### GCT class and method definitions ###
#' An S4 class to represent a GCT object
#' @slot mat a numeric matrix
#' @slot rid a character vector of row ids
#' @slot cid a character vector of column ids
#' @slot rdesc a \code{data.frame} of row descriptors
#' @slot rdesc a \code{data.frame} of column descriptors
#' @slot src a character indicating the source (usually file path) of the data
#' @description The GCT class serves to represent annotated
#' matrices. The \code{mat} slot contains said data and the
#' \code{rdesc} and \code{cdesc} slots contain data frames with
#' annotations about the rows and columns, respectively
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_gctx}},
#' \code{\link{write_gctx}}, \code{\link{read_gctx_meta}},
#' \code{\link{read_gctx_ids}}
#' @seealso visit \url{http://clue.io/help} for more information on the
#' GCT format
mat = "matrix",
rid = "character",
cid = "character",
rdesc = "data.frame",
cdesc = "data.frame",
version = "character",
src = "character"
## ----set up methods for checking GCT validity----
function(object) {
# check whether dimensions of various
# slots are in sync
m <- mat(object)
rid <- ids(object)
cid <- ids(object, dim="column")
rdesc <- meta(object)
cdesc <- meta(object, dim="column")
nrows <- nrow(m)
ncols <- ncol(m)
if (nrows != length(rid)) {
"rid must be the same length as number of matrix rows")
if (ncols != length(cid)) {
"cid must be the same length as number of matrix columns")
if (any(duplicated(cid))) {
return("cid must be unique")
if (any(duplicated(rid))) {
return("rid must be unique")
if (nrow(cdesc) != ncols & nrow(cdesc) != 0) {
"cdesc must either have 0 rows or the",
"same number of rows as matrix has columns"))
if (nrow(rdesc) != nrows & nrow(rdesc) != 0) {
"rdesc must either have 0 rows or the same number",
"of rows as matrix has rows"))
else {
## ----define the initialization method for the GCT class----
signature = "GCT",
definition = function(.Object, mat=NULL, rdesc=NULL,
src=NULL, rid=NULL, cid=NULL,
matrix_only=FALSE) {
# if we were supplied a matrix and annotations, use them
if (!is.null(mat)) {
.Object@mat <- mat
# if given rid and cid, use those as well
if (!is.null(rid)) {
.Object@rid <- rid
} else {
.Object@rid <- rownames(mat)
if (!is.null(cid)) {
.Object@cid <- cid
} else {
.Object@cid <- colnames(mat)
if (!is.null(rdesc)) {
.Object@rdesc <- rdesc
if (!is.null(cdesc)) {
.Object@cdesc <- cdesc
# make sure rid, cid and dimnames of mat in sync
dimnames(.Object@mat) <- list(.Object@rid, .Object@cid)
} else if (!is.null(src)) {
# we were not given a matrix, were we given a src file?
# check to make sure it's either .gct or .gctx
if (! (grepl(".gct$", src) || grepl(".gctx$", src) ))
stop("Either a .gct or .gctx file must be given")
if (grepl(".gct$", src)) {
if ( ! is.null(rid) || !is.null(cid) )
"rid and cid values may only be given for",
".gctx files, ignoring")
# parse the .gct
.Object@src <- src
# get the .gct version by reading first line
.Object@version <- scan(src, what="", nlines=1,
sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[1]
# get matrix dimensions by reading second line
dimensions <- scan(src, what=double(0), nlines=1,
skip=1, sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)
nrmat <- dimensions[1]
ncmat <- dimensions[2]
if (length(dimensions) == 4) {
# a #1.3 file
message("parsing as GCT v1.3")
nrhd <- dimensions[3]
nchd <- dimensions[4]
} else {
# a #1.2 file
message("parsing as GCT v1.2")
nrhd <- 0
nchd <- 0
src, nrmat, "rows,", ncmat, "cols,", nrhd,
"row descriptors,", nchd, "col descriptors"))
# read in header line
header <- scan(src, what="", nlines=1, skip=2,
sep="\t", quote=NULL, quiet=TRUE)
# construct row header and column id's from the
# header line
if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
rhd <- header[2:(nrhd+1)]
cid <- header[-(nrhd+1):-1]
col_offset <- 1
else {
if (any(grepl("description", header,
ignore.case=T))) {
# check for presence of description column
# in v1.2 files
col_offset <- 2
} else {
col_offset <- 1
rhd <- NULL
cid <- header[(1+col_offset):length(header)]
# read in the next set of headers (column annotations)
# and shape into a matrix
if ( nchd > 0 ) {
