#' Get basic BAM file statistics
#' This function takes as an input aligned reads in BAM and exports some useful statistics like depth of coverage
#' and percentage of genome being coverged by reads.
#' @param bamfile Bamfile with aligned reads.
#' @param bamindex Bam-index file with or without the .bai ending. If this file does not exist it will be created and a warning is issued.
#' @param chromosomes If only a subset of the chromosomes should be binned, specify them here.
#' @param chunkSize Set for big BAMs to process them in smaller chunks.
#' @param min.mapq Minimum mapping quality when importing from BAM files.
#' @param filt.flag Filter out reads with a given flag.
#' @param filt.alt Set to \code{TRUE} if you want to filter out alternative alignments defined in 'XA' tag.
#' @return \code{data.frame}
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam scanBamFlag
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignments
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
bam2stat <- function(bamfile, bamindex=paste0(bamfile, '.bai'), chromosomes=NULL, chunkSize=NULL, min.mapq=10, filt.flag=3328, filt.alt=FALSE) {
filename <- basename(bamfile)
message("Reading BAM: ", filename)
## Check if bamindex exists
bamindex.raw <- sub('\\.bai$', '', bamindex)
bamindex <- paste0(bamindex.raw,'.bai')
if (!file.exists(bamindex)) {
bamindex.own <- Rsamtools::indexBam(bamfile)
warning("Couldn't find BAM index-file ",bamindex,". Creating our own file ",bamindex.own," instead.")
bamindex <- bamindex.own
file.header <- Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(bamfile)[[1]]
chrom.lengths <- file.header$targets
chroms.in.data <- names(chrom.lengths)
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- chroms.in.data
chroms2use <- intersect(chromosomes, chroms.in.data)
if (length(chroms2use) == 0) {
chrstring <- paste0(chromosomes, collapse=', ')
stop('The specified chromosomes ', chrstring, ' do not exist in the data. Please try ', paste(paste0('chr',chromosomes), collapse=', '), ' instead.')
## Issue warning for non-existent chromosomes
diff <- setdiff(chromosomes, chroms.in.data)
if (length(diff) > 0) {
diffs <- paste0(diff, collapse=', ')
warning(paste0('Not using chromosomes ', diffs, ' because they are not in the data.'))
## Chromosome to load
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames=chroms2use, ranges=IRanges(start=rep(1, length(chroms2use)), end=chrom.lengths[chroms2use]))
if (!is.null(chunkSize)) {
message("Processing BAM in chunks ...")
bam.in <- Rsamtools::BamFile(bamfile, yieldSize=chunkSize)
n <- 0 # number of reads examined
## read in and count chunks of data, until done
total.bases <- 0
covered.pos <- 0
total.reads <- 0
repeat {
## Load the reads in chunks
data.raw <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bam.in, index=bamindex, param=Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(tag="XA", which=range(gr), what=c('mapq', 'flag')))# input next chunk
if (length(data.raw) == 0) {break}
n <- n + length(data.raw)
message(" Processed reads: ", n)
data <- as(data.raw, "GRanges")
## Filter by mapping quality
if (min.mapq > 0) {
data <- data[data$mapq >= min.mapq]
## Filter by flag
if (filt.flag > 0) {
bit.flag <- bitwAnd(filt.flag, data$flag)
mask <- bit.flag == 0
data <- data[mask]
## Filter out reads with alternative alignments
if (filt.alt) {
data <- data[is.na(data$XA)]
cov.rle <- GenomicRanges::coverage(data)
cov.gr <- as(cov.rle, "GRanges")
## Summary stat ##
total.bases <- total.bases + sum(cov.gr$score)
covered.pos <- covered.pos + sum( width(cov.gr[cov.gr$score > 0]) )
total.reads <- total.reads + length(data)
## Create final data.frame
summary.df <- data.frame(filename=filename, total.bases=total.bases,covered.pos=covered.pos, total.reads=total.reads)
## finish and return result
} else {
## Read in all reads
data.raw <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bamfile, index=bamindex, param=Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(tag="XA", which=range(gr), what=c('mapq', 'flag')))
data <- as(data.raw, "GRanges")
## Filter by mapping quality
if (min.mapq > 0) {
data <- data[data$mapq >= min.mapq]
## Filter by flag
if (filt.flag > 0) {
bit.flag <- bitwAnd(filt.flag, data$flag)
mask <- bit.flag == 0
data <- data[mask]
## Filter out reads with alternative alignments
if (filt.alt) {
data <- data[is.na(data$XA)]
cov.rle <- GenomicRanges::coverage(data)
cov.gr <- as(cov.rle, "GRanges")
## Summary stat ##
covered.ranges <- cov.gr[cov.gr$score > 0]
total.aligned.bases <- sum(width(covered.ranges) * covered.ranges$score)
covered.genomic.pos <- sum(width(covered.ranges))
total.reads <- length(data)
median.read.len <- median(width(data))
summary.df <- data.frame(filename=filename,
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