#' Function to annotate fusion calls
#' @param standardFusioncalls A dataframe from star fusion or arriba standardized to run through the filtering steps
#' @param geneListReferenceDataTab A dataframe with column 1 as GeneName 2 source file 3 type; collapse to summarize type
#' @param fusionReferenceDataTab A dataframe with column 1 as FusionName 2 source file 3 type; collapse to summarize type
#' @param checkReciprocal Logical value to check if fusion also has reciprocal fusion in Sample, default to TRUE
#' @export
#' @return Standardized fusion calls annotated with gene list and fusion list provided in reference folder. If checkReciprocal ==TRUE reciprocal status of fusion is also provided .
#' @examples
#' # standardize
#' fusionfileArriba <- read_arriba_calls(
#' system.file("extdata", "arriba_example.tsv", package = "annoFuseData")
#' )
#' fusionfileStarFusion <- read_starfusion_calls(
#' system.file("extdata", "starfusion_example.tsv", package = "annoFuseData")
#' )
#' formattedArriba <- fusion_standardization(fusionfileArriba,
#' caller = "ARRIBA",
#' tumorID = "tumorID"
#' )
#' formattedStarFusion <- fusion_standardization(fusionfileStarFusion,
#' caller = "STARFUSION",
#' tumorID = "tumorID"
#' )
#' # merge standardized fusion calls
#' standardFusioncalls <- as.data.frame(rbind(formattedStarFusion, formattedArriba))
#' fusionQCFiltered <- fusion_filtering_QC(
#' standardFusioncalls = standardFusioncalls,
#' readingFrameFilter = "in-frame|frameshift|other",
#' artifactFilter = "GTEx_Recurrent|DGD_PARALOGS|Normal|BodyMap|ConjoinG",
#' junctionReadCountFilter = 1,
#' spanningFragCountFilter = 10,
#' readthroughFilter = TRUE
#' )
#' # annotated from gene and fusion refrence list
#' # read in gene and fusion reference tab
#' geneListReferenceDataTab <- read.delim(
#' system.file("extdata", "genelistreference.txt", package = "annoFuseData"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' # column 1 as FusionName 2 source file 3 type; collapse to summarize type
#' fusionReferenceDataTab <- read.delim(
#' system.file("extdata", "fusionreference.txt", package = "annoFuseData"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' filteredFusionAnnotated <- annotate_fusion_calls(
#' standardFusioncalls = fusionQCFiltered,
#' geneListReferenceDataTab = geneListReferenceDataTab,
#' fusionReferenceDataTab = fusionReferenceDataTab,
#' checkReciprocal = TRUE
#' )
annotate_fusion_calls <- function(standardFusioncalls,
checkReciprocal = TRUE) {
standardFusioncalls <- .check_annoFuse_calls(standardFusioncalls)
stopifnot(is(geneListReferenceDataTab, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(is(fusionReferenceDataTab, "data.frame"))
if (checkReciprocal & nrow(standardFusioncalls) > 0) {
# check for fusions have reciprocal fusions in the same Sample
# works only for GeneY -- GeneX ; GeneX -- GeneY matches
recirpocal_fusion <- function(FusionName, Sample, standardFusioncalls) {
Gene1A <- strsplit(FusionName, "--")[[1]][1]
Gene1B <- strsplit(FusionName, "--")[[1]][2]
reciprocal <- paste0(Gene1B, "--", Gene1A)
check <- any(standardFusioncalls$FusionName[standardFusioncalls$Sample == Sample] == reciprocal)
df <- data.frame("FusionName" = FusionName, "Sample" = Sample, "reciprocal_exists" = check)
# run reciprocal_fusion function to get status of fusion if reciprocal
is_reciprocal <- apply(standardFusioncalls, 1, function(x) recirpocal_fusion(x["FusionName"], x["Sample"], standardFusioncalls))
# convert list to dataframe
is_reciprocal <- data.frame(Reduce(rbind, is_reciprocal))
# merge to standardized fusion calls
standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls %>%
dplyr::left_join(is_reciprocal, by = c("Sample", "FusionName"))
} else if (checkReciprocal & nrow(standardFusioncalls) == 0) {
standardFusioncalls$reciprocal_exists <- logical()
geneListReferenceDataTab <- geneListReferenceDataTab %>% dplyr::select(-file)
fusionReferenceDataTab <- fusionReferenceDataTab %>% dplyr::select(-file)
annotated_filtered_fusions <- standardFusioncalls %>%
# annotate Gene1A
dplyr::left_join(geneListReferenceDataTab, by = c("Gene1A" = "Gene_Symbol")) %>%
dplyr::rename(Gene1A_anno = .data$type) %>%
# annotate Gene1B
dplyr::left_join(geneListReferenceDataTab, by = c("Gene1B" = "Gene_Symbol")) %>%
dplyr::rename(Gene1B_anno = .data$type) %>%
# annotate Gene2A
dplyr::left_join(geneListReferenceDataTab, by = c("Gene2A" = "Gene_Symbol")) %>%
dplyr::rename(Gene2A_anno = .data$type) %>%
# annotate Gene2B
dplyr::left_join(geneListReferenceDataTab, by = c("Gene2B" = "Gene_Symbol")) %>%
dplyr::rename(Gene2B_anno = .data$type) %>%
# annotate FusionName
dplyr::left_join(fusionReferenceDataTab, by = c("FusionName" = "FusionName")) %>%
dplyr::rename(Fusion_anno = .data$type) %>%
annotated_filtered_fusions <- unique(annotated_filtered_fusions)
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