#' Linseed Object
#' The Linseed Object Class.
#' Provides an interface to perform
#' collinear network construction,
#' linear subspace identification,
#' simplex corner identification and gene expression deconvolution
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @useDynLib linseed
#' @export
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} -- an interface to work with gene expression data.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' LinseedObject$new("GSE19830", samples=10:42, topGenes=10000)
#' @field exp List of two elements raw and normalized gene expression dataset
#' @field name Character, optional, dataset name
#' @field cellTypeNumber Identified cell type number, required for projection,
#' corner detection and deconvolution
#' @field projection Projection of genes into space lower-dimensionality (presumably simplex)
#' @field endpoints Simplex corners (in normalized, non-reduced space)
#' @field endpointsProjection Simplex corners (in reduced space)
#' @field distances Stores distances for every gene to each corner in reduced space
#' @field markers List that stores signatures genes for deconvolution, can be set manually or can be obtained by \code{selectGenes(k)}
#' @field signatures Deconvolution signature matrix
#' @field proportions Deconvolution proportion matrix
#' @field pairwise Calculated pairwise collinearity measure
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' }
#' @name LinseedObject
#' @import R6
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import Matrix
#' @import progress
#' @import Rtsne
#' @examples
LinseedObject <- R6Class("LinseedObject",
public = list(
exp = list(full=list(raw=NULL, norm=NULL),
filtered=list(raw=NULL, norm=NULL)),
name = NULL,
cellTypeNumber = NULL,
projection = NULL,
endpoints = NULL,
endpointsProjection = NULL,
distances = NULL,
markers = NULL,
signatures = NULL,
proportions = NULL,
pairwise = NULL,
spearman = NULL,
genes = list(
pvals = NULL,
powers = NULL,
degrees = NULL
projectiveProjection = NULL,
initialize = function(...) {
args <- list(...)
dataset <- args[[1]]
if (inherits(dataset, "character") && grepl("^GSE", dataset)) {
self$name <- dataset
dataset <- preprocessGSE(...)
} else {
dataset <- preprocessDataset(...)
self$exp$full$raw <- dataset
self$exp$full$norm <- dataset / rowSums(dataset)
svdPlot = function(dataset="norm", components=50) {
dataFull <- get(dataset, self$exp$full)
dataFiltered <- get(dataset, self$exp$filtered)
components <- min(components, ncol(dataFull))
if (is.null(dataFull)) {
stop("Full dataset appears to be NULL, something is wrong")
vars <- svd(dataFull)$d^2
vars <- cumsum(vars / sum(vars))
df <- data.frame(dimension=1:length(vars), variance=vars, filtered=FALSE)
colors <- 1
if (!is.null(dataFiltered)) {
vars <- svd(dataFiltered)$d^2
vars <- cumsum(vars / sum(vars))
dfFiltered <- data.frame(dimension=1:length(vars), variance=vars, filtered=TRUE)
df <- rbind(df, dfFiltered)
colors <- 2
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=dimension, y=variance)) +
geom_point(aes(y=variance, color=filtered), size=0.5, alpha=1) +
geom_line(aes(y=variance, color=filtered, group=filtered),
size=0.5, alpha=1) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("#999999", "#E41A1C")[1:colors]) +
theme_minimal(base_size = 8) +
theme(axis.line.x = element_line(colour = 'black', size=0.5, linetype='solid'),
axis.line.y = element_line(colour = 'black', size=0.5, linetype='solid'),
legend.position = c(1, 0), legend.justification = c(1, 0),
legend.background = element_rect(colour="black", size=0.2),
