test_that("generateSyntheticData fails with wrong inputs", {
tdir <- tempdir()
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.txt")
), "output.file must be an .rds file.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
effect.size = 1:3,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds")
), "The length of the effect.size vector must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
relmeans = 1:3,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds")
), "The length of the relmeans vector must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
dispersions = 1:3,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds")
), "The number of provided dispersions must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
test_that("compData object checks work", {
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 0,
output.file = NULL
expect_equal(checkDataObject(tmp), "Data object looks ok.")
l <- convertcompDataToList(tmp)
expect_is(l, "list")
cpd <- convertListTocompData(l)
expect_is(cpd, "compData")
expect_equal(checkDataObject(cpd), "Data object looks ok.")
l$count.matrix <- NULL
expect_message({cpd2 <- convertListTocompData(l)},
"Cannot convert list to compData object")
expect_equal(cpd2, NULL)
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({count.matrix(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({sample.annotations(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({filtering(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({analysis.date(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({package.version(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({info.parameters(tmp2) <- 1:3})
expect_equal(check_compData(tmp), TRUE)
expect_equal(check_compData(count.matrix(tmp)), "This is not an S4 object.")
tmp2 <- tmp; count.matrix(tmp2) <- as.matrix(numeric(0)); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "Object must contain a non-empty count matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; sample.annotations(tmp2) <- as.data.frame(NULL); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "Object must contain a non-empty sample annotation data frame.")
tmp2 <- tmp; sample.annotations(tmp2) <- data.frame(condition = numeric(0)); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "The sample.annotations must contain a column named condition.")
tmp2 <- tmp; info.parameters(tmp2) <- list(); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "Object must contain a non-empty list called info.parameters.")
tmp2 <- tmp; info.parameters(tmp2) <- list(tmp = 1); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "info.parameters list must contain an entry named 'dataset'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; info.parameters(tmp2) <- list(dataset = ""); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "info.parameters list must contain an entry named 'uID'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; count.matrix(tmp2) <- count.matrix(tmp2)[1:10, ]; expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "count.matrix and variable.annotations do not contain the same number of rows.")
tmp2 <- tmp; rownames(count.matrix(tmp2)) <- paste0("r", rownames(count.matrix(tmp2))); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "The rownames of count.matrix and variable.annotations are not the same.")
tmp2 <- tmp; count.matrix(tmp2) <- count.matrix(tmp2)[, 1:2]; expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "The number of columns of count.matrix is different from the number of rows of sample.annotations.")
tmp2 <- tmp; colnames(count.matrix(tmp2)) <- paste0("r", colnames(count.matrix(tmp2))); expect_equal(check_compData(tmp2), "The colnames of count.matrix are different from the rownames of sample.annotations.")
expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp), "Object must contain a list named 'method.names' identifying the differential expression method used.")
test_that("phyloCompData object checks work", {
tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(((A1:0,A2:0,A3:0):1,B1:1):1,((C1:0,C2:0):1.5,(D1:0,D2:0):1.5):0.5);")
idsp <- as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"))
names(idsp) <- tree$tip.label
idcond <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
names(idcond) <- tree$tip.label
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 10,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
lengths.relmeans = "auto",
lengths.dispersions = "auto",
output.file = NULL
expect_equal(checkDataObject(tmp), "Data object looks ok.")
l <- convertphyloCompDataToList(tmp)
expect_is(l, "list")
cpd <- convertListTocompData(l)
expect_is(cpd, "compData")
expect_equal(checkDataObject(cpd), "Data object looks ok.")
expect_error(phylo.tree(cpd) <- l$tree, "There is no 'phylo.tree' slot in a 'compData' object. Please use a 'phyloCompData' object.")
expect_error(length.matrix(cpd) <- l$length.matrix, "There is no 'lenght.matrix' slot in a 'compData' object. Please use a 'phyloCompData' object.")
cpd <- convertListTophyloCompData(l)
expect_is(cpd, "phyloCompData")
expect_equal(checkDataObject(cpd), "Data object looks ok.")
cpdbis <- phyloCompData(l$count.matrix, l$sample.annotations,
l$info.parameters, l$variable.annotations,
l$filtering, character(0),
l$package.version, l$method.names,
l$code, l$result.table,
expect_equal(cpd, cpdbis)
l$count.matrix <- NULL
expect_message({cpd2 <- convertListTocompData(l)},
"Cannot convert list to compData object")
expect_message({cpd2 <- convertListTophyloCompData(l)},
"Cannot convert list to compData object")
expect_equal(cpd2, NULL)
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({count.matrix(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({sample.annotations(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({filtering(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({analysis.date(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({package.version(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({info.parameters(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({length.matrix(tmp2) <- 1:3})
tmp2 <- tmp; expect_error({phylo.tree(tmp2) <- 1:3})
expect_equal(check_compData(tmp), TRUE)
expect_equal(check_compData(count.matrix(tmp)), "This is not an S4 object.")
