#' Run optimized single pathway ASSIGN
#' This function runs eight ASSIGN runs based on the pathway optimizations
#' from the paper. You can run all eight pathways in serial, or call this
#' function and specify the run parameter to run a specific pathway.
#' Some ASSIGN parameters can be customized using this function. The default
#' values were used in the analysis for the paper.
#' @param indata The list of data frames from ComBat.step2
#' @param run specifies the pathways to predict. The default list will
#' cause all eight pathways to be run in serial. Specify a pathway ("akt",
#' "bad", "egfr", etc.) or list of pathways to run those pathways only.
#' @param optimized_geneList a list of custom optimized gene lists for the gfrn
#' pathways either created manually or output by optimizeGFRN
#' @param use_seed Set the seed before running ASSIGN. This will make the result
#' consistent between runs. The default is 1234. Set use_seed as FALSE to not
#' set a seed.
#' @param sigma_sZero Each element of the signature matrix (S) is modeled by a
#' spike-and-slab mixture distribution. Sigma_sZero is the variance of the
#' spike normal distribution. The default is 0.05.
#' @param sigma_sNonZero Each element of the signature matrix (S) is modeled by
#' a spike-and-slab mixture distribution. Sigma_sNonZero is the variance of the
#' slab normal distribution. The default is 0.5.
#' @param S_zeroPrior Logicals. If TRUE, the prior distribution of signature
#' follows a normal distribution with mean zero. The default is FALSE.
#' @param iter The number of iterations in the MCMC. The default is 100000.
#' @param burn_in The number of burn-in iterations. These iterations are
#' discarded when computing the posterior means of the model parameters. The
#' default is 50000.
#' @param exclude_common_genes Remove commonly differentially expressed genes
#' for overexpression signatures. The default is FALSE.
#' @param adaptive_S Logical. If TRUE, the model adapts the signatures (S) of
#' genomic measures for the test samples. The default for GFRN analysis is TRUE.
#' @param ECM Logicals. If TRUE, ECM algorithm, rather than Gibbs sampling, is
#' applied to approximate the model parameters. The default is FALSE.
#' @return Data is output to the current working directory in a results
#' directory.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' testData <- read.table(paste0("https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=0&",
#' "id=1mJICN4z_aCeh4JuPzNfm8GR_lkJOhWFr",
#' "&export=download"),
#' sep='\t', row.names=1, header=1)
#' combat.data <- ComBat.step2(testData, pcaPlots = TRUE)
#' runassignGFRN(combat.data)
#' }
#' @export runassignGFRN
runassignGFRN <- function(indata, run=c("akt", "bad", "egfr", "her2", "igf1r",
"krasgv", "raf"),
optimized_geneList=NULL, use_seed=1234,
sigma_sZero=0.05, sigma_sNonZero=0.5,
S_zeroPrior=FALSE, iter=100000, burn_in=50000,
exclude_common_genes=FALSE, adaptive_S=TRUE, ECM=FALSE) {
#list of anchor genes
anchorGeneList <- list(akt = "AKT1", bad = "BAD", egfr = "EGFR",
her2 = "ERBB2", igf1r = "IGF1R", krasgv = "KRAS",
raf = "RAF1")
#list of corresponding controls for each pathway
gfpList <- list(akt = "gfp", bad = "gfp", egfr = "egfr_gfp", her2 = "gfp",
igf1r = "gfp", krasgv = "kras_gfp", raf = "gfp")
if (is.null(optimized_geneList)) {
utils::data("gfrn_geneList", package = "ASSIGN", envir = environment())
gfrn_geneList <- get("gfrn_geneList", envir = environment())
optimized_geneList <- list(akt = c(gfrn_geneList$akt_up[1:10],
bad = c(gfrn_geneList$bad_up[1:125],
egfr = c(gfrn_geneList$egfr_up[1:25],
her2 = c(gfrn_geneList$her2_up[1:5],
igf1r = c(gfrn_geneList$igf1r_up[1:50],
krasgv = c(gfrn_geneList$krasgv_up[1:100],
raf = c(gfrn_geneList$raf_up[1:175],
for (curr_path in run) {
trainingLabel <- list()
trainingLabel[["control"]] <- list()
trainingLabel[["control"]][[curr_path]] <- seq_len(
trainingLabel[[curr_path]] <- (ncol(indata[[gfpList[[curr_path]]]]) + 1):
(ncol(indata[[gfpList[[curr_path]]]]) + ncol(indata[[curr_path]]))
if (!(anchorGeneList[curr_path] %in% rownames(indata[["test"]]))) {
warning(anchorGeneList[curr_path], " not in input data. No anchor gene ",
"will be used.")
anchorGeneList[curr_path] <- list(NULL)
excludeGeneList <- NULL
if (exclude_common_genes) {
excludegenes <- get("excludegenes", envir = environment())
excludeGeneList <- list()
excludeGeneList[curr_path] <- list(excludegenes)
if (use_seed) {
assign.wrapper(trainingData = cbind(indata[[gfpList[[curr_path]]]],
testData = indata[["test"]],
anchorGenes = anchorGeneList[curr_path],
excludeGenes = excludeGeneList,
trainingLabel = trainingLabel,
geneList = optimized_geneList[curr_path],
n_sigGene = NA,
adaptive_B = TRUE,
adaptive_S = adaptive_S,
mixture_beta = FALSE,
S_zeroPrior = S_zeroPrior,
outputDir = paste(curr_path, "_",
"_gene_list", sep = ""),
sigma_sZero = sigma_sZero, sigma_sNonZero = sigma_sNonZero,
iter = iter, burn_in = burn_in, ECM = ECM)
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