header <- scan(src, what="", nlines=nchd,
sep="\t", quote=NULL, quiet=TRUE)
header <- matrix(header, nrow=nchd,
ncol=ncmat + nrhd + 1, byrow=TRUE)
# extract the column header and column descriptions
chd <- header[,1]
cdesc <- header[,-(nrhd+1):-1]
# need to transpose in the case where there's
# only one column annotation
if ( nchd == 1 )
cdesc <- t(cdesc)
else {
chd = NULL
cdesc <- data.frame(id=cid)
# read in the data matrix and row descriptions
# shape into a matrix
m <- scan(src, what="", nlines=nrmat,
skip=3 + nchd, sep="\t", quote=NULL,
m <- matrix(m, nrow=nrmat,
ncol=ncmat + nrhd + col_offset,
# message(paste(dim(mat), collapse="\t"))
# Extract the row id's row descriptions,
# and the data matrix
rid <- m[,1]
if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
# need as.matrix for the case where there's
# only one row annotation
rdesc <- as.matrix(m[,2:(nrhd + 1)])
m <- matrix(as.numeric(m[,-(nrhd + 1):-1]),
nrow=nrmat, ncol=ncmat)
else {
rdesc <- data.frame(id=rid)
m <- matrix(as.numeric(
m[, (1+col_offset):ncol(m)]),
nrow=nrmat, ncol=ncmat)
# assign names to the data matrix and the
# row and column descriptions
dimnames(m) <- list(rid, cid)
if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
dimnames(rdesc) <- list(rid, rhd)
rdesc <- as.data.frame(rdesc,
if ( nchd > 0 ) {
cdesc <- t(cdesc)
dimnames(cdesc) <- list(cid, chd)
cdesc <- as.data.frame(cdesc,
# assign to the GCT slots
.Object@mat <- m
.Object@rid <- rownames(m)
.Object@cid <- colnames(m)
if (!matrix_only) {
# return annotations as well as matrix
.Object@rdesc <- fix_datatypes(rdesc)
.Object@cdesc <- fix_datatypes(cdesc)
# add id columns to rdesc and cdesc
.Object@rdesc$id <- rownames(.Object@rdesc)
.Object@cdesc$id <- rownames(.Object@cdesc)
else {
# parse the .gctx
message("reading ", src)
.Object@src <- src
# if the rid's or column id's are .grp files,
# read them in
if ( length(rid) == 1 && grepl(".grp$", rid) )
rid <- parse_grp(rid)
if ( length(cid) == 1 && grepl(".grp$", cid) )
cid <- parse_grp(cid)
# get all the row and column ids
all_rid <- read_gctx_ids(src, dim="row")
all_cid <- read_gctx_ids(src, dim="col")
# if rid or cid specified, read only those rows/columns
# if already numeric, use as is
# else convert to numeric indices
processed_rids <- process_ids(rid, all_rid, type="rid")
processed_cids <- process_ids(cid, all_cid, type="cid")
# read the data matrix
.Object@mat <-
src, name="0/DATA/0/matrix",
index=list(processed_rids$idx, processed_cids$idx))
# set the row and column ids, casting as characters
.Object@rid <- processed_rids$ids
.Object@cid <- processed_cids$ids
rownames(.Object@mat) <- processed_rids$ids
colnames(.Object@mat) <- processed_cids$ids
# get the meta data
if (!matrix_only) {
.Object@rdesc <- read_gctx_meta(
src, dim="row",
.Object@cdesc <- read_gctx_meta(
src, dim="col",
else {
.Object@rdesc <- data.frame(id=.Object@rid,
.Object@cdesc <- data.frame(id=.Object@cid,
# close any open handles and return the object
if(utils::packageVersion('rhdf5') < "2.23.0") {
} else {
# finally, make sure object is valid before returning
ok <- methods::validObject(.Object)
#' Initialize an object of class \code{GCT}
#' @param mat a matrix
#' @param rdesc a \code{data.frame} of row metadata
#' @param cdesc a \code{data.frame} of column metadata
#' @param src path to a GCT file to read
#' @param rid vector of character identifiers for rows
#' @param cid vector of character identifiers for columns
#' @param matrix_only logical indicating whether to read just the matrix
#' data from \code{src}
#' @details
#' If \code{mat} is provided, \code{rid} and \code{cid} are treated as
#' the row and column identifiers for the matrix and are assigned to the
#' \code{rid} and \code{cid} slots of the \code{GCT} object.
#' If \code{mat} is not provided but \code{src} is provided,
#' \code{rid} and \code{cid} are treated as filters. Data will be read from
#' the file path provided to \code{src} and will then be restricted to the
#' character ids or integer indices provided to \code{rid} and \code{cid}.
#' In a similar manner, \code{matrix_only} controls whether the
#' row and column metadata are also read from the \code{src} file path.