tmp2 <- tmp; count.matrix(tmp2) <- as.matrix(numeric(0)); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "Object must contain a non-empty count matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; sample.annotations(tmp2) <- as.data.frame(NULL); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "Object must contain a non-empty sample annotation data frame.")
tmp2 <- tmp; sample.annotations(tmp2) <- data.frame(condition = numeric(0)); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The sample.annotations must contain a column named condition.")
tmp2 <- tmp; info.parameters(tmp2) <- list(); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "Object must contain a non-empty list called info.parameters.")
tmp2 <- tmp; info.parameters(tmp2) <- list(tmp = 1); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "info.parameters list must contain an entry named 'dataset'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; info.parameters(tmp2) <- list(dataset = ""); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "info.parameters list must contain an entry named 'uID'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; count.matrix(tmp2) <- count.matrix(tmp2)[1:10, ]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "count.matrix and variable.annotations do not contain the same number of rows.")
tmp2 <- tmp; rownames(count.matrix(tmp2)) <- paste0("r", rownames(count.matrix(tmp2))); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The rownames of count.matrix and variable.annotations are not the same.")
tmp2 <- tmp; count.matrix(tmp2) <- count.matrix(tmp2)[, 1:2]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The number of columns of count.matrix is different from the number of rows of sample.annotations.")
tmp2 <- tmp; colnames(count.matrix(tmp2)) <- paste0("r", colnames(count.matrix(tmp2))); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The colnames of count.matrix are different from the rownames of sample.annotations.")
tmp2 <- tmp; length.matrix(tmp2) <- length.matrix(tmp2)[1:10, ]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The dimension of count.matrix is different from the dimension of length.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; rownames(length.matrix(tmp2)) <- paste0("r", rownames(length.matrix(tmp2))); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The rownames of count.matrix are different from the rownames of length.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; length.matrix(tmp2) <- length.matrix(tmp2)[, 1:2]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The dimension of count.matrix is different from the dimension of length.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; colnames(length.matrix(tmp2)) <- paste0("r", colnames(length.matrix(tmp2))); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The colnames of count.matrix are different from the colnames of length.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; phylo.tree(tmp2)$tip.label <- NULL; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The tips of the phylogeny are not named.")
tmp2 <- tmp; phylo.tree(tmp2)$tip.label <- paste0("r", phylo.tree(tmp2)$tip.label); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "Column names of count.matrix do not match the tip labels.")
tmp2 <- tmp; phylo.tree(tmp2)$tip.label <- phylo.tree(tmp2)$tip.label[c(2, 1, 3:8)]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "Column names of count.matrix do not match the tip labels.")
tmp2 <- tmp; colnames(count.matrix(tmp2)) <- colnames(count.matrix(tmp2))[c(2, 1, 3:8)]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The colnames of count.matrix are different from the rownames of sample.annotations.")
tmp2 <- tmp; colnames(length.matrix(tmp2)) <- colnames(length.matrix(tmp2))[c(2, 1, 3:8)]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The colnames of count.matrix are different from the colnames of length.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; rownames(sample.annotations(tmp2)) <- rownames(sample.annotations(tmp2))[c(2, 1, 3:8)]; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The colnames of count.matrix are different from the rownames of sample.annotations.")
tmp2 <- tmp; sample.annotations(tmp2)$id.species <- rep(1, 8); expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "Error in checkSpecies(ids, \"id.species\", phylo.tree(object), tol = 1e-10, : \n The provided species do not match with the tree branch lengths. Please check the 'id.species' vector.\n")
tmp2 <- tmp; sample.annotations(tmp2)$id.species <- NULL; expect_equal(check_phyloCompData(tmp2), "The sample.annotations must contain a column named id.species.")
expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp), "Object must contain a list named 'method.names' identifying the differential expression method used.")
