# this file contains functions to convert between Monocle cds and scran or Seurat object back and forth.
#' Export a monocle CellDataSet object to other popular single cell analysis toolkit.
#' This function takes a monocle CellDataSet and converts it to another type of object used in another popular single cell analysis toolkit. It currently
#' supports Scran and Seurat packages.
#' @param monocle_cds the Monocle CellDataSet you would like to export into a type used in another package
#' @param export_to the object type you would like to export to, either Seurat or Scater
#' @param export_all Whether or not to export all the slots in Monocle and keep in another object type. Default is FALSE (or only keep
#' minimal dataset). If export_all is setted to be true, the original monocle cds will be keeped in the other cds object too.
#' This argument is also only applicable when export_to is Seurat.
#' @return a new object in the format of another package, as described in the export_to argument.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lung <- load_lung()
#' seurat_lung <- exportCDS(lung)
#' seurat_lung_all <- exportCDS(lung, export_all = T)
#' scater_lung <- exportCDS(lung, export_to = 'Scater')
#' scater_lung_all <- exportCDS(lung, export_to = 'Scater', export_all = T)
#' }
exportCDS <- function(monocle_cds, export_to = c('Seurat', 'Scater'), export_all = FALSE) {
if(export_to == 'Seurat') {
data <- exprs(monocle_cds)
ident <- colnames(monocle_cds)
if(export_all) {
# mist_list <- list(Monocle = list(reducedDimS = monocle_cds@reducedDimS,
# reducedDimW = monocle_cds@reducedDimW,
# reducedDimA = monocle_cds@reducedDimA,
# reducedDimK = monocle_cds@reducedDimK,
# minSpanningTree = monocle_cds@minSpanningTree,
# cellPairwiseDistances = monocle_cds@cellPairwiseDistances,
# expressionFamily = monocle_cds@expressionFamily,
# dispFitInfo = monocle_cds@dispFitInfo,
# dim_reduce_type = monocle_cds@dim_reduce_type,
# auxOrderingData = monocle_cds@auxOrderingData,
# auxClusteringData = monocle_cds@auxClusteringData,
# experimentData = monocle_cds@experimentData,
# classVersion = monocle_cds@.__classVersion__,
# annotation = monocle_cds@annotation,
# protocolData = monocle_cds@protocolData,
# featureData = monocle_cds@featureData
# ))
# clean all conversion related slots
monocle_cds@auxClusteringData$seurat <- NULL
monocle_cds@auxClusteringData$scran <- NULL
mist_list <- monocle_cds
} else {
mist_list <- list()
if("use_for_ordering" %in% colnames(fData(monocle_cds))) {
var.gene <- row.names(subset(fData(monocle_cds), use_for_ordering == TRUE));
export_cds <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(raw.data = data,
normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
do.scale = TRUE,
do.center = TRUE,
is.expr = monocle_cds@lowerDetectionLimit,
project = "exportCDS",
# display.progress = FALSE,
meta.data = pData(monocle_cds))
export_cds@misc <- mist_list
export_cds@meta.data <- pData(monocle_cds)
} else if (export_to == 'Scater') {
data <- log2(exprs(monocle_cds) + 1)
pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pData(monocle_cds))
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fData(monocle_cds))
experimentData = monocle_cds@experimentData
export_cds <- scater::newSCESet(exprsData = data, countData = NULL, tpmData = NULL,
fpkmData = NULL, cpmData = NULL, phenoData = pd, featureData = fd,
experimentData = experimentData, is_exprsData = NULL,
cellPairwiseDistances = dist(vector()),
featurePairwiseDistances = dist(vector()),
lowerDetectionLimit = monocle_cds@lowerDetectionLimit,
logExprsOffset = 1)
} else {
stop('the object type you want to export to is not supported yet')
#' Import a seurat or scatter/scran CellDataSet object and convert it to a monocle cds.
#' This function takes a monocle CellDataSet and converts it to another type of object used in another popular single cell analysis toolkit. It currently
#' supports Scran and Seurat packages.
#' @param otherCDS the object you would like to convert into a monocle cds
#' @param import_all Whether or not to import all the slots in seurat or scatter. Default is FALSE (or only keep
#' minimal dataset).
