x = c("bcr_patient_barcode"), by.y = "cases",all.x = TRUE)
if (tolower(clinical.info) == "patient") {
composed.cols <- c("new_tumor_events","drugs","follow_ups","radiations")
composed.cols <- composed.cols[composed.cols %in% colnames(clin)]
message("To get the following information please change the clinical.info argument")
message("=> new_tumor_events: new_tumor_event \n=> drugs: drug \n=> follow_ups: follow_up \n=> radiations: radiation")
for (i in composed.cols) {
clin[,i] <- as.character(clin[,i])
clin[!clin[,i] %in% c("","NO"),i] <- "YES"
clin[clin[,i] %in% c("","NO"),i] <- "NO"
if (i == "new_tumor_events") {
followup <- parseFollowup(files,xpath,clinical.info)
barcode <- followup$bcr_patient_barcode[!followup$new_tumor_events %in% c("","NO")]
clin[clin$bcr_patient_barcode %in% barcode,i] <- "YES"
colnames(clin)[which(colnames(clin) == i)] <- paste0("has_",i,"_information")
if ("stage_event" %in% colnames(clin)) {
message("Adding stage event information")
aux <- parseXML(files,"//shared_stage:stage_event","stage_event")
colnames(aux)[grep("bcr_patient_barcode",colnames(aux),invert = TRUE)] <- paste0("stage_event_",grep("bcr_patient_barcode",colnames(aux),invert = TRUE,value = TRUE))
clin <- merge(clin, aux, by = "bcr_patient_barcode" , sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE)
clin$stage_event <- NULL
if ("primary_pathology" %in% colnames(clin)) {
message("Adding primary pathology information")
aux <- parseXML(files,paste0("//",disease,":primary_pathology"),"primary_pathology")
# Last column is the idx to merge
colnames(aux)[grep("bcr_patient_barcode",colnames(aux),invert = TRUE)] <- paste0("primary_pathology_",grep("bcr_patient_barcode",colnames(aux),invert = TRUE,value = TRUE))
clin <- merge(clin, aux, by = "bcr_patient_barcode" , sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE)
clin$primary_pathology <- NULL
if (tolower(clinical.info) == "sample") {
clin$portions <- NULL
clin$samples <- NULL
if (tolower(clinical.info) == "bio_patient") {
clin$samples <- NULL
if (tolower(clinical.info) == "portion") {
for (i in c("slides","analytes")) {
clin[,i] <- as.character(clin[,i])
clin[which(clin[,i] != ""),i] <- "YES"
clin[which(clin[,i] == ""),i] <- "NO"
colnames(clin)[which(colnames(clin) == i)] <- paste0("has_",i,"_information")
if (is.null(clin)) {
message("No information found")
# Converting factor to numeric and double
out <- clin %>%
type.convert(as.character(.), as.is = TRUE, numerals = "warn.loss")
# Change columns back to factor
for (i in colnames(out)[!grepl("has_",colnames(out))]) {
if (class(out[,i]) == "character" & length(unique(out[,i])) < nrow(out)/2)
out[,i] <- as.factor(out[,i])
parseFollowup <- function(files, xpath, clinical.info){
follow_up_version <- files %>%
sapply(function(x) {
name <- names(xml_ns(read_xml(x)))
}) %>% unlist() %>% unique() %>% sort()
if (length(follow_up_version) > 1) {
message("We found more than one follow up version!")