test_that("generateSyntheticData works", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## No DEGs
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 0,
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S2), 0)
expect_equal(sum(abs(variable.annotations(tmp)$truelog2foldchanges)), 0)
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$upregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$downregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$differential.expression), 0)
## Specify effect sizes individually
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 10,
effect.size = c(exp(abs(rnorm(5))), exp(-abs(rnorm(5))), rep(1, 40)),
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S2), 0)
expect_equal(sum(abs(variable.annotations(tmp)$truelog2foldchanges[-(1:10)])), 0)
c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 40)))
c(rep(1, 5), rep(0, 45)))
c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5), rep(0, 40)))
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$upregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$downregulation), 10)
## Different dispersions between groups
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 10,
between.group.diffdisp = TRUE,
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$truedispersions.S1 !=
c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 40)))
rep(0, 50))
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$upregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$downregulation), 10)
## Not overdispersed
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 10,
between.group.diffdisp = FALSE,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0.5,
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$truedispersions.S1 == 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.non.overdispersed, 0.5)
## Outliers
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 10,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0.1,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0.1,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0.1,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0.1,
output.file = NULL
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S2 > 0), TRUE)
## Summary report
expect_error(summarizeSyntheticDataSet(tmp, file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds")),
"output.file must be an .html file.")
summarizeSyntheticDataSet(tmp, file.path(tdir, "tmp_summaryrep.html"))
expect_equal(file.exists(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "tmp_summaryrep.html"),
winslash = "/")), TRUE)
test_that("generateSyntheticData works - with lengths and phylo", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## Errors with lengths
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 5,
repl.id = 1,
lengths.relmeans = rpois(40, 1e4),
lengths.dispersions = rgamma(50, 1, 1),
output.file = NULL
"The length of the 'lengths.relmeans' vector must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 5,
repl.id = 1,
lengths.relmeans = rpois(50, 1e4),
lengths.dispersions = rgamma(40, 1, 1),
output.file = NULL
"The length of the 'lengths.dispersions' vector must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
lengths.relmeans = rpois(50, 1e4),
output.file = NULL
"For lengths to be used, both the 'lengths.relmeans' and 'lengths.dispersions' vectors must be provided.")
## Errors and warnings with tree
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = "(((A1:0,A2:0,A3:0):1,B1:1):1,((C1:0,C2:0):1.5,(D1:0,D2:0):1.5):0.5);",
output.file = NULL
"The `tree` must be of class `phylo` from package `ape`.")
tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(((A1:0,A2:0,A3:0):0.5,B1:1):1,((C1:0,C2:0):1.5,(D1:0,D2:0):1.5):0.5);")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
output.file = NULL
"The tree should be ultrametric.")
tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(((A1:0,A2:0,A3:0):1,B1:1):1,((C1:0,C2:0):1.5,(D1:0,D2:0):1.5):0.5);")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
output.file = NULL
"The tree should have as many species as `samples.per.cond` times two")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
id.species = as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D")),
output.file = NULL
"`id.species` should have the same length as the number of taxa in the tree.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
id.species = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"),
output.file = NULL
"Vector 'id.species' must be a factor.")
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
id.species = as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D")),
output.file = NULL
"`id.species` is not named. I'm naming them, assuming they are in the same order as the tree.")
idsp <- as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"))
names(idsp) <- c("F", tree$tip.label[-1])
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
output.file = NULL
"`id.species` names do not match the tip labels.")
idsp <- as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"))
names(idsp) <- tree$tip.label
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1,
tree = tree,
id.condition = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
id.species = idsp,
output.file = NULL
"`id.condition` is not named. I'm naming them, assuming they are in the same order as the tree.")
idcond <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
names(idcond) <- tree$tip.label
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 0,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL,
prop.var.tree = c(0.1, 0.1)
"should be a vector of length the number of genes"
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 0,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL,
prop.var.tree = c(1.1, rep(0.1, 48), 2)
"All entries of `prop.var.tree` should be between 0 and 1"
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 0,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL,
prop.var.tree = 1.1
"All entries of `prop.var.tree` should be between 0 and 1"
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 0,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL,
prop.var.tree = matrix(0.1, 10, 5)
"should be a vector"
## No DEGs
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 0,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "phyloCompData")
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S2), 0)
expect_equal(sum(abs(variable.annotations(tmp)$truelog2foldchanges)), 0)
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$upregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$downregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$differential.expression), 0)
## Specify effect sizes individually
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 10,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
effect.size = c(exp(abs(rnorm(5))), exp(-abs(rnorm(5))), rep(1, 40)),
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "phyloCompData")
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 +
variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S2), 0)
expect_equal(sum(abs(variable.annotations(tmp)$truelog2foldchanges[-(1:10)])), 0)
c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 40)))
c(rep(1, 5), rep(0, 45)))
c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5), rep(0, 40)))
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$upregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$downregulation), 10)
## Different dispersions between groups
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 10,
between.group.diffdisp = TRUE,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL
expect_is(tmp, "phyloCompData")
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$truedispersions.S1 !=
c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 40)))
rep(0, 50))
expect_equal(sum(variable.annotations(tmp)$upregulation +
variable.annotations(tmp)$downregulation), 10)
## Not overdispersed
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 10,
between.group.diffdisp = FALSE,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0.5,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
output.file = NULL
"The Phylogenetic Poisson lognormal distribution is always over-dispersed.")
