# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute
# File author(s): CNO developers (cno-dev@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org
# $Id$
# this is the code from simulatorT1 simulatorT1 was written in c
rSimulatorT1 <- function(CNOlist, model, simList, indexList) {
if ((class(CNOlist)=="CNOlist")==FALSE){
CNOlist = CellNOptR::CNOlist(CNOlist)
nSp <- dim(model$interMat)[1]
nReacs <- dim(model$interMat)[2]
nCond <- dim(CNOlist@stimuli)[1]
maxIpg <- dim(simList$finalCube)[2]
if(is.null(dim(model$interMat))) {
nSp <- length(model$interMat)
nReacs <- 1
maxIpg <- length(simList$finalCube)
# this holds, for each sp, how many reactions have that sp as output
endIx <- rep(NA,nSp)
for(i in 1:nSp) {
endIx[i]<-length(which(simList$maxIx == i))
maxgpo <- max(endIx)
# this value is used to test the stop condition for difference between 2
# iterations.
testVal <- 1E-3
# create an initial values matrix
initValues <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nCond, ncol=nSp)
colnames(initValues) <- model$namesSpecies
# see warning on the top
# set the initial values of the stimuli
initValues[,indexList$stimulated] <- CNOlist@stimuli
# see warning on the top
# flip the inhibitors so that 0=inhibited/1=non-inhibitted
valueInhibitors <- 1-CNOlist@inhibitors
valueInhibitors[which(valueInhibitors == 1)] <- NA
# see warning on the top
# set the initial values of the inhibited species: 0 if inhibited, untouched
# if not inhibited.
initValues[,indexList$inhibited] <- valueInhibitors
# initialise main loop
newInput <- initValues
termCheck1<- TRUE
termCheck2 <- TRUE
count <- 1
minNA <- function(x) {
if(all(is.na(x))) {
} else {
filltempCube <- function(x) {
cMatrix <- matrix(data=x,nrow=nReacs,ncol=nCond)
cVector <- apply(cMatrix,1,function(x){return(x)})
# the ixNeg and ignore matrices can be filled once for all before the loop
if(nReacs > 1) {
tempIxNeg <- apply(simList$ixNeg,2,filltempCube)
tempIgnore <- apply(simList$ignoreCube,2,filltempCube)
} else {
tempIxNeg < -matrix(
tempIgnore <- matrix(
# main loop
while(termCheck1 && termCheck2 ){
outputPrev <- newInput
# this is now a 2 columns matrix that has a column for each input
# (column in finalCube)
# and a set of rows for each reac
# (where a set contains as many rows as conditions)
# all concatenated into one long column.
if(nReacs > 1) {
tempStore <- apply(simList$finalCube,2,function(x){return(outputPrev[,x])})
} else {
tempStore <- outputPrev[,simList$finalCube]
# compute all the ands by taking, for each gate,
# the min value across the inputs of that gate
if(nReacs > 1){
# new code with inf instead of NA. Speed up the code
# set to Inf the values that are "dummies", so they won't influence the min
tempStore[tempIgnore] <- Inf
# flip the values that enter with a negative sign
tempStore[tempIxNeg] <- 1-tempStore[tempIxNeg]
# IMPORTANT NOTE: when multiple inputs and one or more is NA, then
# this code should return NA (not the case in this frozen code). The
# C simulator has the fix.
outputCube <- apply(tempStore, 1, min)
# outputCube is now a vector of length (nCond*nReacs) that contains the input of each reaction in
# each condition, concatenated as such allcond4reac1, allcond4reac2, etc...
# this is transformed into a matrix with a column for each reac and a row for each cond
outputCube <- matrix(outputCube, nrow=nCond, ncol=nReacs)
# go through each species, and if it has inputs, then take the max across those input reactions
# i.e. compute the ORs
# create the newInput matrix once for all. Faster than implicit
# creation
newInput = matrix(ncol=nSp, nrow=nCond, byrow=FALSE)
for(s in 1:nSp){
if(endIx[s] != 0) {
selection <- outputCube[,simList$maxIx == s]
if (length(selection) == nCond){
newInput[,s] <- selection
selection[is.na(selection)] <- -Inf
newInput[,s] <- apply(selection, 1, max)
newInput[is.infinite(newInput)] <- NA
} else {
# OLD code with NA. slower but we hardly enter in this loop
# set to NA the values that are "dummies", so they won't influence the min
tempStore[tempIgnore] <- NA
# flip the values that enter with a negative sign
tempStore[tempIxNeg] <- 1-tempStore[tempIxNeg]
outputCube <- ifelse(all(is.na(tempStore)),NA,min(tempStore,na.rm=TRUE))
newInput[,simList$maxIx] <- outputCube
# reset the inhibitors and stimuli
for (stim in 1:length(indexList$stimulated)) {
stimM <- cbind(
maxNA <- function(x){
stimV <- apply(stimM,1,maxNA)
newInput[,indexList$stimulated[stim]] <- stimV
valueInhibitors <- 1-CNOlist@inhibitors
newInput[,indexList$inhibited] <- valueInhibitors*newInput[,indexList$inhibited]
# replace NAs with zeros to avoid having the NA penalty applying to unconnected species
newInput[is.na(newInput)] <- 0
outputPrev[is.na(outputPrev)] <- 0
# check the 2 termination conditions
termCheck1 <- !all(abs(outputPrev-newInput)<testVal)
termCheck2 <- (count < (nSp*1.2))
count <- count+1
# set the non-resolved bits to NA
newInput[which(abs(outputPrev-newInput) > testVal)] <- NA
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