message("We will parse all and add a collumn (follow_up_version) to identify each version")
clin <- plyr::adply(
.data = follow_up_version,
.margins = 1,
.fun = function(x){
message("Parsing follow up version: ", x)
xpath <- paste0("//", x, ":follow_up")
clin <- parseXML(files,xpath,clinical.info)
clin$follow_up_version <- x
}, .id = "follow_up_version"
col_idx <- grep("follow_up_version", names(clin))
clin <- clin[, c(col_idx, (1:ncol(clin))[-col_idx])]
parseXML <- function(files, xpath, clinical.info ){
clin <- NULL
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(files), style = 3)
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
xmlfile <- files[i]
xml <- read_xml(xmlfile)
doc = xmlParse(xmlfile)
patient <- str_extract(xmlfile,"[:alnum:]{4}-[:alnum:]{2}-[:alnum:]{4}")
# Test if this xpath exists before parsing it
for (xpath.it in xpath) {
if (gsub("\\/\\/","", unlist(stringr::str_split(xpath.it,":"))[1]) %in% names(xml_ns(xml))){
nodes <- getNodeSet(doc,xpath.it)
if (length(nodes) == 0) next;
df <- NULL
for (j in 1:length(nodes)) {
df.aux <- xmlToDataFrame(nodes = nodes[j])
if (NA %in% colnames(df.aux)) df.aux <- df.aux[,!is.na(colnames(df.aux))]
if (nrow(df.aux) == 0) next
if (j == 1) {
df <- df.aux
} else {
df <- rbind.fill(df,df.aux)
df$bcr_patient_barcode <- patient
if (i == 1) {
clin <- df
} else {
clin <- rbind.fill(clin,df)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
#' @title Retrieve table with TCGA molecular subtypes
#' @description
#' PanCancerAtlas_subtypes is a curated table with molecular subtypes for 24 TCGA cancer types
#' @export
#' @examples
#' molecular.subtypes <- PanCancerAtlas_subtypes()
#' @return a data.frame with barcode and molecular subtypes for 24 cancer types
PanCancerAtlas_subtypes <- function(){
#' @title Retrieve molecular subtypes for a given tumor
#' @description
#' TCGAquery_subtype Retrieve molecular subtypes for a given tumor
#' @param tumor is a cancer Examples:
#' \tabular{lllll}{
#' lgg \tab gbm \tab luad \tab stad \tab brca\cr
#' coad \tab read \tab \tab \tab
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dataSubt <- TCGAquery_subtype(tumor = "lgg")
#' @return a data.frame with barcode and molecular subtypes
TCGAquery_subtype <- function(tumor){
available <- c("ACC",
if (
paste(c(available,"all"),collapse = "|"), tumor,
ignore.case = TRUE
) {
doi <- c(
"acc" = "doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2016.04.002",
"aml" = "doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1301689",
"blca" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.09.007",
"brca" = "doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2018.03.014",
"cesc" = "doi:10.1038/nature21386",
"chol" = "doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2017.02.033",
"coad" = "doi:10.1038/nature11252",
"esca" = "doi:10.1038/nature20805",
"gbm" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.028",
"lgg" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.028",
"lihc" = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2017.05.046",
"hnsc" = "doi:10.1038/nature14129",
"kich" = "doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2014.07.014",
"kirc" = "doi:10.1038/nature12222",
"kirp" = "doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1505917",
"lihc" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.05.046",
"luad" = "doi:10.1038/nature13385",
"lusc" = "doi:10.1038/nature11404",
"paad" = "doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2017.07.007",
"ovca" = "doi:10.1038/nature10166",
"pcpg" = "doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2017.01.001",
"prad" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.10.025",
"read" = "doi:10.1038/nature11252",
"sarc" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.10.014",
"skcm" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.05.044",
"stad" = "doi:10.1038/nature13480",
"thca" = "doi:10.1016/j.cell.2014.09.050",
"ucec" = "doi:10.1038/nature12113",
"ucs" = "doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2017.02.010",
"uvm" = "doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2017.07.003"
if(tolower(tumor) != "all") {
" subtype information from:",
if(tolower(tumor) == "all") {
all <- NULL
for(i in available){
aux <- TCGAquery_subtype(i)
aux$Disease <- toupper(i)
aux$doi <- doi[i]
if(is.null(all)) all <- aux
else all <- plyr::rbind.fill(all,aux)
idx <- which(colnames(all) == "doi")
all <- all[, c(idx, (1:ncol(all))[-idx])]
idx <- which(colnames(all) == "Disease")
all <- all[, c(idx, (1:ncol(all))[-idx])]