## Outliers
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 10,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0.1,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0.1,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0.1,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0.1,
output.file = NULL
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 > 0), TRUE)
expect_equal(any(variable.annotations(tmp)$n.single.outliers.down.S2 > 0), TRUE)
## Summary report
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 10,
tree = tree,
id.species = idsp,
id.condition = idcond,
lengths.relmeans = "auto",
lengths.dispersions = "auto",
output.file = NULL
expect_error(summarizeSyntheticDataSet(tmp, file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds")),
"output.file must be an .html file.")
summarizeSyntheticDataSet(tmp, file.path(tdir, "tmp_summaryrep.html"))
expect_equal(file.exists(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "tmp_summaryrep.html"),
winslash = "/")), TRUE)
test_that("help functions work", {
expect_warning(expect_error(checkRange("hello", "name", 0, 1), "Illegal value"), "NAs introduced by coercion")
expect_equal(checkRange(-1, "name", 0, 1), 0)
expect_equal(checkRange(2, "name", 0, 1), 1)
expect_equal(checkRange("-1", "name", 0, 1), 0)
expect_equal(shorten.method.names(c("AUC", "ROC, all replicates")),
c("auc", "rocall"))
tmp <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 50,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 10,
output.file = NULL
computeMval(count.matrix(tmp), c(3, sample.annotations(tmp)$condition[-1])),
"Must have exactly two groups to calculate M-value"
computeAval(count.matrix(tmp), c(3, sample.annotations(tmp)$condition[-1])),
"Must have exactly two groups to calculate A-value"
mval <- computeMval(count.matrix(tmp), sample.annotations(tmp)$condition)
aval <- computeAval(count.matrix(tmp), sample.annotations(tmp)$condition)
expect_is(mval, "numeric")
expect_is(aval, "numeric")
expect_equal(length(mval), nrow(count.matrix(tmp)))
expect_equal(length(aval), nrow(count.matrix(tmp)))
test_that("runDiffExp works", {
tdir <- tempdir()
set.seed(1) ## note that with other seeds, the number of genes
## passing the filtering threshold could be different
testdat <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1, seqdepth = 1e5,
fraction.upregulated = 0.5,
between.group.diffdisp = FALSE,
filter.threshold.total = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds")
expect_equal(checkDataObject(testdat), "Data object looks ok.")
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"))
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_is(count.matrix(tmp), "matrix")
expect_equal(nrow(count.matrix(tmp)), 500)
expect_equal(ncol(count.matrix(tmp)), 10)
expect_is(sample.annotations(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(sample.annotations(tmp)), 10)
expect_equal(ncol(sample.annotations(tmp)), 2)
expect_is(variable.annotations(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(variable.annotations(tmp)), 500)
expect_equal(ncol(variable.annotations(tmp)), 18)
expect_is(info.parameters(tmp), "list")
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$n.diffexp, 50)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$dataset, "B_625_625")
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.upregulated, 0.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$between.group.diffdisp, FALSE)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$filter.threshold.total, 1)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$filter.threshold.mediancpm, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.non.overdispersed, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$random.outlier.high.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$random.outlier.low.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$single.outlier.high.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$single.outlier.low.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$effect.size, 1.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$samples.per.cond, 5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$repl.id, 1)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$seqdepth, 1e5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$minfact, 0.7)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$maxfact, 1.4)
expect_equal(filtering(tmp), "total count >= 1 ; median cpm >= 0")
expect_is(analysis.date(tmp), "character")
expect_equal(analysis.date(tmp), "")
expect_is(package.version(tmp), "character")
expect_equal(package.version(tmp), "")
expect_is(method.names(tmp), "list")
expect_equal(method.names(tmp), list())
# if (requireNamespace("baySeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
# runDiffExp(
# data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
# result.extent = "baySeq",
# Rmdfunction = "baySeq.createRmd",
# output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "edgeR",
# equaldisp = TRUE
# )
# }
if (requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "DESeq2",
Rmdfunction = "DESeq2.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, fit.type = "parametric",
test = "Wald", beta.prior = TRUE,
independent.filtering = TRUE, cooks.cutoff = TRUE,
impute.outliers = TRUE,
