context("Moments of the Negative Binomial and Poisson Log Normal are the same")
test_that("Moments of the Negative Binomial and Log Normal are the same", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## Tree and conds
n <- 20
tree <- ape::stree(n)
tree$edge.length <- rep(10, nrow(tree$edge))
id_species <- tree$tip.label
id_species <- factor(id_species)
names(id_species) <- tree$tip.label
## Condn alternate tips
species_names <- tree$tip.label
cond_species <- rep(c(1, 2), length(species_names) / 2)
names(cond_species) <- species_names
id_cond <- id_species
id_cond <- cond_species[as.vector(id_cond)]
id_cond <- as.factor(id_cond)
## Parameters
n.vars <- 1000
relmean <- 100
reldisp <- 0.1
seqdepth <- 10000
true_mean <- seqdepth / n.vars
true_var <- reldisp * true_mean^2 + true_mean
true_sd <- sqrt(true_var)
## No tree
dataset <- "no_tree"
no_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = 0, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = 1,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## us tree
dataset <- "tree"
us_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = 0, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = 1,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
tree = tree,
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## Comparisons
mean_no_tree <- mean(no_tree_sim@count.matrix)
sd_no_tree <- sd(no_tree_sim@count.matrix)
mean_us_tree <- mean(us_tree_sim@count.matrix)
sd_us_tree <- sd(us_tree_sim@count.matrix)
testthat::expect_equal(mean_no_tree, true_mean, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean_us_tree, true_mean, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(sd_no_tree, true_sd, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(sd_us_tree, true_sd, tol = 1e-2)
## Correlation Comparisons
corup <- function(x, ...) {
cc <- cor(x, ...)
# Pearson correlations are equal
cor_no_tree <- corup(no_tree_sim@count.matrix)
cor_tree <- corup(us_tree_sim@count.matrix)
testthat::expect_equal(median(cor_no_tree), median(cor_tree), tol = 1e-2)
# Spearman correlations are equal
cor_no_tree <- corup(no_tree_sim@count.matrix, method = "spearman")
cor_tree <- corup(us_tree_sim@count.matrix, method = "spearman")
testthat::expect_equal(median(cor_no_tree), median(cor_tree), tol = 1e-2)
test_that("Moments of the Negative Binomial and Log Normal are the same, with shift", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## Tree and conds
n <- 20
tree <- ape::stree(n)
tree$edge.length <- rep(10, nrow(tree$edge))
id_species <- tree$tip.label
id_species <- factor(id_species)
names(id_species) <- tree$tip.label
## Condn alternate tips
species_names <- tree$tip.label
cond_species <- rep(c(1, 2), length(species_names) / 2)
names(cond_species) <- species_names
id_cond <- id_species
id_cond <- cond_species[as.vector(id_cond)]
id_cond <- as.factor(id_cond)
## Parameters
n.vars <- 5000
relmean <- 100
reldisp <- 0.1
seqdepth <- 50000
n.diffexp <- n.vars / 2
effect.size <- 10
true_mean_1 <- seqdepth / n.vars
true_mean_2 <- 2 * seqdepth * (effect.size + 1) / n.vars / (effect.size + 2)
true_var_1 <- reldisp * true_mean_1^2 + true_mean_1
true_sd_1 <- sqrt(true_var_1)
true_var_2 <- reldisp * true_mean_2^2 + true_mean_2
true_sd_2 <- sqrt(true_var_2)
## No tree
dataset <- "no_tree"
no_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## us tree
dataset <- "tree"
us_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
tree = tree,
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## Comparisons
mean_no_tree <- colMeans(no_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
sd_no_tree <- matrixStats::colSds(no_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
true_no_tree <- no_tree_sim@variable.annotations$truemeans.S2[1:n.diffexp] / sum(no_tree_sim@variable.annotations$truemeans.S2) * seqdepth
mean_real_no_tree <- mean(true_no_tree)
sd_real_no_tree <- sd(true_no_tree)
mean_us_tree <- colMeans(us_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
sd_us_tree <- matrixStats::colSds(us_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
true_us_tree <- us_tree_sim@variable.annotations$truemeans.S2[1:n.diffexp] / sum(us_tree_sim@variable.annotations$truemeans.S2) * seqdepth
mean_real_us_tree <- mean(true_us_tree)
sd_real_us_tree <- sd(true_us_tree)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_mean_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 2]), true_mean_2, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 2]), mean_real_no_tree, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_mean_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), true_mean_2, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), mean_real_no_tree, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_no_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_sd_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_us_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_sd_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_no_tree[id_cond == 2]),
mean(sd_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), tol = 1e-2)
## Correlation Comparisons
corup <- function(x, ...) {
cc <- cor(x, ...)
