test_that("acosh_transformation works", {
mat <- matrix(rpois(n = 10 * 4, lambda = 0.3), nrow = 10, ncol = 4)
expect_equal(acosh_transform(mat, size_factors = 1), .acosh_trans_impl(mat, 0.05))
# Setting the overdispersion works
alpha <- rnorm(10)^2
expect_equal(acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = alpha, size_factors = 1), .acosh_trans_impl(mat, alpha))
# Exact zeros in overdispersion work
sel <- which.max(rowSums(mat))
alpha[sel] <- 0
res <- acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = alpha, size_factors = 1)
expect_equal(res[-sel, ], .acosh_trans_impl(mat[-sel, ], alpha = alpha[-sel]))
expect_equal(res[sel, ], .sqrt_trans_impl(mat[sel, ]))
alpha <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 4)^2, nrow = 10, ncol = 4)
expect_equal(acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = alpha, size_factors = 1), .acosh_trans_impl(mat, alpha))
# Check vector
expect_equal(acosh_transform(1:3), .acosh_trans_impl(1:3, alpha = 0.05))
test_that("acosh_transformation works for sparse input", {
mat <- matrix(rpois(n = 10 * 4, lambda = 0.3), nrow = 10, ncol = 4)
sp_mat <- as(mat, "dgCMatrix")
expect_equal(acosh_transform(sp_mat), as(acosh_transform(mat), "dgCMatrix"))
expect_s4_class(acosh_transform(sp_mat), "CsparseMatrix")
# Setting the overdispersion works
alpha <- rnorm(10)^2
expect_equal(acosh_transform(sp_mat, overdispersion = alpha),
as(acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = alpha), "dgCMatrix"))
# Exact zeros in overdispersion work
sel <- which.max(rowSums(mat))
alpha[sel] <- 0
expect_equal(acosh_transform(sp_mat, overdispersion = alpha),
as(acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = alpha), "dgCMatrix"))
test_that("acosh_transform calling to glm_gp works as expected", {
mat <- matrix(rpois(n = 10 * 4, lambda = 0.3), nrow = 10, ncol = 4)
sp_mat <- as(mat, "dgCMatrix")
expect_equal(acosh_transform(sp_mat, overdispersion = TRUE, on_disk = FALSE),
acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = TRUE), ignore_attr = TRUE)
fit <- glmGamPoi::glm_gp(mat, overdispersion_shrinkage = TRUE)
expect_equal(acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = TRUE),
acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$dispersion_trend), ignore_attr = TRUE)
fit <- glmGamPoi::glm_gp(mat, overdispersion_shrinkage = FALSE)
expect_equal(acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = TRUE, overdispersion_shrinkage = FALSE),
acosh_transform(mat, overdispersion = fit$overdispersions), ignore_attr = TRUE)
test_that("the transition from acosh to sqrt is smooth", {
expect_lt(acosh_transform(3, overdispersion = 1e-5), acosh_transform(3, overdispersion = 0))
expect_equal(acosh_transform(3, overdispersion = 1e-5), acosh_transform(3, overdispersion = 0), tolerance = 1e-4)
test_that("shifted log is correct", {
# Values between 1e-10 and 1e6
xg <- rchisq(100, df = 0.3) * 1e6
alpha <- 0.3
expect_equal(.log_plus_alpha_impl(xg, alpha = alpha), 1/sqrt(alpha) * (log(xg + 1/(4 * alpha)) + log(4 * alpha)))
# Zero stays zero
expect_equal(.log_plus_alpha_impl(0, alpha = alpha), 1/sqrt(alpha) * (log(0 + 1/(4 * alpha)) + log(4 * alpha)))
test_that("shifted_log_transform errors if overdispersion and pseudo_count are specified", {
expect_silent(shifted_log_transform(3, overdispersion = 0.01))
expect_silent(shifted_log_transform(3, pseudo_count = 1))
expect_silent(shifted_log_transform(3, overdispersion = 0.01, pseudo_count = 1/(4 * 0.01)))
test_that("acosh, sqrt, and shifted log converge to each other", {
acosh_transform(1e5), tolerance = 1e-4)
expect_equal(acosh_transform(5, overdispersion = 1e-6),
2 * sqrt(5), tolerance = 1e-4)
test_that("different input types work", {
n_genes <- 100
n_cells <- 500
beta0 <- rnorm(n = n_genes, mean = 2, sd = 0.3)
sf <- rchisq(n = n_cells, df = 100)
sf <- sf / mean(sf)
Mu <- exp( beta0 %*% t(log(sf)) )
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = n_genes * n_cells, mu = Mu, size = 0.1), nrow = n_genes, ncol = n_cells)
fit <- glmGamPoi::glm_gp(Y, design = ~ 1)
# matrix
res <- acosh_transform(Y, verbose = TRUE)
# glmGamPoi
res2 <- acosh_transform(fit)
# SummarizedExperiment
res3 <- acosh_transform(fit$data)
expect_equal(res, res2)
expect_equal(res, res3)
test_that("overdispersion handling works", {
n_genes <- 100
n_cells <- 500
beta0 <- rnorm(n = n_genes, mean = 2, sd = 0.3)
sf <- rchisq(n = n_cells, df = 100)
sf <- sf / mean(sf)