nas.as.ones = FALSE
"there might be some NAs in the adjusted p values computed by DESeq2"
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "DESeq2_nona",
Rmdfunction = "DESeq2.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, fit.type = "parametric",
test = "Wald", beta.prior = TRUE,
independent.filtering = TRUE, cooks.cutoff = TRUE,
impute.outliers = TRUE,
nas.as.ones = TRUE
"all NAs in adjusted p values are replaced by 1 to allow for benchmarking with other methods"
if (requireNamespace("DSS", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "DSS",
Rmdfunction = "DSS.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "quantile",
disp.trend = FALSE
if (requireNamespace("EBSeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "EBSeq",
Rmdfunction = "EBSeq.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "median"
# edgeR is in Imports -> always installed
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "edgeR.exact",
Rmdfunction = "edgeR.exact.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
trend.method = "movingave", disp.type = "tagwise"
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "edgeR.GLM",
Rmdfunction = "edgeR.GLM.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
disp.type = "tagwise", disp.method = "CoxReid",
trended = TRUE
# limma is in Imports -> always installed
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "logcpm.limma",
Rmdfunction = "logcpm.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM"
if (requireNamespace("NBPSeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "NBPSeq",
Rmdfunction = "NBPSeq.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
disp.method = "NBP"
if (requireNamespace("NOISeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "NOISeq",
Rmdfunction = "NOISeq.prenorm.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM"
# limma is in Imports -> always installed
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "sqrtcpm.limma",
Rmdfunction = "sqrtcpm.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM"
if (requireNamespace("TCC", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "TCC",
Rmdfunction = "TCC.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "tmm",
test.method = "edger", iteration = 3,
normFDR = 0.1, floorPDEG = 0.05
if (requireNamespace("genefilter", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "ttest",
Rmdfunction = "ttest.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM"
# limma is in Imports -> always installed
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "voom.limma",
Rmdfunction = "voom.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM"
if (requireNamespace("genefilter", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "voom.ttest",
Rmdfunction = "voom.ttest.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM"
methods <- c("DESeq2", "DESeq2_nona", "DSS", "EBSeq", "edgeR.exact",
"edgeR.GLM", "logcpm.limma", "NBPSeq", "NOISeq",
"sqrtcpm.limma", "TCC", "ttest", "voom.limma",
pkgs <- c("DESeq2", "DESeq2", "DSS", "EBSeq", "edgeR",
"edgeR", "limma", "NBPSeq", "NOISeq",
"limma", "TCC", "genefilter", "limma",
## Test show() method
m <- "edgeR.exact" # edgeR always installed
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")),
winslash = "/"))
count.matrix(tmp) <- count.matrix(tmp)[, 1:4]
for (i in seq_len(length(methods))) {
m <- methods[i]
pkg <- pkgs[i]
if (requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")), winslash = "/"))
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_is(result.table(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(result.table(tmp)), 500)
expect_is(code(tmp), "character")
expect_is(analysis.date(tmp), "character")
expect_is(compcodeR:::package.version(tmp), "character")
expect_is(method.names(tmp), "list")
expect_named(method.names(tmp), c("short.name", "full.name"))
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2) <- result.table(tmp2)[1:10, ]; expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "result.table must have the same number of rows as count.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2) <- data.frame(); expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "Object must contain a data frame named 'result.table'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2)$score <- NULL; expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "result.table must contain a column named 'score'.")
for (i in seq_len(length(methods))) {
m <- methods[i]
pkg <- pkgs[i]
if (requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")),
winslash = "/"), normalizePath(tdir)
tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_",
m, "_code.html")), winslash = "/")))
## Comparison report
file.table <- data.frame(input.files = normalizePath(file.path(
tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_",
c("voom.limma", "sqrtcpm.limma", "edgeR.exact", "edgeR.GLM"), ## Only packages in import
".rds")), winslash = "/"))
parameters <- NULL
comp <- runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = parameters)
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = parameters, save.result.table = FALSE, knit.results = FALSE),
"At least on of 'save.result.table' or 'knit.results' must be set to TRUE, otherwise the function does not produce anything.")
