
Defines functions fusion_filtering_QC

Documented in fusion_filtering_QC

#' Filters standardized fusion calls to remove artifacts and false positives.
#' Events such as polymerase read-throughs, mis-mapping due to gene homology, and fusions occurring in healthy normal
#' tissue require stringent filtering, making it difficult for researchers and clinicians to discern true underlying
#' oncogenic drivers of a tumor and in some cases, appropriate therapy
#' @param standardFusioncalls A dataframe from star fusion or arriba standardized to run through the filtering steps
#' @param readingFrameFilter A regex to capture readingframe (eg. in-frame|frameshift|other)
#' @param artifactFilter A red flag filter from Annotation ; in OpenPBTA annotation is from FusionAnnotator column "annots"
#' @param junctionReadCountFilter An integer threshold for JunctionReadCount
#' @param spanningFragCountFilter An integer threshold for (SpanningFragCount - JunctionReadCount)
#' @param readthroughFilter Boolean for filtering readthroughs
#' @export
#' @return Standardized fusion calls filtered to pass QC and remove calls with insufficient read-support and annotation red-flags
#' @examples
#' # standardize
#' fusionfileArriba <- read_arriba_calls(
#'   system.file("extdata", "arriba_example.tsv", package = "annoFuseData")
#' )
#' fusionfileStarFusion <- read_starfusion_calls(
#'   system.file("extdata", "starfusion_example.tsv", package = "annoFuseData")
#' )
#' formattedArriba <- fusion_standardization(fusionfileArriba,
#'   caller = "ARRIBA",
#'   tumorID = "tumorID"
#' )
#' formattedStarFusion <- fusion_standardization(fusionfileStarFusion,
#'   caller = "STARFUSION",
#'   tumorID = "tumorID"
#' )
#' # merge standardized fusion calls
#' standardFusioncalls <- as.data.frame(rbind(formattedStarFusion, formattedArriba))
#' fusionQCFiltered <- fusion_filtering_QC(
#'   standardFusioncalls = standardFusioncalls,
#'   readingFrameFilter = "in-frame|frameshift|other",
#'   artifactFilter = "GTEx_Recurrent|DGD_PARALOGS|Normal|BodyMap|ConjoinG",
#'   junctionReadCountFilter = 1,
#'   spanningFragCountFilter = 100,
#'   readthroughFilter = TRUE
#' )
fusion_filtering_QC <- function(standardFusioncalls,
                                readingFrameFilter = "in-frame|frameshift|other",
                                spanningFragCountFilter = 100,
                                readthroughFilter = TRUE) {

  ## TODO: will need to double check this one
  # standardFusioncalls <- .check_annoFuse_calls(standardFusioncalls)

  # filter readthroughs
  if (readthroughFilter & any(grepl("read.*through|NEIGHBORS", standardFusioncalls$annots, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    # Gather read throughs from standardized fusion calls
    rts <- standardFusioncalls[grep("read.*through|NEIGHBORS", standardFusioncalls$annots, ignore.case = TRUE), c("FusionName", "annots")]
    if (length(rts[grep("mitelman", rts$annots, ignore.case = TRUE), "FusionName"]) > 0) {
      # dont remove if fusion in mitelman (cancer fusion specific fusion database)
      rts <- rts[-grep("mitelman", rts$annots, ignore.case = TRUE), "FusionName"]
    } else {
      rts <- rts$FusionName
    # Reverse of read throughs to capture
    rts.rev <- unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(rts, "--"), FUN = function(x) paste0(x[2], "--", x[1]))))
    # Combine read through and reverse fusion genes
    rts <- unique(c(rts, rts.rev))
    # remove read throughs even if distance is not same in intergenic fusions
    rts <- unlist(lapply(rts, function(x) rm_between(x, "(", ")", extract = FALSE)))
    rts <- data.frame("readThroughs" = rts)
    standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls[-which(unlist(lapply(standardFusioncalls$FusionName, function(x) rm_between(x, "(", ")", extract = FALSE))) %in% rts$readThroughs), ]

  if (!missing(readingFrameFilter)) {
    # Error handling
    readingFrameTypes <- c("in-frame", "frameshift", "other")
    standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls[grep(readingFrameFilter, standardFusioncalls$Fusion_Type), ]
    if (!all(readingFrameTypes %in% standardFusioncalls$Fusion_Type)) {
      warning(paste("No fusion calls with readingframe:", readingFrameTypes[-which(readingFrameTypes %in% standardFusioncalls$Fusion_Type)]))

  if (!missing(artifactFilter) & any(grepl(artifactFilter, standardFusioncalls$annots))) {
    # Error handling
    artifactFilterTypes <- unlist(strsplit(artifactFilter, "|", fixed = TRUE))
    if (any(unlist(lapply(artifactFilterTypes, function(x) !any(str_detect(as.character(standardFusioncalls$annots), x)))))) {
      artifactFilterTypesNotFound <- artifactFilterTypes[unlist(lapply(artifactFilterTypes, function(x) !any(str_detect(as.character(standardFusioncalls$annots), x))))]
      warning(paste("No fusion calls with annotation:", artifactFilterTypesNotFound))
    standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls[-grep(artifactFilter, standardFusioncalls$annots), ]

  if (!missing(junctionReadCountFilter)) {
    standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls[which(standardFusioncalls$JunctionReadCount >= junctionReadCountFilter), ]

  if (!missing(spanningFragCountFilter)) {
    # false positive calls either at the start or end of a transcript will be supported by an uneven majority of support from spanning fragments compared to junction reads
    # to remove these calls we are implementing this condition below
    standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls[which((standardFusioncalls$SpanningFragCount - standardFusioncalls$JunctionReadCount) <= spanningFragCountFilter), ]

d3b-center/annoFuse documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 4:17 a.m.