###### parameter class generics #####
#' Parameter objects
#' Gets or sets the object of a parameter e.g. to an entity() object.
#' @param obj An object derived from struct_class
#' @param name Name of parameter
#' @param value A valid value for the parameter being set
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{param_obj(M,name)}}{Returns the named parameter as an object}
#' \item{\code{param_obj(M,name)<-}}{Sets the named parameter of an object}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # get the parameter as an object
#' M = example_model()
#' obj = param_obj(M, 'value_0')
#' # set a parameter as an object
#' param_obj(M, 'value_0') = entity(value = 15,type = 'numeric',name='value_0')
#' @export
#' @rdname param_obj
#' @rdname param_obj
#' @export
#' Verify parameter
#' Verify that the input name is a valid input parameter for an object
#' @param obj An object derived from struct_class
#' @param name Name of parameter
#' @return TRUE if parameter name is valid, FALSE if not
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' is_param(M,'value_1') # TRUE
#' is_param(M,'alpha') # FALSE
#' @export
#' @rdname is_param
#' Parameter identifiers
#' return a list of valid parameter ids for an object
#' @param obj An object derived from struct_class
#' @return list of parameter ids
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' param_ids(M)
#' @export
#' @rdname param_ids
#' Parameter name
#' Returns the name for a parameter, if available
#' @param obj An object derived from struct_class
#' @param name Name of parameter
#' @return name of parameter
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' param_name(M,'value_1')
#' @export
#' @rdname param_name
#' Parameter list
#' get/set a named list of parameters and thier current value for an object
#' @param obj An object derived from struct_class
#' @param value A named list of parameters and corresponding values
#' @return A named list of parameters names and corresponding values
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' L = param_list(M)
#' M = example_model()
#' param_list(M) = list('value_1' = 15,'value_2' = 20)
#' @export
#' @rdname param_list
#' @rdname param_list
#' @export
#' Parameter values
#' get/set the values for a parameter.
#' @param obj A model or iterator object derived from structclass
#' @param name Name of parameter
#' @param value A valid value for the parameter being set
#' @return Value of parameter
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' param_value(M,'value_1')
#' M = example_model()
#' param_value(M,'value_1') = 0.95
#' @export
#' @rdname param_value
#' @rdname param_value
#' @export
###### output class generics #####
#' Output identifiers
#' return a list of valid output ids for an object
#' @param obj A model or iterator object derived from the *struct* class
#' @return list of output ids
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' output_ids(M)
#' @export
#' output values
#' get/set the values for an output_
#' @param obj A model or iterator object derived from the *struct* class
#' @param name Name of output
#' @param value A valid value for the output being set
#' @return Value of output
#' @rdname output_value
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' output_value(M,'result_1')
#' @export
#' @rdname output_value
#' @return struct object
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' output_value(M,'result_1') = DatasetExperiment()
#' @export
#' Output objects
#' Gets or sets the object of an output e.g. to an entity() object.
#' @param obj A model or iterator object derived from the *struct* class
#' @param name Name of output
#' @param value A valid value for the output being set
#' @rdname output_obj
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{output_obj(M,name)}}{returns the named output as an object}
#' \item{\code{output_obj(M,name)<-}}{sets the named output of an object}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # get the output as an object
#' M = example_model()
#' obj = output_obj(M, 'result_1')
#' # set a output as an object
#' output_obj(M, 'result_1') = entity(value = 15,type = 'numeric',name = 'result_1')
#' @export
#' @rdname output_obj
#' Verify output
#' Verify that the name of a output is valid for an object
#' @param obj A model or iterator object derived from the *struct* class
#' @param name Name of output
#' @return TRUE if output name is valid, FALSE if not
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' is_output(M,'result_1') # TRUE
#' is_output(M,'result_0') # FALSE
#' @export
#' output name
#' return a the name for a output, if available
#' @param obj A model or iterator object derived from the *struct* class
#' @param name Name of output
#' @return name of output
#' M = example_model()
#' output_name(M,'result_1')
#' @export
#' output list
#' get/set a named list of outputs and their current value for an object
#' @param obj An object derived from struct_class
#' @param value A named list of outputs and corresponding values
#' @return A named list of outputs and corresponding values
#' @rdname output_list
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' L = output_list(M)
#' @export
#' @rdname output_list
#' @return struct object
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' output_list(M) = list('result_1' = DatasetExperiment(),'result_2' = DatasetExperiment())
#' @export
###### chart class generics #####
#' chart names
#' Returns a list of valid charts for a struct object
#' The chart_names method searches for chart objects associated with the unput object.
#' @param obj An object derived from the struct_class object
#' @param ret A string indicating whether a list of objects ('obj') or a list of chart
#' names ('char') is returned. 'char' is default.
#' @return list of chart names, or a list of chart objects
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' chart_names(M) # 'example_chart'
#' chart_names(M,'char') # as above
#' chart_names(M,'obj') # returns a list of chart objects
#' @export
#' chart_plot
#' Plots a chart object
#' The optional optional inputs depend on the input object/chart, but might
#' include an additional dataset object or a second model object, for example.