comp2 <- runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = parameters, save.result.table = TRUE, knit.results = FALSE)
ff <- list.files(path = tdir, pattern = "compcodeR_result_table_.*.rds", full.names = TRUE)
resTable <- readRDS(ff[length(ff)])
expect_equal(resTable$fp + resTable$tp + resTable$fn + resTable$tn, rep(500, nrow(resTable)))
expect_equal(ncol(resTable), 14)
expect_equal(nrow(resTable), 4)
parameters <- list()
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.dataset <- "missing"
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with datasets")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.nbr.samples <- 10
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with nbr.samples")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.replicates <- 10
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with replicates")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.de.methods <- "missing"
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with DE methods")
test_that("runDiffExp works - with lengths", {
tdir <- tempdir()
set.seed(1) ## note that with other seeds, the number of genes
## passing the filtering threshold could be different
testdat <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1, seqdepth = 1e5,
fraction.upregulated = 0.5,
between.group.diffdisp = FALSE,
filter.threshold.total = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
id.species = factor(1:10),
lengths.relmeans = rpois(500, 1e4),
lengths.dispersions = rgamma(500, 1, 1),
output.file = file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds")
expect_equal(checkDataObject(testdat), "Data object looks ok.")
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"))
expect_is(tmp, "compData")
expect_is(count.matrix(tmp), "matrix")
expect_equal(nrow(count.matrix(tmp)), 498) # some are filtered
expect_equal(ncol(count.matrix(tmp)), 10)
expect_is(sample.annotations(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(sample.annotations(tmp)), 10)
expect_equal(ncol(sample.annotations(tmp)), 2)
expect_is(variable.annotations(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(variable.annotations(tmp)), 498)
expect_equal(ncol(variable.annotations(tmp)), 22)
expect_is(info.parameters(tmp), "list")
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$n.diffexp, 50)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$dataset, "B_625_625")
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.upregulated, 0.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$between.group.diffdisp, FALSE)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$filter.threshold.total, 1)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$filter.threshold.mediancpm, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.non.overdispersed, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$random.outlier.high.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$random.outlier.low.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$single.outlier.high.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$single.outlier.low.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$effect.size, 1.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$samples.per.cond, 5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$repl.id, 1)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$seqdepth, 1e5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$minfact, 0.7)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$maxfact, 1.4)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$nEff, 2.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$nEffRatio, 1.0)
expect_equal(filtering(tmp), "total count >= 1 ; median cpm >= 0")
expect_is(analysis.date(tmp), "character")
expect_equal(analysis.date(tmp), "")
expect_is(package.version(tmp), "character")
expect_equal(package.version(tmp), "")
expect_is(method.names(tmp), "list")
expect_equal(method.names(tmp), list())
if (requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "DESeq2.length",
Rmdfunction = "DESeq2.length.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, fit.type = "parametric",
test = "Wald", beta.prior = TRUE,
independent.filtering = TRUE, cooks.cutoff = TRUE,
impute.outliers = TRUE,
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
nas.as.ones = FALSE
"there might be some NAs in the adjusted p values computed by DESeq2"
# limma is in Imports
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "lengthNorm.limma",
Rmdfunction = "lengthNorm.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "RPKM",
data.transformation = "log2",
block.factor = NULL
# phylolm is in Imports
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "phylolm",
Rmdfunction = "phylolm.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
model = "BM", measurement_error = TRUE,
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "RPKM",
data.transformation = "log2"
methods <- c("DESeq2.length", "lengthNorm.limma", "phylolm")
## Test show() method
m <- "lengthNorm.limma"
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")),
winslash = "/"))
count.matrix(tmp) <- count.matrix(tmp)[, 1:4]
for (m in methods) {
if (m != "DESeq2.length" || requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")), winslash = "/"))
expect_is(tmp, "phyloCompData")
expect_is(result.table(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(result.table(tmp)), 498)
expect_is(code(tmp), "character")
expect_is(analysis.date(tmp), "character")
expect_is(compcodeR:::package.version(tmp), "character")
expect_is(method.names(tmp), "list")
expect_named(method.names(tmp), c("short.name", "full.name"))
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2) <- result.table(tmp2)[1:10, ]; expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "result.table must have the same number of rows as count.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2) <- data.frame(); expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "Object must contain a data frame named 'result.table'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2)$score <- NULL; expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "result.table must contain a column named 'score'.")
