filterData: Filter data from a 'GRN' object

filterDataR Documentation

Filter data from a GRN object


Filter data from a GRN object


  minNormalizedMean_peaks = 5,
  maxNormalizedMean_peaks = NULL,
  minNormalizedMeanRNA = 1,
  maxNormalizedMeanRNA = NULL,
  chrToKeep_peaks = c(paste0("chr", seq_len(22)), "chrX", "chrY"),
  minSize_peaks = NULL,
  maxSize_peaks = 10000,
  minCV_peaks = NULL,
  maxCV_peaks = NULL,
  minCV_genes = NULL,
  maxCV_genes = NULL,
  forceRerun = FALSE



Object of class GRN


Numeric or NULL. Default 5. Minimum mean across all samples for a peak to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default NULL. Maximum mean across all samples for a peak to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default 5. Minimum mean across all samples for a gene to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default NULL. Maximum mean across all samples for a gene to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Character vector. Default c(paste0("chr", 1:22), "chrX", "chrY"). Vector of chromosomes that peaks are allowed to come from. This filter can be used to filter sex chromosomes from the peaks, for example.


Integer or NULL. Default NULL. Minimum peak size (width, end - start) for a peak to be retained. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Integer or NULL. Default 10000. Maximum peak size (width, end - start) for a peak to be retained. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default NULL. Minimum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a peak to be retained. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default NULL. Maximum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a peak to be retained. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default NULL. Minimum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a gene to be retained. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


Numeric or NULL. Default NULL. Maximum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a gene to be retained. Set to NULL for not applying the filter.


TRUE or FALSE. Default FALSE. Force execution, even if the GRN object already contains the result. Overwrites the old results.


The same GRN object, with added data from this function.


# See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
GRN = loadExampleObject()
GRN = filterData(GRN, forceRerun = FALSE)

chrarnold/GRaNIE documentation built on April 28, 2022, 2:18 a.m.