
Defines functions peakwidth_est

Documented in peakwidth_est

#' @title peakwidth_est
#' @description This function is designed to generate peak width estimates for
#' each TIC peak detected by sliding window analysis.
#' @param peak_vector A numeric vector with names of specific time points of the
#' chromatography data measured. The numeric values correspond to indiciess
#' within the total chromatographic data that span the peak width.
#' @param time This vector contains the time measurements during the
#' chromatography. This vector is used to match the values in peak_vector
#' to the names in the intensity vector.
#' @param intensity A measured intensity values for chromatorgraphy
#' @param start A numeric index indicating where peak starts. Leave null.
#' @param end The same as above, leave null.
#' @param old_r2 A previous fit of model used to judge recursion of fit.
#' @details This function takes in one peak vector at a time and runs a linear
#' model on the selected start and end points of a peak. By measuring the
#' change of the fit of the model, the function returns an index of values
#' corresponding to a peak. This function works recursively to estimate
#' the width of the peak. Ultimately, it returns the names of the final
#' points in the peak.
#' @return This function returns a scalar value representing the estimated peak
#' width for a given peak.
peakwidth_est <- function(peak_vector,
                          start = NULL,
                          end = NULL,
                          old_r2 = NULL) {

    killSwitch <- FALSE

    # check to make sure input values come from vector
    if(!is.numeric(peak_vector)) {
        warning(paste("A non numeric vector was given to peakwidth_est().",
                "This is incorrect. Check the function input."))

    # updating data values to put into regression

    if(!is.null(start)) { # case where we are in second + iteration of algorithm

        end <- end + 1

    } else { # case where the algorithm is run for the first time

        peak_index <- which(time %in% peak_vector)
        if(length(peak_index) == 0) {
            stop(paste("The peak entered here could not be matched to the",
                 "chromatography data."))

        start <- peak_index[1] - 1
        end <- peak_index[length(peak_index)]


    # terms for lm
    points <- c(start,start-1,start-2,start-3,end,end+1,end+2,end+3)
    intensityObs <- intensity[points]
    modelIndex <- seq_along(intensityObs)

    # correcting na formation within intensity observation vector
    if(any(is.na(intensityObs))) {

        naObsIndex <- which(is.na(intensityObs))
        modelIndex <- modelIndex[-naObsIndex]
        intensityObs <- intensityObs[-naObsIndex]
        killSwitch <- TRUE


    # running smoothing spline on the data
    if(sum(!is.na(peak_vector)) > 1) {
        splineOut <- smooth.spline(modelIndex, intensityObs)
        splineObs <- splineOut$fit$coef
        splineIndex <- seq_along(splineObs)
    } else {
        splineObs <- intensityObs
    splineIndex <- seq_along(splineObs)

    # running a linear model on the outcome of the spline
    chrom_table <- data.frame(splineIndex, splineObs)
    model <- lm(formula = splineObs ~ splineIndex, data = chrom_table)
    new_r2 <- summary(model)$r.squared

    # used for comparison with previous itterations
    if(is.null(old_r2)) {
        old_r2 <- 0

    # recursive case - returns previously calculated model fit if improvement
    if((old_r2 > new_r2 | old_r2 > .9) | killSwitch == TRUE) {

    # make sure to return numerical index of fit - not the values being compared
    peak_width <- c(peakStart = start-3, peakEnd = end+3)

    } else {
        peakwidth_est(peak_vector, time, intensity, start,
                      end, old_r2 = new_r2)
crmclean/AutoTuner documentation built on Jan. 29, 2021, 4:48 p.m.