for (m in methods) {
if (m != "DESeq2.length" || requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")),
winslash = "/"), normalizePath(tdir)
tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_",
m, "_code.html")), winslash = "/")))
## Comparison report
file.table <- data.frame(input.files = normalizePath(file.path(
tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_",
".rds")), winslash = "/"))
parameters <- NULL
comp <- runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = parameters)
comp2 <- runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = parameters, save.result.table = TRUE, knit.results = FALSE)
ff <- list.files(path = tdir, pattern = "compcodeR_result_table_.*.rds", full.names = TRUE)
resTable <- readRDS(ff[length(ff)])
expect_equal(resTable$fp + resTable$tp + resTable$fn + resTable$tn, rep(498, nrow(resTable)))
expect_equal(ncol(resTable), 14)
expect_equal(nrow(resTable), length(methods) - 1)
parameters <- list()
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.dataset <- "missing"
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with datasets")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.nbr.samples <- 10
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with nbr.samples")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.replicates <- 10
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with replicates")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.de.methods <- "missing"
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with DE methods")
test_that("runDiffExp works - phylo", {
tdir <- tempdir()
tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(((A1:0,A2:0,A3:0):1,B1:1):1,((C1:0,C2:0):1.5,(D1:0,D2:0):1.5):0.5);")
idsp <- as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"))
names(idsp) <- tree$tip.label
idcond <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
names(idcond) <- tree$tip.label
set.seed(1) ## note that with other seeds, the number of genes
## passing the filtering threshold could be different
testdat <- generateSyntheticData(
dataset = "B_625_625", n.vars = 500,
samples.per.cond = 4, n.diffexp = 50,
repl.id = 1, seqdepth = 1e5,
fraction.upregulated = 0.5,
between.group.diffdisp = FALSE,
filter.threshold.total = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
tree = tree,
id.condition = idcond,
id.species = idsp,
lengths.relmeans = "auto",
lengths.dispersions = "auto",
output.file = file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds")
expect_equal(checkDataObject(testdat), "Data object looks ok.")
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"))
expect_is(tmp, "phyloCompData")
expect_is(count.matrix(tmp), "matrix")
expect_equal(nrow(count.matrix(tmp)), 489) # some are filtered
expect_equal(ncol(count.matrix(tmp)), 8)
expect_equal(nrow(length.matrix(tmp)), 489) # some are filtered
expect_equal(ncol(length.matrix(tmp)), 8)
expect_is(sample.annotations(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(sample.annotations(tmp)), 8)
expect_equal(ncol(sample.annotations(tmp)), 4)
expect_is(variable.annotations(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(variable.annotations(tmp)), 489)
expect_equal(ncol(variable.annotations(tmp)), 23)
expect_is(info.parameters(tmp), "list")
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$n.diffexp, 50)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$dataset, "B_625_625")
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.upregulated, 0.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$between.group.diffdisp, FALSE)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$filter.threshold.total, 1)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$filter.threshold.mediancpm, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$fraction.non.overdispersed, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$random.outlier.high.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$random.outlier.low.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$single.outlier.high.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$single.outlier.low.prob, 0)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$effect.size, 1.5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$samples.per.cond, 4)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$repl.id, 1)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$seqdepth, 1e5)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$minfact, 0.7)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$maxfact, 1.4)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$nEff, 0.3636364, tolerance = 1e-7)
expect_equal(info.parameters(tmp)$nEffRatio, info.parameters(tmp)$nEff) # n/4 = 1
expect_equal(unique(variable.annotations(tmp)$prop.var.tree), 1.0)
expect_equal(filtering(tmp), "total count >= 1 ; median cpm >= 0")
expect_is(analysis.date(tmp), "character")
expect_equal(analysis.date(tmp), "")
expect_is(package.version(tmp), "character")
expect_equal(package.version(tmp), "")
expect_is(method.names(tmp), "list")
expect_equal(method.names(tmp), list())
if (requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "DESeq2.length",
Rmdfunction = "DESeq2.length.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, fit.type = "parametric",
test = "Wald", beta.prior = TRUE,
independent.filtering = TRUE, cooks.cutoff = TRUE,
impute.outliers = TRUE,
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
nas.as.ones = TRUE
"all NAs in adjusted p values are replaced by 1"
# limma is in Imports
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "lengthNorm.limma",
Rmdfunction = "lengthNorm.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2",
block.factor = NULL
if (requireNamespace("statmod", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "lengthNorm.limma.cor",
Rmdfunction = "lengthNorm.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2",
block.factor = "id.species"
if (requireNamespace("sva", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "lengthNorm.sva.limma",