# Pearson correlations are equal
cor_no_tree <- corup(no_tree_sim@count.matrix)
cor_tree <- corup(us_tree_sim@count.matrix)
testthat::expect_equal(median(cor_no_tree), median(cor_tree), tol = 1e-2)
# Spearman correlations are equal
cor_no_tree <- corup(no_tree_sim@count.matrix, method = "spearman")
cor_tree <- corup(us_tree_sim@count.matrix, method = "spearman")
testthat::expect_equal(median(cor_no_tree), median(cor_tree), tol = 1e-2)
test_that("Moments of the Negative Binomial and Log Normal are the same, varying mean", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## Tree and conds
n <- 14
tree <- ape::stree(n)
tree$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(tree$edge))
id_species <- tree$tip.label
id_species <- factor(id_species)
tree$tip.label <- paste0(tree$tip.label, "_rep")
names(id_species) <- tree$tip.label
## Condn alternate tips
species_names <- tree$tip.label
cond_species <- c(2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1) #rep(c(1, 2), length(species_names) / 2)
names(cond_species) <- species_names
id_cond <- cond_species
id_cond <- as.factor(id_cond)
effect.size <- 0
## Parameters
n.vars <- 3560 <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Stern2018.Length.Mu.Phi.Estimates.rds", package = "compcodeR"))
relmean <-$
reldisp <-$stern2018.length.phi
seqdepth <- 2000000
n.diffexp <- 0
nrep <- 1
## No tree
dataset <- "no_tree"
count_no_tree <- array(NA, dim = c(n.vars, n, nrep))
for (rep in 1:nrep) {
no_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = relmean,
dispersions = reldisp,
fraction.upregulated = 0.5, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
# tree = tree,
# model.process = "BM",
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
count_no_tree[, , rep] <- no_tree_sim@count.matrix
## us tree
dataset <- "tree"
count_tree <- array(NA, dim = c(n.vars, n, nrep))
for (rep in 1:nrep) {
us_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = relmean,
dispersions = reldisp,
fraction.upregulated = 0.5, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
tree = tree,
model.process = "BM",
prop.var.tree = 1.0,
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
count_tree[, , rep] <- us_tree_sim@count.matrix
## Correlation Comparisons
corup <- function(x, ...) {
cc <- cor(x, ...)
# Pearson correlations are equal
cor_no_tree <- rowMeans(apply(count_no_tree, 3, corup))
cor_tree <- rowMeans(apply(count_tree, 3, corup))
testthat::expect_equal(median(cor_no_tree), median(cor_tree), tol = 1e-2)
# But Spearman are not correlations not are equal
cor_no_tree <- rowMeans(apply(count_no_tree, 3, corup, method = "spearman"))
cor_tree <- rowMeans(apply(count_tree, 3, corup, method = "spearman"))
testthat::expect_true(median(cor_no_tree) <= median(cor_tree))
test_that("Moments of the Negative Binomial and Log Normal are the same, with shift, random tree", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## Tree and conds
n <- 20
tree <- tree <- ape::rphylo(n, 1, 0)
id_species <- tree$tip.label
id_species <- factor(id_species)
names(id_species) <- tree$tip.label
## Condn alternate tips
species_names <- tree$tip.label
cond_species <- rep(c(1, 2), length(species_names) / 2)
names(cond_species) <- species_names
id_cond <- id_species
id_cond <- cond_species[as.vector(id_cond)]
id_cond <- as.factor(id_cond)
## Parameters
n.vars <- 5000
relmean <- 100
reldisp <- 0.1
seqdepth <- 50000
n.diffexp <- n.vars / 2
effect.size <- 10
true_mean_1 <- seqdepth / n.vars
true_mean_2 <- 2 * seqdepth * (effect.size + 1) / n.vars / (effect.size + 2)
true_var_1 <- reldisp * true_mean_1^2 + true_mean_1
true_sd_1 <- sqrt(true_var_1)
true_var_2 <- reldisp * true_mean_2^2 + true_mean_2
true_sd_2 <- sqrt(true_var_2)
## No tree
dataset <- "no_tree"
no_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## us tree
dataset <- "tree"
us_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
tree = tree,
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## Comparisons
