#' Predict coverage profiles of transcripts
#' This function predicts coverage profiles for each transcript in a specified
#' set of genes (or all transcripts in the reference catalog), based on the
#' fragment bias model estimated by \code{alpine}.
#' @param biasModel Bias model from \code{alpine}. Can be generated using the
#' \code{\link{fitAlpineBiasModel}} function.
#' @param exonsByTx A \code{GRangesList} grouping exons by transcript. Can be
#' generated using the \code{\link{fitAlpineBiasModel}} function.
#' @param bam Path to bam file with read alignments to the genome.
#' @param genes Character vector of gene IDs. Coverage profiles will be
#' estimated for all transcripts annotated to any of these genes. If set to
#' \code{NULL}, coverage profiles will be estimated for all transcripts in the
#' reference catalog.
#' @param nCores Integer, number of cores to use for parallel computations.
#' @param tx2gene A \code{data.frame} with transcript-to-gene mapping. Must have
#' at least two columns, named \code{tx} and \code{gene}.
#' @param genome A \code{BSgenome} object.
#' @param verbose Logical, whether to print progress messages.
#' @return A list with one element per transcript. Each element is a list with
#' five components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{predCov}:}{The predicted coverage profile for the transcript.}
#' \item{\code{strand}:}{The annotated strand for the transcript.}
#' \item{\code{junctionCov}:}{A \code{data.frame} with genomic coordinates and
#' predicted read coverages for each junction in the transcript.}
#' \item{\code{aveFragLength}:}{The estimated average fragment length.}
#' \item{\code{note}:}{Either 'covOK', 'covError' or 'covNA'. If 'covOK',
#' \code{alpine} was able to predict a coverage profile. If 'covError' or
#' 'covNA', the coverage profile could not be predicted, most likely because the
#' transcript is shorter than the fragment length or because no reads in the BAM
#' file overlapped the transcript. In both these cases, we impose a uniform
#' coverage profile for the transcript.}
#' }
#' @author Charlotte Soneson, Michael I Love
#' @export
#' @references
#' Soneson C, Love MI, Patro R, Hussain S, Malhotra D, Robinson MD: A junction
#' coverage compatibility score to quantify the reliability of transcript
#' abundance estimates and annotation catalogs. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/378539
#' (2018)
#' Love MI, Hogenesch JB, Irizarry RA: Modeling of RNA-seq fragment sequence
#' bias reduces systematic errors in transcript abundance estimation. Nature
#' Biotechnology 34(12):1287-1291 (2016).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gtf <- system.file("extdata/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.90.chr22.gtf.gz",
#' package = "jcc")
#' bam <- system.file("extdata/reads.chr22.bam", package = "jcc")
#' biasMod <- fitAlpineBiasModel(gtf = gtf, bam = bam,
#' organism = "Homo_sapiens",
#' genome = Hsapiens, genomeVersion = "GRCh38",
#' version = 90, minLength = 230,
#' maxLength = 7000, minCount = 10,
#' maxCount = 10000, subsample = TRUE,
#' nbrSubsample = 30, seed = 1, minSize = NULL,
#' maxSize = 220, verbose = TRUE)
#' tx2gene <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/tx2gene.sub.rds", package = "jcc"))
#' predCovProfiles <- predictTxCoverage(biasModel = biasMod$biasModel,
#' exonsByTx = biasMod$exonsByTx,
#' bam = bam, tx2gene = tx2gene,
#' genome = Hsapiens,
#' genes = c("ENSG00000070371",
#' "ENSG00000093010"),
#' nCores = 1, verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom alpine predictCoverage
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges setdiff mcols
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
predictTxCoverage <- function(biasModel, exonsByTx, bam, genes, nCores,
tx2gene, genome, verbose = FALSE) {
## Estimate average fragment length
aveFragLength <- sum(biasModel$`1`$fraglen.density$x *
## Load bam file
bamFiles <- bam
names(bamFiles) <- "1"
## Get all transcripts
transcripts <- names(exonsByTx)
if (!is.null(genes)) {
transcriptsInProvidedGenes <- tx2gene$tx[tx2gene$gene %in% genes]
transcripts <- intersect(transcripts, transcriptsInProvidedGenes)
names(transcripts) <- transcripts
if (verbose) message(paste0("Predicting coverage for ",
length(transcripts), " transcripts..."))
res <- parallel::mclapply(transcripts, function(tx) {
if (verbose) message(tx)
## Get transcript model
txmod <- exonsByTx[[tx]]
txmods <- sort(exonsByTx[[tx]])
## Predict coverage
m <- tryCatch({
a <- alpine::predictCoverage(gene = txmod,
bam.files = bamFiles,
fitpar = biasModel,
genome = genome,
model.names = "all")
if (!is.null(a$`1`$pred.cov$all)) {
list(covr = a$`1`$pred.cov$all,
note = "covOK")
} else {
## E.g. if there are no reads mapping to the gene locus
## Assume uniform coverage
list(covr = S4Vectors::Rle(rep(1, sum(width(txmod)) - 1)),
note = "covNA")
error = function(e) {
print(paste(c(tx, e), collapse = ": "))
## E.g. if the transcript is shorter than the fragment length
## Assume uniform coverage
list(covr = S4Vectors::Rle(rep(1, sum(width(txmod)) - 1)),
note = "covError")
note <- m$note
m <- m$covr
## Get predicted coverage for junctions
if (verbose) message("Predicting junction coverages...")
junctions <- GenomicRanges::setdiff(range(txmods), txmods)
if (all(strand(txmods) == "+")) {
junctionpos <- cumsum(width(txmods))
junctionpos <- junctionpos[-length(junctionpos)]
GenomicRanges::mcols(junctions)$pred.cov <- as.numeric(m)[junctionpos]
strand <- "+"
} else if (all(strand(txmods) == "-")) {
junctionpos <- cumsum(width(rev(txmods)))
junctionpos <- junctionpos[-length(junctionpos)]
GenomicRanges::mcols(junctions)$pred.cov <-
strand <- "-"
} else {
strand <- "mixed"
list(predCov = m, strand = strand, junctionCov = junctions,
aveFragLength = aveFragLength, note = note)
}, mc.preschedule = FALSE, mc.cores = nCores)
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