output$test = eventReactive(
eventExpr = input$label.spliting.string
label.spliting.string = input$label.spliting.string
# Combine the selected variables into a new data frame
# selectedData <- reactive({
# iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]
# })
# clusters <- reactive({
# kmeans(selectedData(), input$clusters)
# })
outfileEachString = "initial"
# outfileEach = observeEvent(
outfileEach = eventReactive(
# pathway.id = "P00002"
outfile <- tempfile()
tempDir = tempdir()
df <- read.table(input$file1$datapath,
header = input$header,
sep = input$sep,
as.is = TRUE,
quote = input$quote)
gene.data = omicsGlyphIdTable()
if(input$usePathways == 'UsePrePathways'){
pathway.id = isolate(input$pathway.id)
cat("\n\n\n using pre pathways \n\n\n")
print("pathway.id is")
# gene.id.type = NA
gene.id.type = "pathwayCommons"
sbgn.gene.id.type = NULL
sbgn.dir = tempDir
}else if(input$usePathways == 'userSBGN'){
pathway.id = sbgn.info()$server.sbgn
sbgn.dir = sbgn.info()$sbgn.dir
gene.id.type = SBGN.glyph.id.type()
# gene.id.type = input$OmicsIdType
# sbgn.gene.id.type = SBGN.glyph.id.type()
sbgn.gene.id.type = input$uploadedSbgnGlyphIdType
stop("Omics ID type and SBGN-ML glyph ID types are different!\n
Please check the uploaded ID mapping file,
your input of 'SBGN-ML glyph ID type' and your selection of 'Omics molecule ID type'\n
'SBGN-ML glyph ID type' and 'Omics molecule ID type'
must be in the column names of the uploaded ID mapping table.\n
Your inputs are: \n
SBGN-ML glyph ID type: ",sbgn.gene.id.type
,"\n Omics molecule ID type: ", gene.id.type
}else if(input$usePathways == 'enrichAnalysis'){
# pathway.id = isolate(selectedPathFromEnrich())
pathway.id = isolate(input$selectedPathwaysSelector$right)
# pathway.id = pathway.id[,1]
cat("\n\n\n using enriched pathways \n\n\n")
print("pathway.id is")
# gene.id.type = NA
gene.id.type = "pathwayCommons"
sbgn.gene.id.type = NULL
sbgn.dir = tempDir
cat("\n\n\n input data for sbgnview \n\n")
cat("\n\n gene id type is: ",gene.id.type)
cat("\n\n sbgn gene id type is: ",sbgn.gene.id.type)
cat("\n\n\n\n done printing data \n\n\n")
all.inputs = names(input)
SBGNview.obj <- SBGNview(
# SBGNview(
# gene.data = gse16873.d[,1:3],
gene.data = gene.data
,gene.id.type = gene.id.type
# gene.id.type = input$OmicsIdType,
,org = input$org
,input.sbgn = pathway.id
,sbgn.dir = sbgn.dir
,SBGNview.data.folder = tempDir
,sbgn.gene.id.type = sbgn.gene.id.type
# output.file = "shiny",
,output.file = outfile,
output.formats = c("png"),
show.pathway.name = FALSE,
color.panel.scale = input$color.panel.scale,
space.between.color.panel.and.entity = input$space.between.color.panel.and.entity,
col.gene.high = input$col.gene.high,
col.gene.mid = input$col.gene.mid,
col.gene.low = input$col.gene.low,
max.gene.value = input$max.gene.value,
min.gene.value = input$min.gene.value,
mid.gene.value = input$mid.gene.value,
node.sum = input$node.sum,
label.spliting.string = gsub("no split", "", input$label.spliting.string),
edge.tip.size = input$edge.tip.size,
inhibition.edge.end.shift = input$inhibition.edge.end.shift,
font.size = input$font.size,
logic.node.font.scale = input$logic.node.font.scale,
text.length.factor.macromolecule = input$text.length.factor.macromolecule,
font.size.scale.gene = input$font.size.scale.gene,
text.length.factor.complex = input$text.length.factor.complex,
font.size.scale.complex = input$font.size.scale.complex,
node.width.adjust.factor.complex = input$node.width.adjust.factor.complex,
if.scale.complex.font.size = input$ifScaleComplexFontSize,
font.size.scale.compartment = input$font.size.scale.compartment,
text.length.factor.compartment = input$text.length.factor.compartment,
complex.compartment.label.margin = input$complex.compartment.label.margin,
if.scale.compartment.font.size = as.logical(input$ifScaleCompartmentFontSize),
node.width.adjust.factor.compartment = input$node.width.adjust.factor.compartment,
compartment.opacity = input$compartment.opacity,
auxiliary.opacity = input$auxiliary.opacity # opacity of auxiliary nodes
out.image.svg <- paste0(outfile,"_",pathway.id,".svg")
out.image.png <- paste0(outfile,"_",pathway.id,".png")
print("file name is")
print("done printing file name")
# Sys.chmod(outfileEachString,mode="0444")
print("done setting read only")
out.image.files = list(
svg = out.image.svg
,png = out.image.png
,pathways = pathway.id
,SBGNview.obj = SBGNview.obj
cat("\n\n\n returned list is\n")
# print(out.image.files)
down.img.file = reactiveVal("")
current.view.pathway = reactiveVal("")
currentPathwayNumber = reactiveVal("")
output$currentViewPathway = renderText({
output$image <- renderImage({
# Get width and height of image output
out.file = outfileEach()
if(input$usePathways == 'enrichAnalysis'){
# i = input$nextImg - input$previousImg +1
i = (input$nextImg - input$previousImg) %% length(out.file$svg) +1
# if(i > length(out.file$svg)){
# i = length(out.file$svg)
# }
# if(i < 1){
# i = 1
# }
out.file.svg = out.file$svg[i]
out.file.png = out.file$png[i]
current.pathway = out.file$pathways[i]
pathway.data = out.file$SBGNview.obj$data[[current.pathway]]
}else {
i = 1
out.file.svg = out.file$svg
out.file.png = out.file$png
current.pathway = out.file$pathways
pathway.data = out.file$SBGNview.obj$data[[1]]
width = pathway.data$svg.dim.x
height = pathway.data$svg.dim.y
cat("svg file is")
client.width = session$clientData$output_image_width
client.height = session$clientData$output_image_height
width.out = client.width
height.out = client.width / width * height
if(height.out > client.height){
height.out = client.height
width.out = client.height /height * width
src = out.file.png,
# src = outfileEachString,
contentType = "image/png",
width = width.out * input$zoom/800,
height = height.out * input$zoom/800,
alt = "This is alternate text"
},deleteFile = FALSE)
output$downloadImg <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
# downloadNameVector[input$preData]
content = function(file) {
# file.copy(input$preData, file)
# out.file = outfileEach()
# print(out.file$svg)
file.copy(down.img.file(), file)
output$downloadSBGN <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
# downloadNameVector[input$preData]
content = function(file) {
# file.copy(input$preData, file)
# out.file = outfileEach()
cat("trying to download pathway SBGN")
# pathway.id = isolate(input$pathway.id)
# print(pathway.id)
pathway.id = current.view.pathway()
out.file = download.sbgn.file(pathway.id)
file.copy(out.file, file)
# selectedPathForSBGNview = reactiveVal(c())
output$selectedPathwaysOverlayPage = renderUI({
chooserInput(inputId = "selectedPathwaysSelector"
,leftLabel = "Selected"
,rightLabel = "Run SBGNview"
,leftChoices = c()
,rightChoices = selectedPathFromEnrich()[,1]
,size = 10, multiple = TRUE
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.