#' @param obj A chart object
#' @param dobj An object derived from struct_class
#' @param ... optional inputs
#' @rdname chart_plot
#' @return a plot object
#' @examples
#' C = example_chart()
#' chart_plot(C,iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' @export
setGeneric("chart_plot",function(obj, dobj, ...)standardGeneric("chart_plot"))
###### model class generics #####
#' Apply a model
#' Applies a method to the input dataset
#' @param M a `method` object
#' @param D another object used by the first
#' @param ... other optional inputs
#' @return Returns a modified method object
#' @rdname model_apply
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' M = model_apply(M,iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' @export
#' Train a model
#' Trains a model using the input dataset
#' @param M a model object
#' @param D a dataset object
#' @param ... other optional inputs
#' @return Returns a modified model object
#' @rdname train
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' M = model_train(M,iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' @export
#' Model prediction
#' Apply a model using the input dataset. Assumes the model is trained
#' first.
#' @param M a model object
#' @param D a dataset object
#' @param ... other optional inputs
#' @return Returns a modified model object
#' @rdname predict
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' M = model_predict(M,iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' @export
#' Reverse preprocessing
#' Reverse the effect of a preprocessing step on a dataset_
#' @param M a model object
#' @param D a dataset object
#' @param ... other optional inputs
#' @return Returns a modified dataset object
#' @rdname model_reverse
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' D = model_reverse(M,iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' @export
#' Predicted output name
#' get/set the prediction output for a model_ This determines which outputs from
#' this model are supplied as inputs to the next model when used in a model_seq
#' @param M a model object
#' @param value name of an output for this model
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{predicted_name}}{returns the name of the predicted output}
#' \item{\code{predicted_name<-}}{sets the name of the predicted output}
#' }
#' @rdname predicted_name
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' predicted_name(M)
#' predicted_name(M) = 'result_2'
#' @export
#' @rdname predicted_name
#' Sequence input
#' get/set the input parameter replaced by the output of the previous model in
#' a model sequence. Default is "data" which passes the output as the data input
#' for methods such as \code{model_train} and \code{model_apply}.
#' @param M a model object
#' @param value name of an output for this model
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{seq_in}}{returns the name of the input parameter replaced
#' when used in a model sequence}
#' \item{\code{seq_in<-}}{sets the name of the input parameter replaced
#' when used in a model sequence}
#' }
#' @rdname seq_in
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' seq_in(M)
#' seq_in(M) = 'value_1'
#' @export
#' @rdname seq_in
#' Prediction output
#' returns the prediction output for a model_ This is supplied as input to the
#' next model when used in a model_seq
#' @param M a model object
#' @return The value returned varies depending on the output_
#' @rdname predicted
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' M = model_train(M, iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' M = model_predict(M, iris_DatasetExperiment())
#' predicted(M)
#' @export
###### model_seq class generics #####
#' Get/set models of a model_seq
#' Returns the list of models in a model_seq object
#' @param ML a model_seq object
#' @param value a list containing only model objects
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{models(ML)}}{returns a list of models in the model sequence}
#' \item{\code{models(ML)<-}}{sets the list of models in the model sequence}
#' }
#' @rdname models
#' @examples
#' # Create a model sequence
#' ML = model_seq()
#' models(ML) = list(example_model(), example_model())
#' models(ML)
#' @export
#' @rdname models
#' write a dataset object to file
#' @param object a dataset object
#' @param outfile the filename to write the data to
#' @param transpose TRUE or FALSE to transpose the output data
#' @rdname export_data
###### iterator class generics #####
#' Run iterator
#' Runs an iterator, applying the chosen model multiple times.
#' Running an iterator will apply the iterator a number of times to a dataset_
#' For example, in cross-validation the same model is applied multiple times to
#' the same data, splitting it into training and test sets. The input metric
#' object can be calculated and collected for each iteration as an output_
#' @param I an iterator object
#' @param D a dataset object
#' @param MET a metric object
#' @rdname iterator
#' @return Modified iterator object
#' @examples
#' D = iris_DatasetExperiment() # get some data
#' MET = metric() # use a metric
#' I = example_iterator() # initialise iterator
#' models(I) = example_model() # set the model
#' I = run(I,D,MET) # run
#' @export
#' Evaluate an iterator
#' Evaluates an iterator by e.g. averaging over all iterations. May be
#' deprecated in a future release as \code{evaluate} is applied by \code{run}
#' anyway.
#' @rdname iterator
#' @return Modified iterator object
#' @examples
#' D = iris_DatasetExperiment() # get some data
#' MET = metric() # use a metric
#' I = example_iterator() # initialise iterator
#' models(I) = example_model() # set the model
#' I = run(I,D,MET) # run
#' I = evaluate(I,MET) # evaluate
#' get/set output name as prediction output for a model
#' get/set the prediction output for a model_ This determines which outputs
#' from this model are supplied as inputs to the next model when used in
#' a model_seq
#' @param M an iterator object
#' @param I an iterator object
#' @param value name of an output for iterator M
#' @rdname result_name
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{result_name(M)}}{returns the name of the output for this iterator
#' (equivalent to \code{predicted} for model objects)}
#' \item{\code{result_name(I)<-}}{sets the default output for an iterator}
#' }
#' @examples
#' I = example_iterator() # initialise iterator
#' result_name(I)
#' result_name(I) = 'result_1'
#' @export
#' @rdname result_name
#' Iterator result
#' Returns the results of an iterator. This is used to control model flow in a
#' similar way to \code{predict} for model and model_seq objects.
