#' Returns a list of explained variation by batch and condition
#' combinations
#' @param se Summarized experiment object
#' @param batch Batch covariate
#' @param condition Condition covariate(s) of interest if desired, default is
#' @param assay_name Assay of choice
#' @importFrom stats formula model.matrix
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @return List of explained variation by batch and condition
#' @examples
#' library(scran)
#' se <- mockSCE()
#' batchqc_explained_variation <- BatchQC::batchqc_explained_variation(se,
#' batch = "Mutation_Status",
#' condition = "Treatment",
#' assay_name = "counts")
#' batchqc_explained_variation
#' @export
### Check if batch and conditions are linearly independent
### Check if batch and condition variables are factors
# (in Shiny, only let the user choose batch and conditions that are factors)
batchqc_explained_variation <- function(se, batch, condition = NULL,
assay_name) {
se <- check_valid_input(se, batch, condition)
sample_info <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(se)
assay_dat <- t(assay(se, assay_name))
## Total RSS
mus <- matrix(colMeans(assay_dat), nrow(assay_dat), ncol(assay_dat),
byrow = TRUE)
res_total <- colSums((assay_dat - mus)^2)
## Full RSS and SST
covs <- c(batch, condition)
model_full <- stats::formula(paste("~", paste(covs, collapse = " + ")))
design_full <- stats::model.matrix(model_full, data = sample_info)
res_full <- get.res(assay_dat, design_full)
EV_table_ind <- EV_table_type2 <- data.frame(Explained = res_total -
### individual SSE and Type 2 SSE
for (j in seq_len(length(covs))){
### individual
model_ind <- stats::formula(paste("~ ", covs[j], sep = ''))
design_ind <- stats::model.matrix(model_ind, data = sample_info)
res_ind <- get.res(assay_dat, design_ind)
EV_table_ind[covs[j]] <- res_total - res_ind
### Type2
if (is.null(condition)) {
EV_table_type2[covs[j]] <- EV_table_ind[covs[j]]
} else {
model_alt <- stats::formula(paste("~",
paste(covs[-j], collapse = " + ")))
design_alt <- stats::model.matrix(model_alt, data = sample_info)
res_alt <- get.res(assay_dat, design_alt)
EV_table_type2[covs[j]] <- res_alt - res_full
EV_table_ind["Unexplained"] <- EV_table_type2["Unexplained"] <- res_full
EV_table_ind <- round(100 * EV_table_ind / res_total, 2)
EV_table_type2 <- round(100 * EV_table_type2 / res_total, 2)
return(list(EV_table_ind = EV_table_ind, EV_table_type2 = EV_table_type2))
#' Helper function to get residuals
#' @param y assay
#' @param X model matrix design
#' @return residuals
get.res <- function(y, X) {
colSums((y - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y)^2)
#' Helper function to save variables as factors if not already factors
#' @param se se object
#' @param batch batch
#' @param condition condition
#' @return se se object
#' @keywords Internal
check_valid_input <- function(se, batch, condition) {
if (!is.factor(se[[batch]])) {
se[[batch]] <- as.factor(se[[batch]])
}else if (!is.null(condition)) {
for (variable in condition){
if (!is.factor(se[[variable]])) {
se[[variable]] <- as.factor(se[[variable]])
#' This function allows you to plot explained variation
#' @param batchqc_ev table of explained variation from
#' batchqc_explained_variation
#' @import reshape2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return boxplot of explained variation
#' @examples
#' library(scran)
#' se <- mockSCE()
#' se$Mutation_Status <- as.factor(se$Mutation_Status)
#' se$Treatment <- as.factor(se$Treatment)
#' expl_var_result <- batchqc_explained_variation(se, batch = "Mutation_Status",
#' condition = "Treatment", assay_name = "counts")
#' EV_boxplot <- BatchQC::EV_plotter(expl_var_result[[1]])
#' EV_boxplot
#' @export
EV_plotter <- function(batchqc_ev) {
EV_boxplot <- ggplot(data =
id.vars = NULL),
aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_x_discrete(name = "") +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Percent Explained Variation") +
labs(title = "Percent of Variation Explained by Source") +
theme(legend.position = "none", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
#' EV Table
#' Returns table with percent variation explained for specified number of genes
#' @param batchqc_ev explained variation results from
#' batchqc_explained_variation
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @return List of explained variation by batch and condition
#' @examples
#' library(scran)
#' se <- mockSCE()
#' se$Mutation_Status <- as.factor(se$Mutation_Status)
#' se$Treatment <- as.factor(se$Treatment)
#' exp_var_result <- BatchQC::batchqc_explained_variation(se,
#' batch = "Mutation_Status",
#' condition = "Treatment",
#' assay_name = "counts")
#' EV_table <- BatchQC::EV_table(exp_var_result[[1]])
#' EV_table
#' @export
EV_table <- function(batchqc_ev) {
EV_table <- data.table(batchqc_ev,
keep.rownames = TRUE)
colnames(EV_table)[1] <- "Gene Name"
return(EV_table = EV_table)
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