# COAD and READ are in the same object
if(tolower(tumor) == "read") tumor <- "coad"
# The object with the gbm and lgg classification are the same
# source: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.028
if(tolower(tumor) %in% c("lgg","gbm")) {
aux <- get("lgg.gbm.subtype")
if(tolower(tumor) == "gbm"){
aux <- subset(aux,aux$Study == "Glioblastoma multiforme")
} else {
aux <- subset(aux,aux$Study != "Glioblastoma multiforme")
return (aux)
} else {
stop("For the moment we have only subtype for:\no ", paste(available,collapse = "\no "))
#' @title Retrieve molecular subtypes for given TCGA barcodes
#' @description
#' TCGA_MolecularSubtype Retrieve molecular subtypes from TCGA consortium for a given set of barcodes
#' @param barcodes is a vector of TCGA barcodes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' TCGA_MolecularSubtype("TCGA-60-2721-01A-01R-0851-07")
#' @return List with $subtypes attribute as a dataframe with barcodes,
#' samples, subtypes, and colors. The $filtered attribute is returned as filtered samples with no subtype info
TCGA_MolecularSubtype <- function(barcodes){
tabPanCancer <- as.data.frame(PanCancerAtlas_subtypes())
tabSubtypeMergedNew <- subset(tabPanCancer, select = c("pan.samplesID",
colnames(tabSubtypeMergedNew) <- c("samples", "subtype")
rownames(tabSubtypeMergedNew) <- tabSubtypeMergedNew$samples
tabSubtypeMergedNew <- cbind(tabSubtypeMergedNew, color = rep(0,
TabSubtypesCol_merged <- TabSubtypesCol_merged[!duplicated(TabSubtypesCol_merged$samples),
commonSamples <- intersect(tabSubtypeMergedNew$samples, TabSubtypesCol_merged$samples)
rownames(TabSubtypesCol_merged) <- TabSubtypesCol_merged$samples
tabSubtypeMergedNew[commonSamples, "color"] <- TabSubtypesCol_merged[commonSamples,
dataTableSubt <- tabSubtypeMergedNew
dataTableSubt$samples <- as.character(dataTableSubt$samples)
dataTableSubt.samples.stripped <- sapply(as.character(dataTableSubt$samples), function(x) paste(unlist(stringr::str_split(x,
"-"))[1:3], collapse = "-"))
dataTableSubt$patients<- dataTableSubt.samples.stripped
barcodes <- as.character(barcodes)
patients <- sapply(barcodes, function(x) paste(unlist(stringr::str_split(x,
"-"))[1:3], collapse = "-"))
#barcodes and patients with no subtype info
filt.p <- c()
filt.b <- c()
df.barcodes_patID<-data.frame("barcodes"= barcodes, "patID"=unlist(patients),
row.names = 1:length(barcodes), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (p in patients) {
if (p %in% unlist(dataTableSubt.samples.stripped) == FALSE){
filt.p <- c(filt.p, p)
#filt.p is a vector containing patients with no subtype info
for (b in barcodes) {
if (b %in% unlist(dataTableSubt$samples) == FALSE){
filt.b <- c(filt.b, b)
#filt.b is a vector containing samples with no subtype info
if (length(filt.p) > 0) {
message("the following TCGA barcodes/patients with no subtypes were filtered:")
###Keeping only patients/barcodes with available subtype info
patients.with.sub <- unlist(patients[patients %in% filt.p ==
idx.barcodes<-which(df.barcodes_patID$barcodes%in%filt.b ==FALSE)
barcodes.with.sub<- df.barcodes_patID[idx.barcodes,]$barcodes
###indices of barcodes with available molecular subtype info
###if a patient Id is in filt.p and in filt.b
idx.patient <- which(df.barcodes_patID$patID %in% filt.p ==FALSE)
idx.barcodes <- which(df.barcodes_patID$barcodes %in% filt.b ==FALSE)
idx.df<-intersect(idx.barcodes, idx.patient)
###dataframe with barcodes and patients IDs with available moolecular subtypes
idx1 <- which(dataTableSubt$samples %in% barcodes.with.sub)
idx2 <- which(dataTableSubt$patients %in% patients.with.sub)
idx<-intersect(idx1, idx2)
Subtypes <- dataTableSubt[idx, ]
#matching barcodes so they have the same order as they were provided in arguments
Subtypes <- Subtypes[match(Subtypes$samples, df.barcodes_patID[idx.df,]$barcodes), ]
filt <- setdiff(df.barcodes_patID$barcodes, Subtypes$samples)
return(list(subtypes = Subtypes, filtered = filt))
} else {
message("All barcodes have available molecular subtype info")
filt <- c()
idx.patient <- which(dataTableSubt$samples %in% df.barcodes_patID$barcodes)
Subtypes <- as.data.frame(dataTableSubt[idx.patient, ])
Subtypes <- Subtypes[match(df.barcodes_patID$barcodes, Subtypes$samples), ]
##filt will be empty because all samples have molecular subtype info
return(list(subtypes = Subtypes, filtered = filt))
#' @title Filters TCGA barcodes according to purity parameters
#' @description
#' TCGAtumor_purity Filters TCGA samples using 5 estimates from 5 methods as thresholds.