#' @return a new monocle cell dataset object converted from other objects (Scatter or Seurat).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lung <- load_lung()
#' seurat_lung <- exportCDS(lung)
#' seurat_lung_all <- exportCDS(lung, export_all = T)
#' scater_lung <- exportCDS(lung, export_to = 'Scater')
#' scater_lung_all <- exportCDS(lung, export_to = 'Scater', export_all = T)
#' importCDS(seurat_lung)
#' importCDS(seurat_lung, import_all = T)
#' importCDS(seurat_lung_all)
#' importCDS(seurat_lung_all, import_all = T)
#' importCDS(scater_lung)
#' importCDS(scater_lung, import_all = T)
#' importCDS(scater_lung_all)
#' importCDS(scater_lung_all, import_all = T)
#' }
importCDS <- function(otherCDS, import_all = FALSE) {
if(class(otherCDS)[1] == 'seurat') {
data <- otherCDS@raw.data
if(class(data) == "data.frame") {
data <- as(as.matrix(data), "sparseMatrix")
pd <- tryCatch( {
pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = otherCDS@meta.data)
#warning = function(w) { },
error = function(e) {
pData <- data.frame(cell_id = colnames(data), row.names = colnames(data))
pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pData)
message("This Seurat object doesn't provide any meta data");
# remove filtered cells from Seurat
if(length(setdiff(colnames(data), rownames(pd))) > 0) {
data <- data[, rownames(pd)]
fData <- data.frame(gene_short_name = row.names(data), row.names = row.names(data))
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fData)
lowerDetectionLimit <- otherCDS@is.expr
if(all(data == floor(data))) {
expressionFamily <- negbinomial.size()
} else if(any(data < 0)){
expressionFamily <- uninormal()
} else {
expressionFamily <- tobit()
valid_data <- data[, row.names(pd)]
monocle_cds <- newCellDataSet(data,
phenoData = pd,
featureData = fd,
if(import_all) {
if("Monocle" %in% names(otherCDS@misc)) {
# if(slotNames(lung) == )
# monocle_cds@reducedDimS = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@reducedDimS
# monocle_cds@reducedDimW = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@reducedDimW
# monocle_cds@reducedDimA = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@reducedDimA
# monocle_cds@reducedDimK = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@reducedDimK
# monocle_cds@minSpanningTree = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@minSpanningTree
# monocle_cds@cellPairwiseDistances = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@cellPairwiseDistances
# monocle_cds@expressionFamily = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@expressionFamily
# monocle_cds@dispFitInfo = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@dispFitInfo
# monocle_cds@dim_reduce_type = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@dim_reduce_type
# monocle_cds@auxOrderingData = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@auxOrderingData
# monocle_cds@auxClusteringData = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@auxClusteringData
# monocle_cds@experimentData = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@experimentData
# monocle_cds@classVersion = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@.__classVersion__
# monocle_cds@annotation = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@annotation
# monocle_cds@protocolData = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@protocolData
# monocle_cds@featureData = otherCDS@misc$Monocle@featureData
# clean all conversion related slots
otherCDS@misc$Monocle@auxClusteringData$seurat <- NULL
otherCDS@misc$Monocle@auxClusteringData$scran <- NULL
monocle_cds <- otherCDS@misc$Monocle
mist_list <- otherCDS
} else {
# mist_list <- list(ident = ident,
# project.name = project.name,
# dr = otherCDS@dr,
# assay = otherCDS@assay,
# hvg.info = otherCDS@hvg.info,
# imputed = otherCDS@imputed,
# cell.names = otherCDS@cell.names,
# cluster.tree = otherCDS@cluster.tree,
# snn = otherCDS@snn,
# kmeans = otherCDS@kmeans,
# spatial = otherCDS@spatial,
# misc = otherCDS@misc
# )
mist_list <- otherCDS
} else {
mist_list <- list()
if("var.genes" %in% slotNames(otherCDS)) {
var.genes <- setOrderingFilter(monocle_cds, otherCDS@var.genes)
monocle_cds@auxClusteringData$seurat <- mist_list
} else if (class(otherCDS)[1] == 'SCESet') {
message('Converting the exprs data in log scale back to original scale ...')
data <- 2^otherCDS@assayData$exprs - otherCDS@logExprsOffset
fd <- otherCDS@featureData
pd <- otherCDS@phenoData
experimentData = otherCDS@experimentData
if("is.expr" %in% slotNames(otherCDS))
lowerDetectionLimit <- otherCDS@is.expr
lowerDetectionLimit <- 1
if(all(data == floor(data))) {
expressionFamily <- negbinomial.size()
} else if(any(data < 0)){
expressionFamily <- uninormal()
} else {
expressionFamily <- tobit()
if(import_all) {
# mist_list <- list(iotherCDS@sc3,
# otherCDS@reducedDimension)
mist_list <- otherCDS
} else {
mist_list <- list()
monocle_cds <- newCellDataSet(data,
phenoData = pd,
featureData = fd,
# monocle_cds@auxClusteringData$sc3 <- otherCDS@sc3
# monocle_cds@auxOrderingData$scran <- mist_list
monocle_cds@auxOrderingData$scran <- mist_list
} else {
stop('the object type you want to export to is not supported yet')
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