legend.key.size = unit(0.1, "in")) +
scale_x_continuous(minor_breaks = 1:components,
limits=c(0, components))
hysime = function(dataset="filtered", error="norm", set=FALSE) {
data <- get(dataset, self$exp)
selected <- get(error, data)
Y <- t(selected)
noise <- estimateNoise(Y, verbose = T)
hysimeRes <- hysime(Y, noise$w, noise$Rw, verbose=T)
if (set) {
self$cellTypeNumber <- hysimeRes$k
setCellTypeNumber = function(k) {
self$cellTypeNumber <- k
project = function(dataset) {
data <- get(dataset, self$exp)
Y <- t(data$norm)
if (is.null(self$cellTypeNumber)) stop("Set cell type number first")
self$projection <- projectiveProjection(Y, self$cellTypeNumber)
self$projectiveProjection <- getProjectiveProjection(Y, self$cellTypeNumber)
projectionPlot = function(dims=1:2, color=NULL) {
if (is.null(self$projection)) {
stop("You have to call 'project' method first")
toPlot <- t(self$projection[dims, ])
toPlot <- as.data.frame(toPlot)
colnames(toPlot) <- c("x", "y")
toPlot$type <- "gene"
if (!is.null(self$endpointsProjection)) {
toPlotE <- t(self$endpointsProjection[dims, ])
toPlotE <- as.data.frame(toPlotE)
colnames(toPlotE) <- c("x", "y")
toPlotE$corner <- 1:self$cellTypeNumber
toPlotE$type <- "identified corners"
toPlot$corner <- NA
toPlot <- rbind(toPlot, toPlotE)
toPlot$corner <- as.factor(toPlot$corner)
if (!is.null(self$markers)) {
toPlot$cluster <- NA
for (i in 1:length(self$markers)) {
toPlot[self$markers[[i]], "cluster"] <- i
toPlot$cluster <- as.factor(toPlot$cluster)
toPlot <- toPlot[order(toPlot$cluster, decreasing = T), ]
toPlot <- toPlot[nrow(toPlot):1, ]
if (!is.null(self$exp$filtered$norm)) {
geneSubset <- rownames(self$exp$filtered$norm)
toPlot$filtered <- F
toPlot[geneSubset, "filtered"] <- T
axisNames <- paste0("Projection ", dims)
pl <- ggplot(data=toPlot, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x=axisNames[1], y=axisNames[2])
if (!is.null(color)) {
pl <- pl + geom_point(aes_string(shape="type", size="type", color=color))
} else {
pl <- pl + geom_point(aes(shape=type, size=type))
if (!is.null(self$endpointsProjection)) {
pl <- pl +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(20, 18), labels=c("gene", "identified corners")) +
scale_size_manual(values=c(1, 3), labels=c("gene", "identified corners")) +
geom_polygon(data=dplyr::filter(toPlot, type=="identified corners"),
mapping=aes(x, y), fill=NA, color="black", lty=2)
sisalCorners = function(...){
if (is.null(self$exp$filtered$norm)) {
message("Could not find filtered dataset, using whole dataset as filtered")
Y <- t(self$exp$filtered$norm)
p <- self$cellTypeNumber
sisalRes <- sisal(Y, p, ...)
self$endpoints = sisalRes$endpoints
self$endpointsProjection = sisalRes$endpointsProjection
self$distances = sisalRes$distances
self$Q = sisalRes$Q
self$projectiveProjection = sisalRes$projection
selectGenes = function(n) {
pureGeneSets <- apply(self$distances, 2, function(xx) {
pure <- rownames(self$distances)[order(xx)[1:n]]
pureGeneSets <- split(pureGeneSets, rep(1:ncol(pureGeneSets), each = nrow(pureGeneSets)))
self$markers <- pureGeneSets
deconvolve = function(dataset="filtered", error="norm", method="dsa", ...) {
if (!method %in% c("dsa", "ssFrobenius")) {
stop("Supported methods are `dsa` and `ssFrobenius`")
data <- get(dataset, self$exp)
selected <- get(error, data)
if (method == "dsa") {
dsaRes <- fastDSA(selected, self$markers)
self$signatures = dsaRes$W
self$proportions = dsaRes$H
} else {
if (requireNamespace("CellMix")) {
res <- CellMix::ged(selected, self$cellTypeNumber,
data=self$markers, seed=1, method=method, ...)