#' @returns a \code{GCT} object
#' @examples
#' # an empty object
#' (g <- GCT())
#' # with a matrix
#' # note we must specify row and column ids
#' (g <- GCT(mat=matrix(rnorm(100), nrow=10),
#' rid=letters[1:10], cid=letters[1:10]))
#' # from file
#' gct_file <- system.file("extdata", "modzs_n25x50.gctx", package="cmapR")
#' (g <- GCT(src=gct_file))
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
GCT <- function(mat=NULL, rdesc=NULL, cdesc=NULL,
src=NULL, rid=NULL, cid=NULL,
matrix_only=FALSE) {
methods::new("GCT", mat=mat, rdesc=rdesc, cdesc=cdesc,
src=src, rid=rid, cid=cid, matrix_only=matrix_only)
### accessor functions for GCT objects ###
# set method for displaying a GCT object
# just use the 'str' function to show its structure
setMethod("show", methods::signature("GCT"), function(object) {
#' Extract or set the matrix of GCT object
#' @param g the GCT object
#' @param value a numeric matrix
#' @return a matrix
#' @examples
#' # get the matrix
#' m <- mat(ds)
#' # set the matrix
#' mat(ds) <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(m), ncol=ncol(m))
#' @family GCT accessor methods
#' @export
methods::setGeneric("mat", function(g) {
#' @rdname mat
methods::setMethod("mat", "GCT", function(g) g@mat)
#' @export
#' @rdname mat
methods::setGeneric("mat<-", function(g, value) {
#' @rdname mat
methods::setMethod("mat<-", "GCT", function(g, value) {
g@mat <- value
#' Extract the or set row or column ids of a GCT object
#' @param g the GCT object
#' @param dimension the dimension to extract/update ['row' or 'column']
#' @param value a character vector
#' @return a vector of row ids
#' @examples
#' # extract rids
#' rids <- ids(ds)
#' # extract column ids
#' cids <- ids(ds, "column")
#' # set rids
#' ids(ds) <- as.character(1:length(rids))
#' # set cids
#' ids(ds, "column") <- as.character(1:length(cids))
#' @family GCT accessor methods
#' @export
methods::setGeneric("ids", function(g, dimension="row") {
#' @rdname ids
methods::setMethod("ids", "GCT", function(g, dimension="row") {
dimension <- tolower(dimension)
if (dimension == "col") dimension <- "column"
stopifnot(dimension %in% c("row", "column"))
switch(dimension, row=g@rid, column=g@cid)
#' @export
#' @rdname ids
methods::setGeneric("ids<-", function(g, dimension="row", value) {
#' @rdname ids
methods::setMethod("ids<-", "GCT", function(g, dimension="row", value) {
dimension <- tolower(dimension)
if (dimension == "col") dimension <- "column"
stopifnot(dimension %in% c("row", "column"))
if (dimension == "row") {
g@rid <- value
} else {
g@cid <- value
#' Extract the or set metadata of a GCT object
#' @param g the GCT object
#' @param dimension the dimension to extract/update ['row' or 'column']
#' @param value a data.frame
#' @return a data.frame
#' @examples
#' # extract rdesc
#' rdesc <- meta(ds)
#' # extract cdesc
#' cdesc <- meta(ds, dim="column")
#' # set rdesc
#' meta(ds) <- data.frame(x=sample(letters, nrow(rdesc), replace=TRUE))
#' # set cdesc
#' meta(ds, dim="column") <- data.frame(x=sample(letters, nrow(cdesc),
#' replace=TRUE))
#' @family GCT accessor methods
#' @export
methods::setGeneric("meta", function(g, dimension="row") {
#' @rdname meta
methods::setMethod("meta", "GCT", function(g, dimension="row") {
dimension <- tolower(dimension)
if (dimension == "col") dimension <- "column"
stopifnot(dimension %in% c("row", "column"))
switch(dimension, row=g@rdesc, column=g@cdesc)
#' @export
#' @rdname meta
methods::setGeneric("meta<-", function(g, dimension="row", value) {
#' @rdname meta
methods::setMethod("meta<-", "GCT", function(g, dimension="row", value) {
dimension <- tolower(dimension)
if (dimension == "col") dimension <- "column"
stopifnot(dimension %in% c("row", "column"))
if (dimension == "row") {
g@rdesc <- value
} else {
g@cdesc <- value
### cast GCT as SummarizedExperiment ###
#' as("GCT", "SummarizedExperiment")
#' Create SummarizedExperiment object from GCT object.
#' @examples
#' se <- as(ds, "SummarizedExperiment")
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom methods validObject
setAs("GCT", "SummarizedExperiment", function(from) {
assays = list(exprs = mat(from)),
colData = meta(from, dimension="column"),
rowData = meta(from))
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