mean_no_tree <- colMeans(no_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
sd_no_tree <- matrixStats::colSds(no_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
mean_us_tree <- colMeans(us_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
sd_us_tree <- matrixStats::colSds(us_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_mean_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 2]), true_mean_2, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_mean_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), true_mean_2, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_no_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_sd_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_us_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_sd_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_no_tree[id_cond == 2]),
mean(sd_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), tol = 1e-2)
test_that("Moments of the Negative Binomial and Log Normal are the same, with shift, random tree, with replicates and varying prop.var.tree", {
tdir <- tempdir()
## Tree and conds
n <- 20
tree_norep <- ape::rphylo(n, 1, 0)
r <- 2
n <- r * n
tree <- add_replicates(tree_norep, r)
id_species <- sub("_.*$", "", tree$tip.label)
id_species <- factor(id_species)
names(id_species) <- tree$tip.label
## Condn alternate tips
species_names <- unique(sub("_.*$", "", tree$tip.label))
cond_species <- rep(c(1, 2), length(species_names) / 2)
names(cond_species) <- species_names
id_cond <- id_species
id_cond <- cond_species[as.vector(id_cond)]
id_cond <- as.factor(id_cond)
names(id_cond) <- names(id_species)
## Parameters
n.vars <- 5000
relmean <- 100
reldisp <- 0.1
seqdepth <- 50000
n.diffexp <- n.vars / 2
effect.size <- 2
true_mean_1 <- seqdepth / n.vars
true_mean_2 <- 2 * seqdepth * (effect.size + 1) / n.vars / (effect.size + 2)
true_var_1 <- reldisp * true_mean_1^2 + true_mean_1
true_sd_1 <- sqrt(true_var_1)
true_var_2 <- reldisp * true_mean_2^2 + true_mean_2
true_sd_2 <- sqrt(true_var_2)
## No tree
dataset <- "no_tree"
no_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE
## us tree
dataset <- "tree"
us_tree_sim <- compcodeR::generateSyntheticData(dataset = dataset,
n.vars = n.vars,
samples.per.cond = n / 2,
n.diffexp = n.diffexp, = 1,
seqdepth = seqdepth,
minfact = 1,
maxfact = 1,
relmeans = rep(relmean, n.vars),
dispersions = rep(reldisp, n.vars),
fraction.upregulated = 1, = FALSE, = 1,
filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0,
fraction.non.overdispersed = 0,
random.outlier.high.prob = 0,
random.outlier.low.prob = 0,
single.outlier.high.prob = 0,
single.outlier.low.prob = 0,
effect.size = effect.size,
output.file = file.path(tdir, "tmp.rds"),
tree = tree,
id.condition = id_cond,
id.species = id_species,
lengths.relmeans = NULL,
lengths.dispersions = NULL,
lengths.phylo = FALSE,
prop.var.tree = runif(n.vars)
## Comparisons
mean_no_tree <- colMeans(no_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
sd_no_tree <- matrixStats::colSds(no_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
mean_us_tree <- colMeans(us_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
sd_us_tree <- matrixStats::colSds(us_tree_sim@count.matrix[1:n.diffexp, ])
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_mean_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_no_tree[id_cond == 2]), true_mean_2, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_mean_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(mean_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), true_mean_2, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_no_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_sd_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_us_tree[id_cond == 1]), true_sd_1, tol = 1e-2)
testthat::expect_equal(mean(sd_no_tree[id_cond == 2]),
mean(sd_us_tree[id_cond == 2]), tol = 1e-2)
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