#' @param M an iterator object
#' @rdname result
#' @return the returned output varies with the algorithm implemented
#' @examples
#' D = iris_DatasetExperiment() # get some data
#' MET = metric() # use a metric
#' I = example_iterator() # initialise iterator
#' models(I) = example_model() # set the model
#' I = run(I,D,MET) # run
#' result(I)
#' @export
###### metric class generics #####
#' Calculate metric
#' @param obj a metric object
#' @param value value
#' @param ... additional inputs depending on object
#' @rdname metric
#' @examples
#' MET = metric()
#' calculate(MET)
#' @export
setGeneric("calculate",function(obj, ...)standardGeneric("calculate"))
#' get the value for a metric
#' @return value the calculated value of a metric
#' @rdname metric
#' @export
#' set the value for a metric
#' @rdname metric
#' get the max value vector length for an entity
#' @param obj an entity object
#' @return max value vector length for an entity
#' @rdname entity
#' @export
#' set the value for a metric
#' @rdname metric
###### stato class generics #####
#' get the stato_id for an object
#' @return id the stato id
#' @param obj stato_class object
#' @rdname stato
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' stato_id(M)
#' stato_name(M)
#' stato_definition(M)
#' stato_summary(M)
#' @export
#' get the stato name for an object
#' @return name the stato name
#' @rdname stato
#' @export
#' get the stato name for an object
#' @return def the stato description
#' @rdname stato
#' @export
#' display a stato summary of the object
#' @rdname stato
#' @export
#' Convert a DatasetExperiment to a SummarizedExperiment
#' Converts a DatasetExperiment to SummarizedExperiment. The assay data is
#' transposed, and colData and rowData switched to match. struct specific
#' slots such as "name" and "description" are stored in the metaData.
#' @param obj a DatasetExperiment object
#' @return a SummarizedExperiment object
#' @export
#' Convert a SummarizedExperiment to DatasetExperiment
#' Converts a SummarizedExperiment to DatasetExperiment. The assay data is
#' transposed, and colData and rowData switched to match. struct specific
#' slots such as "name" and "description" are extracted from the metaData.
#' @param obj a SummarizedExperiment object
#' @return a DatasetExperiment object
#' @export
#' Convert to code
#' Prints a block of code that can be used to replicate the input object.
#' @param M a struct model, model_seq or iterator object
#' @param start text prepended to the code. Default is "M = "
#' @param mode "compact" will use the least amount of lines, "expanded" will
#' put each object and input on a new line. "neat" will produce an output
#' somewhere between "compact" and "expanded".
#' @param quiet TRUE or FALSE to print code to console
#' @return A string of code to reproduce the input object.
#' @export
#' @rdname as.code
#' @examples
#' M = example_model(value_1 = 10)
#' as.code(M)
setGeneric('as.code',function(M,start='M = ',mode='compact',quiet=FALSE)standardGeneric("as.code"))
#' convert to data.frame
#' Most often used with univariate statistics to gather all the different outputs in a consistent format.
#' @param M a struct object
#' @param ... other inputs passed through this function
#' @return a data.frame containing outputs from an object
#' @export
#' Citations for an object
#' All \code{struct} objects have a "citations" slot, which is a list of
#' references in bibtex format. The \code{citations} method gathers
#' citations from an object and all \code{struct} objects that it inherits to generate
#' a complete list.
#' @param obj a struct object
#' @return a character array of citations
#' @examples
#' D = iris_DatasetExperiment()
#' D$citations # the list specifically defined for this object
#' citations(D) # the list for this object and all inherited ones
#' @rdname citations
#' @export
#' Libraries for an object
#' All \code{struct} objects have a "libraries" slot, which is a character array of
#' libraries required to use the object. The \code{libraries} method gathers
#' libraries from an object and all \code{struct} objects that it inherits to generate
#' a complete list.
#' @param obj a struct object
#' @return a character array of R packages needed by the object
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' libraries(M)
#' @rdname libraries
#' @export
#' Ontology for an object
#' All \code{struct} objects have an "ontology" slot, which is a list of
#' ontology items for the object. The \code{ontology} method gathers
#' ontology items from an object and all \code{struct} objects that it inherits to generate
#' a complete list.
#' @param obj a struct object
#' @param cache a named list of ontology_terms for offline use. Terms from the cache are search
#' based on the name of the list items matching the ontology id. If cache=NULL then the OLS API is used to lookup terms.
#' @examples
#' M = example_model()
#' ontology(M,cache=NULL)
#' @rdname ontology
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
setGeneric('.DollarNames', package='utils')
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