Rmdfunction = "lengthNorm.sva.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2"
# phylolm is in Imports
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "phylolm_cpm",
Rmdfunction = "phylolm.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
model = "OUfixedRoot", measurement_error = TRUE,
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "none",
data.transformation = "sqrt"
# phylolm is in Imports
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "phylolm",
Rmdfunction = "phylolm.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
model = "BM", measurement_error = TRUE,
extra.design.covariates = NULL,
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2"
# with extra factor
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"))
sample.annotations(tmp)$test_reg <- rnorm(nrow(sample.annotations(tmp)))
sample.annotations(tmp)$test_fac <- factor(sample(c(0, 1)))
saveRDS(tmp, normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"))
if (requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "DESeq2.length.factor",
Rmdfunction = "DESeq2.length.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, fit.type = "parametric",
test = "Wald", beta.prior = TRUE,
independent.filtering = TRUE, cooks.cutoff = TRUE,
impute.outliers = FALSE,
extra.design.covariates = c("test_reg", "test_fac")
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "lengthNorm.limma.factor",
Rmdfunction = "lengthNorm.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
extra.design.covariates = c("test_reg", "test_fac"),
trend = TRUE,
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2",
block.factor = NULL
if (requireNamespace("sva", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "lengthNorm.sva.limma.factor",
Rmdfunction = "lengthNorm.sva.limma.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2",
extra.design.covariates = c("test_reg", "test_fac"),
n.sv = 1
data.file = normalizePath(file.path(tdir, "B_625_625_5spc_repl1.rds"), winslash = "/"),
result.extent = "phylolm.factor",
Rmdfunction = "phylolm.createRmd",
output.directory = tdir, norm.method = "TMM",
model = "BM", measurement_error = TRUE,
extra.design.covariates = c("test_reg", "test_fac"),
length.normalization = "TPM",
data.transformation = "log2"
methods <- c("DESeq2.length", "DESeq2.length.factor", "lengthNorm.limma", "lengthNorm.limma.cor", "lengthNorm.limma.factor", "lengthNorm.sva.limma", "lengthNorm.sva.limma.factor", "phylolm.factor", "phylolm_cpm", "phylolm")
## Test show() method
m <- "lengthNorm.limma"
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")),
winslash = "/"))
count.matrix(tmp) <- count.matrix(tmp)[, 1:4]
for (m in methods) {
if (!(m %in% c("DESeq2.length", "DESeq2.length.factor")) || requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!(m %in% c("lengthNorm.limma.cor")) || requireNamespace("statmod", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!(m %in% c("lengthNorm.sva.limma", "lengthNorm.sva.limma.factor")) || requireNamespace("sva", quietly = TRUE)) {
tmp <- readRDS(normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")), winslash = "/"))
expect_is(tmp, "phyloCompData")
expect_is(result.table(tmp), "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(result.table(tmp)), 489)
expect_is(code(tmp), "character")
expect_is(analysis.date(tmp), "character")
expect_is(compcodeR:::package.version(tmp), "character")
expect_is(method.names(tmp), "list")
expect_named(method.names(tmp), c("short.name", "full.name"))
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2) <- result.table(tmp2)[1:10, ]; expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "result.table must have the same number of rows as count.matrix.")
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2) <- data.frame(); expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "Object must contain a data frame named 'result.table'.")
tmp2 <- tmp; result.table(tmp2)$score <- NULL; expect_equal(check_compData_results(tmp2), "result.table must contain a column named 'score'.")
for (m in methods) {
if (!(m %in% c("DESeq2.length", "DESeq2.length.factor")) || requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!(m %in% c("lengthNorm.limma.cor")) || requireNamespace("statmod", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!(m %in% c("lengthNorm.sva.limma", "lengthNorm.sva.limma.factor")) || requireNamespace("sva", quietly = TRUE)) {
normalizePath(file.path(tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_", m, ".rds")),
winslash = "/"), normalizePath(tdir)
tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_",
m, "_code.html")), winslash = "/")))
## Comparison report
file.table <- data.frame(input.files = normalizePath(file.path(
tdir, paste0("B_625_625_5spc_repl1_",
methods[!(methods %in% c("DESeq2.length", "DESeq2.length.factor", "lengthNorm.limma.cor", "lengthNorm.sva.limma", "lengthNorm.sva.limma.factor"))],
".rds")), winslash = "/"))
parameters <- NULL
comp <- runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = parameters, save.result.table = TRUE, knit.results = FALSE)
ff <- list.files(path = tdir, pattern = "compcodeR_result_table_.*.rds", full.names = TRUE)
resTable <- readRDS(ff[length(ff)])
expect_equal(resTable$fp + resTable$tp + resTable$fn + resTable$tn, rep(489, nrow(resTable)))
expect_equal(ncol(resTable), 14)
expect_equal(nrow(resTable), length(methods) - 5)
parameters <- list()
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.dataset <- "missing"
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with datasets")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.nbr.samples <- 10
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with nbr.samples")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.replicates <- 10
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with replicates")
par2 <- parameters; par2$incl.de.methods <- "missing"
expect_error(runComparison(file.table = file.table, output.directory = tdir,
parameters = par2),
"No methods left to compare after matching with DE methods")
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