
Defines functions estimateCN

Documented in estimateCN

#' Estimate copy number (CN) in genomic regions
#' This function calculates ratio between observed and expected number of reads in localized genomic regions as CN estimates.
#' @param frags A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object that contains directional Strand-seq reads.
#' @param regions A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object containing regions defined by breakpoint boundaries.
#' @param zlim The number of stdev that the deltaW must pass the peakTh (ensures only significantly higher peaks are considered).
#' @return A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object containing submitted regions with an extra metacolumn \code{CN.estim}.
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
estimateCN <- function(frags, regions, zlim=3.291) {
  regions$CN.estim <- 0
  regions$zscore <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(regions)) {
    region <- regions[i]
    region <- keepSeqlevels(region, value = seqnames(region), pruning.mode = 'coarse')
    ## Skip regions larger than 1% of given chromosome size
    if (width(region) / seqlengths(region) <= 0.01) {
      ## Select reads covering genotyped region
      cov.region <- subsetByOverlaps(frags, region)
      observed.counts <- length(cov.region)
      ## Get number of covered bases by removing large gaps in coverage
      cov.region <- keepSeqlevels(cov.region, value = seqlevels(region), pruning.mode = 'coarse')
      strand(cov.region) <- "*"
      coverage.gaps <- gaps(cov.region)
      ## Remove gaps from the start and the end of the selected region
      coverage.gaps <- coverage.gaps[strand(coverage.gaps) == "*"]
      coverage.gaps <- coverage.gaps[-c(1,length(coverage.gaps))]
      ## Calculate coverage of gaps in between the reads
      coverage.gaps$percCov <- ( width(coverage.gaps)/width(region) )*100
      filt <- quantile(coverage.gaps$percCov, 0.99) #remove 1% of the largest gaps
      coverage.gaps <- coverage.gaps[coverage.gaps$percCov > filt]
      ## Remove gaps from the total region size if they do not cover more 50% of the given region
      if (sum(width(coverage.gaps)) / width(region) <= 0.5) {
        cov.region <- width(region) - sum(width(coverage.gaps))
      } else {
        cov.region <- width(region)
      #noCov.region <- sum(width(coverage.gaps[coverage.gaps$percCov > 1]))
      #cov.region <- width(region) - noCov.region #remove the largest gaps from the total region span
      ## Calculate expected number of reads (median) in equaly sized regions across given chromosome
      binned <- unlist(tileGenome(seqlengths=seqlengths(region), tilewidth = cov.region))
      binned.counts <- countOverlaps(binned, frags)
      med.binned.counts <- median(binned.counts)
      ## Calculate zscore to detect regions we are confidently above or below average coverage
      zscore <- (observed.counts -  med.binned.counts) / sd(binned.counts) 
      ## Calcualte ratio of observed versus expected number of reads
      ratio <- observed.counts / med.binned.counts
      regions$CN.estim[i] <- round(ratio, digits = 2)
      regions$zscore[i] <-  zscore
    } else {
      ## For extremely large regions assign zscore 0
      regions$zscore[i] <-  0
  ## Mark regions that are above or below the set confidence level (zlim)
  regions$zscore[is.nan(regions$zscore)] <- 0 #Coerce zscore == NaN to 0
  regions$copy <- 'normal'
  regions$copy[regions$zscore > zlim] <- 'high'
  regions$copy[regions$zscore < -zlim] <- 'low'
daewoooo/primatR documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 9:41 p.m.