dsaRes <- pureDsa(selected, CellMix::coef(res))
self$signatures = dsaRes$W
self$proportions = dsaRes$H
} else {
stop("Different method than DSA provided, but no CellMix found")
ctNames <- paste0("Cell type ", 1:length(self$markers))
colnames(self$signatures) <- ctNames
rownames(self$proportions) <- ctNames
deconvolutionError = function(dataset="filtered", error="norm") {
data <- get(dataset, self$exp)
selected <- get(error, data)
reconstruct <- self$signatures %*% self$proportions
diff <- selected - reconstruct
return(norm(diff, "F"))
deconvolveByEndpoints = function(dataset="filtered", error="norm") {
data <- get(dataset, self$exp)
selected <- get(error, data)
dsaRes <- pureDsa(selected, t(self$endpoints))
self$signatures = dsaRes$W
self$proportions = dsaRes$H
ctNames <- paste0("Cell type ", 1:self$cellTypeNumber)
rownames(self$signatures) <- rownames(selected)
colnames(self$proportions) <- colnames(selected)
colnames(self$signatures) <- ctNames
rownames(self$proportions) <- ctNames
calculateSpearmanCorrelation = function() {
self$spearman <- cor(t(self$exp$full$norm), method="spearman")
calculateSignificanceLevel = function(iters=1000,
retVal=F) {
if (is.null(self$pairwise)) stop("call calculatePairwiseLinearity first")
if (is.null(self$spearman)) stop("call calculateSpearmanCorrelation first")
degrees <- rowSums(self$pairwise > 0 &
self$spearman > spearmanThreshold) - 1
ij <- which(upper.tri(self$pairwise) &
self$pairwise > 0 &
self$spearman > spearmanThreshold, arr.ind = T)
values <- self$pairwise[upper.tri(self$pairwise) &
self$pairwise > 0 &
self$spearman > spearmanThreshold] *
self$spearman[upper.tri(self$pairwise) &
self$pairwise > 0 &
self$spearman > spearmanThreshold]
genes <- nrow(self$pairwise)
edges <- length(values)
sparsePP <- sparseMatrix(i = ij[, 1], j = ij[, 2], x = values, dims=c(genes, genes))
sparsePPs <- sparsePP + t(sparsePP)
vertexDegrees <- rowSums(sparsePPs)
orderedDegrees <- order(vertexDegrees)
results <- numeric(genes)
gc(verbose = F)
pb <- progress_bar$new(
format = "Sampling weights [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = iters, clear = FALSE, width= 60)
for (i in 1:iters) {
valuesRandom <- sample(values, replace = T)
sparseRandomPP <- sparseMatrix(i = ij[, 1], j = ij[, 2], x = valuesRandom, dims=c(genes, genes))
sparseRandomPPs <- sparseRandomPP + t(sparseRandomPP)
stats <- rowSums(sparseRandomPPs)
results <- results + as.numeric(stats >= vertexDegrees)
pvals <- (results + 1) / (iters + 1)
names(pvals) <- rownames(self$exp$norm)
self$genes$pvals <- pvals
self$genes$degrees <- degrees
self$genes$powers <- vertexDegrees
if (retVal) return(pvals)
calculatePairwiseLinearity = function(negToZero=T) {
self$pairwise <- pairwiseR2(t(self$exp$full$norm))
colnames(self$pairwise) <- rownames(self$pairwise) <- rownames(self$exp$full$norm)
if (negToZero) {
self$pairwise[self$pairwise < 0] <- 0
smartSearchCorners = function(taus = 2^seq(0, -20, -1),
error="norm") {
if (is.null(self$exp$filtered$norm)) {
message("Could not find filtered dataset, using whole dataset as filtered")
Y <- t(self$exp$filtered$norm)
samples <- nrow(Y)
taus_n <- length(taus)
k <- self$cellTypeNumber
keks <- lapply(taus, function(i) sisal(Y, k, sisalIter, i, returnPlot = F, nonNeg = T))