#' @param barcodes is a vector of TCGA barcodes
#' @param estimate uses gene expression profiles of 141 immune genes and 141 stromal genes
#' @param absolute which uses somatic copy-number data (estimations were available for only 11 cancer types)
#' @param lump (leukocytes unmethylation for purity), which averages 44 non-methylated immune-specific CpG sites
#' @param ihc as estimated by image analysis of haematoxylin and eosin stain slides produced by the Nationwide Childrens Hospital Biospecimen Core Resource
#' @param cpe CPE is a derived consensus measurement as the median purity level after normalizing levels from all methods to give them equal means and s.ds
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dataTableSubt <- TCGAtumor_purity("TCGA-60-2721-01A-01R-0851-07",
#' estimate = 0.6,
#' absolute = 0.6,
#' ihc = 0.8,
#' lump = 0.8,
#' cpe = 0.7)
#' @return List with $pure_barcodes attribute as a vector of pure samples and $filtered attribute as filtered samples with no purity info
TCGAtumor_purity <- function(barcodes, estimate, absolute, lump, ihc, cpe){
Tumor.purity.L <- Tumor.purity
barcodes <= as.character(barcodes)
Tumor.purity.L$Sample.ID <- as.character(Tumor.purity$Sample.ID)
Tumor.purity.L$ESTIMATE <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", Tumor.purity$ESTIMATE))
Tumor.purity.L$ABSOLUTE <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", Tumor.purity$ABSOLUTE))
Tumor.purity.L$LUMP <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", Tumor.purity$LUMP))
Tumor.purity.L$IHC <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", Tumor.purity$IHC))
Tumor.purity.L$CPE <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", Tumor.purity$CPE))
samples.id <- sapply(barcodes, function(x) paste(unlist(stringr::str_split(x, "-"))[1:4], collapse = "-"))
df.barcodes_sampID <- data.frame(
barcodes = barcodes,
sampID = samples.id,
row.names = 1:length(barcodes)
filt.s <- c()
for(s in samples.id){
if (s %in% Tumor.purity$Sample.ID == FALSE)
filt.s <- c(filt.s, s)
message("the following TCGA barcodes do not have info on tumor purity:")
filt <- as.character(df.barcodes_sampID[which(df.barcodes_sampID$sampID %in% filt.s),]$barcodes)
} else filt <- c()
samples.filtered<-unlist(samples.id[samples.id %in% filt.s == FALSE])
idx.samples <- which(
Tumor.purity.L$Sample.ID %in% samples.filtered
& (Tumor.purity.L$ESTIMATE >= estimate | Tumor.purity.L$ESTIMATE == 'NaN')
& (Tumor.purity.L$ABSOLUTE >= absolute| Tumor.purity.L$ABSOLUTE == 'NaN')
& (Tumor.purity.L$IHC >= ihc | Tumor.purity.L$IHC == 'NaN')
& (Tumor.purity.L$LUMP >= lump | Tumor.purity.L$LUMP == 'NaN')
& (Tumor.purity.L$CPE >= cpe | Tumor.purity.L$CPE == 'NaN')
df.purity <- Tumor.purity.L[idx.samples,]
idx <- which(df.barcodes_sampID$sampID%in%df.purity$Sample.ID)
filtered.barcodes <- as.character(df.barcodes_sampID[idx,]$barcodes)
return(list(pure_barcodes = filtered.barcodes, filtered = filt))
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