
#' Leading-edge analysis
#' This function performs a Leading-Edge analysis on an object of class msviper
#' @param mobj msviper class object
#' @return msviper object updated with a ledge slot
#' @seealso \code{\link{msviper}}
#' @examples
#' data(bcellViper, package="bcellViper")
#' sig <- rowTtest(dset, "description", "CB", "N")$statistic
#' mra <- msviper(sig, regulon)
#' mra <- ledge(mra)
#' summary(mra)
#' @export

ledge <- function(mobj) {
    ss <- mobj$signature
    if (!is.null(dim(ss))) ss <- ss[, 1]
    tmp <- lapply(mobj$regulon, function(x, ss) {
        est <- gsea2ESint(ss, x$tfmode, 1)
        res <- max(est$es) + min(est$es)
        pos1 <- which.max(abs(est$es))
        if (res>0) {
            leg <- names(est$rlist)[1:pos1]
            leg <- leg[leg %in% names(x$tfmode)]
        else {
            leg <- names(est$rlist)[pos1:length(est$es)]
            leg <- leg[leg %in% names(x$tfmode)]
    }, ss=ss)
    mobj$ledge <- tmp

gsea2ESint <- function(rlist, x, score) {
    x1 <- names(x)[x>=0]
    x2 <- names(x)[x<0]
    px1 <- match(x1, names(sort(rlist, decreasing=TRUE)))
    px2 <- match(x2, names(sort(rlist, decreasing=FALSE)))
    names(px1) <- x1
    names(px2) <- x2
    rlistr <- rank(rlist)
    rlistr <- rlistr[!(names(rlist) %in% names(x))]
    rlistr <- sort(c(rlistr, px1, px2))
    rlist <- rlist[match(names(rlistr), names(rlist))]
    x <- which(names(rlist) %in% names(x))
    nr <- sum(abs(rlist[x])^score)
    nh <- length(rlist)-length(x)
    es <- rep(-(1/nh),length(rlist))
    es[x] <- abs(rlist[x])^score/nr
    return(list(es=cumsum(es), rlist=rlist))
chrischen1/viper_copy documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:52 p.m.