#' This function allows you to plot PCA
#' @param se SummarizedExperiment object
#' @param nfeature number of features
#' @param color choose a color
#' @param shape choose a shape
#' @param assays array of assay names from `se`
#' @param xaxisPC the PC to plot as the x axis
#' @param yaxisPC the PC to plot as the y axis
#' @param log_option TRUE if data should be logged before plotting (recommended
#' for sequencing counts), FALSE if data should not be logged (for instance,
#' data is already logged); FALSE by default
#' @usage PCA_plotter(se, nfeature, color, shape, assays, xaxisPC, yaxisPC,
#' log_option = FALSE)
#' @return List containing PCA info, PCA variance and PCA plot
#' @examples
#' library(scran)
#' se <- mockSCE()
#' se_object_ComBat_Seq <- BatchQC::batch_correct(se, method = "ComBat-Seq",
#' assay_to_normalize = "counts",
#' batch = "Mutation_Status",
#' covar = "Treatment",
#' output_assay_name =
#' "ComBat_Seq_Corrected")
#' pca_plot <- BatchQC::PCA_plotter(se = se_object_ComBat_Seq,
#' nfeature = 2, color = "Mutation_Status",
#' shape = "Treatment",
#' assays = c("counts", "ComBat_Seq_Corrected"),
#' xaxisPC = 1, yaxisPC = 2, log_option = FALSE)
#' pca_plot$plot
#' pca_plot$var_explained
#' @export
PCA_plotter <- function(se, nfeature, color, shape,
assays, xaxisPC, yaxisPC, log_option = FALSE) {
pca_plot_data <- data.frame()
var_explained_data <- NULL
coldata <- data.frame(colData(se))
for (assay in assays){
if (! assay %in% names(se@assays)) {
warning(sprintf('"%s" is not an available assay', assay))
}else {
# Preprocess data
data <- preprocess(se, assay, nfeature, log_option)
centered <- data - rowMeans(data) / matrixStats::rowSds(data)
coldata <- data.frame(colData(se))
pca <- stats::prcomp(t(centered), center = FALSE)
# Get variance explained
var_explained <- summary(pca)$importance["Proportion of Variance", ]
var_explained_df <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(var_explained),
if (is.null(var_explained_data)) {
var_explained_data <- var_explained_df
}else {
var_explained_data <- cbind(var_explained_data,
# Extract PC data
pca_data <- as.data.frame(pca$x)
# Annotate with assay name
pca_data['assay'] <- assay
# Merge metadata
pca_md <- cbind(coldata, pca_data)
pca_md$sample <- rownames(coldata)
# Add to data
pca_plot_data <- rbind(pca_plot_data, pca_md)
# Reorder data
pca_plot_data$assay <- factor(pca_plot_data$assay, levels = assays)
var_explained_data <- var_explained_data[c(xaxisPC, yaxisPC), ,
drop = FALSE]
plot <- plot_data(pca_plot_data, color, shape, xaxisPC, yaxisPC)
return(list(PCA = pca_plot_data, var_explained = var_explained_data,
plot = plot))
#' This function formats the PCA plot using ggplot
#' @param pca_plot_data Data for all assays to plot
#' @param color variable that will be plotted as color
#' @param shape variable that will be plotted as shape
#' @param xaxisPC the PC to plot as the x axis
#' @param yaxisPC the PC to plot as the y axis
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return PCA plot
plot_data <- function(pca_plot_data, color, shape, xaxisPC, yaxisPC) {
pca_plot_data[, c(color)] <- factor(pca_plot_data[, color])
pca_plot_data[, c(shape)] <- factor(pca_plot_data[, shape])
xaxisPC <- paste0('PC', xaxisPC)
yaxisPC <- paste0('PC', yaxisPC)
PCAplot <- ggplot(pca_plot_data,
aes_string(x = xaxisPC,
y = yaxisPC,
color = color,
shape = shape,
sample = 'sample')) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
facet_wrap(vars(assay), ncol = 2, scales = 'free')
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