endpoints_only <- lapply(keks, function(kek) kek$endpoints)
Ymean <- rowMeans(Y)
ref <- endpoints_only[[1]] - Ymean
endpoints_only <- lapply(endpoints_only, function(endpoints) {
shifted <- endpoints - Ymean
cors <- cor(ref, shifted)
return(endpoints[, apply(cors, 1, which.max)])
endpoints_array <- array(0, c(samples, k, taus_n))
for (i in 1:taus_n) {
endpoints_array[, , i] <- endpoints_only[[i]]
starting_point <- rep(1, k)
to_change <- 1
unchanged <- 0
while (unchanged <= k) {
starting_mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:k, function(i) {
endpoints_array[, i, starting_point[i]]
toCheck <- lapply(1:taus_n, function(i) {
starting_mat_copy <- starting_mat
starting_mat_copy[, to_change] <- endpoints_array[, to_change, i]
errors <- sapply(toCheck, function(props) {
self$endpoints <- props
self$endpointsProjection <- t(self$projectiveProjection) %*% props
self$distances <- apply(self$endpointsProjection, 2, function(x) {
shifted <- self$projection - x
dds <- sqrt(colSums(shifted^2))
self$deconvolveByEndpoints(dataset=dataset, error=error)
self$deconvolutionError(dataset=dataset, error=error)
new_position <- which.min(errors)
if (starting_point[to_change] == new_position) {
unchanged <- unchanged + 1
} else {
starting_point[to_change] = new_position
to_change <- to_change %% k + 1
message("Final vector is ")
starting_mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:k, function(i) {
endpoints_array[, i, starting_point[i]]
self$endpoints <- starting_mat
rownames(self$endpoints) <- colnames(self$exp$filtered$norm)
colnames(self$endpoints) <- paste0("Pure gene ", 1:k)
self$endpointsProjection <- t(self$projectiveProjection) %*% self$endpoints
self$distances <- apply(self$endpointsProjection, 2, function(x) {
shifted <- self$projection - x
dds <- sqrt(colSums(shifted^2))
filterDatasetByPval = function(pval=0.001) {
message(sprintf("Total number of genes is %d", nrow(self$exp$full$norm)))
geneSubset <- rownames(self$exp$full$norm[self$genes$pvals < pval, ])
message(sprintf("The number of genes after filtering is %d", nrow(self$exp$filtered$norm)))
filterDataset = function(geneSubset) {
self$exp$filtered$raw <- self$exp$full$raw[geneSubset, ]
self$exp$filtered$norm <- self$exp$full$norm[geneSubset, ]
tsnePlot = function(dataset="filtered", error="norm") {
data <- get(dataset, self$exp)
selected <- get(error, data)
tsne <- Rtsne(selected, perplexity = 100, max_iter = 2000)
toPlot <- data.frame(
tSNE1=tsne$Y[, 1],
tSNE2=tsne$Y[, 2],
row.names = rownames(selected)
if (!is.null(self$markers)) {
for (i in 1:length(self$markers)) {
toPlot[self$markers[[i]], "marker"] <- i
toPlot$marker <- as.factor(toPlot$marker)
ggplot(data=toPlot, aes(x=tSNE1, y=tSNE2, color=marker)) +
geom_point(size=0.5) + theme_bw(base_size=8) +
theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.1, "in"), aspect.ratio = 1) +
significancePlot = function(threshold=0.001) {
toPlot <- as.data.frame(self$genes)
toPlot$name <- rownames(self$exp$full$norm)
toPlot$significant <- toPlot$pvals < threshold
ggplot(data=toPlot, aes(x=degrees, y=powers, color=significant)) +
geom_point() + theme_bw(base_size=8) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("grey", "red"))
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