Mu <- exp( beta0 %*% t(log(sf)) )
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = n_genes * n_cells, mu = Mu, size = 0.1), nrow = n_genes, ncol = n_cells)
fit <- glmGamPoi::glm_gp(Y, design = ~ 1)
res1 <- acosh_transform(Y, overdispersion = TRUE)
res2 <- acosh_transform(Y, overdispersion = fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$dispersion_trend)
expect_equal(res1, res2)
res3 <- shifted_log_transform(Y, overdispersion = TRUE)
res4 <- shifted_log_transform(Y, overdispersion = fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$dispersion_trend)
expect_equal(res3, res4)
fit <- glmGamPoi::glm_gp(Y, design = ~ 1, overdispersion_shrinkage = TRUE)
res5 <- acosh_transform(Y, overdispersion = TRUE)
res6 <- acosh_transform(Y, overdispersion = fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$dispersion_trend)
expect_equal(res5, res6)
res7 <- shifted_log_transform(Y, overdispersion = TRUE)
res8 <- shifted_log_transform(Y, overdispersion = fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$dispersion_trend)
expect_equal(res7, res8)
test_that("on_disk works", {
n_genes <- 100
n_cells <- 30
beta0 <- rnorm(n = n_genes, mean = 2, sd = 0.3)
sf <- rchisq(n = n_cells, df = 100)
sf <- sf / mean(sf)
Mu <- exp( beta0 %*% t(log(sf)) )
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = n_genes * n_cells, mu = Mu, size = 0.1), nrow = n_genes, ncol = n_cells)
Y_hdf5 <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(Y)
res <- acosh_transform(Y)
res1 <- acosh_transform(Y_hdf5)
res2 <- acosh_transform(Y, on_disk = TRUE)
expect_s4_class(res1, "DelayedMatrix")
expect_s4_class(res2, "DelayedMatrix")
expect_equal(res, as.matrix(res1))
expect_equal(res, as.matrix(res2))
Y_sp <- as(Y, "dgCMatrix")
Y_sp_hdf5 <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(Y_sp)
res3 <- acosh_transform(Y_sp)
res4 <- acosh_transform(Y_sp_hdf5)
res5 <- acosh_transform(Y_sp, on_disk = TRUE)
expect_equal(res3, as(res4, "dgCMatrix"), ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equal(res3, as(res5, "dgCMatrix"), ignore_attr = TRUE)
test_that("Clipping works for Pearson residuals", {
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 30, mu = 3, size = 1/0.15), nrow = 10, ncol = 5)
resid1 <- residual_transform(Y, "pearson", clipping = FALSE)
resid2 <- residual_transform(Y, "pearson", clipping = TRUE)
clip <- sqrt(5)
large_clip <- resid1 > clip
small_clip <- resid1 < -clip
expect_equal(resid2[large_clip], rep(clip, sum(large_clip)))
expect_equal(resid2[small_clip], rep(-clip, sum(small_clip)))
expect_equal(resid2[! (large_clip | small_clip)],
resid1[! (large_clip | small_clip)])
resid3 <- residual_transform(Y, "pearson", clipping = 0.234)
clip <- 0.234
large_clip <- resid1 > clip
small_clip <- resid1 < -clip
expect_equal(resid3[large_clip], rep(clip, sum(large_clip)))
expect_equal(resid3[small_clip], rep(-clip, sum(small_clip)))
expect_equal(resid3[! (large_clip | small_clip)],
resid1[! (large_clip | small_clip)])
test_that("Analytic Pearson residual implementation works", {
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 30, mu = 3, size = 1/0.15), nrow = 10, ncol = 5)
Y_sp <- as(Y, "dgCMatrix")
Y_hdf5 <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(Y)
Y_sp_hdf5 <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(Y_sp)
resid1 <- residual_transform(Y, "pearson")
resid2 <- residual_transform(Y, "analytic_pearson")
resid3 <- residual_transform(Y, "analytic_pearson", size_factors = "poscounts")
resid4 <- residual_transform(Y_sp, "analytic_pearson")
resid5 <- residual_transform(Y_hdf5, "analytic_pearson")
resid6 <- residual_transform(Y_sp_hdf5, "analytic_pearson")
resid7 <- residual_transform(Y, "analytic_pearson", overdispersion = 0.05 + rnorm(10, sd = 0.001))
expect_equal(resid2, as.matrix(resid4), ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equal(resid2, as.matrix(resid5), ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equal(resid2, as.matrix(resid6), ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_true(all(diag(cor(resid1, resid2)) > 0.95))
expect_true(all(diag(cor(resid1, resid3)) > 0.95))
expect_true(all(diag(cor(resid1, as.matrix(resid4))) > 0.95))
expect_true(all(diag(cor(resid1, as.matrix(resid5))) > 0.95))
expect_true(all(diag(cor(resid1, as.matrix(resid6))) > 0.95))
expect_true(all(diag(cor(resid1, as.matrix(resid7))) > 0.95))
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