#' DMR Scan function
#' @name dmrscan
#' @rdname DMRScan_slidingWindow
#' @param observations An object of either; \code{\link{GRangesList}} made by
#' \code{\link{makeCpGregions}}, a vector of the test statistic, a \code{\link{GRanges}} object,
#' or a "minfi" object (soon to be supported).
#' @param windowSize A sequence of windowSizes for the slidingWindow. Must be an
#' integer vector, with equal length as the number of windows.
#' @param windowThreshold Optional argument with corresponding cut-off for
#' each window. Will be estimated if not supplied.
#' @param chr A vector of chromosomal position. Only used when the observations
#' vector is a matrix of test statistic.
#' @param pos A vector of genomic coordinates for the CpGs to match the chr argument
#' @param maxGap The maximum allowed gap between two CpGs within the same region.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{estimateThreshold}},
#' if no grid is specified.
#' @return An object of type \code{\link{GRanges}} with significantly differentially
# methylated regions
#' @keywords DMRScan
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom stats acf median pnorm na.omit
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## methylation data from chromosome 22
#' data(DMRScan.methylationData)
#' ## phenotype (end-point for methylation data)
#' data(DMRScan.phenotypes)
#' ## Test for an association between phenotype and methylation
#' test.statistics <- apply(DMRScan.methylationData,1,function(x,y)
#' summary(glm(y ~ x, family = binomial(link = "logit")))$coefficients[2,3],
#' y = DMRScan.phenotypes)
#' ## Set chromosomal position to each test-statistic
#' positions <- data.frame(matrix(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(names(test.statistics),
#' split="chr|[.]"))), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))[,-1]
#' ## Set clustering features
#' min.cpg <- 4 ## Minimum number of CpGs in a tested cluster
#' ## Maximum distance (in base-pairs) within a cluster
#' ## before it is broken up into two separate cluster
#' max.gap <- 750
#' ## Identify all clusters, and generate a list for each cluster
#' regions <- makeCpGregions(observations = test.statistics,
#' chr = positions[,1], pos = positions[,2],
#' maxGap = max.gap, minCpG = min.cpg)
#' ## Number of CpGs in the slidingWindows, can be either a single number
#' ## or a sequence of windowSizes
#' windowSizes <- 3:7
#' nCpG <- sum(sapply(regions,length)) ## Number of CpGs to be tested
#' # Estimate the windowThreshold, based on the number of CpGs and windowSizes
#' windowThresholds <- estimateWindowThreshold(nProbe = nCpG,
#' windowSize = windowSizes, method = "sampling", mcmc = 10000)
#' ## Run the slidingWindow
#' DMRScanResults <- dmrscan(observations = regions,
#' windowSize = windowSizes,
#' windowThreshold = windowThresholds)
#' ## Print the result
#' print(DMRScanResults)
dmrscan <- function(observations,windowSize,windowThreshold=NULL,chr = NULL, pos = NULL, maxGap = 500,...){
if("matrix" %in% is(observations)){
observations <- makeCpGregions(observations, chr = chr, pos = pos, maxGap = maxGap, minCpG = min(windowSize))
}else if( "minfi" %in% is(observations)){
## Not correct class name
print("Minfi objects are not supported yet")
alpha <- 0.05
windowSize <- sort(windowSize)
cat("Constructing t-grid\n")
nProbe <- sum(sapply(observations,length))
windowThreshold <- estimateWindowThreshold(nProbe,windowSize,...)
if(length(windowSize) == 1){
slidingWindow <- oneWindowSizeScanner(observations, windowThreshold = windowThreshold,
windowSize = windowSize)
stop("Error; window size and window threshold must be of equal length\n")
slidingWindow <- manyWindowSizeScanner(observations,windowThreshold = windowThreshold,
windowSize = windowSize)
zhangWindow <- slidingWindow[[1]]
slidingValues <- slidingWindow[[2]]
zhangWhichK <- slidingWindow[[3]]
lowerBound <- which(zhangWindow)[c(1,which(diff(which(zhangWindow))>1)+1)]
upperBound <- c(which(zhangWindow)[which(diff(which(zhangWindow))>1)],
nregions <- length(lowerBound)
### calculate Region-wise p-values
if(nregions >= 1 & !anyNA(lowerBound)){
regionLengths <- sapply(observations,length)
regionIndex <- rep(seq_along(regionLengths),regionLengths)[lowerBound]
regions <- data.frame(start=lowerBound,end=upperBound,length=upperBound-lowerBound+1,bump=regionIndex)
index <- apply(regions, 1,function(x)seq(x[1],x[2]))
if(is.matrix(index))index <- as.list(data.frame(index))
kIndex <- integer(max(windowSize));kIndex[windowSize] <- seq_len(length(windowSize))
signRegion <- lapply(index,function(x,val,which.k){
vv <- val[,x]
if("numieric" %in% is(vv)){
use <- !is.na(vv)
fail <- sum(which.k[x]) == 0 | is.null(use)
out <- NULL
out <- rbind(vv[use],which.k[x][use])
use <- !is.na(colSums(vv))
if(length(use) == 0)
vv <- na.omitt.dmrscan(vv)
use <- !is.na(colSums(vv))
fail <- sum(which.k[x]) == 0 | length(use) == 0
out <- NULL
out <- rbind(vv[,use],which.k[x][use])
val = slidingValues,
which.k = zhangWhichK)
signRegion.noZero <- sapply(signRegion,length)>0
nregions <- sum(signRegion.noZero)
signRegion <- signRegion[signRegion.noZero]
tVal <- sapply(signRegion,function(x,kIndex){
ll <- ncol(x)
win <- nrow(x)
j <- 1
t.new <- 0
k.sum <- 0
while(j <= ll){
k <- x[win,j]
t.new <- t.new + x[kIndex[k],j]*k
k.sum <- k.sum + k
j <- j + k
slidingValues.no.zero <- stats::na.omit(as.numeric(slidingValues))
ll <- length(slidingValues.no.zero)
phi <- stats::acf(tVal[1,],plot = FALSE)$acf[2:3]
p.val.empirical <- apply(tVal,2,function(x,y,ll){(sum(abs(x[1]) <= y)+1)/ll},y = slidingValues.no.zero,ll = ll)
# sd <- sapply(tVal[2,],varAR, phi = phi, se = 1,order = 1)
# mean <- stats::median(apply(slidingValues, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
# log.p.val.normal <- -1*stats::pnorm(abs(tVal[1,]), mean=mean, sd =sd,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)/log(10)
position <- pos(observations)
chr <- chr(observations)
tVal.orig <- tVal(observations)
CpGnames <- id(observations)
## Roll back regions into object region
regionIndex <- regionIndex[signRegion.noZero]
index <- index[signRegion.noZero]
signRegions <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = length(regionIndex), dimnames = list(NULL, c("seqnames","start","end","no.cpg","pVal","tVal"))))
for(i in seq_along(signRegion)){
signIndex <- index[[i]]
signRegions[i,"seqnames"] <- chr[signIndex[1]]
signRegions[i,"start"] <- min(position[signIndex])
signRegions[i,"end"] <- max(position[signIndex])
signRegions[i,"pVal"] <- p.val.empirical[i]
signRegions[i,"tVal"] <- tVal[1,i]
# signRegions[i,"id"] <- paste(CpGnames[signIndex], collapse="|")
signRegions[i,"no.cpg"] <- length(signIndex)
signRegions <- GRanges(signRegions)
signRegions <- GRanges()
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