#' Draw a plot of estimated proportions
#' Draws a plot of estimated proprotions
#' If ggplot2 and reshape2 are installed will use them and return ggplot object
#' Otherwise will use standart R functions
#'@param ... matricies, data frames, NMF objects of estimated proportions or paths to file
#'@param point_size point size for plot
#'@param line_size line size for plot
#'@param pnames experiment titles
#'@return ggplot object
#'@import ggplot2
#'@import reshape2
plotProportions <- function(..., pnames = NULL, point_size=2, line_size=1) {
proportions <- list(...)
proportions <- lapply(proportions, toMatrix)
newRowNames <- do.call(function(...) {
mapply(function(...) {
dots <- list(...)
rn <- unlist(dots)
paste0(rn, collapse = "\n")
}, ...)
}, lapply(proportions, rownames))
proportions <- lapply(proportions, function(p) {
rownames(p) <- newRowNames
names(proportions) <- pnames
cellTypes <- nrow(proportions[[1]])
results.m <- melt(proportions)
results.m[, 4] <- as.factor(results.m[, 4])
results.m <- results.m[sample(nrow(results.m)), ]
gplot <- ggplot(results.m,
aes(x = as.numeric(Var2),
y = value,
fill = Var1,
color = L1)) +
geom_line(size=line_size) +
geom_point(size=point_size) +
scale_x_discrete(labels = colnames(proportions[[1]])) +
facet_grid(Var1 ~ .) +
ylab("proportions") +
ylim(0, 1.1) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,
hjust = 1)) +
guides(fill = FALSE)
if (length(proportions) > 1) {
gplot <- gplot + theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.position = "top")
} else {
gplot <- gplot + theme(legend.position = "none")
#' Proportions dot plot
#' @param predicted matrix of predicted proportions
#' @param actual matrix of actual proportions
#' @param main plot title
#' @param guess if True will function will try to guess how to reorder rows of predicted proportions to match rows of actual proportions
#' @param showR2 calculate and show R squared statistics
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import reshape2
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
dotPlotPropotions <- function(predicted, actual, guess=FALSE, main=NULL, showR2=FALSE) {
predicted <- as.matrix(predicted)
actual <- as.matrix(actual)
if (guess) {
predicted <- predicted[guessOrder(predicted, actual), ]
colnames(predicted) <- colnames(actual)
rownames(predicted) <- rownames(actual)
xmelt <- melt(predicted)
ymelt <- melt(actual)
colnames(ymelt) <- c("Cell Type", "Sample", "Actual")
colnames(xmelt) <- c("Cell Type", "Sample", "Predicted")
total <- cbind(ymelt, xmelt[, 3, drop=F])
pred <- as.numeric(predicted)
act <- as.numeric(actual)
r2 <- summary(lm(pred ~ act))$adj.r.squared
pl <- ggplot(data=total, aes(x=Actual, y=Predicted, color=`Cell Type`)) +
geom_point() + theme_bw(base_size=8) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + geom_abline(slope=1, intercept = 0, lty=2) +
xlim(c(0, 1)) + ylim(c(0, 1))
if (!is.null(main)) {
pl <- pl + labs(title=main)
if (showR2) {
subs <- substitute(italic(R)^2~"="~r2, list(r2=r2))
pl <- pl + annotate("text", label=as.character(as.expression(subs)), parse=T, x = 0.2, y=0.9)
#' guess the order
#' Function tries to guess ordering for rows of predicted proportions to match rows of actual proportions
#' @importFrom combinat permn
#' @param predicted predicted propotions
#' @param actual actual proportions
#' @return numeric, correct order of predicted proportions
#' @examples
guessOrder <- function(predicted, actual) {
ctn <- nrow(predicted)
allPerms <- permn(ctn)
vals <- sapply(allPerms, function(perm) {
sum(diag(cor(t(predicted[perm, ]), t(actual))))
perm <- allPerms[[which.max(vals)]]
toMatrix <- function(x) {
if (class(x) == "data.frame")
if (inherits(x, "NMF"))
if (class(x) == "matrix")
stop("invalid type for plotting")
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