
context ("Test sbc_plot function")

classes <- MTBLS79$Class
batch <- MTBLS79$Batch
order <- c(1 : ncol(MTBLS79))
data <- assay(MTBLS79)[1:10, ]

test_that ("sbc_plot returns ggplot output", {

  out <- QCRSC(df = data, order = order, batch = batch, classes = classes,
    spar = 0, minQC = 4)

  plots <- sbc_plot(df = data, corrected_df = out, 
    classes, batch, output=NULL, indexes=c(1,5,7))
  testthat::expect_s3_class(plots[[1]], "ggplot")
  # Empty plots are getting removed from the list object
  testthat::expect_true(length(plots) == 3)


test_that ("sbcmsPlot returns ggplot output, with different QC sample label", {
  classes2 <- classes
  classes2[classes == "QC"] <- "Quality"

  out <- QCRSC(df = data, order = order, batch = batch, classes = classes2,
               spar = 0, minQC = 4, qc_label="Quality")
  plots <- sbc_plot(df = data, corrected_df = out, 
                     classes, batch, output=NULL, indexes=c(1,5,7), qc_label="Quality")
  testthat::expect_s3_class(plots[[1]], "ggplot")
  # Empty plots are getting removed from the list object
  testthat::expect_true(length(plots) == 3)

test_that ("sbcmsPlot returns pdf output", {
  data <- data[1:2, ]
  out <- QCRSC(df = data, order = order, batch = batch, classes = classes,
    spar = 0, minQC = 4)
  pdf_output <- tempfile()
  testthat::expect_warning(sbc_plot (df = data, corrected_df = out, classes, 
    batch, output=pdf_output))

test_that ("sbcmsPlot returns output for the first 100 features if
  indexes=NULL", {
  data <- assay(MTBLS79)[1:101, ]
  out <- QCRSC(df = data, order = order, batch = batch, classes = classes,
               spar = 0, minQC = 4)
  plots <- sbc_plot (df = data, corrected_df = out, classes, batch, output=NULL)
  testthat::expect_true(length(plots) == 100)
computational-metabolomics/pmp documentation built on March 9, 2024, 4:25 p.m.