## Test helper functions
context("Check helper functions")
test_that("is_plottable works", {
test_that("get_coltype works", {
expect_equal(iCOBRA:::get_coltype("Method1:P"), "pval")
expect_equal(iCOBRA:::get_coltype("Method2:adjP"), "padj")
expect_equal(iCOBRA:::get_coltype("Method3:score"), "score")
expect_equal(iCOBRA:::get_coltype("Method3:S"), "sval")
expect_is(iCOBRA:::get_coltype("Method2"), "NULL")
test_that("fix_res works", {
cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
cont_truth = "logFC")
cobraplot <- prepare_data_for_plot(cobraperf)
res <- fsrnbr(cobraplot)
res$dist_ <- runif(nrow(res))
dt <- iCOBRA:::fix_res(res, methodcol = "fullmethod", aspcts = "FSR", tabtype = "fsrnbr")
expect_is(dt, "datatables")
res <- tpr(cobraplot)
res$dist_ <- runif(nrow(res))
dt <- iCOBRA:::fix_res(res, methodcol = "fullmethod", aspcts = "TPR")
expect_is(dt, "datatables")
res <- corr(cobraplot)
res$dist_ <- runif(nrow(res))
dt <- iCOBRA:::fix_res(res, methodcol = "fullmethod", aspcts = "PEARSON",
tabtype = "corr")
expect_is(dt, "datatables")
res <- scatter(cobraplot)
res$dist_ <- runif(nrow(res))
dt <- iCOBRA:::fix_res(res, methodcol = "fullmethod", aspcts = c("observation", "truth"),
tabtype = "scatter")
expect_is(dt, "datatables")
res <- deviation(cobraplot)
res$dist_ <- runif(nrow(res))
dt <- iCOBRA:::fix_res(res, methodcol = "fullmethod", aspcts = "DEVIATION",
tabtype = "deviation")
expect_is(dt, "datatables")
res <- roc(cobraplot)
res$dist_ <- runif(nrow(res))
dt <- iCOBRA:::fix_res(res, methodcol = "fullmethod", aspcts = c("FPR", "TPR"),
tabtype = "small")
expect_is(dt, "datatables")
test_that("res_check works", {
expect_false(iCOBRA:::res_check(pval(cobradata_example_sval)[, 1, drop = FALSE]))
test_that("fix_duplicates works", {
df <- data.frame(gene = c("A", "A", "B", "C", "D"), "m1:P" = c(0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.01), check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
expect_equal(nrow(iCOBRA:::fix_duplicates(df, "gene", "m1:P")), 4)
expect_equal(iCOBRA:::fix_duplicates(df, "gene", "m1:P")[, "m1:P"], c(0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.01))
test_that("get_keeplevels works", {
tmptruth <- data.frame(status = sample(c(0, 1), size = 100, replace = TRUE),
splitvar = sample(LETTERS[seq_len(10)], size = 100, replace = TRUE))
expect_equal(get_keeplevels(truth = tmptruth, splv = "splitvar",
binary_truth = "status", maxsplit = 3),
c("A", "J", "B"))
expect_equal(get_keeplevels(truth = tmptruth, splv = "splitvar",
binary_truth = "status", maxsplit = 6),
c("A", "J", "B", "F", "I", "E"))
tmptruth$status[tmptruth$splitvar == "B"] <- 0
tmptruth$status[tmptruth$splitvar == "J"] <- 1
expect_equal(get_keeplevels(truth = tmptruth, splv = "splitvar",
binary_truth = "status", maxsplit = 4),
c("A", "J", "F", "I"))
expect_equal(get_keeplevels(truth = tmptruth, splv = "none",
binary_truth = "status", maxsplit = 4),
expect_equal(get_keeplevels(truth = tmptruth, splv = "splitvar",
binary_truth = NULL, maxsplit = 4),
c("A", "J", "B", "F"))
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